Phase 3 – Data Collection & Reporting. (Throughout Grant Year) Invoice Claims (due January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30) Quarterly Performance Reports (due January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30) Collect and report quarterly, appropriate data that supports the progress of goals and objectives. Provide a brief list of activity conducted, procurement of grant-funded items, and significant media activities. Include status of grant-funded personnel, status of contracts, challenges, or special accomplishments. Provide a brief summary of quarterly accomplishments and explanations for objectives not completed or plans for upcoming activities. Collect, analyze and report statistical data relating to the grant goals and objectives.
Phase 3 – Data Collection & Reporting. (Throughout Grant Year) 1. Prepare and submit invoice claims (due January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30) 2. Prepare and submit Quarterly Performance Reports (QPR) (due January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30) • Collect and report quarterly, appropriate data that supports the progress of goals and objectives. • Provide a brief list of activity conducted, procurement of grant-funded items, and significant media activities. Include status of grant-funded personnel, status of contracts, challenges, or special accomplishments. • Provide a brief summary of quarterly accomplishments and explanations for objectives not completed or plans for upcoming activities. • Collect, analyze and report statistical data relating to the grant goals and objectives.
Phase 3 – Data Collection & Reporting. (Throughout Grant Year) • Agencies are required to collect and report quarterly, appropriate data that supports the progress of goals and objectives. • Statistical data relating to the grant goals and objectives will be collected, analyzed, and incorporated in Quarterly Performance Reports (QPRs). QPRs for the quarter ending September 30 will include year-to-date comparisons of goals and objectives. If required, a separate quarterly data reporting form will be completed each quarter and submitted as part of the QPR. • Reports will compare actual grant accomplishments with the planned accomplishments. They will include information concerning changes made by the Grant Director in planning and guiding the grant efforts. • Reports shall be completed and submitted in accordance with OTS requirements as specified in the Grant Program Manual.
Phase 3 – Data Collection & Reporting. (Throughout Grant Year) • Prepare and submit invoice claims (due January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30). • Successful project completion and confirmation of successful transmission of crash reports by the California Highway Patrol is required before submission of invoice claims seeking reimbursement from OTS. • Prepare and submit quarterly performance reports (due January 30, April 30, July 30, and October 30). • Collect and report quarterly appropriate data that supports the progress of goals and objectives. • Provide a summary of quarterly accomplishments and explanations for objectives not completed. • Collect, analyze, and report statistical data relating to the grant goals and objectives.