Mentor Teachers Sample Clauses
Mentor Teachers. A. A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in Section 1526 of the School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the School Code and State Administrative Rules and Regulations.
B. Each bargaining unit member in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned one or more Mentor Teacher(s) by the Administration. The Mentor Teacher shall be available to provide professional support, instruction and guidance. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information in a collegial fashion.
C. A Mentor Teacher shall be assigned in accordance with the following:
1. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary.
2. The Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) academic year subject to review. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding academic years.
3. Should either the Mentor Teacher or the Mentee present cause to dissolve the relationship, the administration will meet with the Mentor Teacher and the Mentee to determine an appropriate course of action.
D. Upon request, the Administration may provide release time so the Mentor may work with the Mentee in his/her assignment during the regular work day.
E. Mentees who are new to the profession shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen (15) days of professional development instruction during their first three (3) years of classroom teaching.
F. Performance responsibilities of a Mentor Teacher may include but not be limited to: Work to establish a relationship with Mentee based on mutual trust, respect and collegiality; provide encouragement, support, guidance and feedback when needed; help Mentee feel welcome; take part in training to enhance teaching and mentoring skills; complete periodic evaluations of Mentor-Mentee program, as requested; contact mentees, minimally once a week, for formal or informal meetings; help Mentee learn about resources, procedures, curriculum, students' needs, building and district policies, regulations and schedules; promote a smooth transition between teacher training and the actual classroom setting; facilitate three-way conferences involving the Mentor, Mentee and Principal; provide opportunities for Mentee to observe the Mentor and other teachers; share new and alternative materials, methods and resources with Mentee; observe Mentee's teaching in a classroom setting; conduct pre and post observation conferences; and assist Mentee with goal se...
Mentor Teachers. 4.1 Teachers shall receive a stipend of $900.00 from the School City of Xxxxxxx for actual service as a mentor for a first or second year teacher.
Mentor Teachers. A unit member who is assigned by the Board to serve as a mentor for a new teacher shall receive an annual stipend of $600 for each new teacher mentored. A unit member who has completed MCPS mentor training shall receive $800 per year.
Mentor Teachers a. The APS Mentor Program will take a comprehensive approach to providing qualified and approved Mentors for each Beginning Teacher in the school district.
Mentor Teachers. A. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary. The Mentor assignment shall be made by the administrator and shall be regarded as an annual assignment of extra duty for extra pay.
B. A Mentor teacher must be an experienced educator who demonstrates instructional expertise, ability to work well with colleagues, continuous learning and preparation, and is skilled at providing instructional support. Mentor teachers will preferably have a minimum of five (5) years of teaching experience. The Mentor teacher shall be available to provide professional support, guidance, and instruction to the Mentee. The purpose of the Mentor teacher is to offer experienced assistance and support to the Mentee in a collegial fashion. They are not responsible for any performance evaluation but are part of the performance improvement process. The Mentor teacher shall make periodic reports to the Districts administration regarding the type (i.e., general description of contact) and extent of his/her contact with the Mentee during the existence of the Mentor/Mentee relationship.
C. The Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) academic year subject to review and renewal by the administrator. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding academic years upon approval of the administration. Should either the Mentor Teacher or the Mentee request to dissolve the relationship during an academic year, the administration will meet with the Mentor Teacher and the Mentee to determine an appropriate course of action.
D. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted or applied to indicate that the assignment of mentor teachers is exclusively work within the bargaining unit represented by the Association. Rather, the purpose of this Article is to delineate the wages and specified working conditions for that assignment when it is performed by members of the Association’s bargaining unit. Bargaining unit members performing the duties of mentor teacher will be compensated at the rates below:
Mentor Teachers. A. A mentor teacher shall perform the duties specified in Section 1526 of the School Code. A mentor teacher shall be a bargaining unit member with four (4) or more years of service with the District.
B. Starting with teachers hired by the District to begin teaching during the 1994-95 school year or later, each bargaining unit member for the first three (3) years of his/her employment in classroom teaching shall be assigned to up to two (2) mentor teachers. The mentor teacher shall be available to provide professional support, instruction and guidance. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information.
C. The mentor teacher/mentee assignment shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. Participation as a mentor shall be voluntary. In the event there are not sufficient bargaining unit volunteers, the District may appoint a mentor Teacher from any source permitted by Section 1526 of the School Code.
2. An attempt will be made to match mentor teachers and mentees who have the same area of certification or work assignment.
3. The mentor teacher assignment shall be subject to renewal on a year-to-year basis based on a review by the administration, the mentor teacher and the mentee at the end of the year.
4. The mentor teacher/mentee relationship shall be confidential and shall not in any fashion be a matter included in the evaluation of the mentor teacher or mentee.
5. Upon request, the administration shall make available reasonable release time for classroom/teacher observations (as approved by the building administrator). Additionally, release time shall be made available for mentor-mentee meeting time. First and second year mentor/mentees shall have available up to three (3) half-day releases per school year if mentor and mentee are not in the same building and one (1) half-day per school year release if the mentor and mentee are in the same building. Third year mentor/mentees shall have available up to two (2) half-day releases if not in the same building and one (1) half-day release if in the same building so the mentor teacher may work with the mentee in his/her assignment during the regular work day. It is expected that mentors will meet with their mentees at least one and one-half hours a month before or after school to discuss curriculum and instructional issues September through May. Meeting (contact) time must be at least 30 minutes long to meet this monthly requirement. Documentation of ...
Mentor Teachers. A. Bargaining unit mentor teacher positions shall be developed on an as-needed basis to function as an advisor/resource person to probationary teachers by the Employer according to the following guidelines:
1. Such mentor teachers shall be tenure teachers. It is understood and agreed that mentor teachers may also be retired master teachers or college professors as allowed by law.
2. A bargaining unit mentor teacher shall serve on a voluntary basis and shall work with probationary teachers from a related area of expertise, responsibility or experience.
3. A bargaining unit mentor teacher may have released time as approved by his/her principal to use to observe or otherwise be available to the probationary teacher assigned.
4. The mentor teacher shall not be expected to act in a supervisory capacity over a probationary teacher. The mentor teacher shall not be required to provide information for use in such administrative functions regarding the probationary teacher assigned.
5. The mentor teacher shall assist the probationary teacher in planning with the administration fifteen (15) days of professional development within the first three (3) years of employment of the probationary teacher. Such professional development may include the experiencing of effective practices linked in university professional development schools, ISD and regional seminars conducted by master teachers and other mentors regarding proper classroom management and instructional delivery methods.
6. It is understood and agreed that a mentor teacher may not continue in that position from year to year unless requested to do so by the principal. The probationary teacher involved shall have input into this process.
7. Upon request, the administration and the Association shall meet and make a joint determination by May 1 of each year regarding the number, kind, duration and compensation of (for) sabbatical leaves to be offered on a voluntary basis to prospective or continuing mentor teachers for training such teachers to aid in the professional development of probationary teachers.
Mentor Teachers. A. In accordance with Section 1526 of the School Code, teachers in their first three years of employment as a classroom teacher shall be assigned a Mentor. The purpose of such a relationship shall be to provide new teachers with assistance, resources and information in a non-threatening, collegial fashion.
B. Participation as a Mentor teacher shall be voluntary.
C. The Mentor teacher shall:
1. be an active or former (retired or otherwise experienced) K-12 educator who has demonstrated mastery of the teaching profession. Current faculty members shall be given consideration for Mentor positions.
Mentor Teachers. 12-4-1 Mentor teachers will assist teachers who hold a provisional license per the district’s mentorship/induction program. Together they will design individual goals and strategies to strengthen the effectiveness of the probationary teacher. It will be the mentor teacher’s responsibility to ensure that the probationary teacher has a firm understanding of the District’s expectations for classroom management, effective teaching techniques, and collegial relationships.
12-4-2 In most cases, mentor teachers will be from the inductee’s building; however, there may be some exceptions when a mentor teacher will be assigned from another site. Mentor teachers will be compensated five hundred dollars ($500) for one-to- one mentoring, and two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for each additional inductee mentored.
Mentor Teachers. A. A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher, a college professor, or a retired Master Teacher as identified in Section 1526 of the School Code, as not in effect or as amended, and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the code.
B. Each bargaining unit member in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned a Mentor Teacher by the Association with the approval of the Administration. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide an individual who can offer assistance, resources and information in a non-threatening collegial fashion.
C. A Mentor Teacher shall be assigned in accordance with the following:
1. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary.
2. The District shall immediately notify the Association of those members requiring a mentor assignment or any affected member whose classroom assignment has changed.
3. The Association shall notify the Administration when a Mentor Teacher is matched with a bargaining unit member (Mentee). The assignment of the Mentor Teacher shall be finalized by the Administration within ten (10) work days after the notification.
4. Every effort shall be made to match Mentor Teachers and Mentees who work in the same building and have the same area of certification.
5. Mentee shall only be assigned to one (1) Mentor Teacher at a time.
6. The Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) year subject to review by the Mentor Teacher and Mentee at the end of each semester. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding years.
D. Because the purpose of the mentor/mentee match is to acclimate the bargaining unit member and to provide necessary assistance toward the end of quality instruction, neither the Mentor Teacher nor the Mentee shall be required to participate in any matter related to the evaluation of the other. Further, neither shall be required to testify as a witness in any grievance or administrative hearing involving such evaluations.
E. Where possible, the Mentor Teacher and Mentee shall be assigned common preparation time, if applicable.
F. Mentees shall be provided with such professional development induction into teaching as required by law. 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497