Original Document Signed By Sample Clauses
Original Document Signed By. XXXXXXX X. XXXX
Original Document Signed By. XXXXXXX X. XXXX Deputy Director Children and Family Services Division Attachments Attachment A GUIDELINES FOR SHARED LIVING AGREEMENT (SLA) BETWEEN CAREGIVER AND NON-MINOR DEPENDENT (NMD) The guidelines in this document outline a SLAgreement as a basis for a written understanding between the caregiver and NMD on an array of expectations for placement in a household. It is broad in scope, covering many aspects of shared daily living; however each agreement will be individualized, reflecting the specific values, concerns and personalities of the caregiver and non-minor dependent who is now an adult. The agreement should aid in the creation and maintenance of a successful placement, which supports NMD’ continued transition to independent adulthood. Since individuals and circumstances change, the agreement will be renegotiated and updated, as needed and appropriate.
Original Document Signed By. XXXXXXX X. XXXX Deputy Director Children and Family Services Division Attachments A nonminor dependent shall meet the eligibility standard for Extended Xxxxxx Care (EFC) or a nonminor former dependent for extended payment benefits for Adoption Assistance Program (AAP) or Kinship Guardianship Assistance Payment Program (Kin-GAP) by participating in at least one of the following five conditions. The nonminor dependent’s plan of participation shall be described in his or her Transitional Independent Living Case Plan shall include a written description of the services that will help the nonminor dependent which provides the basis for the six month certification of eligibility made by the placing agency’s case manager to the eligibility worker and the court. During the six month certification period, the nonminor dependent shall report to his or her worker any changes in the participation plan and they shall work together collaboratively to ensure ongoing eligibility as the nonminor dependent assumes increasing levels of responsibility and independence.
Original Document Signed By. XXXXX X. XXXXXXXXX, Chief
Original Document Signed By. Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxx, Chief Child and Youth Permanency Branch Children and Family Services Division
Original Document Signed By. Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx On August 12, 1999
Original Document Signed By. XXXX XXXXXXXX Chief Deputy Director California Department of Social Services Attachment c: CWDA County of , Department/Agency of
Original Document Signed By. XXXX XXXXXXXX Chief Deputy Director California Department of Social Services Attachment c: CWDA the California Department of Social Services and the County of , Department of The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and the County of , Department of (County Department) enter into this Data Privacy and Security Agreement (Agreement) in order to ensure the privacy and security of Social Security Administration (SSA), Medi-Cal Eligibility Data System (MEDS) and Applicant Income and Eligibility Verification System (IEVS) Personally Identifiable Information (PII), covered by this Agreement and referred to hereinafter as PII, that the counties access through CDSS and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). This Agreement covers the following twelve (12) programs; please check the applicable box(s) for your County Department: The CDSS has an Inter-Agency Agreement (IAA) with DHCS that allows CDSS and local county agencies to access SSA and MEDS data for the purpose of determining eligibility for the programs listed above. The IAA requires that CDSS may only share SSA and MEDS data if its contract with the entity with whom it intends to share the data reflects the entity's obligations under the IAA. The County Department in its administration of the social services programs utilizes SSA and MEDS data in conjuction with other system data, for eligibility determinations. This Agreement covers the County of , Department of
Original Document Signed By. XXXXXXX X. XXXX Acting Deputy Director Children and Family Services Division Enclosures c: County Welfare Directors Association Youth: Date of Birth: Age Ethnicity Address:
Original Document Signed By. Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx for Xxxx XxxXxxxx on 9/10/02