Use of websites (a) The Borrower may satisfy its obligation to deliver any public information to the Lenders by posting this information onto an electronic website designated by the Borrower and the Administrative Agent (the “Designated Website”) by notifying the Administrative Agent (i) of the address of the website together with any relevant password specifications and (ii) that such information has been posted on the website; provided, that in any event the Borrower shall supply the Administrative Agent with one copy in paper form of any information which is posted onto the website. (b) The Administrative Agent shall supply each Lender with the address of and any relevant password specifications for the Designated Website following designation of that website by the Borrower and the Administrative Agent. (c) The Borrower shall promptly upon becoming aware of its occurrence notify the Administrative Agent if: (i) the Designated Website cannot be accessed due to technical failure; (ii) the password specifications for the Designated Website change; (iii) any new information which is required to be provided under this Agreement is posted onto the Designated Website; (iv) any existing information which has been provided under this Agreement and posted onto the Designated Website is amended; or (v) the Borrower becomes aware that the Designated Website or any information posted onto the Designated Website is or has been infected by any electronic virus or similar software. If the Borrower notifies the Administrative Agent under Section 5.3(c)(i) or Section 5.3(c)(v) above, all information to be provided by the Borrower under this Agreement after the date of that notice shall be supplied in paper form unless and until the Administrative Agent is satisfied that the circumstances giving rise to the notification are no longer continuing.
Use of the Property 3.9.1 To use the Property for the purpose of a private residence only in the occupation of the Permitted Occupant and not for business purposes. 3.9.2 Not to remove the Fixtures and Fittings of the Property or to store them in any way or place within or outside the Property that may reasonably lead to damage to the items or to the items deteriorating more quickly than if they had remained in the same location as at the beginning of the Tenancy. 3.9.3 Not to use the Property for any immoral or illegal purpose. 3.9.4 Not to register a company at the address of the Property. 3.9.5 Not to operate a business trade or profession from the Property. 3.9.6 Not to use consume or allow to be used or consumed any drugs or any other substance which is, or becomes, prohibited or restricted by law; 3.9.7 Not to smoke, vape or smoke e-cigarettes or permit any other resident in the Property or any guest or visitor to smoke tobacco, vape or smoke e-cigarettes or any other substance in the Property or to burn or allow any other person to burn any candles, incense sticks (or similar) without the Landlord's prior written consent. If in breach of this clause, the Tenant will be in breach of this Agreement and liable for or to compensate the Landlord in damages for the cleaning of the carpets to a professional standard and the cleaning of the curtains by whatever method is specified for the type of curtain material and the washing down of walls and redecoration if necessary to rid the Property of the odour of nicotine, incense, or any other substance caused by the Tenant or any visitor to the Property and to restore the interior to the condition described in the Inventory and Schedule of Condition if damaged through unauthorised use of candles, incense sticks, (or similar) or smoking in the Property. 3.9.8 Not to use the Property or allow others to use the Property so as to cause a nuisance, annoyance, or cause damage to any neighbouring, adjoining or adjacent Property or the owners or occupiers thereof. This shall include any nuisance caused by noise. 3.9.9 Not to decorate, make any alterations, or additions to or in the Property or puncture walls, timbers or other parts of the Property without the prior written consent of the Landlord or the Agent. 3.9.10 Not to hang any posters, pictures or other items in the Property using blu-tack, sellotape, nails, adhesive, or their equivalents but only by using a reasonable number of commercial picture hooks; 3.9.11 Not to place any aerial, satellite dish, notice, advertisement, sign or board on or in the Property without the prior consent of the Landlord. In the event such consent be given the Tenant will prior to removing from the property remove such equipment and make good and redecorate as reasonably required. 3.9.12 Not to remove, dispose of and if necessary repair any item or rectify and make good any damage due to the actions or inaction of the Tenant without the Landlord’s consent. 3.9.13 Not to keep any dangerous or inflammable goods, materials or substances in or on the Property, apart from small quantities of fuel, and other items, stored in a safe manner, required for general domestic household use. 3.9.14 Not to or permit barbecue in or on the Property including any balcony, roof terrace or garden if the Property is subject to a head lease; or if the Property is freehold to barbecue only in designated areas as agreed in writing with the Landlord or the Agent; 3.9.15 Not to use or gain access to any loft space or area at the Property except in the case of an extreme emergency. 3.9.16 To inform the Landlord or the Landlord’s Agent upon each and every occasion that access to the loft space or area is gained with clarification of the circumstances of the emergency which lead to the access. 3.9.17 Not to hold or allow any sale by auction at the Property. 3.9.18 To empty any septic tank or treatment plant regularly and at the end of the Tenancy if it has been emptied prior to the start of the Tenancy and proof provided to the Tenant by the Landlord or the Landlord’s Agent if applicable; 3.9.19 To keep the oil or LPG tank filled during and at the end of the Tenancy and provide proof to the Landlord or the Landlord’s Agent provided it was filled at the commencement of the Tenancy; 3.9.20 To pay any call out charges if the oil or LPG tank runs dry and the oil or LPG system has to be bled to remove an air lock if applicable; 3.9.21 To run all taps in sinks, basins and baths, flush lavatories and run any showers for twenty minutes upon taking up occupation and after the property has been vacant for any period of seven days or more, to reduce any risk against legionella. 3.9.22 To regularly top up any water softener left at the property with the correct salts at the Tenants own expense. 3.9.23 To not introduce into the Property any portable heaters fired by liquid or bottled gas fuels. 3.9.24 To comply with any requirements of the local authority for collection of recycling and/or garden waste. 3.9.25 To comply with the Gas Safety Regulations relating to the Property and in particular to do the following: Not to block any ventilation in the Property and in particular ducts provided to comply with gas safety. To report promptly to the Landlord or the Landlord’s Agent any brown or sooty build-up on or around any gas appliance.
USE OF EMPLOYER FACILITIES 27.01 Reasonable space on bulletin boards including electronic bulletin boards where available, in convenient locations will be made available to the Institute for the posting of official Institute notices. The Institute shall endeavour to avoid requests for posting of notices that the Employer, acting reasonably, could consider adverse to its interests or to the interests of any of its representatives. Posting of notices or other materials shall require the prior approval of the Employer, except notices of meetings of their members and elections, the names of Institute representatives, and social and recreational events. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 27.02 The Employer will also continue its present practice of making available to the Institute specific locations on its premises for the placement of reasonable quantities of literature of the Institute. 27.03 A duly accredited representative of the Institute may be permitted access to the Employer’s premises to assist in the resolution of a complaint or grievance and to attend meetings called by management. Permission to enter the premises shall, in each case, be obtained from the Employer. 27.04 The Institute shall provide the Employer, a list of such Institute representatives and shall advise promptly of any change made to the list.
Use of the Premises A. The dwelling unit shall be used only as a private residence for Tenant and Tenant’s household members, except that Tenant and the household members may request an exception for certain limited incidental activities on a case by case basis in the dwelling unit if the Authority has given prior written consent to do so. All exceptions will require prior written approval and, if the activity will continue in the following year, a new exception request will need to be submitted for approval. B. Tenant shall give prior notice to the Authority of any guest staying overnight at Tenant’s premises and any such overnight stay is deemed an accommodation for the guest. Reasonable accommodation for a guest is permitted only so long as the guest is not provided accommodations in or upon the premises, including the dwelling unit, for more than a total of fourteen (14) days in a twelve (12) month period, except with the express written permission of the Authority made upon written request from Tenant. As used in the Lease, “guest” means a person present in the dwelling unit or elsewhere upon the premises, other than Tenant or the household members, who is so present with the consent of the Tenant or one of the household members. C. Tenant, any of the household members and any guest shall only use the dwelling unit or any other portion of the premises for lawful purposes permitted under the Lease and shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the Authority and with all applicable federal, state and local laws. D. Tenant, the household members and any guests, shall use not use the utilities furnished by the Authority so as to waste the utilities through excess utility consumption, and shall also use and operate all utilities, whether or not furnished by the Authority, so as to comply with all applicable laws, regulations or guidelines of any governmental entity regulating utilities or fuels. E. Tenant, or any of the household members, are prohibited from entering upon the Development for any reason if the Tenant has been evicted through the judicial process; (2) the Tenant is issued an eviction notice, appeals the eviction to the hearing office and the hearing officer upholds the City’s decision; and/or (3) the Tenant fails to appeal the eviction notice within the requisite time period.
Use of Technology Participants are subject to all existing laws (federal and state) and University regulations and policies on use of technology, including not only those laws and regulations that are specific to computers and networks, but also those that may apply generally to personal conduct such as: UC Electronic Communications Policy: xxxx:// UCLA E-mail Policy and Guidelines: xxxx:// IT Services Acceptable Use Policy: xxxx:// The UC Policy on Copyright Ownership: xxxx:// Bruin OnLine Service Level Agreement: xxxx:// Any violation may result in technology related privileges being restricted or revoked and may also result in The University undertaking disciplinary or civil action. If the violation constitutes a criminal offense, appropriate legal action may be taken.
Use of the Name “Xxxxx Xxxxx”. The Adviser hereby consents to the use by the Fund of the name “Xxxxx Xxxxx” as part of the Fund’s name; provided, however, that such consent shall be conditioned upon the employment of the Adviser or one of its affiliates as the investment adviser of the Fund. The name “Xxxxx Xxxxx” or any variation thereof may be used from time to time in other connections and for other purposes by the Adviser and its affiliates and other investment companies that have obtained consent to the use of the name “Xxxxx Xxxxx.” The Adviser shall have the right to require the Fund to cease using the name “Xxxxx Xxxxx” as part of the Fund’s name if the Fund ceases, for any reason, to employ the Adviser or one of its affiliates as the Fund’s investment adviser. Future names adopted by the Fund for itself, insofar as such names include identifying words requiring the consent of the Adviser, shall be the property of the Adviser and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions.
Use of School Facilities 1. The Association will have the right to use school buildings at reasonable times for meetings in accordance with Committee policy on the Use of School Facilities. The principal of the building in question will be notified in advance of the time and place of all such meetings. 2. There will be one (1) bulletin board in each school building, which will be placed in the faculty lounge, for the purpose of displaying professional notices, circulars, and other Association material. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal, but his advance approval will not be required.
Use of Services Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Stripe grants you a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, royalty-free license during the Term to access the Documentation, and access and use the Stripe Technology, as long as your access and use is (a) solely as necessary to use the Services; (b) solely for your business purposes; and (c) in compliance with this Agreement and the Documentation.
Use of Software Any software that is available on the Services ("Software") is the copyrighted work of Red Hat and/or its licensors. Copying or reproducing the Software to any other server or location for further reproduction or redistribution is strictly prohibited, unless such reproduction or redistribution is permitted by a license agreement accompanying such Software. You may not create derivative works of the Software, or attempt to decompile or reverse-engineer the Software unless otherwise permitted by law. Use of the Software is subject to the license terms of any license agreement that may accompany or is provided with the Software. You may not download any Software until you have read and accepted the terms of the accompanying software license. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, THE SOFTWARE IS WARRANTED, IF AT ALL, ONLY ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF THE SEPARATE LICENSE AGREEMENT ACCOMPANYING THE SOFTWARE. EXCEPT AS WARRANTED IN SUCH LICENSE AGREEMENT, RED HAT, ITS PARENT, SUBSIDIARY, AND AFFILIATE COMPANIES, AND ITS LICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.
Use of the Software licensed hereunder may require third party software or hardware (including but limited to databases, operating systems and servers). Unless specifically licensed in the Master Agreement, this Agreement does not contain a license to use such additional materials.