PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The assignment of a teacher shall not include teaching any subject outside his/her areas of endorsed licensure. B. The Association’s President shall be furnished with a copy of the master schedules for each school within four weeks of the start of the semester. The Association’s President shall also be notified of any change in the master schedules as they occur. C. A teacher shall be given written notice of his/her tentative assignment for the forthcoming year prior to the close of the present school term. In the event a change in assignment is made, the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such change. In no event shall changes in the teacher's assignment be made later than twenty-five (25) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school term unless an emergency situation or significant changes in student enrollment requires same. However, if a school re-schedules, written notice of his/her tentative assignment for the forthcoming semester shall be provided no later than fifteen (15) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school semester. This subsection C shall not apply to teacher transfers of any kind. D. The Board of Education, the Administration, and the Faculty Association recognize the desirability of maintaining the continuity of successful co-teaching relationships, of avoiding the pairing of two inexperienced first year teachers in a co-teaching relationship, of assigning co- teaching teams to identical preparation periods, and of providing co-teachers with suitable training related to the co-teaching process. When determining co-teaching relationships, assigning preparation periods and developing training opportunities, the Board and Administration agree to consider the foregoing factors, along with applicable scheduling, staffing and financial concerns, and the number of course preparations and different co-teaching pairings, 1. Co-teachers will be notified of their assignment at least ten (10) calendar days before the start of the school year. In the event changes in such assignments are made, the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such change. 2. Volunteer regular education teachers with appropriate certification will be considered first as part of a co-teaching pair. A list of volunteers will be established by March 1 of the preceding school year. 3. The Board shall provide substantive training on co-teaching to teachers new to co-teaching before the start of the school year. In addition, the Board shall make training available each school year to returning co-teachers. 4. If a co-teacher requests a change in assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the teacher to discuss the request and explore ways, if any, to accommodate the request. Similarly, if conflicts arise in a co-teaching assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the co-teachers to discuss and resolve such conflicts. The teacher may request that a Faculty Association representative attend the meeting. 5. Subject to applicable scheduling, staffing, and financial concerns, special education co-teachers will not be required to work in the following pairings for more than two consecutive years: a) Pairings with three different regular education co-teachers in the same semester; or b) A pairing with one regular education co-teacher for two different courses and a pairing with a second regular education teacher for an additional section of one of the two courses in the same semester. 6. If a special education co-teacher is required to work in a pairing as outlined in Article XII, Section E(5) for more than two consecutive years, the District shall compensate the teacher for such pairing at the daily teacher overload(i.e. "overload") rate per class period. 7. When a co-teacher is absent, the District shall provide a substitute teacher. If, however, no such substitute teacher is available, then the teacher present shall be paid pursuant to the overload rate, as expressed in Appendix C. 8. For purposes of this Section, a co-teacher is one member of a pairing between a regular education teacher and a special education teacher assigned to teach the same course. E. When a para-professional is absent, the District shall provide a substitute para-professional whenever reasonably possible.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Professional Services, Professional Negotiation Agreement
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The assignment Board establishes as minimum requirements for initial employment of teachers/ancillary staff the possession of a teacher shall not include teaching any subject outside his/her areas Bachelor’s Degree and Michigan Elementary or Secondary Provisional Certificate or the equivalent. If it is necessary to deviate from this policy, the deviation will be in accord with the Michigan Department of endorsed licensureEducation regulations.
B. The Association’s President shall be furnished with a copy of the master schedules for each school within four weeks of the start of the semester. The Association’s President shall also Teachers/Ancillary staff other than newly appointed and substitute teachers will be notified of any change in the master schedules as they occur.
C. A teacher shall be given written notice of his/her their tentative assignment programs for the forthcoming year coming school year, including the schools to which they will be assigned, the grades and/or subjects that they will have, prior to the close of the present school termyear.
C. In order to assure that pupils are taught by teachers/ancillary staff working within their area of competence, teachers/ancillary staff will not be assigned, except temporarily and/or for good cause, outside the scope of their teaching certificates and/or their major or minor fields of study.
D. In addition to the NCLB, the Board will pay each of the HPEA members on the portfolio committee $50.00 for each portfolio that is presented and evaluated. If a portfolio is resubmitted, the members of the committee will not receive an additional stipend. Those teachers/ancillary staff wishing to establish their “Highly Qualified” NCLB status via the Highly Objective Uniform State Standard of Excellence (HOUSSE), also known as a portfolio, shall submit their documentations to the Director of Curriculum prior to March 1, so as to be effective the following year. The instrument by which portfolios will be evaluated will be the portfolio assessment guide suggested by the Michigan Department of Education. The panel that will review portfolios will consist of equal numbers of administrators and members of the Association. Association members of this panel shall be designated by the Association leadership. Administration representatives of this panel shall consist of the Curriculum Director and an administrator or administrators chosen by the administration. In the case of elementary teachers/ancillary staff submitting portfolios, the additional administrator or administrators shall be from the elementary level and shall be administrators to whom the applicant teacher/ancillary staff does not currently report. In the case of secondary teachers/ancillary staff submitting portfolios, the additional administrator or administrators shall be from the secondary level and shall be administrators to whom the applicant teacher/ancillary staff does not currently report. A simple majority of the reviewing panel can approve or decline portfolios. In the case of portfolios that have been declined, the reviewing panel will provide guidelines and suggestions for portfolio enhancement for the purpose of resubmission. Teachers/Ancillary staff submitting portfolios shall be informed in writing of the determination of their Highly Qualified status upon completion of the panel’s review. The parties believe that, as of the beginning of the 2007/2008 school year, all teachers/ancillary staff met the NCLB highly qualified requirements in their assignments as of that time. In the event that it is found that a change teacher/ancillary staff is not highly qualified in assignment is made, the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such change. In no event shall changes in the teacher's assignment be made later than twenty-five (25) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school term unless an emergency situation or significant changes in student enrollment requires same. However, if a school re-schedules, written notice of his/her tentative assignment current assignment, the committee referred to below will meet promptly to address this matter. The HPEA President, or designee, and one other HPEA member selected by the HPEA will work with two administrators to review qualifications of teachers/ancillary staff thus determined by the state to be not “highly qualified” under NCLB in their current assignments. The portfolio assessment committee will look for ways for teachers/ancillary staff thus identified as not highly qualified to become highly qualified in their current assignments. The teacher/ancillary staff, together with the committee, will decide the process to use in order to meet the definition of highly qualified in the teacher’s/ancillary staff’s current assignment(s). The portfolio assessment may be utilized to enable a teacher/ancillary staff to become highly qualified. It is further understood no teacher/ancillary staff who was “highly qualified” under No Child Left Behind legislation for the forthcoming semester position that she/he occupied in the previous school year shall be provided no later than fifteen (15) calendar days preceding involuntarily reassigned by administration to any position which she/he does not meet such requirements.
E. Anyone who chooses to take the commencement MTTC test in order to be considered highly qualified shall be reimbursed for half of the next school semester. This subsection C shall not apply to teacher transfers of any kindcost after showing documentation that she/he successfully passed the test.
D. The Board of EducationF. Changes in grade assignments in the elementary schools and in subject assignment in the secondary schools are sometimes necessary and even beneficial. To the extent possible, the Administrationsuch changes in grade and subject assignment would be voluntary, and the Faculty Association recognize the desirability of maintaining the continuity of successful co-teaching relationships, of avoiding the pairing of two inexperienced first year teachers in a co-teaching relationship, of assigning co- teaching teams to identical preparation periods, and of providing co-teachers with suitable training related to the co-teaching process. When determining co-teaching relationships, assigning preparation periods and developing training opportunities, but the Board and Administration agree to consider the foregoing factors, along with applicable scheduling, staffing and financial concerns, and the number of course preparations and different co-teaching pairings,may make such changes.
G. Extra Hourly Assignments
1. Co-teachers Teaching positions in an extra hourly assignment will be notified of their assignment at least ten (10) calendar days before filled first by qualified teachers/ancillary staff regularly employed in the start of the school year. In the event changes in such assignments are made, the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such changeXxxxx Park School System.
2. Volunteer regular education teachers with appropriate certification Teacher/Ancillary staff employment in an extra hourly assignment shall be based on the following factors and ranking of said factors:
a. Highly qualified status and effectiveness rating
b. Seniority within the assignment.
c. If two (2) or more teachers/ancillary staff are equal in regard to ‘a’ & ‘b’ above, then seniority within the elementary, junior high and high school levels will be considered first as part of a co-teaching pair. A list of volunteers will be established by March 1 of the preceding school yearprevail.
3. The Board shall provide substantive training on co-teaching to teachers new to co-teaching before Application by regularly employed teachers/ancillary staff for an extra hourly assignment will be filed with the start of Superintendent or his/her designee, and such application will be renewed by the school year. In addition, the Board shall make training available teacher/ancillary staff for each school year to returning co-teacherssubsequent session.
4. If a co-teacher requests a change in assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the teacher to discuss the request and explore ways, if any, to accommodate the request. Similarly, if conflicts arise in a co-teaching assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the co-teachers to discuss and resolve such conflicts. The teacher may request that a Faculty Association representative attend the meeting.Extra hourly rate: $27
5. Subject to applicable schedulingExtra hourly assignments shall include driver education, staffingsummer school, funded after school homework programs, training and financial concerns, special education co-teachers will not be required to work in assignments or programs approved by the following pairings for more than two consecutive years:
a) Pairings with three different regular education co-teachers in Superintendent or designee. The above pay schedule also includes subbing on the same semester; or
b) A pairing with one regular education co-teacher for two different courses and a pairing with a second regular education teacher for an additional section of one of the two courses in the same semesterpreparation period.
6. If a special education co-teacher is required The provisions of this agreement will not apply to work persons employed solely in a pairing extra hourly assignments, except as outlined in Article XII, Section E(5) for more than two consecutive years, the District shall compensate the teacher for such pairing at the daily teacher overload(i.e. "overload") rate per class periodotherwise set forth herein.
7. When a co-teacher is absent, the District shall provide a substitute teacher. If, however, no such substitute teacher is available, then the teacher present shall be paid pursuant to the overload rate, as expressed in Appendix C.
8. For purposes of this Section, a co-teacher is one member of a pairing between a regular education teacher and a special education teacher assigned to teach the same course.
E. When a para-professional is absent, the District shall provide a substitute para-professional whenever reasonably possible.H. Teacher Tenure Policy
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The Both parties recognize that it is desirable for all new teachers employed by the Board for a regular teaching assignment to have at least a Baccalaureate Degree from an accredited college or university and a valid teaching license. However, a person with a provisional license may be employed in cases of a teacher shall not include teaching any subject outside his/her areas of endorsed licensurenecessity.
B. The Association’s President shall Both parties recognize that it is not desirable for a teacher to be furnished with a copy required to teach outside the limits of the master schedules for each school within four weeks his teaching certificate and major or minor field of the start of the semester. The Association’s President shall also be notified of any change in the master schedules as they occurstudy.
C. A teacher shall be given written notice of his/her tentative assignment for Positions in the forthcoming year prior summer school program shall, to the close of extent feasible, be filled by regularly employed teachers in the present school term. In the event a change in assignment is made, the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change district and the reasons for such change. In no event shall changes in final decision rests with the teacher's assignment be made later than twenty-five (25) calendar days preceding the commencement Board of the next school term unless an emergency situation or significant changes in student enrollment requires same. However, if a school re-schedules, written notice of his/her tentative assignment for the forthcoming semester shall be provided no later than fifteen (15) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school semester. This subsection C shall Education and its decision is not apply to teacher transfers of any kindgrievable.
D. The Board of Education shall reimburse any teacher who successfully completes course or courses on instruction at an accredited educational institution in an amount not to exceed that which is needed to complete 9 (nine) semester graduate hours per year, which in the sole and exclusive discretion of the Board of Education would benefit Unit 7. All course requests shall be received by the Board of Education in writing at least fifteen (15) days in advance of a Board meeting at which approval is requested and this meeting shall be in advance of the starting date for the requested course. Reimbursement shall be for tuition, and specific course related fees, and shall not include such costs as texbooks, student medical/health insurance fee costs, parking fees, and/or any activity fees or other student specific fees. To receive tuition reimbursement in a course that meets all of the preapproval requirements and which has been approved by the Board of Education, the Administrationteacher must receive a minimum grade of B- (or pass or equivalent for a class that does not assign grade letters) in the approved course and shall submit a copy of the grade card or copy of an official transcript, which indicates such. Approved reimbursement shall occur, after the fact, through the District’s regular bill payment schedule. If all necessary verifications are received by the fifth (5th) day of the month, the payment for approved course tuition expenses shall be received by the end of the same month. Reimbursement shall be paid in the same fiscal year in which the classes were approved. In the case that a class overlaps in fiscal years, the class will be paid in the year in which it was approved. Teachers shall receive advancement on the salary schedule for successful completion of workshops provided by the Regional Office of Education or an accredited educational institution as approved by a committee of two (2) teachers and the Faculty Association recognize Superintendent and/or his designee. All costs and credit toward the desirability advancement on the salary schedule shall be approved in advance by this committee. Guidelines developed by the committee constitute Appendix F. Summer school approved coursework shall be reimbursed to those employed on the first day of maintaining the continuity ensuing school year no later than the first pay period in September.
E. Teachers will have the option of successful corequesting pre-teaching relationships, of avoiding payment by the pairing of two inexperienced first year teachers District for workshop registration over $25.00. All requests shall be in a co-teaching relationship, of assigning co- teaching teams to identical preparation periods, writing and of providing co-teachers with suitable training related all registration forms shall be completed by the teacher and submitted to the co-teaching processUnit Bookkeeper for proper payment. When determining co-teaching relationships, assigning preparation periods and developing training opportunities, the Board and Administration agree Failure to consider the foregoing factors, along with applicable scheduling, staffing and financial concerns, and the number submit proof of course preparations and different co-teaching pairings,
1. Co-teachers will be notified of their assignment at least attendance within ten (10) calendar days before of return will result in the start deduction of the school year. In teacher’s wages in the event changes in such assignments are made, amount of the affected registration fee.
F. Any teacher who obtains a CDL license for the purposes of performing duties for Unit Seven Schools shall be notified promptly reimbursed the cost of the change license and the reasons for such changeannual renewal fee.
2. Volunteer regular education teachers with appropriate certification will be considered first as part of a co-teaching pair. A list of volunteers will be established by March 1 of the preceding school year.
3. The Board shall provide substantive training on co-teaching to teachers new to co-teaching before the start of the school year. In addition, the Board shall make training available each school year to returning co-teachers.
4. If a co-teacher requests a change in assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the teacher to discuss the request and explore ways, if any, to accommodate the request. Similarly, if conflicts arise in a co-teaching assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the co-teachers to discuss and resolve such conflicts. The teacher may request that a Faculty Association representative attend the meeting.
5. Subject to applicable scheduling, staffing, and financial concerns, special education co-teachers will not be required to work in the following pairings for more than two consecutive years:
a) Pairings with three different regular education co-teachers in the same semester; or
b) A pairing with one regular education co-teacher for two different courses and a pairing with a second regular education teacher for an additional section of one of the two courses in the same semester.
6. If a special education co-teacher is required to work in a pairing as outlined in Article XII, Section E(5) for more than two consecutive years, the District shall compensate the teacher for such pairing at the daily teacher overload(i.e. "overload") rate per class period.
7. When a co-teacher is absent, the District shall provide a substitute teacher. If, however, no such substitute teacher is available, then the teacher present shall be paid pursuant to the overload rate, as expressed in Appendix C.
8. For purposes of this Section, a co-teacher is one member of a pairing between a regular education teacher and a special education teacher assigned to teach the same course.
E. When a para-professional is absent, the District shall provide a substitute para-professional whenever reasonably possible.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiations Agreement
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The assignment of a teacher shall not include teaching any subject outside his/her areas of endorsed licensure.
B. The Association’s President shall be furnished with a copy of the master schedules for each school within four weeks of the start of the semester. The Association’s President shall also be notified of any change in the master schedules as they occur.
C. A teacher shall be given written notice of his/her tentative assignment for the forthcoming year prior to the close of the present school term. In the event a change in assignment is made, the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such change. In no event shall changes in the teacher's assignment be made later than twenty-five (25) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school term unless an emergency situation or significant changes in student enrollment requires same. However, if a school re-schedules, written notice of his/her tentative assignment for the forthcoming semester shall be provided no later than fifteen (15) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school semester. This subsection C shall not apply to teacher transfers of any kind.
D. The Board of Education, the Administration, and the Faculty Association recognize the desirability of maintaining the continuity of successful co-teaching relationships, of avoiding the pairing of two inexperienced first year teachers in a co-teaching relationship, of assigning co- teaching teams to identical preparation periods, and of providing co-teachers with suitable training related to the co-teaching process. When determining co-teaching relationships, assigning preparation periods and developing training opportunities, the Board and Administration agree to consider the foregoing factors, along with applicable scheduling, staffing and financial concerns, and the number of course preparations and different co-teaching pairings,
1. Co-teachers will be notified of their assignment at least ten (10) calendar days before the start of the school year. In the event changes in such assignments are made, the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such change.
2. Volunteer regular education teachers with appropriate certification will be considered first as part of a co-teaching pair. A list of volunteers will be established by March 1 of the preceding school year.
3. The Board shall provide substantive training on co-teaching to teachers new to co-teaching before the start of the school year. In addition, the Board shall make training available each school year to returning co-teachers.
4. If a co-teacher requests a change in assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the teacher to discuss the request and explore ways, if any, to accommodate the request. Similarly, if conflicts arise in a co-teaching assignment, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the co-teachers to discuss and resolve such conflicts. The teacher may request that a Faculty Association representative attend the meeting.
5. Subject to applicable scheduling, staffing, and financial concerns, special education co-teachers will not be required to work in the following pairings for more than two consecutive years:
a) Pairings with three different regular education co-teachers in the same semester; or
b) A pairing with one regular education co-teacher for two different courses and a pairing with a second regular education teacher for an additional section of one of the two courses in the same semester.
6. If a special education co-teacher is required to work in a pairing as outlined in Article XII, Section E(5) for more than two consecutive years, the District shall compensate the teacher for such pairing at the daily teacher overload(i.e. "overload") rate per class period.
7. When a co-teacher is absent, the District shall provide a substitute teacher. If, however, no such substitute teacher is available, then the teacher present shall be paid pursuant to the overload rate, as expressed in Appendix C.
8. For purposes of this Section, a co-teacher is one member of a pairing between a regular education teacher and a special education teacher assigned to teach the same course.
E. When a para-professional is absent, the District shall provide a substitute para-professional whenever reasonably possible.
F. In order to prepare for annual reviews and to meet with caseload students, the special education teachers will be provided two (2) days per semester of release time as mutually agreed upon between the administration and teachers. The teacher must remain within their assigned building during release time hours.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Professional Services
PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS. A. The assignment responsibility for being certificated to teach in the Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx School District Schools, State of a teacher shall not include teaching any subject outside his/her areas of endorsed licensureMichigan, rests solely with the individual teacher.
B. The Association’s President shall A certified teacher covered by this agreement will be furnished with hired to fill a copy vacancy if the vacancy will exist for at least an eighteen (18) week period. However, a substitute teacher may be hired to fill a vacancy for the remainder of the master schedules for each school within four year if there is less than eighteen (18) weeks remaining until the end of the start school year. Further, a substitute teacher may be hired to replace a teacher who is on leave of absence, providing the leave does not last for more than one year. As soon as it is known that the leave will extend beyond one year, representatives of the semester. The Association’s President Association and Board shall also meet to determine how the position will be notified filled for the remainder of any change in the master schedules as they occurleave.
C. A teacher shall All teachers will be given written notice of his/her tentative assignment their schedule for the forthcoming year prior to no later than the close last day of the present school termin June. In the event a change that changes in assignment is madesuch schedules are proposed, the all teachers affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such changeconsulted. In no the event shall changes in the teacher's assignment be made later than twenty-five (25) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school term unless an emergency situation or significant changes in student enrollment requires same. However, if a school re-schedules, written notice of his/her tentative assignment for the forthcoming semester shall be provided no later than fifteen (15) calendar days preceding the commencement of the next school semester. This subsection C shall not apply that teachers must involuntarily move to teacher transfers of any kind.
D. The Board of Education, the Administration, and the Faculty Association recognize the desirability of maintaining the continuity of successful co-teaching relationships, of avoiding the pairing of two inexperienced first year teachers different classrooms in a co-teaching relationshipdifferent building due to schedule changes, of assigning co- teaching teams to identical preparation periods, and of providing co-teachers with suitable training related to the co-teaching process. When determining co-teaching relationships, assigning preparation periods and developing training opportunities, the Board and Administration agree to consider the foregoing factors, along with applicable scheduling, staffing and financial concerns, and the number of course preparations and different co-teaching pairings,
1. Co-teachers will be notified of compensated for packing and moving their assignment classroom materials for eight (8) hours at least ten (10) calendar days before the start of the school yearcontracted hourly rate. In the event changes in such assignments teachers' schedules are made, made later than ten (10) days preceding the affected teacher shall be notified promptly of the change and the reasons for such change.
2. Volunteer regular education teachers with appropriate certification will be considered first as part of a co-teaching pair. A list of volunteers will be established by March 1 of the preceding school year.
3. The Board shall provide substantive training on co-teaching to teachers new to co-teaching before the start beginning of the school year. In addition, the Board shall make training available each school year to returning co-teachers.
4Association will be notified and the specific reasons for the changes stated. If a co-teacher requests a change in assignmenta teacher's assignment is necessitated within ten (10) days prior to the first day of school, the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with Superintendent will provide the teacher with up to discuss (10) hours of paid prep time to prepare for the request and explore ways, if any, new class(es). This time will be paid at the contracted hourly rate.
D. Prior to accommodate the request. Similarly, if conflicts arise in a co-teaching assignment, end of the Building Principal, or his/her administrative representative, shall meet with the co-school year teachers to discuss and resolve such conflicts. The teacher may request that a Faculty Association representative attend assignment preferences in writing for the meeting.
5ensuing school year. Subject to applicable scheduling, staffing, and financial concerns, special education co-teachers will not be required to work in the following pairings for more than two consecutive years:
a) Pairings with three different regular education co-teachers in the same semester; or
b) A pairing with one regular education co-teacher for two different courses and a pairing with a second regular education teacher for an additional section of one of the two courses in the same semester.
6. If a special education co-teacher is required to work in a pairing as outlined in Article XII, Section E(5) for more than two consecutive years, the District shall compensate the teacher for such pairing at the daily teacher overload(i.e. "overload") rate per class period.
7. When a co-teacher is absent, the District shall provide a substitute teacher. If, however, no such substitute teacher is available, then the teacher present These preferences shall be paid pursuant to the overload rate, as expressed in Appendix C.
8. For purposes of this Section, a co-teacher is one member of a pairing between a regular education teacher and a special education teacher assigned to teach the same courseconsidered when making assignments.
E. When making assignments, major/minor/endorsements, seniority and highly qualified status may be a para-professional is absent, the District shall provide a substitute para-professional whenever reasonably possibleconsideration.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement