Priority of Funds. When you use your Card to purchase a qualified item or service, you authorize us to apply available Funds to each transaction in the following priority: your available Benefit funds will be applied first, then any applicable Rewards funds. When your Benefits are expired or have been exhausted, or any time that you are purchasing an item not covered by your Benefits, your Card will next apply any available Rewards to purchase the item, unless the item is otherwise not eligible for purchase under the Rewards program terms.
Priority of Funds. The Subrecipient agrees to utilize funds available under this Agreement to supplement rather than supplant funds otherwise available. To the extent available, the Subrecipient must disburse funds available from program income, rebates, refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, and interest earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments. Such payments or reimbursements shall constitute full and complete payment by the City under this Agreement.
Priority of Funds. The Owner agrees to utilize funds available under this Contract to supplement rather than supplant funds otherwise available. To the extent available, the Owner must disburse funds available from program income, rebates, refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, and interest earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments. Such payments or reimbursements shall constitute full and complete payment by the City under this Contract. In no event shall the City's obligation to make payment to the Owner hereunder exceed the Loan amount stated in Part A.
Priority of Funds. In the event the moneys in the receiving fund are insufficient to provide for the current requirements of the operation and maintenance fund and the redemption fund, any moneys or securities in other funds of the system (except moneys in the project fund) shall be credited or transferred first to the operation and maintenance fund and, second, to the redemption fund, to the extent of any deficit therein, provided, that DDA payments shall be used solely and only for the payment of the principal of and interest on the series 2016 bonds.
Priority of Funds. Rents, Security Deposits and charges collected from Tenants shall be disbursed in the following order of priority:
(a) Manager fees, late fees, NSF charges
(b) Reimbursement of Manager for out-of-pocket expenses
(c) Payment to vendors or affiliates
(d) Reserve account replenish
(e) Balance paid to Owner.
Priority of Funds. The Developer agrees to utilize funds available under this Contract to supplement rather than supplant funds otherwise available. To the extent available, the Developer must disburse funds available from program income, rebates, refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, and interest earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments. Such payments or reimbursements shall constitute full and complete payment by the City under this Contract. In no event shall the City's obligation to make payment to the Developer hereunder exceed [WRITTEN AMOUNT] ($XXX,XXX).
Priority of Funds. The Grantee agrees to utilize funds available under this Agreement to supplement rather than supplant funds otherwise available. To the extent available, the Grantee must disburse funds available from locally held CDBG grant resources such as, but not limited to Program Income, rebates, refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, and interest earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments from the grant award.
Priority of Funds. The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to utilize CDBG funds to supplement, rather than supplant funds otherwise available.
Priority of Funds. Use its best efforts to cause the payment of the principal of and interest on the Notes to be made without the need for an Advance.
Priority of Funds. When you use your Card to purchase a qualified item or service, you authorize us to apply available Funds to each transaction in the following priority: your available benefit funds will be applied first, then any applicable Rewards funds. For example, if you purchase an item covered by your OTC or Food or Utilities benefit, your OTC or Food or Utilities benefit funds will be applied first. When your OTC and Food and Utilities benefits are expired or have been exhausted, or any time that you are purchasing an item not covered by your OTC or Food or Utilities benefits, your Card will next apply any available Rewards to purchase the item, unless the item is otherwise not eligible for purchase under the Rewards program terms.