Place and time of performance Sample Clauses
Place and time of performance. 1. The place of the performance is negotiated in the business premises of CMI. The Submitter is undertaken to transfer the measuring instrument at the negotiated place and coincidently to transfer against confirmation.
2. CMI shall carry out the calibration of measuring instruments within 60 days after delivering measuring instruments, software and all needed documents, unless the parties agreed otherwise. The period of the default of the Submitter (for example: do not delivering needed documents, software) will extend the time of the performance. The obligations of CMI are fulfilled by the calibration of measuring instruments and issuing the certificate of calibration.
Place and time of performance. 3.1 The Seller undertakes to deliver the subject of purchase, including the execution of the activities specified in article 2 par. 2.1 hereof, to the headquarters of Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS, p. r. i. at the address: Řež 130, 250 68 Husinec
3.2 The Seller undertakes to perform completely and hand over the aforementioned subject of purchase to the Buyer within 12 weeks since the conclusion of the contract.
3.3 The delivery will include delivery note according to the contract of the object of purchase including basic technical documentation and warranty cards. At the same time, the Seller undertakes to inform the Buyer in a timely manner (at least 14 calendar days) that it intends to hand over the object of purchase.
Place and time of performance. 1. The Seller shall deliver the goods to the Buyer in the place of performance as agreed in the Contract. If the place of performance is not specifically agreed in the Contract, the Seller shall deliver the goods in the Buyer´s registered office.
2. The Seller shall deliver the goods on the agreed date of performance.
3. The Buyer shall not be obliged to take over the goods prior to the agreed date of performance.
4. Failure to meet the date of performance shall be deemed a material (substantial) breach of the Contract. In the event that the Seller is in delay with the delivery of the goods, the Buyer shall have the right to withdraw from the Contract.
Place and time of performance. 1. The place of the performance is negotiated in the business premises of CMI. The Submitter is undertaken to transfer the measuring instrument to CMI at the negotiated place and coincidently to transfer against confirmation.
2. CMI shall carry out the calibration of measuring instruments within 21 days after delivering measuring instruments, software and all needed documents, unless the parties agreed otherwise. The period of the default of the Submitter (for example: do not delivering needed documents, software) will extend the time of the performance. The term of delivering measuring instruments has to be agreed in advance. The obligations of CMI are fulfilled by the calibration of measuring instruments and issuing the certificate of calibration.
Place and time of performance. 1) The Seller agrees to hand over the above-specified Subject of the Purchase to the Buyer not later than 4 weeks over the entry into force of this Contract. The Seller will be considered to have met its obligation to hand over the above-specified Subject of the Purchase upon its takeover by the Buyer provided that the Buyer will deem it free of any defects.
2) At the same time, the Seller agrees that, with regard to the nature of the Subject of the Purchase, it shall demonstrably inform the Buyer sufficiently in advance (at least 2 business days) that it intends to hand over the Subject of the Purchase; otherwise, the Buyer is not obliged to take over the Subject of the Purchase. In case the Seller informs the Buyer in a timely manner pursuant to the preceding sentence, the Buyer agrees to permit the Seller an access to the place of performance.
3) The Seller agrees to hand over the Subject of the Purchase at the following place: • Brno University of Technology, Institute of Forensic Engineering, settled in Purkyňova
4) The Buyer represents that it is authorised to take over the Subject of the Purchase and sign the handover record: • Ing. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Ph.D., tel.:+000 000 000 000, e-mail: xxxxxx.xxxxx@usi.vutbrcz • Xxx. et Ing. Bc. Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Ph.D., tel.:+000 000 000 000, e-mail: xxxxxx.xxxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx
5) The Seller acknowledges that the Buyer specifically requested the delivery of all the required documents for the Subject of the Purchase in accordance with Art. IV (3) of the General Purchasing Conditions of the University of Technology. The documents can be delivered in the English language.
Place and time of performance. 1) The Seller agrees to hand over the above-specified Subject of the Purchase to the Buyer not later than The Seller will be considered to have met its obligation to hand over the above-specified Subject of the Purchase upon its takeover by the Buyer provided that the Buyer will deem it free of any defects.
2) At the same time, the Seller agrees that, with regard to the nature of the Subject of the Purchase, it shall demonstrably inform the Buyer sufficiently in advance (at least 5 business days) that it intends to hand over the Subject of the Purchase; otherwise, the Buyer is not obliged to take over the Subject of the Purchase. In case the Seller informs the Buyer in a timely manner pursuant to the preceding sentence, the Buyer agrees to permit the Seller an access to the place of performance.
3) The Seller agrees to hand over the Subject of the Purchase at the following place: Brno University of Technology, Central European Institute of Technology, Purkyňova 656/123, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic
4) The Buyer represents that it is authorised to take over the Subject of the Purchase and sign the handover record: xxx proxy xxx
5) The Seller acknowledges that the Buyer specifically requested the delivery of all the required documents for the Subject of the Purchase in accordance with Art. IV (3) of the General Purchasing Conditions of the University of Technology.
Place and time of performance. 1. The place of the performance is negotiated in the business premises of CMI. If necessary, the Submitter is undertaken to transfer the measuring instrument at the negotiated place and coincidently to transfer against confirmation.
2. CMI shall carry out the service within the period agreed in purchase order. The period of the default of the Submitter (for example: non delivery of needed documents or software, no cooperation etc.) will extend the time of the performance of the service. The obligations of CMI are fulfilled by the provision of the demanded service and issuing of the relevant documents (if applicable).
Place and time of performance. 2.1. The Contractor's place of performance are the buildings and premises of VTSÚ Záhorie.
2.2. The Contractor undertakes to perform the Work from 06.03. to 06.04.2023, then within 10 working days to process the evaluation of the test, the test report and hand it over to the Customer. The exact date of the test performance will be specified in the VTSÚ Záhorie Testing Plan, which is not a part of this Contract.
2.3. Unless the subject-matter of the Contract is fulfilled on the part of the Contractor within the agreed term due to identified defects in the functionality of the equipment and ammunition supplied by the Customer, this is not considered a failure to perform the Contract. In such a case, an alternative date of performance will be set in the form of an amendment to the Contract, agreed by both contracting parties.
Place and time of performance. 4.1 The Seller shall transport the subject of purchase to the place of performance no later than within 16 weeks from the day the Agreement was executed.
4.2 The Buyer shall subsequently adjust the place of performance) so that the subject of purchase could be properly installed and put into operation. As soon as the place of performance is prepared for activation of the subject of purchase, the Buyer shall inform the Seller of this fact in a demonstrable manner.
4.3 The time period of 5 weeks shall start from the day of notice of the completely prepared place of performance during which the Seller shall activate the subject of purchase, and put it into operation.
4.4 The Seller shall fulfil its obligation to handover the above mentioned subject of purchase by handing it over to the Buyer free of any defects.
4.5 The Seller agrees to transport the Subject of purchase and subsequently activate at the following site:
4.6 The Buyer represents that it is authorised to takeover the subject of purchase and sign the protocol on transportation of the subject of purchase to the place of performance and at the same time the protocol on handover and takeover of the subject of purchase as free of defect to the Buyer: Článek 4 Místo a doba plnění
4.1 Prodávající se zavazuje dopravit předmět koupě na místo plnění nejpozději do 00 xxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxx smlouvy.
4.2 Následně kupující upraví místo plnění tak, aby předmět koupě xxxx být řádně nainstalován a zprovozněn. Jakmile bude místo plnění nachystáno pro oživení předmětu koupě, kupující toto prokazatelně oznámí prodávajícímu.
4.3 Ode dne xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx lhůta 5 týdnů, ve které prodávající předmět koupě oživí a uvede do plně funkčního a provozuschopného stavu.
4.4 Prodávající splní svou povinnost odevzdat shora uvedený předmět xxxxx xxx, že tento bude převzat jako bezvadný kupujícím.
4.5 Prodávající se zavazuje Předmět koupě dopravit a následně provést oživení v níže uvedeném místě:
4.6 Kupující prohlašuje, že je jeho jménem oprávněn převzít předmět koupě a podepsat protokol o dopravení předmětu koupě na místo plnění a současně protokol o předání a převzetí předmětu koupě jako bezvadného kupujícím:
Place and time of performance. 18.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Services are to be carried out at a place and time determined by Xxxxx.
18.2 Supplier shall be authorized to carry out the Services in parts, if such has been agreed upon in writing with Xxxxx and will not lead to an increase of Xxxxx’s costs and/or time of Performance.