Persona Sample Clauses
Persona. TRUST™ is an interactive website and uses cookies to enable us to retrieve user details for each visit. Some of our affiliate parties may also use cookies.
Persona kura sniedz piegādes pakalpojumu Partnera vārdā, neglabā termosomu xxxxx xxxxxx gaismā vai citos ekstrēmos apstākļos.
2.9. In case the thermo-bag is damaged, or the internal insulation is torn, the person providing the delivery service on behalf of the Partner must replace the thermo-bag.
Persona kura sniedz piegādes pakalpojumu Partnera vārdā, nodrošina pasūtīto pārtikas produktu aizsardzību no piesārņojuma, pastāvīgi uzglabājot to pienācīgi noslēgtā termosomā visā piegādes procesa laikā. Ja ar to pašu transportlīdzekli piegādā jebkādas lietas, kas nav xxxxxxx, persona nodrošina, xx xxxxxxxx produkti termosomā ir pietiekami nodalīti, lai izvairītos no piesārņojuma.
Persona kura sniedz piegādes pakalpojumu Partnera vārdā, nodrošina Pasūtījuma piegādi Klientam ne vēlāk kā 1 (vienas) stundas laikā no brīža, kad Partneris ir sagatavojis Xxxxxx.
Persona kura sniedz piegādes pakalpojumu Partnera vārdā, nodrošina Pasūtījuma piegādi Klientam ne vēlāk kā 1 (vienas) stundas laikā no brīža, kad Partneris ir sagatavojis Xxxxxx.
2.8. The person providing the delivery service on behalf of the Partner shall not keep the thermo-bag in direct sunlight or other extreme conditions.
Persona kura sniedz piegādes pakalpojumu Partnera vārdā, neuzvedīsies neapdomīgi, vadot transportlīdzekli, tostarp, nebrauks pārgalvīgi, nevadīs braukšanai nepiemērotu transportlīdzekli, neļaus nepiederošai trešajai pusei braukt ar personu transportlīdzeklī piegādes pakalpojuma sniegšanas laikā.
2.3. The thermo-bags used for the delivery of food must be clean and in good order. If a vehicle is used for the delivery, the vehicle must also be clean and in good order.
Persona. Es cualquier persona natural o jurídica, asociación de hecho o de derecho, fideicomiso, entidad del gobierno o similar. Xxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxxxxxx 155 Telefono: 000-0000 Xxxxxxx 000, Xxxx 00 Fax: 000-0000 REGLAMENTO: Es el Reglamento del Fideicomiso y de las Empresas de Servicios Fiduciarios, aprobado mediante Resolución SBS N° 1010-99 y sus ampliatorias, modificatorias o sustitutorias.
Persona or education leave of absence shall be granted by the employer to an employee in accordance with the conditions of this article. A leave of absence granted under this article shall be without salary but shall be with benefits as provided in Article and any other rights and benefits that would otherwise accrue to the employee unless otherwise stated. Seniority and sick leave will not continue to accumulate during the period of the leave of absence but will be maintained, until the employee returns, levels accrued to the employee at the working day immediately prior to the start of the leave. The period of leave granted shall be greater than three (3)days but not greater than one year. An extension of up to one (1)year may be granted to the employee with the approval of the employer upon written request of the employee received by the employer not less than three (3) months prior to the end of the original leave. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld. At the end of the period of the leave of absence or its extension, the employee will return to the Same held by the employee immediately prior to the commencement of the leave of absence if it still exists, or to a comparable position, if it does not. Xxxxx has applied and been appointed to another position with the employer during the period of the leave of absence, the employee shall return to work in that position.
Persona carer’s leave shall be paid at the basic periodic rate of pay applicable under this Agreement at the time an Employee takes personal/carer’s leave.
Persona. Es cualquier persona natural o jurídica, asociación de hecho o de derecho, fideicomiso, patrimonio autónomo, entidad del gobierno o similar.