Common use of Promotional Opportunities Clause in Contracts

Promotional Opportunities. 41.1 Promotional examinations for the position of sergeant and/or lieutenant, will be posted at least ninety (90) days in advance of the examination with the posting to include: a. The date the written examination is to be given; b. The type of examination (written, oral, other); c. The weight assigned to each step of the process; d. The reading list (i.e., study materials) for the written examination. Participants will be notified of the location of the examination at least 14 days prior to the actual examination date. 41.2 BSO agrees to maintain a promotional eligibility list for the positions of sergeant and lieutenant for a period of two (2) years. A promotional exam will be given no later than ninety (90) days after the depletion of any eligibility list. 41.3 The candidate evaluation method, ranking and qualification requirements shall be determined by the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources. The Bureau of Human Resources will be available to meet with IUPA representatives to gain information, insight and suggestions regarding the selection process. BSO agrees that no candidate shall fill a vacant sergeant position or otherwise enter the bargaining unit as a sergeant unless he or she has a minimum of two (2) years BSO Deputy Sheriff law enforcement experience immediately prior to the posting closing date. 41.4 BSO agrees that the promotional process for sergeant and lieutenant will include more than one stage. Appropriate job-related examination processes which may include (individually or in combination), rating of experience and/or education, written examination, oral examination, assessment center exercises, performance/practical examination or other generally accepted job-related evaluation processes may be used. The results of the promotional examination process will be a list of bargaining unit members organized by final earned scores. Promotional appointments for each vacant position shall be made from the then top five (5) scores. Every sixth (6th) vacant position shall be filled by the Sheriff without regard for the rule of five (5). The promotional examination process shall be final and binding and without further recourse and not grievable. 41.5 One (1) IUPA representatives will be entitled to be present as an observer at all group promotional exams. However, the IUPA observer cannot be currently participating in the promotional process.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

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Promotional Opportunities. 41.1 22.1 It is the policy of the Orange County Fire Rescue Department to consider its own qualified employees for promotional opportunities in employment prior to considering qualified outside applicants, and to give preference for such opportunities to its own qualified employees over outside qualified applicants for those positions listed in this Article. An employee wishing to apply must submit a written (approved) application to Human Resources at Fire Rescue in accordance with County and Fire Rescue Department policy. Employees working under an Employment or who have received an unsatisfactory performance review and are on a promotion list must meet the criteria in accordance with Article 22.09. 22.2 The County agrees to maintain promotional eligibility lists for Fire Inspector II SRk/Fire Inspector II, Dispatcher II, Dispatch Supervisor, Engineer, Lieutenant and Captain. Such eligibility lists shall list the names or identification numbers of eligible applicants. The promotional list will be maintained for two years from certification, unless a shorter period of time is agreed to by the parties. Promotional examinations appointments shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of an announced vacancy in the respective rank unless good business judgment necessitates a delay. Management agrees to develop a promotional process for the position rank of sergeant and/or lieutenantFire Inspector II SRK/Fire Inspector II during the term of this contract. 22.3 Orange County Fire Rescue Department Management reserves the right to design, develop, and administer all testing procedures. To be eligible for promotion, employees in special risk positions, at a minimum, must have successfully passed the Incumbent Physical Ability Test (“IPAT”) or have passed the IPAT within the previous twenty-four months. If an employee fails the IPAT, he shall have an additional 90 days to pass, and if he passes, shall then be eligible for promotion. Prior to the posting of testing procedures, the Union President or his designee will be posted at least ninety (90) days in advance provided an overview of the examination with test components for review and comment. These procedures may consist of written test, assessment centers, candidate schools, intern programs or a mixture of these components. The County shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the posting promotional process are competitive, content valid, and reflective of the position for which the process is intended to include: a. fill. The date weighting of each aspect of the written examination is procedures will be determined by management. The County shall have the exclusive authority to be given; b. The type determine the passing scores for each component of examination (written, oral, other); c. The weight assigned the promotional process and determine the number of candidates that move on to each the next step of the promotional process; d. The reading list (i.e.. However, study materials) for whenever a determination is made regarding groups of employees moving on to the written examination. Participants next step in the promotional process, this will be notified done on the basis of score and performance without knowledge of the location of the examination at least 14 candidates’ identity. The Orange County Fire Rescue Department shall post notice no less than one hundred forty (140) calendar days prior to the start of a promotional process for a normal testing cycle. In the event a list is exhausted and a test must be given early, the time frame to post the notice shall be mutually agreed upon. Such notice shall include the projected dates for each portion of the process, all source materials to be utilized, and shall set the promotional process start date. This date shall serve as the last day for calculating the minimum qualifications for time-in-grade set forth in section 22.8, regardless of when the actual examination date. 41.2 BSO agrees to maintain or testing process begins. This posting will also identify additional characteristics that will be considered by the Fire Chief in making selections once a promotional rank order eligibility list for is established. The components and weighting of the positions of sergeant and lieutenant for a period of two (2) years. A promotional exam will process shall be given posted no later than ninety fourteen (9014) business days after the depletion closing date of any eligibility listthe posting of the promotional process. The starting date of the testing portion of the promotional process shall be in accordance with the following schedule. Rank A. Captain – September – November even-numbered years. 41.3 B. Lieutenant, Fire Inspector II SRk/Fire Inspector II - October – December odd- numbered years. C. Engineer - October – December even-numbered years. The candidate evaluation method, ranking below defined references are made in this article: Posting date: The date a promotional process opportunity is posted which will count as the first day of the one hundred and qualification requirements forty (140) day notice. Application closing date: The date and time all applications must be correctly submitted. Promotional process start date: The date included in all promotional opportunities postings that represents the projected start date of the first (1st) portion of the testing process and which is used as a deadline for time-in-grade requirements. 22.4 All source materials listed shall be job specific as provided in the current job description. An itemized list of source materials and where source materials may be obtained shall be available through the Orange County Fire Rescue Department Training Bureau concurrent with the posting of the testing notice. 22.5 Applicants must make a passing score on all portions of the test to become eligible for the promotional list, as determined by the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources. The Bureau of Human Resources will be available to meet with IUPA representatives to gain information, insight and suggestions regarding the selection process. BSO agrees that no candidate shall fill a vacant sergeant position or otherwise enter the bargaining unit as a sergeant unless he or she has a minimum of two (2) years BSO Deputy Sheriff law enforcement experience immediately prior to the posting closing date. 41.4 BSO agrees that the promotional process for sergeant and lieutenant will include more than one stage. Appropriate job-related examination processes which may include (individually or in combination), rating of experience and/or education, written examination, oral examination, assessment center exercises, performance/practical examination or other generally accepted job-related evaluation processes may be used. The results of the promotional examination process will be a list of bargaining unit members organized by final earned scores. Promotional appointments for each vacant position shall be made from the then top five (5) scores. Every sixth (6th) vacant position shall be filled by the Sheriff Fire Chief without regard for the rule of five (5). The promotional examination process shall be final and binding and without further recourse and not grievableto applicant identity. 41.5 One (1) IUPA representatives will be entitled to be present as an observer at all group promotional exams. However, the IUPA observer cannot be currently participating in the promotional process.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Labor Agreement, Labor Agreement

Promotional Opportunities. 41.1 22.1 It is the policy of the Orange County Fire/Rescue Department to consider its own qualified employees for promotional opportunities in employment prior to considering qualified outside applicants, and to give preference for such opportunities to its own qualified employees over outside qualified applicants for those positions listed in this Article. An employee wishing to apply must submit a written (approved) application to the Human Resources Division of Orange County in accordance with County and Fire Department policy. Employees working under a Last Chance Agreement or who have received an unsatisfactory performance review may not apply for promotion and if on a promotion list must meet the criteria in accordance with Article 22.9. 22.2 The County agrees to maintain promotional eligibility lists for Engineer, Lieutenant and Captain. Such eligibility lists shall list the names or identification numbers of eligible applicants. The promotional list will be maintained for two years from certification, unless a shorter period of time is agreed to by the parties. Promotional examinations appointments shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of an announced vacancy in the respective rank unless good business judgment necessitates a delay. The testing process may be delayed and/or the promotional list extended for one (1) year if: 1) less than 20% of the eligible candidates have been promoted during the two (2) year life of the eligibility list, or 2) there are more employees in the affected rank than are operationally required. 22.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit the Orange County Fire/Rescue Department from hiring an outside applicant for any position if, in the sole discretion of the Fire Chief or other hiring authority, no employee applicant possesses the necessary qualifications, credentials and skills for the position position. 22.4 Orange County Fire/Rescue Department Management reserves the right to design, develop, and administer all testing procedures. To be eligible for promotion, employees in special risk positions, at a minimum, must successfully pass the incumbent physical assessment test (“IPAT”) or have passed the IPAT within the previous twelve months. If an employee fails the IPAT, he shall have an additional 90 days to pass, and if he passes, shall then be eligible for promotion. The IPAT elements and acceptable time frames shall be reviewed at a Labor-Management Committee meeting before implementation. Prior to the posting of sergeant and/or lieutenanttesting procedures, the Union President or his designee will be posted at least ninety (90) days in advance provided an overview of the examination with test components for review and comment. These procedures may consist of written test, assessment centers, candidate schools, intern programs or a mixture of these components. The County shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the posting promotional process are competitive, content valid, and reflective of the position for which the process is intended to include: a. fill. The date weighting of each aspect of the written examination is {OR600041;4} 21 procedures will be determined by management. The County shall have the exclusive authority to be given; b. The type determine the passing scores for each component of examination (written, oral, other); c. The weight assigned the promotional process and determine the number of candidates that move on to each the next step of the promotional process; d. The reading list (i.e.. However, study materials) for whenever a determination is made regarding groups of employees moving on to the written examination. Participants next step in the promotional process, this will be notified done on the basis of score and performance without knowledge of the location of the examination at least 14 candidates’ identity. The Orange County Fire/Rescue Department shall post notice no less than one hundred forty (140) calendar days prior to the start of a promotional process. Such notice shall include the projected dates for each portion of the process, all source materials to be utilized, and shall set the promotional process start date. This date shall serve as the last day for calculating the minimum qualifications for time-in-grade set forth in section 22.8, regardless of when the actual examination dateor testing process begins. This posting will also identify additional characteristics that will be considered by the Fire Chief in making selections once a rank order eligibility list is established. The components and weighting of the promotional process shall be posted no later than fourteen (14) business days after the closing date of the posting of the promotional process. The starting date of the testing portion of the promotional process shall be in accordance with the following schedule unless conditions in Article 22.2 exists: Rank A. Captain – September – November even-numbered years. 41.2 BSO agrees to maintain B. Lieutenant - October – December odd-numbered years. C. Engineer - October – December even-numbered years. The below defined references are made in this article: Posting date: The date a promotional process opportunity is posted which will count as the first day of the one hundred and forty (140) day notice. Application closing date: The date and time all applications must be correctly submitted. Promotional process start date: The date included in all promotional opportunities postings that represents the projected start date of the first (1st) portion of the testing process and which is used as a deadline for time-in-grade requirements. 22.5 All source materials listed shall be job specific as provided in the current job description. An itemized list of source materials and where source materials may be obtained shall be available through the Orange County Fire/Rescue Department Training Bureau concurrent with the posting of the testing notice. 22.6 Applicants must make a passing score on all portions of the test to become eligible for the promotional list, as determined by the Fire Chief without regard to applicant identity. {OR600041;4} 22 22.7 SELECTION FROM PROMOTION LIST A. Promotion to the rank of Engineer and Lieutenant will be from the appropriate eligibility list list. For the position of Engineer, the Chief will promote the top scoring candidate from the list, except for instances where there are documented deficiencies as spelled out in the Agreement. B. For the positions of sergeant Lieutenant and lieutenant for Captain, the Chief will utilize a period of two (2) yearsstrict Rule-of- 4 selection process. A promotional exam In this process, the Chief may select any candidate who scores and is ranked amongst the top four candidates. This selection will be given no later than ninety (90) days after based on both positive and negative characteristics as identified in the depletion posting process. Once a selection is made from the top four scoring candidates, the next eligible person will be taken from the remaining three individuals and the selection process will be repeated until each of any eligibility the original four has been promoted. At that point, another four employees will be taken from the top of the list and the process will be repeated. C. Factors affecting this selection may include but are not limited to: 1. Whether the employee has been disqualified since the establishment of the list. 41.3 2. Whether the employee desires to be bypassed due to personal reasons. 3. Employees who choose to be bypassed may do this one time and still maintain their position on the promotional list. If an employee requests to be bypassed a second time, he/she will be removed from eligibility for the duration of the affected list. 4. Items identified in Section 22.9. 22.8 ELIGIBLE POSITIONS A. INSPECTOR I AND II, DISPATCHER II AND DISPATCHER SUPERVISOR: • Orange County Fire Rescue Department Management reserves the right to design, develop, and administer the promotional testing procedures for Inspector I and II, Dispatcher II, and Dispatcher Supervisor. The candidate evaluation method, ranking and qualification requirements County shall be determined by the Director responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the Bureau of Human Resources. The Bureau of Human Resources will be available to meet with IUPA representatives to gain informationprocess are competitive, insight content valid, and suggestions regarding the selection process. BSO agrees that no candidate shall fill a vacant sergeant position or otherwise enter the bargaining unit as a sergeant unless he or she has a minimum of two (2) years BSO Deputy Sheriff law enforcement experience immediately prior to the posting closing date. 41.4 BSO agrees that the promotional process for sergeant and lieutenant will include more than one stage. Appropriate job-related examination processes which may include (individually or in combination), rating of experience and/or education, written examination, oral examination, assessment center exercises, performance/practical examination or other generally accepted job-related evaluation processes may be used. The results reflective of the promotional examination process will position to be a list of bargaining unit members organized by final earned scoresfilled. Promotional appointments Management shall determine the eligibility criteria for each vacant position position, the time line for posting, and the application period. • Only continuous time served as an employee of Orange County Fire Rescue shall be made from the then top five (5) scoresconsidered for eligible positions. Every sixth (6th) vacant position shall At a minimum, an individual must be filled employed by the Sheriff without regard Orange County Fire Rescue for the rule of five (5). The promotional examination process shall be final and binding and without further recourse and not grievable. 41.5 One (1) IUPA representatives will be entitled one year to be present as an observer at all group promotional examseligible for promotion. However, the IUPA observer cannot be currently participating in the promotional process.{OR600041;4} 23

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Promotional Opportunities. 41.1 Promotional examinations for the position of sergeant and/or lieutenant, will be posted at least ninety (90) days in advance of the examination with the posting to include: a. The date the written examination is to be given; b. The type of examination (written, oral, other); c. The weight assigned to each step of the process; d. The reading list (i.e., study materials) for the written examination. Participants will be notified of the location of the examination at least 14 days prior to the actual examination date. 41.2 BSO agrees to maintain a promotional eligibility list for the positions of sergeant and lieutenant for a period of two (2) years. A promotional exam will be given no later than ninety (90) days after the depletion of any eligibility list. 41.3 The candidate evaluation method, ranking and qualification requirements shall be determined by the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources. The Bureau of Human Resources will be available to meet with IUPA representatives to gain information, insight and suggestions regarding the selection process. BSO agrees that no candidate shall fill a vacant sergeant position or otherwise enter the bargaining unit as a sergeant unless he or she has a minimum of two (2) years BSO Deputy Sheriff law enforcement experience immediately prior to the posting closing date. 41.4 BSO agrees that the promotional process for sergeant and lieutenant will include more than one stage. Appropriate job-related examination processes which may include (individually or in combination), rating of experience and/or education, written examination, oral examination, assessment center exercises, performance/practical examination or other generally accepted job-related evaluation processes may be used. Candidates must pass both the written examination and the assessment center exercises in order to be placed on the eligibility list. The results of the promotional examination process will be a list of bargaining unit members organized by final earned scores. Promotional appointments for each vacant position shall be made from the then top five (5) scores. Every sixth (6th) vacant position shall be filled by the Sheriff without regard for the rule of five (5). If the sixth (6th) pick is not exercised by the Sheriff, the section will be banked until the list expires. The promotional examination process shall be final and binding and without further recourse and not grievable. 41.5 One (1) IUPA representatives will be entitled to be present as an observer at all group promotional exams. However, the IUPA observer cannot be currently participating in the promotional process.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Promotional Opportunities. 41.1 Promotional examinations A. The City agrees to "grandfather" all existing hourly bargaining unit employees in their current positions. B. As of October 1. 2001, an existing hourly bargaining unit employee who does not now have a high school diploma/GED may compete for full time promotional opportunities that require a high school diploma/GED as a minimum requirement. If the position of sergeant and/or lieutenantemployee is appointed to the position, will be posted at least ninety (90) days the employee cannot advance in advance of the examination with the posting to include: a. The date the written examination is to be given; b. The type of examination (written, oral, other); c. The weight assigned to each salary farther than 5% beyond his/her current salary OR -A- step of the process;new full-time position. whichever is greater. without obtaining a high school diploma/GED. d. The C. City agrees to offer the reading list (i.e., study materials) comprehension test quarterly for any interested employees. Upon passing at the written examinationstandardized grade level for promotional positions. Participants the reading comprehension criteria will be notified of the location of the examination at least 14 days considered satisfied. D. City agrees to offer in-house training on interviewing skills and resume writing. E. When competing for full-time positions. hour for hour service credit will be granted for related experience in City employment. F. The City agrees to conduct Closed/Promotional Recruitments prior to the actual examination dateOpen/Competitive Recruitments after approval is given to fill Maintenance Worker positions. 41.2 BSO a. T he City agrees to maintain hire eight (8) full-time Maintenance workers during the life of this agreement G. The City agrees to notify Hourly Bargaining Unit stewards when vacated full-time positions will not be filled. H. The Union and City agree to form a promotional eligibility list for labor-management committee to address the positions problem of sergeant and lieutenant for a period of two (2) years. A current promotional exam will be given no later than ninety (90) days after the depletion of any eligibility list. 41.3 The candidate evaluation method, ranking content and qualification requirements to develop mutual solutions. Seniority shall be determined by based on lifetime hours worked. Seniority shall prevail in promotional opportunities when skills and abilities are the Director of same. An employee may request and be granted a transfer to the Bureau of Human Resources. The Bureau of Human Resources will be available to meet with IUPA representatives to gain information, insight and suggestions regarding same position in a different departments as long as the selection process. BSO agrees that no candidate shall fill a following criteria are met: 1) A vacant sergeant position or otherwise enter the bargaining unit as a sergeant unless he or she has a minimum of two (is available. 2) years BSO Deputy Sheriff law enforcement experience immediately prior to Both Department Heads approve the posting closing datetransfer. 41.4 BSO agrees that 3) The employee possesses the promotional process for sergeant and lieutenant will include more than one stage. Appropriate job-related examination processes which may include (individually or in combination), rating of experience and/or education, written examination, oral examination, assessment center exercises, performance/practical examination or other generally accepted job-related evaluation processes may be used. The results of the promotional examination process will be a list of bargaining unit members organized by final earned scores. Promotional appointments for each vacant position shall be made from the then top five (5) scores. Every sixth (6th) vacant position shall be filled by the Sheriff without regard minimum qualifications for the rule of five (5). The promotional examination process shall be final and binding and without further recourse and not grievableposition. 41.5 One (14) IUPA representatives will be entitled to be present as an observer at all group promotional exams. However, The City Manager approves the IUPA observer cannot be currently participating in the promotional processtransfer.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Hourly Part Time Unit Memorandum of Understanding

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Promotional Opportunities. 41.1 22.1 It is the policy of the Orange County Fire/Rescue Department to consider its own qualified employees for promotional opportunities in employment prior to considering qualified outside applicants, and to give preference for such opportunities to its own qualified employees over outside qualified applicants for those positions listed in this Article. An employee wishing to apply must submit a written (approved) application to the Human Resources Division of Orange County in accordance with County and Fire Department policy. Employees working under a Last Chance Agreement or who have received an unsatisfactory performance review may not apply for promotion and if on a promotion list must meet the criteria in accordance with Article 22.9. 22.2 The County agrees to maintain promotional eligibility lists for Engineer, Lieutenant and Captain. Such eligibility lists shall list the names or identification numbers of eligible applicants. The promotional list will be maintained for two years from certification, unless a shorter period of time is agreed to by the parties. Promotional examinations appointments shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of an announced vacancy in the respective rank unless good business judgment necessitates a delay. The testing process may be delayed and/or the promotional list extended for one (1) year if: 1) less than 20% of the eligible candidates have been promoted during the two (2) year life of the eligibility list, or 2) there are more employees in the affected rank than are operationally required. 22.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit the Orange County Fire/Rescue Department from hiring an outside applicant for any position if, in the sole discretion of the Fire Chief or other hiring authority, no employee applicant possesses the necessary qualifications, credentials and skills for the position position. 22.4 Orange County Fire/Rescue Department Management reserves the right to design, develop, and administer all testing procedures. To be eligible for promotion, employees in special risk positions, at a minimum, must successfully pass the incumbent physical assessment test (“IPAT”) or have passed the IPAT within the previous twelve months. If an employee fails the IPAT, he shall have an additional 90 days to pass, and if he passes, shall then be eligible for promotion. The IPAT elements and acceptable time frames shall be reviewed at a Labor-Management Committee meeting before implementation. Prior to the posting of sergeant and/or lieutenanttesting procedures, the Union President or his designee will be posted at least ninety (90) days in advance provided an overview of the examination with test components for review and comment. These procedures may consist of written test, assessment centers, candidate schools, intern programs or a mixture of these components. The County shall be responsible for ensuring that all aspects of the posting promotional process are competitive, content valid, and reflective of the position for which the process is intended to include: a. fill. The date weighting of each aspect of the written examination is procedures will be determined by management. The County shall have the exclusive authority to be given; b. The type determine the passing scores for each component of examination (written, oral, other); c. The weight assigned the promotional process and determine the number of candidates that move on to each the next step of the promotional process; d. The reading list (i.e.. However, study materials) for whenever a determination is made regarding groups of employees moving on to the written examination. Participants next step in the promotional process, this will be notified done on the basis of score and performance without knowledge of the location of the examination at least 14 candidates’ identity. The Orange County Fire/Rescue Department shall post notice no less than one hundred forty (140) calendar days prior to the start of a promotional process. Such notice shall include the projected dates for each portion of the process, all source materials to be utilized, and shall set the promotional process start date. This date shall serve as the last day for calculating the minimum qualifications for time-in-grade set forth in section 22.8, regardless of when the actual examination date. 41.2 BSO agrees to maintain or testing process begins. This posting will also identify additional characteristics that will be considered by the Fire Chief in making selections once a promotional rank order eligibility list for is established. The components and weighting of the positions of sergeant and lieutenant for a period of two (2) years. A promotional exam will process shall be given posted no later than ninety fourteen (9014) business days after the depletion closing date of any eligibility listthe posting of the promotional process. The starting date of the testing portion of the promotional process shall be in accordance with the following schedule unless conditions in Article 22.2 exists: Rank A. Captain – September – November even-numbered years. 41.3 B. Lieutenant - October – December odd-numbered years. C. Engineer - October – December even-numbered years. The candidate evaluation method, ranking below defined references are made in this article: Posting date: The date a promotional process opportunity is posted which will count as the first day of the one hundred and qualification requirements forty (140) day notice. Application closing date: The date and time all applications must be correctly submitted. Promotional process start date: The date included in all promotional opportunities postings that represents the projected start date of the first (1st) portion of the testing process and which is used as a deadline for time-in-grade requirements. 22.5 vided in the current job description. An itemized list of source materials and where source materials may be obtained shall be available through the Orange County Fire/Rescue Department Training Bureau concurrent with the posting of the testing notice. 22.6 Applicants must make a passing score on all portions of the test to become eligible for the promotional list, as determined by the Director of the Bureau of Human Resources. The Bureau of Human Resources will be available to meet with IUPA representatives to gain information, insight and suggestions regarding the selection process. BSO agrees that no candidate shall fill a vacant sergeant position or otherwise enter the bargaining unit as a sergeant unless he or she has a minimum of two (2) years BSO Deputy Sheriff law enforcement experience immediately prior to the posting closing date. 41.4 BSO agrees that the promotional process for sergeant and lieutenant will include more than one stage. Appropriate job-related examination processes which may include (individually or in combination), rating of experience and/or education, written examination, oral examination, assessment center exercises, performance/practical examination or other generally accepted job-related evaluation processes may be used. The results of the promotional examination process will be a list of bargaining unit members organized by final earned scores. Promotional appointments for each vacant position shall be made from the then top five (5) scores. Every sixth (6th) vacant position shall be filled by the Sheriff Fire Chief without regard for the rule of five (5). The promotional examination process shall be final and binding and without further recourse and not grievableto applicant identity. 41.5 One (1) IUPA representatives will be entitled to be present as an observer at all group promotional exams. However, the IUPA observer cannot be currently participating in the promotional process.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Labor Agreement

Promotional Opportunities. 41.1 Promotional examinations Announcements for promotional opportunities for members of the position of sergeant and/or lieutenant, Union will list testing and scoring processes that will be posted at least ninety (90) days in advance of the examination with the posting to include: a. The date the written examination is to followed. Once defined, testing, and scoring processes will not be given; b. The type of examination (written, oral, other); c. The weight assigned to each step of the process; d. The reading list (i.e., study materials) for the written examinationmodified. Participants There will be notified of no banding on promotional exams and, if a candidate is by-passed during the location of selection process, that person will be given a written reason by the examination at least 14 days prior Fire Chief as to the actual examination date. 41.2 BSO why they were by-passed. The City agrees to maintain a an opener to discuss the promotional eligibility list for process if the positions of sergeant and lieutenant for a period of Fire Chief goes below the top three (3) candidates in making their selection on promotional exams two (2) yearsor more times during the term of this AgreementMOU. A promotional exam In accordance with Section 2.36.240 A4 of the City’s Personnel Rules and Regulations, “When an employee is promoted, the employee shall be paid at the first step in the salary range for the new positions whose salary is at least five (5%) percent above the last step held in the former position.” When promoting to Fire Engineer or Fire Captain, the last step held will be given no later than ninety (90) days after the depletion defined as step pay only, exclusive of any eligibility list. 41.3 The candidate evaluation methodincentive (including Paramedic pay for a Firefighter) or overtime pay unless the employee is no longer eligible for such incentive upon promotion (e.g., ranking Paramedic Coordinator). In the event of a promotion to Fire Captain, where the Fire Department exceeds the specified minimum number of Paramedics as outlined in Article 50 – Staffing, and qualification requirements shall be there is no operational requirement for the promoted employee to retain their Paramedic status as determined by the Director Fire Chief or designee, thus discontinuing their eligibility for Paramedic Incentive Pay, the City shall factor the Paramedic Incentive Pay into the salary determination for the promotion. Specifically, when promoting to Fire Captain, if the department does not have the need for an employee promoting to remain a Paramedic and will therefore not continue to receive the Paramedic Incentive Pay, the City shall include the Paramedic Incentive Pay in determining salary placement for the promotion. SIn accordance with the January 24, 2020 grievance settlement, step placement upon promotion for Fire Battalion Chief is primarily based on applicable education and experience. Education and experience will be first applied to meet the minimum requirements per the current job description. Education and/or experience in excess of the Bureau that needed to meet minimums will be applied as follows: • Two years of Human Resourcesexperience as a SLO City Fire Captain equates to one step. • Two years of education equates to one step. Once initial step placement is proposed, a pay analysis will be conducted to ensure step placement is above Fire Captain gross pay. The Bureau of Human Resources calculation will be available to meet with IUPA representatives to gain informationas follows: • Fire Captain gross pay includes base pay, insight regularly scheduled FLSA pay, and suggestions regarding the selection processfollowing incentives: bilingual pay, Station 1 Captain incentive, Paramedic Coordinator Incentive, Paramedic Field Training Officer Incentive, HazMat Incentive, Paramedic Coordinator Incentive, Station 1 Captain Incentive, and USAR incentive. BSO agrees that no candidate shall fill a vacant sergeant position • Fire Battalion Chief proposed step is based on education and experience plus eligible incentives. • If Fire Battalion Chief proposed step is more than Fire Captain xxxxx pay; then Battalion Chief step placement is appropriate. • If Fire Battalion Chief proposed step is less or otherwise enter the bargaining unit as a sergeant unless he or she has a minimum of two (2) years BSO Deputy Sheriff law enforcement experience immediately prior equal to the posting closing dateFire Captain xxxxx pay; adjust to the next Fire Battalion Chief step above Fire Captain gross pay. 41.4 BSO agrees that the promotional process for sergeant and lieutenant will include more than one stage. Appropriate job-related examination processes which may include (individually or in combination), rating of experience and/or education, written examination, oral examination, assessment center exercises, performance/practical examination or other generally accepted job-related evaluation processes may be used. The results of the promotional examination process will be a list of bargaining unit members organized by final earned scores. Promotional appointments for each vacant position shall be made from the then top five (5) scores. Every sixth (6th) vacant position shall be filled by the Sheriff without regard for the rule of five (5). The promotional examination process shall be final and binding and without further recourse and not grievable. 41.5 One (1) IUPA representatives will be entitled to be present as an observer at all group promotional exams. However, the IUPA observer cannot be currently participating in the promotional process.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

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