Par Sample Clauses

Par. 1 of this Agreement and after the payment of fee for annual fixed payment for access to the system of clearing, evaluation and settlement of imbalances pursuant to Art. XI par. 1, letter a).
ParIt is understood and agreed that the decision(s) to increase or decrease the benefits provided by the Health Benefit Plan are matters committed to the discretion of the Trustees, except that the Trustees should not make any change in the plan of benefits which would result in the need for an increase in the contribution rates set forth in Par. 2. It is further understood and agreed, that the Actuary of the Health Benefit Plan shall continuously monitor the financial condition of the Health Benefit Plan and shall promptly advise the Trustees whenever in the opinion of the Actuary, it is necessary for the Trustees to modify benefits provided by the Health Benefit Plan in order to maintain the Health Benefit Plan in sound financial condition without any increase in the hourly contribution rates set forth in Par. 2. The Actuary shall report to the Trustees with respect to such matters at least once each year as soon as is feasible after the financial and actuarial information for the Health Benefit Plan as of the end of the plan year is available. Par. 5. In no event shall a contribution rate of the Company exceed the lowest contribution rate paid by any other contributor to the Health Benefit Plan for the type of work covered by this Agreement.
Par. There shall be no random testing for drugs or alcohol for any reason other than stated in Par.
Par. The District shall fill light rail apprenticeship openings in order of seniority of applicants passing aptitude tests offered to District employees in the following priority order:
ParThe District may schedule four (4) 10-hour day work weeks in this department. No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the shift will be scheduled as 10-hour shifts. Ten-hour shifts shall be bid for in accordance with seniority on the same basis as bidding for other shifts. Time and one-half will be paid for hours worked in excess of ten (10) on any one shift.
Par. Paragraph 8.7, of the Lease shall be modified as follows, "Except for Lessor's negligence, willful misconduct, breach of express warranties, and/or building defects, (except for defects in structural alterations specifically required for Lessee's use and occupancy, to be installed by Lessee), Lessee...".
ParEffective September 1, 2004, the money room supervisor position will become an appointed position. The incumbent employee filling that position on the effective date will be grandfathered and will retain the position.
Par. 1 It is agreed by the parties to this Agreement that all work specified in Article 4 shall be performed exclusively by Elevator Constructor Mechanics and Elevator Constructor Helpers in the employ of the Employer. Par. 2
Par. 5 The decision of the Impartial Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon all parties. The expenses of the Impartial Arbitrator shall be borne equally by both parties.
Par. Seniority by classifications as established herein shall prevail in the performance of the work done in Paragraph 1, qualifications considered. Seniority in classification shall be established when an employee successfully bids into a position through a white posting or at sign-up.