Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes. B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file. C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers. D. Access to Files 1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented. 2. An employee shall have the right to examine the contents of his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request, shall have the right to meet with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on the employee. 3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no cost. E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employee. F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 11 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2. An employee shall have the right to examine the contents of his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an a Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request, shall have the right to meet with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employee.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 8 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees Only one (1) official file shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statuteskept for each Employee in the District and such file shall be kept in the central administrative office.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2. An employee Each Employee shall have the right to examine review, or may designate by written authorization a representative to review, the contents of his/her official personnel file, which is file maintained at the administrative office. The District officemay require reasonable advance notice from the Employee or designee to review the personal file. If such notice is required, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment it shall not be available greater than two (2) full business days prior to the date requested for inspection by review. Neither the employee. By written authorizationEmployee, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that nor a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon requestrepresentative, shall have the right to meet with review any document, or other material, which is exempt from disclosure under the Personnel Records Review Act, 820 ILCS 40/10.
C. All non-exempt communications including evaluations by supervisors or administrators, commendations, and validated complaints directed toward the Employee which are included in his/her administrator for official personnel file shall be signed and dated by the purpose of examining Employee prior to being placed in the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on file. The Employee must sign the employee.
3written material when shown. Employees However, the signature does not indicate agreement. The Employee shall have the right to receive a attach dissenting material to any non-exempt item in the file. A copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be material placed in an employee’s a personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature shall be provided to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material Employee at the request of the employee.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice same time that the material is no longer relevant shown to the Employee, unless the Employee is exempt from disclosure.
D. In order for disciplinary purposesor any other material regarding complaints made against an Employee to be placed in a personnel file, provided such material must be verified with dates, times, places, supporting documentation or other supporting evidence confirming the accuracy of such complaint(s). The name(s) in support of the complaint, as well as the names of all other parties involved, must also be included to the extent permitted by law. The parties acknowledge that a mere presumption of guilt does not constitute a verified complaint in the absence of supporting documentation.
E. Any written complaints or letters of discipline, which address behavior, which has jeopardized a safe school environment, may remain in the Employee’s file and may be used for discipline. However, upon an Employee’s request, all other written complaints or letters of discipline will be expunged from the Employee’s file three (3) years after the date they are placed in the file and cannot be used for disciplinary purposes unless there has not been a recent incident is another complaint or letter of discipline of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed nature against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of Employee during the Education Profession of Floridathree (3) year period. In these casesthe event of a subsequent disciplinary complaint or letter of a similar nature, recency all related disciplinary materials shall be five yearsremain in the Employee’s personnel file until three (3) years from the last date of discipline.
Appears in 7 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All Each unit member shall have a right, upon written request, to review the contents of their own personnel file maintained in the District Office of Human Resources, as provided by state law.
(1) A representative of the employee's choosing may accompany the employee in this review or may review the files maintained on employees without the presence of the unit member as long as the representative has written authorization from the employee to review the file.
(2) This review shall be confidentialmade in the presence of HR staff responsible for the safekeeping of this file.
(3) All ratings, except as provided herein reports or records which were obtained prior to the employment of the person involved, or were prepared by Florida Statutesidentifiable interview committee members before or after employment, shall not be included in the personnel file.
(4) Arrangements for such examination should be made in advance.
B. A personnel file Information of a derogatory nature shall not be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part entered or filed until a unit employee is given notice, furnished a copy of the personnel file but will be maintained in material, and given a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employeeperiod of ten (10) working days to review, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by lawinitial, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize and/or respond in writing. Evidence All such information shall include the name of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to originator and the date entered.
(1) The unit member's review of his/her file by persons not employed by such materials may take place during the school system. All inspections shall be documentednormal business hours of the District.
(2. An employee ) The unit member shall have the right to examine answer in writing any complaints or other derogatory material filed and such answers shall be attached to the contents file copy of his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request, document.
C. The unit member shall have the right to meet with his/place material in his or her administrator for file which relates to evaluation. The material shall be submitted to the purpose Associate Vice President of examining Human Resources or designee, who shall place the contents material in the employee's file.
D. Each unit member will inform the Office of Human Resources of any work location file which may change in name, residence address or telephone number. A post office box number will not be maintained on the employee.
3substituted where there is an existing street address. Employees Each employee shall have on record in the right to receive Office of Human Resources a copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not telephone number where the person can be placed reached in an employee’s personnel or school file emergency. This number will be confidential unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employeeotherwise directed.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 4 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employeeSection 1. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part Pursuant to the laws of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain State of Michigan, an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open entitled to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by personnel files as maintained in the school systemSheriff's Office and the Human Resources Office. All inspections Said review shall be documentedduring normal business hours of the aforementioned offices.
Section 2. An employee shall have the right to examine review all internal affairs files affecting said employee once the contents files and investigation have been closed. An employee will be notified of his/her personnel fileany internal affairs files affecting said employee once the files and investigation have been closed if such files or investigation will subsequently be used for any disciplinary or evaluation purposes. Any review of internal affairs files shall be during normal business hours of the Internal Affairs Section.
Section 3. Any requests made by a member of this Division, which pursuant to Section 1 of this Article, shall be responded within 48 hours of the request. Said 48 hour period shall apply only to normal business days of the office. Any requests made by a member of this Division pursuant to Section 2 of this Article shall be responded to within 48 hours of the request if the responsible person in charge of the file is maintained at the District officeavailable, at or within a reasonable time in after such person becomes available. This 48 hour period shall apply only to normal business days of the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her fileInternal Affairs Section.
Section 4. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request, shall have the right to meet written notice from the Sheriff when any information pertaining to a completed departmental investigation of the employee is released to any other investigative unit or persons outside of the Internal Affairs unit of the Sheriff's Office. The employee shall be notified to whom the information is being released and for what purpose. The employee shall, upon request, also be provided with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any all requests for this information and a copy of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters all information or reports released to an investigative unit or persons outside of reprimand and/or complaints the Sheriff's Office and Internal Affairs unit. However, notice and receipt of copies under this Section shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless applicable if the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or Sheriff's Office is otherwise directed by a copy court of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employeecompetent jurisdiction.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All Official personnel files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A personnel file of all staff members shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part only in the office of the Superintendent. While other personnel file but will files may be maintained by the building principals, the files maintained in a separate file.
C. School files the office of the Superintendent shall be considered confidential except as access is provided the only official file of recorded information of staff members maintained by this Article the Board and administration. Individual staff members shall be able to review their office personnel files in the presence of an administrator or by lawhis designee within reasonable working hours. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2. An employee staff member shall have the right to examine be accompanied by an Association representative. A representative of a member shall be given access to the contents file of his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence said member upon presentation of an Employment Services Department staff written authorization from such member. All references originating outside materials placed in the District on personnel file of the basis staff member shall include the following: ˗ Date the item was placed in the file; ˗ Initials of confidentiality the administrator placing the entry; ˗ A copy of a reprimand would be hand˗delivered by the building principal or superintendent and a receipt for initial employment that delivery shall be signed by the teacher and a refusal to sign it may be noted and witnessed by the principal and his or her designee that the teacher refused to sign for letter of reprimand. If employee would not be available for inspection hand˗delivery by the employeeprincipal due to illness or absence from the building the letter could be sent by certified mail and the receipt of such letter would become part of the file. By written authorizationThe initials or signature of a staff member shall not constitute agreement with the contents of the file material. The staff member will be provided, the employee may permit without cost, one true copy of any designated person to examine material placed in his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany himIt shall be the responsibility of the individual staff member and the administration to jointly maintain all personnel information with such accuracy, relevance, timeliness, and completeness as is necessary to assure fairness in any determination made with respect to the staff member on the basis of the information in the file. Any affected staff member shall have the right, within thirty (30) days of any material being placed in his/her when reviewing file, to attach a written reply and/or rebuttal to such material in or being placed in his/her file. An employeeSuch replies, rebuttals shall be initialed, dated and attached to the material in question by the receiving administrator. Anonymous letters or materials shall not be placed in a staff member’s file. Information in the personnel file may be removed upon mutual agreement of the staff member and the Superintendent. Staff members may submit letter of merit, relative to their professional duties, which shall be placed in their file. The provisions contained herein shall not be construed as a waiver or as a limitation of rights accorded to a staff member pursuant to ORC Chapter 1347. The staff member, upon request, shall have the right to meet with review the contents of his personnel files and to be accompanied by another individual of his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right choice, and to receive receive, at no cost, a copy of any documents contained herein. The Board of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters Education agrees to protect the confidentiality of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s the personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature files to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employeeextent permitted by law.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Master Contract, Master Contract, Master Contract
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A The personnel file records of an employee in the bargaining unit shall be maintained for each in the District's personnel office. Such personnel records shall not contain any information of a critical nature that does not bear the employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of 's signature or initials, indicating that the personnel file but will be maintained in employee has been shown the material, or a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only statement by the School Board, employee who has been shown the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee material and has refused to sign or initial such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2material. An employee shall have the right to examine the attach a written statement of explanation to any material.
B. Letters of caution, consultation, warning, admonishment, and reprimand shall be considered temporary contents of his/her the personnel records and may be removed upon request of the employee to the Director of Personnel Services and destroyed no sooner than three (3) years after they have been placed in the employee's personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment Such requests shall not be available for inspection by unreasonably denied. If the employee. By written authorizationrequest is denied, the employee may permit any designated person appeal to examine the Superintendent, and if necessary, to the School Board. An employee's personnel records shall be available within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the request, for inspection upon his/her filerequest. An employee may request that shall be allowed to submit a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her filewritten rebuttal to disciplinary materials. An employee, upon request, Such rebuttal shall have be maintained in the right to meet with his/her administrator personnel file for the purpose same duration as the disciplinary materials.
C. Material placed in the personnel record of examining an employee without conformity with the contents provisions of this Article will not be used by the District in any work location file which may be maintained on disciplinary proceeding involving the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a D. A copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not material to be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless that might lead to disciplinary action will be provided to the employee has had and to the opportunity association representative. An employee may have documents relevant to their work performance placed in their personnel file. Medical files will be kept separate and confidential in accordance with state and federal law.
E. Any employee shall have the right, upon request, to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereofcontent of their personnel file. Any written response from An OSEA representative may accompany the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the during such review, upon request of the employee. Any affected employee may respond in writing to any item placed in their personnel file and may indicate to the Superintendent any materials which are disciplinary in nature the employee believes to be obsolete or otherwise inappropriate for retention. Any such specific item over five (5) years old, for which corrections have been made and documented, will be removed. Items that are exceptions to this provision are: any item that involves an unlawful or criminal action; any item that is related to sexual conduct as defined in ORS 339.370. All classified employees shall have the right to appeal any refusal to remove material through the grievance procedure to arbitration.
F. After two years, at Nothing in this Section will prevent the request of District from agreeing to an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.earlier removal date
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A The personnel file records of an employee in the bargaining unit shall be maintained for each in the District's personnel office. Such personnel records shall not contain any information of a critical nature that does not bear the employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of 's signature or initials, indicating that the personnel file but will be maintained in employee has been shown the material, or a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only statement by the School Board, employee who has been shown the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee material and has refused to sign or initial such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2material. An employee shall have the right to examine the attach a written statement of explanation to any material.
B. Letters of caution, consultation, warning, admonishment, and reprimand shall be considered temporary contents of his/her the personnel records and may be removed upon request of the employee to the Director of Personnel Services and destroyed no sooner than three (3) years after they have been placed in the employee's personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment Such requests shall not be available for inspection by unreasonably denied. If the employee. By written authorizationrequest is denied, the employee may permit any designated person appeal to examine the Superintendent, and if necessary, to the School Board. An employee's personnel records shall be available within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the request, for inspection upon his/her filerequest. An employee may request that shall be allowed to submit a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her filewritten rebuttal to disciplinary materials. An employee, upon request, Such rebuttal shall have be maintained in the right to meet with his/her administrator personnel file for the purpose same duration as the disciplinary materials.
C. Material placed in the personnel record of examining an employee without conformity with the contents provisions of this Article will not be used by the District in any work location file which may be maintained on disciplinary proceeding involving the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a D. A copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not material to be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless that might lead to disciplinary action will be provided to the employee has had and to the opportunity association representative. An employee may have documents relevant to their work performance placed in their personnel file. Medical files will be kept separate and confidential in accordance with state and federal law.
E. Any employee shall have the right, upon request, to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereofcontent of their personnel file. Any written response from An OSEA representative may accompany the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the during such review, upon request of the employee.
F. After two years, at . Any affected employee may respond in writing to any item placed in their personnel file and may indicate to the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory Superintendent any materials which are disciplinary in nature the employee believes to be obsolete or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant otherwise inappropriate for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaintretention. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.Any such specific item over five
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate The Employer will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in maintain a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1Employee. To the extent permitted by law, The Employer shall maintain only one set of files on each Employee; the personnel file of each employee office shall be open maintain said files. Any Employee has the right to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her personnel file upon request to the Personnel Office. Reasonable advance notice will be provided. This right is limited to the individual Employee to review his/her own personnel file. However, an Employee may, with proper release forms, permit his/her personnel file to be reviewed by persons not employed a party so authorized, upon presentation of properly executed forms to the personnel office, which form shall be developed by the school systemPersonnel Office. All inspections Except as provided above, only those people working in the Personnel Office, and the department head, shall be documented.
2have access to an Employee's files. An employee In addition, the Employer's authorized attorney(s) shall have the right to examine access an Employee's files for legitimate personnel purposes related to discipline, complaints, grievances, arbitrations, and lawsuits involving the contents Employee. Employees are encouraged to request placement in their files of any educational or other accomplishments that serve to recognize an achievement bearing on both the Employee and the Employer. A denial of such request and reason for denial shall be provided to the Employee in writing. Any materials placed in an Employee's file shall be copied to the Employee. Any derogatory information shall be signed by the Employee. Such signature shall serve as acknowledgement of receipt only. An Employee's refusal to sign should be witnessed by a third party. Any Employee under this policy, upon reviewing his/her personnel file who finds inaccurate or misleading material, may prepare and present to the department head and Personnel Director a clarifying statement pertaining to the document in question requesting removal of said document from his/her personnel file. Consultation with and approval from the department head or Personnel Director is required prior to any action to remove material from a personnel file. All documents, which communications, and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed separately from the personnel files of the participants. No information from any Employee personnel file may be given to a business without written permission of the Employee. Any person accessing an Employee's file shall sign a file entry roster unless the access is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time normal day-today access made by Employees working in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request, shall have the right to meet with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on the employeepersonnel office.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employee.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a A reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2. An employee shall have the right to examine the contents of his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an a Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request, shall have the right to meet with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employee.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. 6.01 All files maintained official personnel records will be filed in the Superintendent's office or Treasurer's office on employees shall be confidential, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutesa current basis.
B. A 6.02 Each employee will have access to the contents of his/her own personnel file. This file shall may be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part opened only in the presence of the personnel file but will be maintained Superintendent or his/her designee. A representative of the Association may, at the employee's request, accompany the employee in such a separate filereview.
C. School files 6.03 The Superintendent shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when notify an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, if the personnel file of each such employee is inspected by anyone other than a representative of the Superintendent or a Board member. Such notice shall be open to inspection only by given within two (2) days of such inspection.
6.03.01 Upon the School Boardwritten request of the employee, reprimand letters will be removed after three (3) years if there has not been a reoccurrence of the Superintendent, same or related conduct.
6.04 An employee will be notified of the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize placement in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her personnel file of any material and will be provided both the opportunity to read and to have a copy of any such material placed in his/her personnel file. An employee must acknowledge that he/she has read the material by persons affixing his/her signature to the material which is placed in the file. This signature will not employed indicate agreement with the content of the material, but indicates only that the material has been inspected by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2employee. An employee shall have the right opportunity to examine the contents of reply to any material placed in his/her personnel file in a written statement to be attached to the copy in the personnel file, . Such replies must be filed within three (3) days of the day the employee was afforded the opportunity to read the material placed in the employee's personnel file.
6.05 Each employee will be informed of any complaint(s) which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany directed toward him/her when reviewing his/her which will become a "matter of record". A "matter of record" shall be defined as a signed written complaint, letter, or any document containing negative remarks concerning the employee, which the Administration desires to place in the employee's personnel file. An No documents regarding any formal or informal complaint made against an employee shall be placed in the personnel file of such employee unless an administrator shall have first notified the employee of the complaint and of the identity of the individual(s) making the complaint, investigated the complaint, which investigation must include a conference with the employee, upon request, and determined that a record of such matter needs to be filed. The provisions of paragraph 6.04 above shall have be applicable to the right to meet with his/her administrator for placing of such material in the purpose personnel file of examining the contents of any work location file which may be maintained on the employee.
3. Employees 6.06 An employee shall have the right be entitled to receive a copy at his/her cost of any of their material in his/her file documents at no costexcept the material originally supplied to the Administration as confidential prior to employment.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall 6.07 Anonymous materials will not be placed in an employee's personnel file. Any adverse materials placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employeesigned and dated.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees 6:1 Employees may, upon request, ask to review their personnel files. A designated time shall be confidentialestablished during which the Director of the Division of Human Resources or his/her designee shall review the material with the employee. Confidential material shall be defined as documents gathered in connection with the employee's application for employment and shall be excluded from such review. In any event, except as such review shall take place within four (4) working days, provided herein or by Florida Statutesthere shall not be an inordinate number of requests pending.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. 6:2 An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part employee may have a representative of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by lawAssociation present during such review; however, the personnel file of each employee shall not be open to inspection only taken from the office by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made examined in the presence of the Director of the Division of Human Resources or designee.
6:3 Employees may receive copies without charge of ten (10) individual pages of documents filed in the personnel file. Once an individual has received ten (10) total copies, individual or cumulative, he/she shall be billed for additional copies at the prevailing rate charged by the District.
6:4 The employee shall affix his/her signature and date to notify the affected employee prior all evaluative material to the review of be placed in his/her file by persons not employed by to indicate that he/she has seen the school systemmaterial. All inspections The Association shall be documentedinformed in writing if any employee refuses to sign material placed in his/her file. A meeting of the employee, the Association President or designee, and the administrator shall be held at a mutually agreeable time. At this time, the administrator shall once again request that the employee sign the material in question. If the employee refuses to sign, the Association President or his designee shall sign a statement typed on the material for this purpose. The statement shall read: "I have witnessed 's refusal to sign this material." Employee's Name
6:5 Any evaluative document which an employee has not signed or been given the opportunity to sign shall not be placed in the employee's District personnel file or shall not be utilized in any proceeding against him/her.
2. An 6:6 The employee shall have the right to examine rebut in writing any material placed in the contents of District personnel file and the rebuttal shall be attached to the file copy and any other distributed copies.
6:7 An employee shall be permitted to place in his/her District personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence file any documents (e.g. letters of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine commendation) that reflect favorably upon his/her file. work performance.
6:8 An employee may request that a representative accompany himmaterial that he/her when reviewing she deems unfavorable which is contained in his/her file. An employee, upon request, shall have the right to meet with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location District personnel file which may be maintained on the employeeremoved.
3. Employees shall have 6:9 The District agrees to protect the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request confidentiality of the employee.
F. After two years's personnel file. Only the Superintendent or designee, at authorized persons in the request Division of Human Resources and administrators who have a need to know shall review an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years's file.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collaborative Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained on employees shall be confidentialAn official employee personnel record containing records, except as provided herein or by Florida Statutes.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health reports, and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded other material relating to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file employment and performance of each employee shall be open to inspection only maintained by the School Board, Employer in one (1) file and shall be open at reasonable work times to the Superintendent, the administrator, inspection of the employee and such other persons as in the employee or presence of the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort Employer's personnel representative.
B. Employees shall be made to notify the affected employee prior Employer in writing of any change in employee's name, address, telephone number, tax status, marital status (for benefits and tax withholding purposes only), addresses and telephone numbers of dependents and spouse or former spouse (for insurance purposes only), beneficiary designations for insurance, disability, and pension plans, person(s) to be notified in case of emergency, and any factors that affect the review of employee's ability to carry out his/her file by persons not employed duties.
C. All material related to an employee's performance shall be signed by the school system. All inspections employee's supervisor and a copy of such material shall be documentedprovided to the employee. The employee shall acknowledge receipt of a copy of such material by signing the copy to be filed, with the understanding that such signature merely signifies that the employee has read the material to be filed and does not necessarily indicate agreement with its contents.
2. An D. The employee shall have the right to examine the contents of have placed in his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at file a reasonable time written statement of disagreement to any material in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff memberfile and this statement shall be attached to the material in question. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An The employee, upon request, shall have the right to meet with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents be given a reproduction of any work location file which may be maintained on material in the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no costfile.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not No anonymous or secret material will be placed in an into the file of any employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review . Any such material or affix his/her signature placed in the file prior to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy execution of the final annual assessment from the employee this Agreement shall be appended to the material removed at the request of the employee.
F. After two years, at Material received by the request Employer and pertaining to the work performance of any employee shall be placed in the employee's personnel file. The employee shall receive a copy of any such material received. The Employer or employee may place in the file a written statement pertaining to any such material.
G. Material will be revised or removed from an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with 's personnel file if the notice Employer and the employee agree that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposesincorrect or if the material is determined to be incorrect as a result of the Grievance Procedure. Unless included in a performance evaluation, as specified in Section 28 A and D of this Agreement, a warning document shall be removed from an employee's personnel file after a period of two (2) years has elapsed, provided there that the employee has not been received no other warning of any kind during that period and the employee requests such removal in writing.
H. With the written permission of the employee, a recent incident representative of the Union may review the employee's personnel file and obtain copies of the contents upon request at the agency's cost in the presence of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five yearsHR staff person.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. 1. Employees covered by this Agreement shall have the right to inspect their official personnel file and/or their closed Internal Affairs file upon written request through their chain of command both of which shall occur during normal business hours under the supervision of the respective records custodian or the custodian's designee. Employees shall not be compensated should said inspection occur outside employee's regular duty hours. The employee shall have the right to have duplicate copies of any items in their official files created for them, upon payment of the usual charge thereof.
2. Employees covered by this Agreement shall receive copies of any item that is placed in the employee's official personnel file. Employees covered by this Agreement shall also have the right to add written responses to any such item that is placed in the employee's official personnel file. All files maintained on employees written responses to such items shall be confidentialsent to the Chief of Police via chain of command not more than ten (10) working days following the day of receipt of such items by the employee. Written responses shall strictly parallel the item(s) of concern. Any refusal to sign any document shall be documented on all copies by the issuing officer (i.e, except as provided herein "Employee Refused to Sign"); however, no retaliatory or by Florida Statutesdisciplinary action shall be taken against any employee who refuses to sign such a document.
B. A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
13. To the extent permitted by law, all personnel records of the personnel file of each employee employees shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee kept confidential and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2. An employee shall have the right to examine the contents of his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by released to any person except, authorized officials of the City, or in response to a subpoena from a court of competent jurisdiction, or upon written authorization from the employee. By written authorizationIn this regard, the employee may permit any designated person FOP recognizes the City's obligation to examine his/her filecomply with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes.
4. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request, At no time shall have the right to meet news media be directly furnished with his/her administrator for the purpose of examining the contents home address or home telephone number of any work location file which may be maintained on employee or his relatives without the employee.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any express written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request consent of the employee.
F. After two years5. The City shall purge, at upon written request from the request employee covered by this Agreement, all records of an employee, written reprimands, material counseling/coaching and oral warnings from the employees' personnel files after one (1) full year of a derogatory nature service during which the employee does not receive further counseling or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident oral warnings of a similar problem or complaintnature. Recency The City may also purge such records as used herein authorized by Florida State Statute, Title X, Chapter 119 and Title XVIII, Chapter 257.36. Such documents shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees kept in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five yearsa separate file until they are purged.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Personnel Records. A. All files maintained 7.1 The Human Resource Department shall maintain the official personnel file on employees each bargaining unit employee. A “Personnel Action” form shall be confidentialused as the document to record changes in the employee’s job classification, except as provided herein employment, and/or salary status. A copy of the form shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. All records and documentation which reflect information concerning an employee’s compensation, position and promotion or promotion eligibility, and/or the character of job performance, including and not limited to personnel action forms, performance evaluations, correspondence concerning employment, corrective measures and any agreement related to employment, shall be forwarded to and maintained by Florida Statutes.Human
B. 7.2 A copy of any written items being placed in an employee’s personnel file shall be maintained for each employee. An employee’s health and physical fitness certificate will be considered an official part of the personnel file but will be maintained in a separate file.
C. School files shall be considered confidential except as access is provided by this Article or by law. The administrator shall maintain an official school personnel file on each employee, which may be forwarded to a new school when an employee transfers.
D. Access to Files
1. To the extent permitted by law, the personnel file of each employee shall be open to inspection only by the School Board, the Superintendent, the administrator, the employee and such other persons as the employee or the Superintendent may authorize in writing. Evidence of a reasonable effort shall be made to notify the affected employee prior furnished to the review of his/her file by persons not employed by the school system. All inspections shall be documented.
2. An employee shall have the right to examine the contents of his/her personnel file, which is maintained at the District office, at a reasonable time in the presence of an Employment Services Department staff member. All references originating outside the District on the basis of confidentiality for initial employment shall not be available for inspection by the employee. By written authorization, the employee may permit any designated person to examine his/her file. An employee may request that a representative accompany him/her when reviewing his/her file. An employee, upon request.
7.3 Any employee or Union representative with written permission of the employee, shall have the right to meet with his/her administrator inspect their personnel file and request copies of items in the file. The employee or representative shall be responsible for the cost of such copies at the City’s standard charge. Neither the file nor items in the file may be removed from the Human Resource Department.
7.4 Written reprimands and any response written by the employee shall be removed from the employee’s personnel file after three (3) years from the date of issuance of the written reprimand upon request by the employee, provided there is no subsequent written reprimand(s) or disciplinary action of the same or similar nature issued during the intervening period of time. Requests for removal must be made to the Human Resources Department. Written reprimands that have been removed from an employee’s personnel file will not be used against an employee for the purpose of examining the contents of any work location file which progressive discipline, but may be maintained on used by the employeeCity to show compliance with legal obligations, as well as to establish consistency, lack of discrimination, notice of policy or standards, existence of mitigating or aggravating circumstances and defend against legal claims.
3. Employees shall have the right to receive a copy of any of their file documents at no cost.
E. Letters of reprimand and/or complaints shall not be placed in an employee’s personnel or school file unless the employee has had the opportunity to review such material or affix his/her signature to the copy to be filed with the expressed understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. Any written response from the employee and/or a copy of the final annual assessment from the employee shall be appended to the material at the request of the employee.
F. After two years, at the request of an employee, written reprimands, material of a derogatory nature or complaints shall be appended with the notice that the material is no longer relevant for disciplinary purposes, provided there has not been a recent incident of a similar problem or complaint. Recency as used herein shall be two years, except for written reprimands addressing excessive force and/or physical, verbal, or other conduct directed against students or employees in violation of the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession of Florida. In these cases, recency shall be five years.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement