Personnel Generally Sample Clauses

Personnel Generally. Each Party must ensure that its Personnel: (a) are properly qualified and suitable for the tasks that they are to perform; (b) hold all necessary permits, licences and authorities required by law; and (c) act, in all circumstances and at all times, in a safe, fit and proper manner.
Personnel Generally. The Contractor shall at all times enforce good order and discipline among its personnel and the personnel of any Subcontractors and shall cause such personnel to comply in all respects with Applicable Laws and the Contractor’s personnel relation program. The Contractor shall not employ or permit any Subcontractor to employ in connection with the Work anyone not skilled and qualified in the portion of the Work assigned to that individual.
Personnel Generally. Owner shall employ a sufficient number offully trained and competent personnel of good character, including, withoutlimitation administrative personnel, managers, and clerical staff to properlyperform Owner's obligations. The Governing Documents may require Owner's Team tohave a certain number of personnel actively engaged in certain positions and setskill and qualification standards for each position. Owner is solely responsiblefor the selection and evaluation of Owner's personnel and may not rely onWPHLI's suggestion or approval of such persons. WPHLI is in no way responsiblefor the selection of or the performance, honesty or any other quality of Owner'spersonnel. WPHLI may require any of Owner's personnel to attend additionaltraining and refresher courses from time to time at locations chosen by WPHLI atOwner's expense. Owner will cause each of Owner's employees to become familiarwith those portions of the Governing Documents designated for the applicableemployee category and to comply fully with them. Owner is responsible forOwner's employees' compliance with the Governing Documents. Without limitingWPHLI's other remedies, if any of Owner's employees fail to comply with WPHLI'sGoverning Documents' requirements, upon written request of the WPHLI, Owner willtake corrective action ranging from the subject personnel taking additionaltraining to removing the non-complying employee from League-related duties.WPHLI may require any person associated with the League to attend training oradditional training as a condition of beginning to act or continuing to act inany League related activity, if the same is, in WPHLI's discretion, in the bestinterest of the System. If WPHLI determines that any person's act or acts areinappropriate for a person associated with the League, WPHLI may eitherimmediately condition approval for the person acting in any League-relatedactivity on completing or retaking such parts of the System's training or takingsuch corrective action that WPHLI deems appropriate, or WPHLI may, afterconsultation with WPHLI's Board of Governors, ban the person from acting in anyLeague-related capacity, including as an equity owner, manager, employee, agent,or capacity related to the League or Owner, all upon such conditions, terms andduration that WPHLI deems appropriate.

Related to Personnel Generally

  • Personnel Provide, without remuneration from or other cost to the Trust, the services of individuals competent to perform the administrative functions which are not performed by employees or other agents engaged by the Trust or by the Adviser acting in some other capacity pursuant to a separate agreement or arrangement with the Trust.

  • Personnel Practices Section 1. The parties agree to establish a Labor-Management Committee to consult on personnel practices. The Committee will consist of five (5) representatives selected by the County and five (5) representatives by the SEIU Local 721. The Chief Executive Officer will designate a representative from CEO/Employee Relations and Department of Human Resources who have authority to resolve issues. The Committee will meet quarterly and consult on County-wide personnel practices including, but not limited to, performance evaluations, appraisals of promotability, grievance, arbitration, appeal processes, and resolution and payment of awards. Section 2. Dignity and Professionalism in the Workplace 1. The Union and Management are committed to working together to ensure a healthy and professional work environment free from emotional and psychological abuse and intimidation and to promote dignity for all workforce members. 2. The Union and Management agree to work together to develop a training program open to managers and SEIU Local 721 represented employees through the Workforce Development Program, the Million Dollar Training Fund and/or other sources of funding designated to promote dignity, prevent and reduce intimidation and other forms of emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace and create awareness of its negative impact. 3. Labor and Management are committed to working together to address complaints of intimidation and other forms of emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace in a timely manner. 4. The County Department of Human Resources is committed to working with the Union to develop policy to promote dignity and respect at the workplace and to prevent intimidation and other forms of emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace. Section 3. Communication through County E-mail Recognizing that e-mail is a standard medium of business communication, the County will meet with representatives of the Union to consider the feasibility of communication with bargaining unit members through their County e-mail addresses. This workgroup will complete its work within 60 days of the Board of Supervisors’ approval of the MOU. The workgroup will present recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for any policy changes. Section 4. Education Based Discipline Education-Based Discipline (EBD) is offered when an employee must serve a suspension from duty as a result of some type of policy violation, but rather than serving the suspension days at home with a loss of pay, some or all of those days can be substituted for a relevant training class or classes. Participation in the program is voluntary for the employee. The Personnel Practices Committee defined in Section 1 will meet to discuss expansion of EBD to all departments in the County.

  • Personnel Policies The School shall adopt, update, and adhere to personnel policies. These policies must be made readily accessible from the School’s website or school office, as described in Section 11.4. 1. If the policy is not available from the School’s website, the School shall submit the current policy to the Commission.

  • DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE 4.1. Direct Personnel Expense of employees engaged on the Project by the ARCHITECT/ENGINEER includes ARCHITECT/ENGINEERS, other engineers, designers, job captains, draftsmen, specification writers and typists, in consultation, research and design in producing Drawings, Specifications and other documents pertaining to the Project, and in services during construction at the site. 4.2. Direct Personnel Expense includes actual cost and of mandatory and customary financial benefits paid.

  • Personnel Matters 7.1 Verbal or written complaints regarding an employee made to any member of the Administration by any parent, student or other person which is to be placed in any personnel file or which may be used to evaluate or discipline an employee shall be promptly investigated. The employee shall be given prompt notice of such complaint and shall be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint. Unsubstantiated complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s file. 7.2 Each employee shall be entitled to access to his/her personnel file. This review shall take place during an agreed upon time; requests to examine the file need to be made to the Superintendent or his/her designee at least 24 hours prior and shall not be unreasonably withheld. The employee may, if he/she wishes, have a representative of the Association accompany him/her during such review. 7.3 The employee shall have the right to make a response to any material contained in his/her personnel file and such response shall be made a part of said employee’s file. Reproductions of such material may be made by hand or copying machine, if available. 7.4 No disciplinary material will be placed in an employee's personnel file without written or electronic notification to the employee. 7.5 The Board agrees to maintain, as part of its general policy manual, job descriptions for members of the bargaining unit; said policy manual to be made available to each member of the bargaining unit and any new employee. Whenever the District contemplates any changes in job description, the District will notify the Association on the planned action and convene the Job Description Team per the Memorandum of Understanding included in Exhibit 1.

  • Personnel Actions Wages, working conditions, and employee benefits shall be established and administered, and personnel actions of every type, including hiring, upgrading, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, and termination, shall be taken without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability. The following procedures shall be followed: a. The contractor will conduct periodic inspections of project sites to insure that working conditions and employee facilities do not indicate discriminatory treatment of project site personnel. b. The contractor will periodically evaluate the spread of wages paid within each classification to determine any evidence of discriminatory wage practices. c. The contractor will periodically review selected personnel actions in depth to determine whether there is evidence of discrimination. Where evidence is found, the contractor will promptly take corrective action. If the review indicates that the discrimination may extend beyond the actions reviewed, such corrective action shall include all affected persons. d. The contractor will promptly investigate all complaints of alleged discrimination made to the contractor in connection with its obligations under this contract, will attempt to resolve such complaints, and will take appropriate corrective action within a reasonable time. If the investigation indicates that the discrimination may affect persons other than the complainant, such corrective action shall include such other persons. Upon completion of each investigation, the contractor will inform every complainant of all of their avenues of appeal.

  • Personnel Costs The actual Worker Wage Rate for Contractor’s hourly employees and the Monthly Salary Rate of Contractor’s salaried personnel who are identified to Owner in advance and in writing but only for the time actually stationed at the Project site with Owner’s prior consent. The Project Manager’s Monthly Salary Rate may be included in the General Conditions Costs only when the Project Manager is directly located on and managing the Project. All personnel costs are subject to audit to determine the actual cost of the wages, salaries and allowable employer contributions incurred by the Contractor for services performed for the Project.

  • Personnel Data The School shall maintain accurate and complete personnel and payroll information and shall provide such information to the Commission, in the format and timeframe prescribed by the Commission, as required for the Legislature or any State agency including but not limited to the Department of Budget & Finance, Employees' Retirement System, and the Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefits Trust Fund. The School shall ensure each employee receiving State benefits qualifies for such benefits.

  • Staffing There shall be a clinician employed by the outside contractor for EAP Services who will be on-site a minimum of 20 hours a week. The clinician shall report directly to the outside contractor, Peer Assistance Oversight Committee and the MIF liaison. There shall be three full-time Peer Assistants reporting to the outside contractor.

  • Personnel Equipment and Material Engineer shall furnish and maintain, at its own expense, quarters for the performance of all Engineering Services, and adequate and sufficient personnel and equipment to perform the Engineering Services as required. All employees of Engineer shall have such knowledge and experience as will enable them to perform the duties assigned to them. Any employee of Engineer who, in the reasonable opinion of County, is incompetent or whose conduct becomes detrimental to the Engineering Services shall immediately be removed from association with the Project when so instructed by County. Engineer certifies that it presently has adequate qualified personnel in its employment for performance of the Engineering Services required under this Contract, or will obtain such personnel from sources other than County. Engineer may not change the Project Manager without prior written consent of County.