Upcoming activities. Act | East Indonesia in collaboration with the MOH will implement a Pre-TAS in Melawi beginning on July 18, which will include participation of a professional photographer to document the entire process of a mf survey using night blood samples, including when samples reach the regional lab. Interviews from a selection of implementors and participants will also be organized. • Act | East Indonesia in collaboration with the MOH will also implement a Pre-TAS in FakFak district also beginning on July 18, 2022. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/searo/country/id National: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xx.xx/ RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: LF (113), OV (5), SCH (159), STH (151), Trachoma (65) MDA 0/8 districts DSAs (#EUs) TIS: 0/8 EUs XXXXX Act | East data officer is regularly working with MISAU and ARISE project to insert all NTD indicators on the HMIS. The monitoring of the completion of the data are presented on a weekly basis and during technical meetings. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None • Zithromax for the MDA planned in Manica province (Macossa, Tambara, Guro districts) and Nampula province (Erati, Ilha de Mogincual, Liupo, Moma, Memba districts) is stocked at the CMAM (Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (Center for Drugs and Medical Supplies)). • Ongoing discussion with MISAU NTD staff to finalize the introduction of NTD indicator on the HMIS platform. The upcoming MDA data will be insert in the HMIS platform. • Act East COP and Finance Manager visited the province of Nampula and Manica with the Acting NTD Coordinator to i) present the approved USAID budget to the health provincial management staff, ii) confirm the quantification of the human and materials needs and iii) discuss the MDA timeline. A decision was made to postpone the trachoma MDA until the last week of August 2022, in order to accommodate the polio campaign. • An Act | East consultant is working on the 2022-2030 NTD strategic plan section, in collaboration with the NTD focal point at MISAU, Act | East Mozambique, ARISE and WHO teams. Weekly meetings are held both virtually or in person to discuss the progress and quality of the document. • Act | East HQ staff–Program Manager, Project Coordinator, XXXXX focal point–visited Mozambique in mid-June. The objectives of their visit were to work with the Act | East Mozambique staff on the FY23 narrative and budget work plan and to meet the MISAU staff. • Participated in the MEEC (June 10): Sightsav...
Upcoming activities. Follow up with PAHO to provide any additional information on the TAS approval request form submitted to the RPRG. • Complete the procurement process for the Xxxxx MDA and Dondon TAS materials. • Implement the TAS in Dondon, pending USAID approval of the activity restart package. TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY20 LF DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: 15, May-Sep 2020 (0 completed) TAS1: 3, Jan 2020 (3 completed) TAS2: 6, Feb - Apr; Jul 2020 (4 completed) HSS No activites planned for FY20. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Highlights: • Beginning on March 9, 2020, the Ministry of Health requested that the implementation of all planned Act | East activities be postponed until further notice in line with the official COVID-19 response by the Government of Indonesia. • The Subdit has continued to solicit missing historical data from districts to enter into the comprehensive data base managed by the Subdit as well as support the development of a draft dossier. The Subdit communicates with Act | East staff as updates are made. • [Redacted] from Save the Children organized virtual discussions on August 5, 2020 with the Act | East Asia Manager and the STH Team from the MOH to introduce their upcoming activity to review and consolidate available tools and resources to assess and strengthen mainstreamed deworming programming in several countries, including Indonesia. • Following extensive dialogue with the Subdit, the Act | East Indonesia workplan and budget for FY21 were submitted to USAID for review on August 13th, 2020. Questions and comments from USAID were received on August 27th. • Act | East Indonesia completed drafting COVID-19 protocols for Pre-TAS and submitted them to the Subdit and to Act | East (RTI and USAID) for review. These protocols draw on the Act | East LF survey resource document developed by a working group of Act | East staff, including members of the Indonesia team. • With support of the MOH and the USAID mission, Act | East Indonesia submitted a request to USAID/W on August 28, 2020 to restart implementation of LF activities, beginning with three proposed Pre-TAS in September 2020. (Approved in early September.) Upcoming activities: • Act | East was tentatively planning to begin implementing DSAs beginning with three Pre-TAS in September 2020. COVID-19 case load in Jakarta will prevent travel from the city to low prevalence districts, so the pre-TAS are currently on hold. MDA 5 districts; TBD DSAs (#...
Upcoming activities. The State PM will determine the exact format and content of the report document at or before the project kickoff meeting. The State shall require the following Project Management Deliverables:
i. Contractor PM to work with State project team to finalize a detailed project work plan (in Microsoft Project). The Contractor shall maintain and update the project plan (i.e., project schedule) on a regular basis (at least weekly, if not daily).
ii. Project kickoff meeting.
iii. A detailed Project Management Plan (PMP) that aligns with the State’s Project Management Plan for this project.
Upcoming activities. LF confirmatory mapping surveys in Kalikot, Jumla, Mugu and Humla districts in April-May 2023. • TAS 2 in Kanchanpur in April-May 2023, pending FAA agreement. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/searo/country/np National: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxxx.xxx.xx/ RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: LF (553), OV (449), SCH (691), STH (415), Trachoma (143) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY2023 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma MDA 22/36 districts (RTI/TCC) 13/55 districts (TCC) 10/127 districts (TCC) 22/135 districts (TCC) DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS : 1/1 (RTI) TAS 1 : 25/25 (TCC) Epi/Ento surveys: (RTI 0/15) TT-only survey: 1/1 (RTI) HSS Costing Analysis of NTD Targeted Interventions in Cross River State Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None • From March 13-16, 2023, Act | East participated in the Cross River State Ministry of Health’s (SMOH) SCH/STH stakeholders and microplanning meeting. The meeting harmonized activity timelines between partners to avoid schedule clashes and drew up a plan for movement of medicines to the various health facilities ahead of the MDA. • On March 30th, Act | East provided both financial and technical support to the SMOH to conduct TAS2 social mobilization and sensitization in 4 EUs. The activity includes visiting all the LGAs participating in the surveys and ensuring all the school heads are aware of the upcoming survey, so they inform the parents and students. • March 28-30, Act | East provided technical support to the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) to finalize the national LF MMDP guidelines. The FMOH shared the draft guidelines ahead of time for stakeholder input and then held the meeting to harmonize all comments. The FMOH will finalize the draft document and share with all partners. • SIHTs/LIHTCs integrated planning meeting for Advocacy in Ebonyi and Enugu states. • Monitoring and tracking of immigrants were carried out in Plateau and Nasarawa States. • Training of SIHTs and LGAs NTD Coordinators took place in Edo State during this reporting month. • LF TAS 2 field work in 7 LGAs in Cross River State in May 2023. • FY24 Workplan Development on May 15 -16, 2023 • NOEC Meeting, May 17-19, 2023 • OV Epidemiological and Entomological Assessment in 15 LGAs in Cross River State in Q3/Q4 • State level training of SIHTs and LIHTCs in Plateau, Nasarawa and Ebonyi States. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/afro/country/ng National: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxxx.xxx.xx/ HSS Health financing technical support for...
Upcoming activities. Act | East Indonesia in collaboration with the MOH will implement the first survey with the new BIS protocol in one district, Bengkayang, beginning on September 19, 2022. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/searo/country/id National: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xx.xx/ RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: LF (113), OV (5), SCH (159), STH (151), Trachoma (65) MDA 0/8 districts DSAs (#EUs) TIS: 4/8 EUs XXXXX Act | East data officer is regularly working with MISAU and ARISE project to insert all NTD indicators on the HMIS. The monitoring of the completion of the data are presented on a weekly basis and during technical meetings. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • Conducted TIS in four districts. • MDA preparation is ongoing, including cascaded trainings of national and provincial supervisors and transport of MDA supplies and materials to provinces. Zithromax and TEO have been shipped to provincial warehouses. • MISAU, in collaboration with Act | East staff, organized a trachoma elimination dossier workshop in August 2022 in Maputo province with the participation of the WASH and education department. During the meeting, teams updated the dossier template and formed a task force composed of trachoma experts to track recommendations and address challenges. • Act | East supported TIS in four districts (Mossuril, Ilha de Mozambique, Nacala-A-Velha (Nampula province), Inhassunge (Zambezia province) in August 2022.
Upcoming activities. The table below indicates the activities for the upcoming quarter if directives from USAID-AOR were given to proceed in the second recruitment year activities: Printing HES Cycle II Dissemination Material December 2019-January 2020 Official Invitation Letters for AUB to visit Public Schools (MEHE Letter) January 2020 Public School Visits January 2020- March 2020 Outreach expansion plan of HES through FB/Instagram January 2020- April 2020
Upcoming activities. Hybrid dossier elimination workshop in March, date TBD. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/wpro/country/vn National: BAN CHỈ ĐẠO QUỐC GIA XXXXX XXXXX DỊCH BỆNH COVID 19 (xxxx.xx) TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY22 LF OV SCH STH Trachoma Mapping OV Elimination mapping: 0/4 districts OV Exclusion mapping: 0/2 districts Desk review: 0/6 districts MDA 0/4 districts Round 1: 0/9 districts Round 2: 0/28 districts 0/35 districts 0/41 districts 0/9 districts (0/10 EUs) DSAs (#EUs) Re-Pre-TAS: 1/1 district TAS1: 0/1 EU TAS3: 0/24 EUs iTAS: 7/7 EUs Pre-stop MDA survey (epi): 0/1 district Stop-MDA survey (epi & ent): 0/3 districts iTAS: 7/7 EUs 0/4 districts TIS: 1/1 EU TSS: 2/2 EUs XXXXX ▪ Coverage evaluation survey (CES) in 9 districts: 4/4 LF, 4/4 OV, 0/1 TRA ▪ Trachoma DSA outcome investigation in 3/6 districts ▪ Trachoma MDA microplanning in 0/10 EUs HSS ▪ Develop M&E plan for the sustainability activities in the NTD Master Plan ▪ Launch NTD Master Plan and Sustainability Plan ▪ Support TZNTDCP integration into the health sector planning SWAp TWG ▪ Support Comprehensive Council Health Plan (CCHP) development ▪ Strengthen federal and district capacity for planning, budgeting, and resource mobilization ▪ Advocacy Strategy Implementation: 1 high-level national and 1 regional/district level meeting ▪ GESI iDARE/behavior change activity in 5 districts (4 TRA, 2 OV) Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • Act | East supported the NTDCP to complete trachoma DSA outcome investigations in 3/6 planned districts (Monduli DC, Kalambo DC and Mpwapwa DC), TIS in 1 district (Ngorogoro) and re-pre-TAS in 1 district (Pangani). • Act East and NTDCP conducted a mini review and planning meeting with regional and district NTD coordinators, pharmacists and NTD accountants in Kalambo DC (Rukwa regioni), Chamwino DC, Kongwa DC (Dodoma region) and Ngorogoro DC (Arusha region) where Act | East plans to support the additional trachoma MDAs that were approved by the TEC and USAID in January. The purpose of the meeting was to solidify activity timelines and FAA budgets for trachoma MDA activities in these districts. • The USAID-funded NTDCP pharmacist supported several procurements and shipments including: o Transportation of OV16 laboratory rapid test kits and dried blood spots to Tanga NIMR laboratory; o Clearance processes for FTS that have arrived in country; o Inventory and verification of existing FTS kits, which were confirmed to have a M...
Upcoming activities. Trachoma impact surveys and MDA will be planned once a restart timeline is agreed upon between MISAU and Act | East. MDA Support Activities 13 districts (complete) Dec, 2019 to March, 2020 13 districts Feb/March, 2020 (DEC+ALB in LF MDA 2019) Eliminated: May 2018 DSAs (#EUs) Re Pre-TAS: 4 districts, Nov/Dec 2019 (complete) Re Pre-TAS : 9 districts, postponed to FY21 TAS1: 4 districts, postponed to FY21 TAS2: 5 EU (6 districts), postponed to FY21 SS/SC: None XXXXX N/A HSS HSS activities moved to FY21 WP. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • Updated survey schedule based on COVID-19 activity delays. Highlights: • Act | East Nepal team engaged in virtual discussion and FY21 work planning with EDCD on immediate and long-term impact of COVID-19 on program activities and on reprioritizing activities for the remainder of FY20 and into FY21. • Act | East Nepal COP participated in the virtual RPRG meeting of WHO South-East Asia Regional Office from 13-16 July 2020. • Act | East Nepal team completed an FY21 work plan package, for submission to USAID in August and finalized the FAA package for TAS2 by VBDRTC in 6 districts. Upcoming activities: • Act | East Nepal has started preparing an activity restart request for Q1 FY21 surveys that are tentatively planned to begin in November 2020.
Upcoming activities. Act | East Indonesia in collaboration with the MOH will implement three Pre-TAS surveys in June 2022, beginning in the district of Aceh Jaya on June 13, followed by the district of Aceh Timur on June 20; and the district of Warapan also beginning on June 20, 2022. • Act | East Indonesia will actively engage the new NTD Work Team at the MOH in scheduling activities for the remainder of FY22 and planning a full work plan for FY23. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/searo/country/id National: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xx.xx/ RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: LF (113), OV (5), SCH (159), STH (151), Trachoma (65) MDA 0/8 districts DSAs (#EUs) TIS: 0/8 EUs XXXXX Act | East data officer is regularly working with MISAU and ARISE project to insert all NTD indicators on the HMIS. The monitoring of the completion of the data are presented on a weekly basis and during technical meetings. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • Decreased targeted MDA districts from 10 to 8 following Zithromax production delays. • Increased number of TIS from 4 to 8 with the approval of surveys in Cabo Xxxxxxx (Mecufi, Metuge, Balama, and Montepuez districts).
Upcoming activities. Activity Date (2019)