Document Outline. In particular, this document provides key information to inform the integrated INNOQUA Technology in the following Chapters;
Document Outline. In particular, this document provides visual information regarding the integrated INNOQUA Technology in the following Chapters;
Chapter 1: Site Scale integrated INNOQUA system at NUI Galway, Tuam • Chapter 2: Site Scale integrated INNOQUA system at UDG, Quart As foreseen in the WP4, in order to carry out the prototypes validation and demonstration, the 10 P.E. site scale Lumbrifilter prototype was firstly installed at the XXX Xxxxxx XXX xx Xxxx, Xx Xxxxxx. Tuam is located in the county of Xxxxxx 00 xx xxxxx xx Xxxxxx city. The town has a population of 8,500 people and is the site of the NUI Galway Water Research Facility (WRF), next to the Tuam Wastewater Treatment Plant. The INNOQUA system at this pilot site is treating municipal wastewater from the town. The wastewater also comprises stormwater during rainfall periods. The INNOQUA system installed is designed for a 10 population equivalent and would be able to treat 1.5 m3/day. The treated water would be suitable for discharge to surface water and some re-use applications. DESIGN CAPACITY: SOURCE OF WASTEWATER TECHNOLOGY PARTNER RESPONSIBLE DIMENSION OF THE SYSTEM 1.5m3/day Municipal Lumbrifilter + Daphniafilter + UV NUIG Lumbrifilter: 3 m3 Daphniafilter: 1 m3 Crt. No. Action Details
1. Specific technical design pilot site layout December 2016 (M08)
2. Tanks design validation July 2017 (M15)
3. Tanks manufacturing November 2017 (M19)
4. LF Tanks delivery May 2018 (M25)
5. LF start-up July 2018 (M27)
6. LF testing August – November 2018 (M28-M31)
7. DF tank delivery March 2019 (M35)
8. DF start-up April 2019 (M36)
9. UV start-up April 2019 (M36)
10. Integrated INNOQUA system start-up June 2019 (M38) ALTITUDE: YEARLY AVERAGE TEMPERATURE °C: MAX/MIN TEMPERATURE °C ANNUAL RAINFALL 50 mm 12 °C + 18°C / +3°C 1400 mm Quality Parameter Influent quality Discharge limits * TSS 69.4 ± 28.9 35 COD 605 ± 285.9 125 BOD 230 ± 136 25 N-NH4+ 29.7 ± 5.4 Total N 72 ± 23 Total P 9.6 * Urban wastewater treatment directive Standard deviation values refer to n°= 8 samples Figure 1 shows the layout of the pilot installations: the raw municipal influent wastewater is primarily settled, then is pumped at the top of the Lumbrifilter and passes throughout the entire filter bed, reaching then the collection pump station 1 from where it is pumped inside the Daphniafilter. The outlet overflowing from the Daphniafilter is then either discharged or further treated by means of UV treatment.
Document Outline. The purpose of this document is to provide details of the Standard Service Level Agreement provided by Sesui for the provision and support of telephony distribution and management services. This Service Level Agreement supports the Sesui Terms & Conditions which are prevailing at the time of order placements.
Document Outline. These Subscription Documents contain all of the materials necessary for you to purchase the Notes. This material is arranged in the following order: • SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT • PROMISSORY NOTE • CONFIDENTIAL PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER’S QUESTIONNAIRE
Document Outline. The remainder of the document is organised as follows. According to the specifications in D7.1, Section 3 introduces the testing methodology and the use-case scenario designed to validate the Smart Board as Smart Router. Section 4 describes the implementation of the IoT6 control and monitoring systems (CMS, SaaS and Safety Server) and the IoT6 heterogeneous devices (IP-enabled sensors and legacy actuator) involved in the tests of the data flows management. Section 5 explains in detail the Test Cases and the evaluation results obtained through the use case developed “Safety Alert and QoS”. In addition, Section 6 describes in detail the design of components in order to demonstrate security functionalities in the context of the IoT6 project. Finally, Section 7 provides concluding remarks of the works done.
Document Outline. In line with the requirements of the DOA, WP Descriptions, this report undertakes the following; Documents the expected physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of wastewater to be treated at each of the 13 project demonstration sites; Details the relevant wastewater discharge regulations and associated requirements for each of the 13 project demonstration sites and their representative markets; Presents a brief description of the individual technologies that will integrate to form the integrated INNOQUA system and their expected efficiency, describing the maintenance and shut-down prevention requirements for each; Reviews the objectives with respect to the efficiency of the integrated INNOQUA system as well as the likely maintenance, shut-down prevention and restart of microbiological activity requirements. In particular, this document provides key information to inform the integrated INNOQUA Technology in the following Chapters;
Document Outline. This document comprises:
Document Outline. Since this document is based on STIS, the Introduction in Section 2 provides the background of our research. In Section 3, the detailed design of 6LoWPAN-based active RFID networks including their operations is presented. Section 4 presents test cases for interfaction between STIS and 6LoWPAN-based active RFID networks, which validates interaction between STIS using STID and IPv6. Section 5 concludes this document.
Document Outline. This document will briefly discuss the data collection methodology used to collect the list of shareable resources. Next we will describe and summarize the list obtained so far (containing around 50 entries) and finally we will draw some conclusions, identify some lessons learned and make recommendation for the ensuing of the work this work package. The appendix contains the full list of shareable resources.
Document Outline. Section 2 introduces all the overall design and development plan, by presenting the main changes expected in the Services and in the architecture logic. Next, it specifies the challenges to be faces for each Service, presented by Service layers. Finally, Section 3 specifies the software delivery practice to be adopted for D-NET v1.0, envisaging two candidate infrastructure release steps before issuing the final production infrastructure. DRIVER-II features two main software/infrastructure milestones, D-NET v1.0 at month 6 (M6.1) and D-NET v2.0 at month 21 (M6.2). Next the production plan for D-NET v1.0 is envisaged, while the road to D-NET v2.0 will be determined after month 6, once D-NET v1.0 will be released. The most notable changes are: • The migration from Perl implementation of the Services to a Java implementation: the change was mainly due to performance issues, compatibility issues, and packaging/deployment issues. Indeed, Xxxx revealed a number of problems in dealing with SOAP and threads, and Web Services and SOAP are not fully interoperable across different languages. Besides, adopting the same language platform permits common packaging and deployment methodologies and eases the diffusion of software. • The definition of a common core of libraries for the interaction with the infrastructure enabling layer (enabling layer client). All Services are now implementing their own special libraries to be able to participate to the infrastructure life-cycle (registration/deregistration and discovery of the services). Providing a common core of libraries will ease Service developers in their activities as well as the diffusions of possible modifications to the enabling layer. • Improvement of the infrastructure logic: the addition of new Data Structures and Services empowering and simplifying the definition of applications as set of interacting resources. Multiple independent “applications”, each made of a specific selection of potentially shared resources, will be supported.