Portal; Portal API Sample Clauses

Portal; Portal API. Subject to Customer’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, QuoVadis hereby grants Customer permission, during the term of this Agreement, to use the Portal (in the form made available by QuoVadis to Customer) to manage Certificates (or to manage any other Services to the extent permitted in the Portal). Further, subject to Customer’s compliance with this Agreement, if Customer has been granted access to the Portal API by QuoVadis, then QuoVadis hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- sublicensable, revocable, limited license during the term of this Agreement to install, use and make calls to and from such Portal API solely for the purpose of facilitating Customer’s use of the Portal (and its tools and functionalities) directly from Customer’s internal systems. “Portal API” means the portion of the Portal that constitutes an application programming interface and that facilitates the integration of the Portal with Customer’s internal systems, as such application programming interface may be made available by QuoVadis under this Agreement.
Portal; Portal API. If Subscriber purchases or uses the Services through an online account management interface, portals and/or related APIs made available by DigiCert (or by a Procuring Party on DigiCert’s behalf) to facilitate the management of Certificates and other Services provided by DigiCert (a “Portal”), then subject to Subscriber’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, DigiCert hereby grants Subscriber permission, during the term of this Agreement, to use the Portal (in the form made available by DigiCert to Subscriber) to manage Certificates (or to manage any other Services to the extent permitted in the Portal). Further, subject to Subscriber’s compliance with this Agreement, if Subscriber has been granted access to the Portal API by DigiCert, then DigiCert hereby grants to Subscriber a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited license during the term of this Agreement to install, use and make calls to and from such Portal API solely for the purpose of facilitating Subscriber’s use of the Portal (and its tools and functionalities) directly from Subscriber’s internal systems. “Portal API” means the portion of the Portal that constitutes an application programming interface and that facilitates the integration of the Portal with Subscriber’s internal systems, as such application programming interface may be made available by DigiCert under this Agreement. In connection with the Services, DigiCert may provide Subscriber with accounts to access and use the Portals (the “Portal Accounts”). Subscriber must maintain security over its Portal Accounts. Subscriber assumes liability for any use of its Portal Accounts by individuals obtaining access credentials from Subscriber.
Portal; Portal API. Subject to Customer’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, DigiCert hereby grants Customer permission, during the term of this Agreement, to use the Portal (if, and in the form made available by DigiCert to Customer) to manage Services to the extent permitted in the Portal. Further, subject to Customer’s compliance with this Agreement, if Customer has been granted access to the Portal API by DigiCert, then DigiCert hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited license during the term of this Agreement to install, use and make calls to and from such Portal API solely for the purpose of facilitating Customer’s use of the Portal (and its tools and functionalities) directly from Customer’s internal systems. DigiCert may throttle any access to the Portal or Portal API if DigiCert believes a system has initiated excessive connections to DigiCert’s Portals or Portal API or as DigiCert otherwise deems it necessary to protect DigiCert’s technology systems. DigiCert reserves the right to block an IP address that has been used to initiate connections that are not related to normal use of services, or as DigiCert otherwise deems it necessary to protect DigiCert’s technology systems. Examples of non-normal use connections include, but are not limited to, vulnerability or load/performance scans. ポータル;ポータル API.「お客様」による「本契約」✰条件✰遵守を条件に、「デジサート」は、本書をもって、「お客様」に対し、「本契約」✰期間中、「本サービス」を管理するために「ポータル」において許容される範囲で「ポータル」を利用する(「お客様」が「ポータル」を利用する場合に、かつ、「デジサート」が「お客様」に対し提供する形式で)許諾を付与します。さらに、「お客様」による「本契約」✰遵守を条件に、「お客様」が「デジサート」から「ポータル API」へ✰アクセスを既に許諾されている場合、そ✰ときは、「デジサート」は、「お客様」に対し、「本契約」✰期間中、「お客様」が「お客様」✰社内システムから直接「ポータル」を利用することを容易にせしめる目的について✰み、当該「ポータル API」をインストール、使用及びコールを発信及び受信する非独占的な、譲渡不能✰、再許諾権を伴わない、撤回可能な、制限付き使用権を許諾します。「デジサート」は、システムが「デジサート」✰「ポータル」若しくは「ポータル API」に対する過剰なコネクションを開始したか、又はそ✰他「デジサート」が「デジサート」✰テクノロジーシステムを保護することが必要とみなす場合、「ポータル」又は「ポータル API」へ✰アクセス数を制限できるも✰とします。「デジサート」は、サービス✰通常使用と関連性✰ない通信を開始するために使用されたか、又はそ✰他「デジサート」が「デジサート」✰テクノロジーシステムを保護する ことが必要とみなす場合、IP アドレスを遮断する権利を留保します。非通常使用✰通信✰例としては、脆弱性又はロード/パフォーマンススキャンを含みますが、これらに限定するも✰ではありありません。
Portal; Portal API. Subject to Customer’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, DigiCert hereby grants Customer permission, during the term of this Agreement, to use the Portal (in the form made available by DigiCert to Customer) to manage Certificates (or to manage any other Services to the extent permitted in the Portal). Further, subject to Customer’s compliance with this Agreement, if Customer has been granted access to the Portal API by DigiCert, then DigiCert hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited license during the term of this Agreement to install, use and make calls to Version: 05/06/2020
Portal; Portal API. Subject to Partner’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, DigiCert hereby grants Partner permission, during the term of this Agreement, to use the Partner Portal to manage Services to the extent permitted in the Partner Portal. Further, if Customer has been granted access to any Portal API by DigiCert in connection with the Partner Portal, then subject to Partner’s compliance with this Agreement, DigiCert hereby grants to Partner a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited license during the term of this Agreement to install, use, and make calls to and from such Portal API solely for the purpose of facilitating Partner’s use of the Partner Portal (and its tools and functionalities) directly from Partner’s internal systems. DigiCert may throttle any access to the Portal or Portal API if DigiCert believes a system has initiated excessive connections to DigiCert’s Portals or Portal API or as DigiCert otherwise deems it necessary to protect DigiCert’s technology systems. DigiCert reserves the right to block an IP address that has been used to initiate connections that are not related to normal use of services, or as DigiCert otherwise deems it necessary to protect DigiCert’s technology systems. In connection with certain applicable Services, DigiCert will provide the Partner with accounts to access and use the Partner Portal (the “Portal Accounts”). Partner must maintain security over its Portal Accounts. Partner assumes liability for any use of its Portal Accounts by individuals obtaining access credentials from Partner.
Portal; Portal API. Subject to Customer’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, QuoVadis hereby grants Customer permission, during the term of this Agreement, to use the Portal (in the form made available by QuoVadis to Customer) to manage Certificates (or to manage any other Services to the extent permitted in the Portal). Further, subject to Customer’s compliance with this Agreement, if Customer has been granted access to the Portal API by QuoVadis, then QuoVadis hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non- sublicensable, revocable, limited license during the term of this Agreement to install, use and make calls to and from such Portal API solely for the purpose of facilitating Customer’s use of the Portal (and its tools and functionalities)
Portal; Portal API. Subject to Customer’s compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, DigiCert hereby grants Customer permission, during the term of this Agreement, to use the Portal (if, and in the form made available by DigiCert to Customer) to manage Services to the extent permitted in the Portal. Further, subject to Customer’s compliance with this Agreement, if Customer has been granted access to the Portal API by DigiCert, then DigiCert hereby grants to Customer a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, limited license during the term of this Agreement to install, use and make calls to and from such Portal API solely for the purpose of facilitating Customer’s use of the Portal (and its tools and functionalities) directly from Customer’s internal systems. DigiCert may throttle any access to the Portal or Portal API if DigiCert believes a system has initiated excessive connections to DigiCert’s Portals or Portal API or as DigiCert otherwise deems it necessary to protect DigiCert’s technology systems. DigiCert reserves the right to block an IP address that has been used to initiate connections that are not related to normal use of services, or as DigiCert otherwise deems it necessary to protect DigiCert’s technology systems. Examples of non-normal use connections include, but are not limited to, vulnerability or load/performance scans.

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