Measuring instruments. The instrument used to record the speed referred to in paragraph 1.5. above shall be accurate within 1 per cent.
1. Installations, procedures and measuring instruments
1.1. Testing ground
Measuring instruments. The instrument used to record the speed referred to in paragraph 1.5. above shall be accurate within 1 per cent.
1. Installations, procedures and measuring instruments
1.1. Testing ground The test area shall be large enough to accommodate the propulsion system of the impactor and to permit after-impact displacement of the vehicle impacted and installation of the test equipment. The part in which vehicle impact and displacement occur shall be horizontal. (The slope shall be less than 3 per cent measured over any length of one metre.)
Measuring instruments. 1.1. Acoustic measurements The sound level meter or the equivalent measuring system, including the windscreen recommended by the manufacturer shall meet or exceed the requirements of Type 1 instruments in accordance with IEC 60651:1979/A1:1993, second edition. The measurements shall be made using the frequency weighting A, and the time weighting F. When using a system that includes a periodic monitoring of the A-weighted sound level, a reading should be made at a time interval not greater than 30 ms.
Measuring instruments. The parties hereto shall own and maintain such metering equipment as may be necessary to provide complete information regarding the delivery of power and energy to or for the account of any of the parties hereto; and the ownership and expense of such metering shall be in accordance with agreements among them. Each party will at its own expense make such periodic tests and inspections of its meters as may be necessary to maintain them at the highest practical commercial standard of accuracy and will advise all other interested parties hereto promptly of the results of any such test showing an inaccuracy of more than 1%. Each party will make additional tests of its meters at the request of any other interested party. Other interested parties shall be given notice of, and may have representatives present at, any test and inspection made by another party.
Measuring instruments. 2.7.1. The instrumentation used to record the parameters referred to in paragraph 5.2. of this Regulation shall enable the measurements to be made with the following accuracy: Speed of body block: within 2 per cent; Time recording: within 1/1000 second; The beginning of the impact (zero point) at the moment of first contact of the body block with the steering control shall be identified on the recordings and films used for analysing the results of the test.
Measuring instruments. 3.3.1. The measuring instruments used shall comply with ISO 6487: 1987. In addition they shall have the following characteristics:
3.3.2. Acceleration Channel amplitude class 150 g CAC Channel frequency class 600 Hz CFC.
3.3.3. Speed Accuracy to within ± 1per cent
Measuring instruments. The measurements shall be made using a precision sound level meter in accordance with paragraph 1. of this annex.
Measuring instruments. Direct reading electrical instruments shall conform to IS 1248 or in all respects. Accuracy of direct reading shall be 1.0 of voltmeter and 1.5 for ammeters. Other instruments shall have accuracy of
Measuring instruments. Measuring instruments used for the purposes of this Agreement shall be calibrated periodically and, in any event, every six (6) months by a certified contractor approved by the competent local authorities. The calibration has to be conducted according to the Institute of Petroleum standards and local legal requirements, if they are more stringent and/or in contradiction. Calibration certificates shall be kept by the Provider and copies shall be provided to the Customer upon request.
Measuring instruments. Unless otherwise specified, the measuring instruments shall comply with the provisions of Annex 3 of this UN Regulation.