Pre-Operations Meeting. PURCHASER shall meet with STATE no later than 30 days from execution of the contract to discuss the Threatened and Endangered Species survey, protection, and planning requirements. Operations Plan. PURCHASER shall prepare an Operations Plan for all operations to be conducted under this contract and submit the plan to STATE at least 5 calendar days prior to commencement of any operation. This plan shall be prepared on a form provided by STATE, and shall be used for all types of operations, including road maintenance, project work, logging, and postharvest requirements. STATE may require an on-site meeting prior to approval of the plan, attended by PURCHASER, subcontractor, and STATE representatives. STATE's approval of the plan must be obtained prior to commencement of any operation, and PURCHASER must comply with this plan. If PURCHASER fails to comply with any of the terms of the plan, including completion dates, STATE may, after giving written notice, suspend PURCHASER's operations until such time as an acceptable alternate plan is submitted by PURCHASER and that alternate plan is accepted by STATE, as provided in Section 29, "Violations, Suspensions, and Cancellation." PURCHASER shall notify STATE whenever operations will be inactive for more than 3 days, and again when operations will be resumed. Seasonal Restrictions. PURCHASER shall adhere to the following restrictions, unless otherwise approved in writing by STATE:
Pre-Operations Meeting. No activity may occur on the permit area until a pre-operations meeting is conducted between the Purchaser and the State. The Purchaser shall notify the Forest Officer at least seven (7) days prior to the start of operations to schedule the pre-operations meeting. The Forest Officer will specify to the Purchaser what information the Purchaser must provide to the State at the pre-operations meeting.
Pre-Operations Meeting. Contractor shall meet with OPRD prior to OPRD’s approval of the Operations Plan, and prior to commencement of Operations, to discuss Contract matters, including Threatened and Endangered Species, protection efforts, protection of the Area of Operations resources, and to identify key issues to be addressed in the Operations Plan.
Pre-Operations Meeting. PURCHASER shall meet with STATE no later than 30 days from execution of the contract to discuss the Threatened and Endangered Species survey, protection, and planning requirements. Operations Plan. PURCHASER shall prepare an Operations Plan for all operations to be conducted under this contract and submit the plan to STATE at least 5 calendar days prior to commencement of any operation. This plan shall be prepared on a form provided by STATE, and shall be used for all types of operations, including road maintenance, project work, logging, and postharvest requirements. STATE may require an on-site meeting prior to approval of the plan, attended by PURCHASER, subcontractor, and STATE representatives. STATE's approval of the plan must be obtained prior to commencement of any operation, and PURCHASER must comply with this plan. If PURCHASER fails to comply with any of the terms of the plan, including completion dates,