Upcoming Activities Sample Clauses
Upcoming Activities. Follow up with PAHO to provide any additional information on the TAS approval request form submitted to the RPRG. • Complete the procurement process for the Xxxxx MDA and Dondon TAS materials. • Implement the TAS in Dondon, pending USAID approval of the activity restart package. TABLE: Activities supported by USAID in FY20 LF DSAs (#EUs) Pre-TAS: 15, May-Sep 2020 (0 completed) TAS1: 3, Jan 2020 (3 completed) TAS2: 6, Feb - Apr; Jul 2020 (4 completed) HSS No activites planned for FY20. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: • None Highlights: • Beginning on March 9, 2020, the Ministry of Health requested that the implementation of all planned Act | East activities be postponed until further notice in line with the official COVID-19 response by the Government of Indonesia. • The Subdit has continued to solicit missing historical data from districts to enter into the comprehensive data base managed by the Subdit as well as support the development of a draft dossier. The Subdit communicates with Act | East staff as updates are made. • [Redacted] from Save the Children organized virtual discussions on August 5, 2020 with the Act | East Asia Manager and the STH Team from the MOH to introduce their upcoming activity to review and consolidate available tools and resources to assess and strengthen mainstreamed deworming programming in several countries, including Indonesia. • Following extensive dialogue with the Subdit, the Act | East Indonesia workplan and budget for FY21 were submitted to USAID for review on August 13th, 2020. Questions and comments from USAID were received on August 27th. • Act | East Indonesia completed drafting COVID-19 protocols for Pre-TAS and submitted them to the Subdit and to Act | East (RTI and USAID) for review. These protocols draw on the Act | East LF survey resource document developed by a working group of Act | East staff, including members of the Indonesia team. • With support of the MOH and the USAID mission, Act | East Indonesia submitted a request to USAID/W on August 28, 2020 to restart implementation of LF activities, beginning with three proposed Pre-TAS in September 2020. (Approved in early September.) Upcoming activities: • Act | East was tentatively planning to begin implementing DSAs beginning with three Pre-TAS in September 2020. COVID-19 case load in Jakarta will prevent travel from the city to low prevalence districts, so the pre-TAS are currently on hold. MDA 5 districts; TBD DSAs (#...
Upcoming Activities. Outline the planned activities for the next reporting period. • Task 1: [Description] • Task 2: [Description]
Upcoming Activities. Act | East Indonesia in collaboration with the MOH will implement a school-based TAS1 in Purwakarta using FTS beginning on May 24, 2022. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/searo/country/id National: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xx.xx/ RTI HQ Team: [Redacted] Endemic diseases: LF (113), OV (5), SCH (159), STH (151), Trachoma (65) MDA 0/10 districts DSAs (#EUs) TIS: 0/4 EUs XXXXX Act | East data officer is regularly working with MISAU and ASCEND project to update all NTD data in the integrated database from 2017 to present. Tool completion and updates are presented during technical meetings. Summary and explanation of changes made to table above since last month: None • ITI has received the green light of CMAM (Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (Center for Drugs and Medical Supplies)) to ship Zithromax. Delivery is expected by late May. • Act | East has procured Tetracycline Eye Ointment (TEO) locally in Mozambique from USAID- approved manufacturers in-country: 30K tubes will arrive in May and 41K tubes will arrive in June via airplane. • The trachoma xxxxxx meeting was held from April 20 to 22, 2022. Meeting participants included representation from of the MISAU NTD team, the Department of Water and Sanitation, the Ministry of Education, Sightsavers, Light for the World, and RTI. This was an opportunity to review the progress of the narrative and the excel file. The teams were divided into groups and updated all the sections of the dossier. The MISAU NTD Team also took the opportunity to present the situation of trachoma in Mozambique and to discuss in depth certain districts, despite the recommended strategies, do not manage to have prevalence below 5%. • The LF dossier meeting was held from April 28 to 29, 2022. Meeting participants included representation from MISAU, Crown Agents, and Act | East. This meeting was an opportunity to review all the data related to lymphatic filariasis, to discuss the narrative template and the dossier excel file. The teams that facilitated this meeting assigned responsibilities to each participant in order to start filling out the documents. • TT smartphone tool testing: Act | East will support the testing of the tool in two districts (Chemba district, Sofala province and Guro district, Manica province) in May 2022. RTI is working to address IRB feedback. • HMIS training: Act | East will support the training of the NTD focal point in May in Maputo province. WHO: xxxxx://xxxxx00.xxx.xxx/region/afro/country/mz National: xxxxx://x...
Upcoming Activities. The State PM will determine the exact format and content of the report document at or before the project kickoff meeting. The State shall require the following Project Management Deliverables:
i. Contractor PM to work with State project team to finalize a detailed project work plan (in Microsoft Project). The Contractor shall maintain and update the project plan (i.e., project schedule) on a regular basis (at least weekly, if not daily).
ii. Project kickoff meeting.
iii. A detailed Project Management Plan (PMP) that aligns with the State’s Project Management Plan for this project.
Upcoming Activities. In the upcoming quarter, the HES program coordinator and academic monitor will follow-up as usual on all scholars making sure that they all meet their academic and extra-curricular requirements. A total of 11 USP VIII Cycle II scholars and 9 RSS Cycle II scholars who were enrolled in UPP for one term are expected to begin their undergraduate studies in Spring Semester 2021. These scholars will be guided to register their courses as per selected degree requirements. All HES scholars will be encouraged to engage in volunteering activities in order to meet their extra-curricular requirements. In the upcoming quarter, HES Cycle II scholars will be asked to attend a town hall meeting to check on their academic and extra-curricular progress and to reiterate on their volunteering requirements. The next quarter will also mark the beginning of HES Recruitment Year III. Recruitment activities pertaining to the months of October, November, and December 2020 will be highlighted in the upcoming narrative report.
Upcoming Activities. Submission of AWP2021 - Submission of the FY2020 Annual Progress Report. - Cohort 1 Online Selection Camp - Technical Steering Committee First Meeting - Final Selection of 140 cohort 1 scholars in addition to 30 alternates. - Signing of the students’ agreements and the Partner Universities Sub-agreements - Placement of 140 scholars in seven public and private universities, 33 of which will start a preparation year. - Onboarding Orientations by AUC for all the selected scholars - Specific Onboarding Orientations by each partner university - Cohort 1 Scholars enrollment in one-month pre-academic English Language and Cultural Experience program. - Finalizing the hiring process for the remaining project staff Annexes
Upcoming Activities. Prepare and submit a restart package for USAID review and approval to implement FY21 Q1 activities.
Upcoming Activities. Over the next year, the United States intends to keep focus on efforts to implement the Action Plan and strengthen forest sector governance under the Forest Annex, including by hosting trainings for Peruvian environmental prosecutors and law enforcement officials on forestry crimes and anti- corruption and providing comments on Peru’s draft Forestry and Wildlife regulations. The United States will seek to identify ways to catalyze further progress and address remaining challenges through continued close engagement with Peru, including at senior levels, which will include formal meetings of the Forestry Sub-Committee, EAC, and ECC. The United States will also continue outreach to stakeholders and Congress, and seek to increase coordination and engagement with relevant agencies and the Interagency Timber Committee to leverage all available resources.
Upcoming Activities. Act | East Indonesia will host the NIS Regional Training Workshop in Jakarta from January 9 – 13, 2023. Two staff from Act | East Indonesia will attend. • Act | East Indonesia will also host a Mf Microscopy Study Tour for 4 participants from Act | East Nepal from January 16 – 18, including a one-day session at the Laboratory of the Medical Faculty of the University of Indonesia. • Implementation of the BIS survey in Gunung Mas in collaboration with the MOH is scheduled to begin on January 16, 2023. • Implementation of the Pre-TAS in Tambrau in collaboration with the MOH is scheduled to begin on January 22, 2023. • The MOH will organize a special national event to commemorate World NTD Day on January 30, 2023, including a press briefing and a one-day seminar on NTDs. Act | East Indonesia will promote the event through our social media channels and networks.
Upcoming Activities. Act | East will continue to consult and provide technical advice on where NTDs fit within the DOH “One” DPCB strategy and the Omnibus Guidelines for Primary Health. • DOH representatives, including previous LF Program Manager [Redacted], will participate in a multi- country Act | East domestic resource mobilization webinar on April 28th.