Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. It is noted that, because the sample size is very small in some time points, especially in month 3 and month 5, non-significant findings could be due to inadequate sample size. Furthermore, the smaller the sample size is, the more deviations are expected from the true population effects. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. Stress today 0.1658 0.7290 0.1561 0.2473 0.5744 NA Resilience today 0.0346 0.7707 0.4758 0.3800 0.8571 NA Hope today 0.8050 0.5871 0.8200 0.2789 0.8533 NA PACT Coping flexibility 0.5176 0.8679 0.3378 0.2144 0.9158 0.9865 PTGI Posttraumatic growth 0.3597 0.1323 0.5544 0.2903 0.7223 0.2945 EGO Resilience 0.5209 0.2854 0.5735 0.1571 0.4460 NA PTSD Posttraumatic stress symptoms 0.0199 0.9447 0.0800 0.0249 0.0229 NA Functional impairment 0.0094 0.2841 0.4251 0.1197 0.1192 NA CES-D Depression 0.1357 0.5323 0.2441 0.3538 0.5672 NA CERQ Positive cognitive emotion regulation 0.7797 0.2170 0.6459 0.9594 0.6407 0.1836 CERQ Negative cognitive emotion regulation 0.1350 0.3315 0.0470 0.7442 0.6165 0.1255 K6 Distress level NA NA NA NA NA 0.1982 PCL-5 Posttraumatic stress symptoms NA NA NA NA NA 0.0431 Stress today 0.0000 0.0000 0.0034 0.0002 0.0017 0.1183 0.2008 0.0018 0.0789 NA Resilience today 0.0286 0.5420 0.0842 0.5063 NA Hope today 0.3324 0.1479 0.0532 0.7646 NA PACT Coping flexibility 0.0240 0.1178 0.3451 0.7300 0.9583 PTGI Posttraumatic growth 0.8312 0.0415 0.2070 0.0950 0.0797 EGO Resilience 0.2303 0.3060 0.2635 0.7025 0.3433 NA PTSD Posttraumatic stress symptoms 0.0000 0.0134 0.0000 0.0002 0.0052 NA Functional impairment 0.0000 0.0099 0.0003 0.0076 0.0114 0.0289 NA CES-D Depression 0.0000 0.0464 0.0146 0.0033 NA CERQ Positive cognitive emotion regulation 0.0733 0.5637 0.7291 0.7649 0.5053 0.1035 CERQ Negative cognitive emotion regulation 0.0000 0.2962 0.0489 0.1660 0.5046 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 K6 Distress level NA NA NA NA NA PCL-5 Posttraumatic stress symptoms NA NA NA NA NA Stress today 0.1566 0.9439 0.5117 0.6734 0.6613 NA Resilience today 0.0920 0.2696 0.7934 0.8818 0.2867 NA Hope today 0.3068 0.5797 0.4198 0.7949 0.3755 NA PACT Coping flexibility 0.0864 0.8973 0.8364 0.8254 0.7511 0.3347 PTGI Posttraumatic growth 0.0076 0.2377 0.0038 0.0361 0.0758 0.2741 EGO Resilience 0.3382 0.9813 0.2133 0.0792 0.0408 NA PTSD Posttraumatic stress symptoms 0.0001 0.9906 0.0356 0.0412 0.0197 0.1928 0.1145 NA Functional impairment 0.0271 0.0121 0.5250 0.0880 0.1753 NA CES-D Depression 0.8694 0.3339 0.8737 NA CERQ Positive cognitive...
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. The RSA is a self-report scale for measuring protective resilience factors (intrapersonal and interpersonal) that promote the adaptation of adversity. The resilience factors are divided into 6 subscales: Perception of self. Planned future. Social competence, Structured style. Family cohesion and Social resources. It is a 40 item questionnaire that assesses trait and state anxiety. It is used in clinical settings to diagnose anxiety and to discriminate between anxiety as a symptom and anxiety as a habitual way of responding to external stimuli. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. investigated in the BOUNCE project: breast cancer women. First of all, retrospective data research is important to design the next study more accurately, thus allowing the maximization of the chances of actually predicting resilience. Moreover, it is harmless to patients, as it makes use of material that exists already and does not require further procedures to patients.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. The C30 Cognitive functioning scale correlates strongly with WHQ memory scale (r ~ 0.61 – 0.69), FACIT-F fatigue scale (r ~ 0.57 – 0.65) and BDI depression scale (|r|~0.54 – 0.63). The C30 Physical functioning scale has the strongest correlation with both FACIT-F and C30 fatigue scales (|r|~ 0.6). A strong correlation is noted between C30 role functioning with fatigue scales (FACIT-F and C30) (|r| ~ 0.57). Depression correlates substantially with WHQ anxiety and sleep scales and C30 insomnia (|r|~ 0.5 – 0.6). Fatigue (FACIT F and to a lesser extend C30) exhibits a substantial correlation with all functioning scales of C30 questionnaire, as well as WHQ somatic and memory scales (|r|~ 0.51 – 0.62). FACIT-F fatigue score is highly correlated with the BDI depression score (r < - 0.65). A strong correlation is observed between BR23 body image, WHQ attractiveness and depression, (both WHQ and BDI) scales (|r|~ 0.54 - 0.6) D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no. D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. TABLE A4 Repeated-measures ANOVA results (p-values). The colour density is proportional to the significance levels 0, 0.001, 0.01 and 0.05. Scale Mixed-effects analysis Conventional analysis C30 Global QoL 0.0000 0.0000 C30 Physical functioning 0.0000 0.0000 C30 Role functioning 0.0192 0.1060 C30 Emotional functioning 0.0152 0.0284 C30 Cognitive functioning 0.7812 0.8000 C30 Social functioning 0.0000 0.0000 C30 Fatigue 0.0000 0.0000 C30 Nausea and vomiting 0.0114 0.0220 C30 Pain 0.0414 0.0181 C30 Dyspnea 0.8269 0.8990 C30 Insomnia 0.0001 0.0003 C30 Appetite loss 0.0003 0.0008 C30 Constipation 0.5867 0.5890 C30 Diarrhea 0.3943 0.3770 C30 Financial impact 0.0000 0.0000 BR23 Body image 0.0000 0.0000 BR23 Sexual functioning 0.0000 0.0000 BR23 Sexual enjoyment 0.1255 0.0881 BR23 Future perspective 0.0000 0.0000 BR23 Systemic therapy side effects 0.0000 0.0000 BR23 Breast symptoms 0.0000 0.0000 BR23 Arm symptoms 0.0000 0.0000 BR23 Upset by hair loss 0.0000 0.0000 WHQ Depressed mood 0.4540 0.5300 WHQ Somatic symptoms 0.2344 0.2710 WHQ Memory/concentration 0.0011 0.0020 WHQ Vasomotor Symptoms 0.0000 0.0000 WHQ Anxiety/fears 0.0478 0.0332 WHQ Sexual behaviour 0.5268 0.3340 WHQ Sleep Problems 0.0161 0.0199 WHQ Menstrual symptoms 0.0000 0.0000 WHQ Attractiveness 0.0481 0.0940 BDI Depression 0.0000 0.0000 FACIT – F score 0.0000 0.0000 D4.1 Preliminary Fact Grant Agreement no.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. stress symptoms) and XXXXXXX (Distress) scales as well as the user perceived levels of distress, resilience and hope. Only overall scores derived from the above questionnaire are considered. Analysis of each item of the questionnaires will be implemented in future work. The correlation was performed using Xxxxxxx method, which measures a linear dependence between two variables. The rcorr( ) function of R in the Hmisc package was applied to produce xxxxxxx correlations.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. test (that checks the homogeneity of variance assumption). “Post-hoc” analyses were subsequently performed with Tukey’s test (parametric) using TukeyHSD() function and Xxxx’x test (non parametric) using dunnTest() function. The aforementioned post hoc analyses were applied to variables with more than two groups for which a statistical significant result was obtained from the Anova test or the Kruskal-Wallis test, respectively. The aim is to explore which groups are statistically different from each other. A statistical significance level of 5% was considered for all studies. Chi square tests were performed among sociodemographic and medical variables for each subgroup of patients that has performed each cognitive test or filled each psychological questionnaire.
Preliminary Fact. Grant Agreement no. may fail in some cases (M12, M24). The effect size is high at baseline and medium at the other time points. In most cases, post hoc analysis reveals that these differences are statistical significant between the lower and higher levels of severity. Patients that have reported sleep problems (Before Imputation: No:58, Yes:123. After Imputation: No:59, Yes:133) are reporting significantly higher post-traumatic stress symptoms (especially pds 13:difficulty in sleeping , relieving trauma, concentration), depression (especially restless sleep and difficulty concentrating), functional impairment (especially work and leisure activities) and higher posttraumatic growth at baseline. Functional impairment, posttraumatic stress symptoms, depression and post traumatic growth remains higher remain higher throughout the 2 year observation period (with the exception of functional impairment at M3), but the differences are statistically significant at M6 (and M12 for PTG). At follow up, both negative and positive CER are higher for patients reporting sleep problems at baseline. Overall, the effect size of the differences is small. When we take into consideration the severity level of sleep problems, patients reporting higher levels of severity (three or four) report significantly higher depression, functional impairment and posttraumatic stress symptoms and significantly lower hope today, EGO resilience and resilience today at baseline, than those reporting no or low levels of symptom severity. The effect size of differences is medium. Posttraumatic stress symptoms and depression remain significantly higher throughout the first year after baseline. The effect size is medium. Obesity: Obesity problems are less frequent in women above 63 years of age. The frequency of the symptoms discomfort with their body and disruption in sexuality, is higher among patients experiencing obesity problems than those that do not. Overall, experiencing problems with obesity (Before Imputation: No:90, Yes:89. After Imputation: No:97, Yes:95) does not have a statistically significant effect on psychological scales at baseline, throughout the 2-year observation period or at follow up. Analyzing the severity of obesity problems, statistical significant differences are observed between no or low levels and the highest level of obesity problems, at baseline for stress today, posttraumatic stress symptoms, functional impairment, depression and negative CER and at follow up for n...