PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 The parties support the principle of continuous training of teachers. This may include participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, and participation in community educational projects. 20.02 The Board agrees to provide necessary funds for teachers who desire to attend professional conferences, in-service or staff development. The Board will offer/provide to teachers given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service or staff development. 20.03 Expenses submitted on a conference form and approved by the Administration will be provided. 20.04 A teacher attending such conferences and meetings will be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences. 20.05 A teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, will be allowed to attend tuition-free. To qualify for this benefit, the teacher must submit a request to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board. 20.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers. A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing for the necessary release time in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are made. B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Part-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignment. 1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage. 2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year. 3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs. 4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences. C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education. 20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement, Master Agreement
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 A. Each teacher in the school system must continue to improve professionally. Professional development programs will be provided cooperatively by the administration, School Board and faculty.
B. Professional development shall be structured to satisfy the requirements of Section 1527 of the Revised School Code. All teachers are required to attend the professional development days designated on the school calendar. As a condition of continued employment, each probationary teacher subject to the professional development requirements of Section 1526 of the Revised School Code (or its successor provision) shall complete those requirements within the time provided by statute. The Board shall not be obligated to compensate the probationary teacher for either the time connected with completion of these requirements or for other associated costs such as enrollment, course and/or registration fees.
C. Professional improvement shall be defined as professional or subject matter improvement and shall not be construed as to imply the taking of any specific course or number of courses in any given period of time by a tenure teacher, unless that teacher has been placed on an Individualized Development Plan or is required to take the course in order to possess the requisite certification and/or qualification to hold an assignment.
D. The parties support the principle principles of continuous continuing training of teachers. This may include , participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, studies and participation in community educational education projects.
20.02 E. The Board agrees to provide necessary funds for teachers who desire to attend professional building principal and CEA-appointed staff will recommend, by mutual agreement, attendance at educational conferences, in-service conventions or staff developmentvisitation to other schools. The Board will offer/provide Travel, meals, lodging and registration fees shall be deemed appropriate expenses of the Board, as well as the cost of the substitute teacher needed to teachers given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service or staff development.
20.03 Expenses submitted on a conference form and approved by relieve the Administration will be provided.
20.04 participant. A teacher attending such conferences and meetings will shall be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. .
F. The teacher willBoard may provide, upon requestapplication, submit a written or oral report regarding the necessary funds for other conferences. A teacher attending such conferencesconferences and meetings shall be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation.
20.05 A teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related G. At the request of the Association or on the Board's initiative, arrangements may be made for after- school courses, workshops, conferences and programs designed to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, improve the quality of instruction. Every effort will be allowed made to attend tuition-free. To qualify for this benefit, the teacher must submit a request to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 obtain people of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing for the necessary release time in order highest qualification to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable presentation of such programs. All teachers desiring to attend shall be allowed to do so.
H. Teachers who are absent on professional development opportunity as determined days or hours due to either paid leave taken under Article 6 or unpaid leave taken under Article 7 of this Agreement shall not be required to make up or reschedule those professional development opportunities in which the teacher did not participate due to such paid or unpaid leaves of absence authorized by the collective bargaining agreement. However, in the event that a teacher’s pattern of absence causes the administration to reasonably suspect that the teacher may be seeking to avoid participation in consultation otherwise required professional development activities, the administration shall convene a meeting with the teacher (and Association, if requested by the teacher) to investigate and discuss that concern.
I. Where a teacher is absent, with prior administrative approval, from professional development (at times specified in Article 16 of this Agreement and as designated on the School Calendar) because the teacher has a conflicting commitment (i.e., scheduled competition or league event) for the performance of other duties for Charlotte Public Schools which are compensated on Schedule B of the Agreement, that teacher shall be responsible for checking with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are made.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Part-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignment.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage.
2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instructionbuilding administrator, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations(his/her designee), during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year.
3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether content of the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Educationmissed.
20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 A. The parties support the principle of continuous training continuing education of teachers. This may include , participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, and participation in community educational projects.
20.02 The Board agrees B. At the request by the P.T.S. or on the Board’s initiative, arrangements may be made for after school courses, workshops, conferences and programs designed to provide necessary funds for improve the quality of instruction. Every effort will be made to obtain people of the highest qualifications to participate in the presentation of such programs. All teachers who desire desiring to attend professional conferencesshall be allowed to do so, in-service or staff development. The Board will offer/provide to teachers given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service or staff developmentbut attendance shall be optional.
20.03 Expenses submitted on C. Upon request by a conference form teacher and approved if recommended by the Administration will Superintendent, a teacher may attend selected professional conferences and Michigan Department of Education curriculum committee meetings with the expense to be provided.
20.04 A teacher paid by Xxxxx Township School. Professional employees are entitled to attend at least one educational conference per school year with all expenses paid. Teachers attending such conferences and meetings will meeting shall be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences.
20.05 A D. The Board may, if funds are available, pay fifty percent of the tuition costs for four graduate credits per year earned by bargaining unit members provided that prior written approval is granted by the Superintendent. Each year, by May 1st, the individual teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related must report to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, the Superintendent that he/she will be allowed taking a specific amount of credits so the cost of the credits can be included in the next school year’s budget. In order to attend tuition-freereceive written reimbursement, the employee must provide receipts and proof of successful completion of the course(s). To qualify If Xxxxx Township Board of Education requests the teacher to take the class for this benefitprofessional improvement, the district will pay the 100% cost of the class. This procedure will be written and signed by the teacher and the Superintendent. Payment may be paid in advance to the university upon approval of the Board; however, the teacher shall reimburse the School District the amount of the tuition payment if credit is not earned.
E. Public Act 335 requires that each new teacher in the district be provided with a professional development plan involving fifteen days of professional development over a three year period. In addition, district-wide needs, State and Federal mandates, as well as new developments in the field of education research make it imperative that teachers be given the opportunity to attend select professional conferences, workshops, and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction at Xxxxx Township School.
F. Teachers must submit a request notify the Superintendent of their intent to change lanes, in writing, no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the Semester the change is to take place. If all course requirements are completed prior to the beginning of the Semester, the lane change will be made. Documentation must be provided as soon as information can be released from the university/college. If not provided salary will be adjusted back to previous lane. Extenuating and unforeseen circumstances may be appealed to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing for the necessary release time in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are made.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Part-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignment.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage.
2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year.
3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education.
20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Master Agreement, Master Agreement
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 The parties support A. Any teacher with Board approval who enrolls in a course related to his instructional responsibility at an NCATE (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) accredited college or university may receive reimbursement from the principle Board for his tuition and books upon the successful completion of continuous training such course. If the Board requires a teacher to complete any course(s) related to his instructional responsibilities, the Board shall reimburse the teacher for all expenses of teachers. This may include participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, and participation in community educational projectssuch course(s).
20.02 B. The Board agrees to may at its discretion provide upon application all or any part of the necessary funds for teachers who desire are approved by the superintendent to attend selected professional conferences, in-service or staff developmentschool visitations, and Michigan Department of Education Curriculum Committee meetings. Travel, meals, lodging, and registration fees shall be deemed appropriate expenses of the Board, as well as the cost of the substitute teacher needed to relieve the participant. The Board will offer/provide to teachers teacher who is given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service or staff development.
20.03 Expenses submitted on a conference form and approved permission by the Administration will be provided.
20.04 A teacher attending Board to attend such conferences and meetings will shall be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences.
20.05 A teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related C. At the request of the Association, or on the Board's initiative, arrangements may be made for after school courses, workshops, conferences, and programs designed to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, will improve the quality of instruction. All teachers desiring to attend shall be allowed to do so. In addition, the Board encourages its present staff to enroll in courses designed to improve reading instruction. The Capac Curriculum Coordinating Council is responsible for planning in-service programs for the district.
D. New teachers to the district shall attend tuition-freean orientation meeting prior to the first day of school. To Probationary teachers who are required by law to attend five (5) career development training days per school year shall do so at board's expense. Three of the five days per school year shall be scheduled during the normal work day and a substitute shall be provided. Two of the five days per year shall be the probationary teachers' responsibility to attend without additional compensation. The Board shall pay all expenses for five (5) days per school year. In the event the law is rescinded, probationary teachers will not have this requirement.
E. There is hereby established an administrative intern program for the purpose of identifying and training potential administrators among the professional staff. In order to qualify for this benefitthe intern program, a teacher must have had at least three years of teaching experience and expect to receive his Master's Degree within the coming year. Such intern shall be released from teaching duties one hour per day. By June 1, the teacher must submit a request to Board shall post notice of any available internships for the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 The Association ensuing year. All applicants shall receive due consideration in light of their background and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of experience and shall be paid his or her employment in regular salary during the classroom, a new teacher will internship. All candidates shall be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 notified of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement Board's decision by allowing for the necessary release time in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are madeJune 15.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Part-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignment.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage.
2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year.
3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education.
20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Master Contract
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 The parties support the principle of continuous training of teachers. This may include participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, and participation in community educational projects.
20.02 The Board agrees to provide necessary funds for teachers who desire to attend professional conferences, in-service inservice or staff development. The Board will offer/provide to teachers given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service inservice or staff development.
20.03 Expenses submitted on a conference form and approved by the Administration will be provided.
20.04 A teacher attending such conferences and meetings will be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences.
20.05 A teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, will be allowed to attend tuition-free. To qualify for this benefit, the teacher must submit a request to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing for the necessary release time in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are made.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Part-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignment.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage.
2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year.
3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education.
20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 A. The parties support Association and the principle of continuous training of teachers. This may include participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, and participation in community educational projects.
20.02 The Board agrees to provide necessary funds for teachers who desire to attend professional conferences, District agree that in-service or staff programs will be developed to assist in the improvement of work performance and the enhancement of professional development. A minimum of two program days per year will be offered and Unit C members who attend shall receive their regular rate of pay. The Board Northampton School Department or other agency may develop this program. Unit C members shall be required to attend the professional development programs and will offer/provide receive from the presenter and the District certificates indicating the number of hours attended in order to teachers given new teaching assignmentsverify PTPs earned.
B. During the regular work year, opportunity for paraeducators will attend relevant programs held on all in-service days during which teachers are attending programs for their professional development. These programs might be the same as those of the teachers or staff developmentmay be developed specifically to meet other needs of the paraeducator . Certificates indicating the number of hours attended will be awarded to the paraeducators as in the above paragraph. paraeducators may participate/ provide input into the development of appropriate programs.
20.03 Expenses submitted C. The paraeducator may develop a project, based on a conference form and approved by the Administration new learning achieved from the professional development program, to use at their assignment. Additional PTPs will be provided.
20.04 A teacher attending such conferences awarded for the successful development, implementation, assessment, and meetings will sharing of any project and shall be granted sufficient leave time based on the number of hours (x2) that were used to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences.
20.05 A teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, will be allowed to attend tuition-free. To qualify complete the process for this benefit, the teacher must submit a request to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety time (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing for the necessary release time in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are made.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours4 hours x 2 or 8 PTPs may be awarded). PartThe respective building Principal or their designee shall approve the proposed project and shall award PTPs.
D. No paraeducator will suffer a job action related to becoming “Highly Qualified” due to the District’s timeline in issuing PTP certificates.
E. There shall be four (4) Unit C members of the district’s Joint Committee on Professional Development appointed by mutual agreement of the NASE Unit C Chapter Coordinator and the Director of Special Education. These shall consist of one (1) paraeducator from the elementary level, one (1) paraeducator from the middle school and one (1) paraeducator from the high school and one (1) at-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignmentlarge unit C member.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. PartThe members of the Committee shall serve for a term of two (2) years, but may be re-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number appointed at the conclusion of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentageterm.
2. Voluntary participation in any The duties and responsibilities of the Committee shall include the following:
a. Recommending professional development offered by goals for the districtdistrict based on Massachusetts law and the Curriculum Frameworks;
b. Planning and implementing professional development opportunities;
c. Assisting in the development of the District’s Department professional development plan;
d. Participating in reviewing the professional development portion of Curriculum the District’s school improvement plans; and
e. Reviewing and Instruction, recommending the allocation of designated grants at the request of the Superintendent or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school yeartheir designee.
3. As Unit C members participating in the district-wide Joint Committee on Professional Development shall receive either three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00) or the equivalent of one (1) college credit. In addition, paraeducators will be eligible for professional training points (PTPs) as approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor the Superintendent or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needsdesignee.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education.
20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 A. The parties support the principle of continuous training continuing education of teachers. This may include , participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, and participation in community educational projects.
20.02 The Board agrees B. At the request by the P.T.S. or on the Board’s initiative, arrangements may be made for after school courses, workshops, conferences and programs designed to provide necessary funds for improve the quality of instruction. Every effort will be made to obtain people of the highest qualifications to participate in the presentation of such programs. All teachers who desire desiring to attend professional conferencesshall be allowed to do so, in-service or staff development. The Board will offer/provide to teachers given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service or staff developmentbut attendance shall be optional.
20.03 Expenses submitted on C. Upon request by a conference form teacher and approved if recommended by the Administration will Superintendent, a teacher may attend selected professional conferences and Michigan Department of Education curriculum committee meetings with the expense to be provided.
20.04 A teacher paid by Xxxxx Township School. Professional employees are entitled to attend at least one educational conference per school year with all expenses paid. Teachers attending such conferences and meetings will meeting shall be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences.
20.05 A D. The Board may, if funds are available, pay fifty percent of the tuition costs for four graduate credits per year earned by bargaining unit members provided that prior written approval is granted by the Superintendent. Each year, by May lst, the individual teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related must report to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, the Superintendent that he/she will be allowed taking a specific amount of credits so the cost of the credits can be included in the next school year’s budget. In order to attend tuition-freereceive written reimbursement, the employee must provide receipts and proof of successful completion of the course(s). To qualify If Xxxxx Township Board of Education requests the teacher to take the class for this benefitprofessional improvement, the district will pay the 100% cost of the class. This procedure will be written and signed by the teacher and the Superintendent. Payment may be paid in advance to the university upon approval of the Board; however, the teacher shall reimburse the School District the amount of the tuition payment if credit is not earned.
E. Public Act 335 requires that each new teacher in the district be provided with a professional development plan involving fifteen days of professional development over a three year period. In addition, district-wide needs, State and Federal mandates, as well as new developments in the field of education research make it imperative that teachers be given the opportunity to attend select professional conferences, workshops, and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction at Xxxxx Township School.
F. Teachers must submit a request notify the Superintendent of their intent to change lanes, in writing, no later than 30 days prior to the beginning of the Semester the change is to take place. If all course requirements are completed prior to the beginning of the Semester, the lane change will be made. Documentation must be provided as soon as information can be released from the university/college. If not provided salary will be adjusted back to previous lane. Extenuating and unforeseen circumstances may be appealed to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing for the necessary release time in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are made.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Part-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignment.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage.
2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year.
3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education.
20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 A. The parties support in principle the principle of continuous continuing training of teachers. This may include teaching assistants, participation by teachers teaching assistants in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, studies and participation in community educational projects.
20.02 The Board agrees B. Since teaching assistants are expected to provide necessary funds for teachers who desire to attend professional conferences, in-service or staff development. The Board will offer/provide to teachers given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service or staff development.
20.03 Expenses submitted take on a conference form and approved by the Administration will be provided.
20.04 A teacher attending such conferences and meetings will be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences.
20.05 A teacher who enrolls greater responsibilities in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, will be allowed to attend tuition-free. To qualify for this benefitsupporting student instruction, the teacher must submit a request to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher District will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) provide 100 hours of professional development per Section 1526 every 5 years to Level III teaching assistants. All other certificate holders are encouraged to participate.
C. The District will include the local special education Comprehensive System of Personnel Development (CSPD) plan as part of its professional development plan (PDP). The local CSPD plan and PDP plan shall include, but not be limited to a description of the Michigan School Codeprofessional development activities provided to all paraprofessional staff who will work with students to assure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the needs of the students.
D. Teaching assistants who acquired course work and/or in-service course work annual stipends during their time of service as teacher aides shall continue to receive said annual stipends of $90 for each three-credit course or 45 hours of in-service course work. The Board agrees pay rate for each in-service credit shall be $56.00 effective July 1, 2019.
E. Teaching assistants certified on or after February 2, 2004 who are subject to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing the requirements of the regulations to attain the status of Level I, II, and III teaching assistant shall be entitled to tuition reimbursements at the rate of $75 per credit for the necessary release time first 18 college credits taken in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisormaintain certification status. Funds for such programs will continue To be entitled to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are madethis reimbursement, teaching assistants must produce evidence of a passing grade.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 F. For teaching assistants who seek to attain the status of Pre-professional teaching assistant, the District shall pay at the rate of $52 effective July 1, 2010 per credit, per school year, for those credits taken after February 1, 2004 that are needed for the teaching assistant to attain 120 college credits. Credit payments under this provision shall not apply to credits for which the District has made tuition payments towards course work, as referenced in paragraph E above.
G. The President of the Michigan School Code will Association shall be met by combining any informed of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Partall District sponsored after school in-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignmentservice programs.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage.
2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year.
3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education.
20.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT. 20.01 23.01 The parties support the principle of continuous training of teachers. This may include participation by teachers in professional organizations in the areas of their specialization, leaves for work on advanced degrees or special studies, foreign travel, and participation in community educational projects.
20.02 23.02 The Board agrees to provide necessary funds for teachers who desire to attend professional conferences, in-service or staff development. The Board will offer/provide to teachers given new teaching assignments, opportunity for in-service or staff development.
20.03 23.03 Expenses submitted on a conference form and approved by the Administration will be provided.
20.04 23.04 A teacher attending such conferences and meetings will be granted sufficient leave time to attend without loss of compensation. The teacher will, upon request, submit a written or oral report regarding such conferences.
20.05 23.05 A teacher who enrolls in a Rochester Community Schools Community Education course which is related to their present or future teacher teaching assignment, will be allowed to attend tuition-free. To qualify for this benefit, the teacher must submit a request to the Superintendent/designee detailing how the specific course relates to the teacher's present or future employment with the Board.
20.06 23.06 The Association and Board agree to the following methods for meeting state required professional development hours for teachers.
A. It is understood that during the first 3 years of his or her employment in the classroom, a new teacher will be inducted into teaching by participating in at least ninety (90) hours of professional development per Section 1526 of the Michigan School Code. The Board agrees to provide support for meeting this requirement by allowing for the necessary release time in order to participate in the Intermediate School District’s New Teacher Support Center or any comparable professional development opportunity as determined by the teacher in consultation with his/her immediate supervisor. Funds for such programs will continue to be provided by the School District unless other arrangements are made.
B. Compliance with Section 1527 of the Michigan School Code will be met by combining any of the following professional development opportunities to total a minimum of 30 hours. Part-time teachers will have this amount prorated per their partial assignment.
1. Calendar designated professional development dates. Part-time/shared time teachers will attend a minimum number of calendar designated professional development sessions that will equal the same percentage as their contract percentage.
2. Voluntary participation in any professional development offered by the district’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction, or curriculum-based activities offered by professional organizations, during the summer recess after June 30 of any calendar year and to be credited toward the upcoming school year.
3. As approved by a teacher’s immediate supervisor or the Department of Curriculum and Instruction department at a time during which a substitute teacher and release time are provided so that staff might acquire professional development that meets their professional and/or instructional program needs.
4. Teachers will report their participation in professional development experiences through the KALPA program. The district will provide the necessary information and support to facilitate the registering of appropriate information regarding the teacher’s participation in professional development experiences.
C. It is expressly understood that whether the professional development experience is funded by the district or not has no bearing on its qualification for meeting state required professional development hours unless otherwise determined by the State Department of Education.
20.07 23.07 The Board will make every effort to publish a schedule of building, district and personal Professional Development programs early in the fall to insure ensure that the staff will have the opportunity to design a Professional Development Program for the year.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement