Price Volatility. You understand that the value of any cryptocurrency, including assets pegged to, or designed to track the value of, fiat currency, commodities, or any other asset, may go to zero. The price of a cryptocurrency is based on the perceived value of the cryptocurrency and subject to changes in sentiment, which make these products highly volatile. Cryptocurrencies that are pegged to the price or value of any other asset, including fiat currency, are not guaranteed to remain pegged to that asset’s or fiat currency’s value. Certain cryptocurrencies, including those pegged to any other asset’s or fiat currency’s value, have experienced daily price volatility of more than 25% and may be considerably higher. As such, the volatility and unpredictability of the price of cryptocurrency relative to the price of fiat currency may result in significant loss over a short period of time. You understand that we are not liable for price fluctuations in any cryptocurrency listed or Cryptocurrency Transaction executed on the Platform.
Price Volatility. The price of a cryptocurrency is based on the perceived value of the cryptocurrency and subject to changes in sentiment, which make these products highly volatile. Certain cryptocurrencies have experienced daily price volatility of more than 20%.
Price Volatility. You understand that cryptocurrencies derive their value from the markets in which they trade, and the markets for cryptocurrencies are global. The price of cryptocurrencies is based on the fair market value of the cryptocurrency and subject to changes in sentiment, which make these products volatile and unpredictable. The fluctuations of cryptocurrency prices are much greater than the price fluctuations of fiat currencies. Certain cryptocurrencies have experienced daily price volatility of more than 20%, including sudden drops in price. If participants in a given cryptocurrency market change their view about the value of a given cryptocurrency versus fiat currency, the price of the cryptocurrency can decline precipitously. It may be difficult to liquidate cryptocurrencies holdings at all or, if possible, such liquidation may occur at a significant loss. It is possible that the market for a given cryptocurrency can collapse altogether. You understand that cryptocurrencies can be traded through privately negotiated transactions and through numerous cryptocurrency exchanges and intermediaries around the world, each with its own pricing mechanism and/or order book. Generally accepted auditing methods for cryptocurrencies do not fully exist. The lack of generally accepted auditing methods and a centralized pricing source pose a variety of valuation challenges. In addition, the dispersed liquidity may pose challenges for market participants trying to exit a position, particularly during periods of stress.
Price Volatility. Asphalt, steel products, isocyanurate, and other roofing products are sometimes subject to unusual price volatility due to conditions that are beyond the control or anticipation of Contractor. If there is a substantial increase in these or other products between the date of this proposal and the time when the work is to be performed, the amount of this proposal/contract may be increased to reflect the additional cost to the contractor, upon submittal of written documentation and advance notice to Customer.
Price Volatility. As with conventional interest-bearing debt securities, the market price of strip bonds and strip bond packages will fluctuate with prevailing interest rates. Generally, the market price of conventional interest-bearing debt securities and of strip bonds and strip bond packages will fluctuate in the same direction: when prevailing interest rates rise above the yield of these instruments, their market price will tend to fall; conversely, when prevailing interest rates fall below the yield of these instruments, their market price will tend to rise. However, the market price of a strip bond will be significantly more volatile than the price of a conventional interest- bearing debt security with the same credit risk and term to maturity. When prevailing interest rates rise, the market price of a strip bond will tend to fall to a greater degree than the market price of a conventional interest-bearing debt security with the same credit risk and term to maturity. Conversely, when prevailing interest rates fall, the market price of a strip bond will tend to rise to a greater degree than the market price of a conventional interest-bearing debt security with the same credit risk and term to maturity. The primary reason for such volatility is the fact that no interest is paid in respect of a strip bond prior to its maturity. There is, therefore, no opportunity to reinvest interest payments at prevailing rates of interest prior to maturity. The table below compares changes in the prices of conventional interest-bearing debt securities and strip bonds. The table shows, on a hypothetical basis, the difference in price fluctuation as a result of fluctuations in prevailing interest rates between, on the one hand, 5-year and 20-year $100 face amount conventional bonds bearing interest at 6% payable semi-annually, and, on the other hand, 5-year and 20-year $100 face amount strip bonds priced to yield 6%. It will be noted that the longer the term to maturity of the bond or the strip bond, the more volatile its market price will be.
Price Volatility. Price volatility generally refers to the speed and size of changes in the price of a security. There may be more price volatility in the Market Centers, which may prevent your order from being executed, in whole or in part, during standard market hours.
Price Volatility. A price is what one pays to acquire or use something of value. The objects having value maybe commodities, local currency or foreign currencies. The concept of price is clear to almost everybody when we discuss commodities. There is a price to be paid for the purchase of food grain, oil, petrol, metal, etc. the price one pays for use of a unit of another persons money is called interest rate. And the price one pays in one’s own currency for a unit of another currency is called as an exchange rate. Prices are generally determined by market forces. In a market, consumers have ‘demand’ and producers or suppliers have ‘supply’, and the collective interaction of demand and supply in the market determines the price. These factors are constantly interacting in the market causing changes in the price over a short period of time. Such changes in the price are known as ‘price volatility’. This has three factors: the speed of price changes, the frequency of price changes and the magnitude of price changes. The changes in demand and supply influencing factors culminate in market adjustments through price changes. These price changes expose individuals, producing firms and governments to significant risks. The break down of the BRETTON XXXXX agreement brought and end to the stabilizing role of fixed exchange rates and the gold convertibility of the dollars. The globalization of the markets and rapid industrialization of many underdeveloped countries brought a new scale and dimension to the markets. Nations that were poor suddenly became a major source of supply of goods. The Mexican crisis in the south east-Asian currency crisis of 1990’s has also brought the price volatility factor on the surface. The advent of telecommunication and data processing bought information very quickly to the markets. Information which would have taken months to impact the market earlier can now be obtained in matter of moments. Even equity holders are exposed to price risk of corporate share fluctuates rapidly. This price volatility risk pushed the use of derivatives like futures and options increasingly as these instruments can be used as hedge to protect against adverse price changes in commodity, foreign exchange, equity shares and bonds.
Price Volatility. If a market ever develops for ENDOWL CAFE Tokens, the market price and trading volume of ENDOWL CAFE Tokens may be volatile.
Price Volatility. Prices in foreign markets are subject to volatility, especially at times when prices fluctuate and become overcrowded due to the large number of orders issued by clients or the lack of orders and liquidity in the market, so it may be difficult to determine the risks that the client may be exposed to; the price and value of any of the securities may fall as well as rise.
Price Volatility. The Defendants acknowledge the possibility that the value of shares of common stock of TPAC may increase or decline, perhaps significantly, at any time after the execution of this Agreement. The Defendants acknowledge that, after execution of this Agreement, they will have no claim, right, or interest in the Returned Shares or any increase in value, if any, of the Returned Shares.