Project Inception Meeting. Consultant will undertake a project inception meeting after notice to proceed has been issued. During this meeting, Consultant will: ⚫ Confirm the overall goals and project objectives of the District. ⚫ Confirm protocol for all communication (internal and external) and document submission. ⚫ Confirm team members, roles and responsibilities. ⚫ Request for Information. DRAFT ⚫ Discuss preliminary selection of AWPF sites and agree on number and timing of site inspections. ⚫ Agree on methodology proposed to deliver the project requirements. ⚫ Confirm agreed deliverables and milestones.
Project Inception Meeting. Within 5 business days of receiving a notice to proceed, the Consultant shall contact the District and schedule a Project Inception Meeting. The meeting shall be held at the District and include District and Consultant key staff. During this meeting, the Consultant shall: