Course Reimbursement. 1. Teachers will be eligible for reimbursement for courses that will enhance the Teacher’s ability to improve student academic performance.
2. To be eligible for reimbursement, courses must be approved by the Professional Growth Committee (employing the program of staff development mandated by the state as an integral part of the Teacher’s recertification process) prior to taking the course; advance approval from the Superintendent of Schools is required.
3. Upon successful completion of the course with a grade of “B” or better, and submission of a transcript or signed official grade report and verification of tuition payment to the Superintendent, the Teacher will be reimbursed for the cost of tuition and registration fees.
4. Payment of course reimbursement is for tuition and related fees only. An individual is entitled to receive 2/3 reimbursement cost for 6 graduate level credits during each year of this contract not to exceed the New Hampshire resident UNH graduate level dollar amount plus any related fees. However, in no event shall the District expend more than $20,000 per contract year for course reimbursement. In the event that requests for course reimbursement exceed $20,000 in a contract year, the following lottery system will apply: Reimbursement will be available in two (2) reimbursement periods. Employees may apply for up to six (6) credits during period 1 after June 30th and prior to October 1st. Employees may apply for up to six (6) during period 2 starting December 1st. The disbursement of funds in period 1 shall not exceed half of the yearly agreed upon amount. Any sums not used during period 1 shall be rolled into period 2. Anyone applying during period 1 who has met the period 1 deadline will have their application considered. If the total of the requests is more than the designated monetary amount, then a lottery system will ensue to determine which applications receive the money. Those whose applications were not selected in period 1 will be eligible to submit again during period 2. If the total of the requests for period 2 is more than the designated monetary amount, then a lottery system will ensue to determine which applications receive the money. The disbursement in period 2 shall not exceed the total agreed upon amount. Applications for reimbursement in period 2 may not have received any previous reimbursement during period 1 unless there are unexpended funds in period 2. Also, if an applicant received funds in period 1, that app...
Course Reimbursement. 15.9.1 Prior approval by the Department of Accountability & Staff and School Renewal is required.
15.9.2 The application form provided by the Department of Accountability & Staff and School Renewal must be signed and approved by the respective Director verifying that the responsibilities of the employee have been accurately described.
15.9.3 The reimbursement will be for community college, university courses and online Internet courses from accredited institutions with prior approval from the Department of Accountability & Staff and School Renewal and theDirector.
15.9.4 If courses are taken in the summer sessions, reimbursement will occur only if the employee returns to work in the fall. Employees resigning during a course will not be reimbursed.
15.9.5 If employees are on leave, they are eligible for the program but reimbursement will not occur until they return to work.
15.9.6 Only course completions with a grade of "C" or better will be reimbursed unless the approved course is "pass or fail" and then a "pass" is required. For reimbursement, both a grade slip and a tuition receipt will berequired.
Course Reimbursement. 6.5.1 The School Board shall reimburse each employee up to $1,260 per year for approved courses. In no event shall the School District expend more per year for this benefit than $15,000, plus any unencumbered professional development funds that are made available pursuant to Section 6.4.5 to supplement course reimbursement funds.
6.5.2 Applications will be processed by the building principal and/or special education director as received. The principal and/or special education director will request that the employee explain how the course is relevant to his or her own employment in the School District. Final determination as to whether or not a course is eligible for reimbursement rests with the principal and/or special education director. Requests for prepayment shall be submitted to the principal and/or special education director at least 30 calendar days prior to the start of the course. If requests are not submitted prior to 30 calendar days, an attempt will be made to provide pre-payment for the course. If the employee fails to meet the criteria set forth in this article, he/she will be responsible for repaying any amounts advanced for coursework expenses. Repayment will be through payroll deduction(s) prior to the end of the fiscal year as agreed to on the approval form submitted by the employee. In extenuating circumstances, an appeal of the withholding of money may be made in writing to the Superintendent.
6.5.3 Upon successful completion of such an approved course, proof of the employee’s payment for the course and proof of the grade received by the employee must be submitted to the principal and/or special education director within 30 days after receipt of the grade. Reimbursement shall be made only for courses in which the employee receives a grade of B (3.0) or better.
6.5.4 Course reimbursement funds under Section 6.5 shall not be used for professional development reimbursement under Section 6.4.
6.5.5 Reimbursement under Section 6.5 shall be accomplished within 30 days after submission of proof of the completion, payment and grade for the course.
Course Reimbursement. Financial assistance is available to employees wishing to participate in a study program outside of regular working hours, subject to the prior approval of the responsible manager. An employee's tuition or registration fees may be reimbursed according to the following criteria:
Course Reimbursement. 1. Each teacher shall be eligible for reimbursement or pre-payment in an amount not to exceed the value of six (6) UVM graduate level credits. Teachers may seek reimbursement for course work approved by the local standards board (LSB) in accordance with mutually acceptable guidelines pertaining to the present LSB program. Reimbursement and/or pre-payment shall be made for courses or workshops approved by the Superintendent or designee. If the Superintendent disagrees with the decision of the LSB the Superintendent shall state his or her reasons in writing. The Superintendent or designee may approve undergraduate level courses for reimbursement or pre-payment in appropriate circumstances. The Superintendent may approve reimbursement for courses or workshops which are not approved for advancement across columns on the salary schedule.
2. Course reimbursement will be paid only to those teachers who receive a grade of B or better or who receive a pass in a pass/fail course or those who successfully complete an LSB approved workshop.
3. The District will employ a purchase-order system that may be used by teachers taking courses that are offered by the district or at institutions that are willing to accept a purchase order in lieu of payment at the time of enrollment. The system will include provisions for recovering costs in the event that a teacher becomes ineligible for course reimbursement.
Course Reimbursement. An active member who makes application shall be reimbursed eighty (80) percent of the tuition fees for a course which is related or beneficial to the Police Service on the following conditions:
Course Reimbursement. A. Teachers shall receive one thousand dollars ($1,000) per contract year (September 1 - August
Course Reimbursement.
(a) Financial assistance is available to employees wishing to participate in a study program outside regular working hours, subject to the prior approval of the responsible manager. An employee’s tuition or registration fees shall be reimbursed according to the following criteria:
(i) at one hundred percent (100%) when a training or development program or activity is directly related to the employee’s work or responsibilities;
(ii) at fifty percent (50%) to one hundred percent (100%), at the discretion of the Employer, when a training or development program or activity is related to the evolving environment of the employee’s work in order to provide a service which the Employer requires or is planning to provide; and
(iii) at fifty percent (50%) when a training or development program or activity is not directly related to current work but nonetheless contributes to professional development and may eventually help the employee assume other duties and responsibilities within the organization; or corresponds to professional development interests linked to career advancement possibilities within the House.
(b) Reimbursement procedures and the list of inadmissible fees shall be as described under the House of Commons Training and Development Policy.
Course Reimbursement. The Board shall reimburse Teachers as follows:
(a) seventy-five percent (75%) of the tuition fees if travelling outside Durham Region or county of residence; or
(b) fifty percent (50%) of tuition fees if travelling within Durham Region or county of residence; to take recognized additional qualifications courses and/or undergraduate university courses. The application percentage will be payable on the successful completion of the course(s).
Course Reimbursement. The Board shall pay a maximum of two-thousand dollars ($2,000) per fiscal year for course reimbursement for college, adult education and/or trade classes. Reimbursement is limited to tuition, course-related fees and course related materials. Courses must relate to the functions within the plant maintenance, operations and pupil transportation departments, and may apply to promotional opportunities within and among these areas. All courses must be approved in advance by the Superintendent/Designee and the unit member must successfully complete the course to qualify for reimbursement.