PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. SERGEANT 1. Only those employees with a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice or related field shall be eligible to apply for the Sergeant position. 2. When the College determines to fill a Sergeant position, selection of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A score of 70% is required on the written examination to be considered for the position and move on to the oral examination. The College shall provide the written testing material sources for study. The College shall also make the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to the written examination must be contained within the source materials. 3. The Oral Examination shall be administered and graded by a panel of three (3) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience. 4. Seniority shall be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning from the applicant’s date of hire and determined as of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added to the total of the written and oral examinations. 5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions. 6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided to those scoring higher than the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the position. 7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At any time prior to the end of the probation, the College or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position and the College may select from among the remaining candidates. In the alternative, a new search may be undertaken.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Public Safety Master Agreement, Public Safety Master Agreement, Public Safety Master Agreement
Section 1. Only those employees Examinations given for the position of Police Sergeant shall be coordinated by the Human Resources and Police Departments.
Section 2. A job analysis will be conducted by constructing and administering questionnaires to incumbents to assess the importance of the knowledge, skills and abilities to be measured in the Promotional Process.
Section 3. Officers with sixty (60) semester credits from a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of regionally or nationally accredited college or university and three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess of non-probationary sworn service with the St.
Section 4. At least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled Written Examination date, the City shall post notice of the examinations via the Job Announcements. The announcements shall include the date and time of the Written Examinations and the sources from which the examinations are drawn. The City shall make available reference materials for use by eligible employees preparing for the examinations.
Section 5. Step 1 for both the Sergeant and Lieutenant processes will be a closed-book, multiple- choice Written Examination. The Sergeant and Lieutenant examinations will be developed by representatives from the Human Resources and Police Departments, and an Associate Degree outside consultant may be included. During administration of the Written Examinations, candidates may write challenges to questions which they think are inappropriate, inaccurate or ambiguous. This information may be used in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice conjunction with statistical item analysis information to modify the scoring of individual questions as necessary or related field to eliminate invalid questions from the examinations. The final decision regarding the suitability of the questions shall be eligible made by the Chief of Police or designee. Sergeant and Lieutenant candidates who receive a passing score on the Written Examination will proceed to apply for Step 2 in the Sergeant positionPromotional Process.
2Section 6. When the College determines Step 2 will be a Review of Education and Service for which up to fill a Sergeant position, selection of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three fifteen (315) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A score of 70% is required on the written examination to be considered for the position and move on to the oral examination. The College shall provide the written testing material sources for study. The College shall also make the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to the written examination must be contained within the source materials.
3. The Oral Examination shall be administered and graded by a panel of three (3) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience.
4. Seniority shall be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning from the applicant’s date of hire and determined as of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added awarded. Each candidate will submit supporting documentation to the total designated Promotional Process coordinator by the date established following notification of a passing score on the written Written Examination. (For graded criteria, see the “Review of Education and oral examinationsService” form in this Article.)
5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions.
6Section 7. The Public Safety Director shall choose among relative weights assigned to the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification foregoing components will be provided eighty-five percent (85%) for the Written Examination and fifteen percent (15%) for the Review of Education and Service. These two (2) scores will be combined for a final score that will be used to those scoring higher than rank order the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on candidates and produce the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the positionPolice Sergeant and Police Lieutenant eligibility lists.
7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At any time prior to the end of the probation, the College or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position and the College may select from among the remaining candidates. In the alternative, a new search may be undertaken.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
1. Only those employees with Promotion to a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including supervisory rank covered under this agreement will be accomplished using a minimum of three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College part examination procedure. The promotional process will consist of the following elements, each phase making up a percentage of the candidate’s final grade:
A. WRITTEN TEST that will count as 30% of the candidate's final grade for sergeants and 20% of the candidate’s final grade for lieutenants. Candidates must pass the written exam before proceeding to the next two (2) phases. The City shall use the assistance of a professional testing service, who minimally possess an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice or related field shall will be eligible to apply responsible for the Sergeant development and administration of a valid, position-related written examination. To participate in the written examination, candidates must meet the eligibility criteria specified by the City of Upper Arlington’s Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
B. ORAL INTERVIEW PANEL that will count as 30% of the candidate’s final grade for sergeant and 40% of the candidate's final grade for lieutenant: The Chief of Police or designee will assist the Human Resources Department in making arrangements for the Oral Interview Panel. On matters related to the Oral Interview Panel, the following will apply:
1. No voting member of the panel will be a member of the Upper Arlington Division of Police;
2. When Panel members will only discuss factual responses from the College determines candidates within the room that the interviews take place. No discussion will take place until the Panel Members have completed their scoring sheets. There is to fill a Sergeant position, selection be no discussion of the person to fill candidate, or their responses, outside of the room that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A score of 70% is required on the written examination to be considered for the position and move on to the oral examinationinterviews take place. The College City shall provide the written testing material sources for study. The College shall also make the testing material sources available designate an Oral Interview Panel Moderator to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to the written examination must be contained within the source materials.ensure compliance with this section; and
3. The Members of the Oral Examination shall Interview Panel will come from outside the Upper Arlington Division of Police. They will be administered and graded by officers of the same/similar rank as that which the candidates are competing for. They will come from police agencies within Franklin County, if feasible. They will not be familiar with any of the candidates, if possible. One panel member will be a panel representative of three (3) people, consisting the Fraternal Order of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experiencePolice.
4. Seniority shall be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning from the applicant’s date of hire and determined C. ASSESSMENT CENTER that will count as 40% of the posting date candidate's final grade. The Assessment Center process will be conducted by members of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added to the total Advisory Services Division of the written and oral examinations.
5Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, or a mutually agreed upon assessment company, if possible. An applicant who does not pass Where practicable, these assessors shall come from agencies outside the written test may review his/her test and challenge Franklin County area. The Chief of Police, or designee, will act as the result, provided however that the challenge is made within 24 hours coordinator on behalf of the review and Civil Service Commission to arrange for the assessment process. Provided there is limited an available pool of assessors, no assessor shall serve on any panel where he or she has previously served on an assessor of any candidate subject to no more than four questionsassessment.
6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided to those scoring higher than the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the position.
7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At any time prior to the end of the probation, the College or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position and the College may select from among the remaining candidates. In the alternative, a new search may be undertaken.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Section 1. Only those employees Examinations given for the position of Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant shall be coordinated by the Human Resources and Police Departments.
Section 2. A job analysis will be conducted by constructing and administering questionnaires to incumbents to assess the importance of the knowledge, skills and abilities to be measured in the promotional process.
Section 3. Officers with sixty (60) semester credits from a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of regionally or nationally accredited college or university and three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess of non-probationary sworn service with the St.
Section 4. At least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled written examination date, the City shall post notice of the examinations via the job announcements. The announcements shall include the date and time of the written examinations and the sources from which the examinations are drawn. The City shall make available reference materials for use by eligible employees preparing for the examinations.
Section 5. Step 1 for both the Sergeant and Lieutenant processes will be a closed-book, multiple- choice written examination. The Sergeant and Lieutenant examinations will be developed by representatives from the Human Resources and Police Departments, and an Associate Degree outside consultant may be included. During administration of the written examinations, candidates may write challenges to questions which they think are inappropriate, inaccurate or ambiguous. This information may be used in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice conjunction with statistical item analysis information to modify the scoring of individual questions as necessary or related field to eliminate invalid questions from the examinations. The final decision regarding the suitability of the questions shall be eligible to apply for made by the Chief of Police or designee. Sergeant position.
2. When the College determines to fill and Lieutenant candidates who receive a Sergeant position, selection of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A passing score of 70% is required on the written examination will proceed to Step 2 in the promotional process.
Section 6. Step 2 will be considered a review of education and service for the position and move on which up to twenty (20) points will be awarded. Each candidate will submit supporting documentation to the oral designated promotional process coordinator by the date established following notification of a passing score on the written examination. The College shall provide (For graded criteria, see the written testing material sources for study“review of education and service” form in this Article.)
Section 7. The College shall also make relative weights assigned to the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to foregoing components will be sixty-five percent (65%) for the written examination must be contained within the source materials.
3. The Oral Examination shall be administered and graded by a panel of three thirty-five percent (335%) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience.
4. Seniority shall be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning from the applicant’s date of hire and determined as of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added to the total of the written and oral examinations.
5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions.
6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided to those scoring higher than the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the position.
7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At any time prior to the end of the probation, the College or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position and the College may select from among the remaining candidates. In the alternative, a new search may be and
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Section 1. Only those employees Examinations given for the position of Police Sergeant shall be coordinated by the Human Resources and Police Departments.
Section 2. A job analysis will be conducted by constructing and administering questionnaires to incumbents to assess the importance of the knowledge, skills and abilities to be measured in the promotional process.
Section 3. Officers with sixty (60) semester credits from a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of regionally or nationally accredited college or university and three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess of non-probationary sworn service with the St.
Section 4. At least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled written examination date, the City shall post notice of the examinations via the job announcements. The announcements shall include the date and time of the written examinations and the sources from which the examinations are drawn. The City shall make available reference materials for use by eligible employees preparing for the examinations.
Section 5. Step 1 for both the Sergeant and Lieutenant processes will be a closed-book, multiple- choice written examination. The Sergeant and Lieutenant examinations will be developed by representatives from the Human Resources and Police Departments, and an Associate Degree outside consultant may be included. During administration of the written examinations, candidates may write challenges to questions which they think are inappropriate, inaccurate or ambiguous. This information may be used in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice conjunction with statistical item analysis information to modify the scoring of individual questions as necessary or related field to eliminate invalid questions from the examinations. The final decision regarding the suitability of the questions shall be eligible to apply for made by the Chief of Police or designee. Sergeant position.
2. When the College determines to fill and Lieutenant candidates who receive a Sergeant position, selection of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A passing score of 70% is required on the written examination will proceed to Step 2 in the promotional process.
Section 6. Step 2 will be considered a review of education and service for the position and move on which up to twenty (20) points will be awarded. Each candidate will submit supporting documentation to the oral designated promotional process coordinator by the date established following notification of a passing score on the written examination. The College shall provide (For graded criteria, see the written testing material sources for study“review of education and service” form in this Article.)
Section 7. The College shall also make relative weights assigned to the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to foregoing components will be sixty-five percent (65%) for the written examination must be contained within and thirty-five percent (35%) for the source materials.
3. The Oral Examination shall be administered review of education and graded by a panel of three (3) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience.
4. Seniority shall be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning from the applicant’s date of hire and determined as of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employmentservice. These points two (2) scores will be added to the total of the written and oral examinations.
5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however combined for a final score that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions.
6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided used to those scoring higher than rank order the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on candidates and produce the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the positionPolice Sergeant and Police Lieutenant eligibility lists.
7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At any time prior to the end of the probation, the College or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position and the College may select from among the remaining candidates. In the alternative, a new search may be undertaken.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Section 1. Only those employees Examinations given for the position of Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant shall be coordinated by the Human Resources and Police Departments.
Section 2. A job analysis will be conducted by constructing and administering questionnaires to incumbents to assess the importance of the knowledge, skills and abilities to be measured in the promotional process.
Section 3. Officers with sixty (60) semester credits from a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of regionally or nationally accredited college or university and three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess of non-probationary sworn service with the St.
Section 4. At least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled written examination date, the City shall post notice of the examinations via the job announcements. The announcements shall include the date and time of the written examinations and the sources from which the examinations are drawn. The City shall make available reference materials for use by eligible employees preparing for the examinations.
Section 5. Step 1 for both the Sergeant and Lieutenant processes will be a closed-book, multiple-choice written examination. The Sergeant and Lieutenant examinations will be developed by representatives from the Human Resources and Police Departments, and an Associate Degree outside consultant may be included. During administration of the written examinations, candidates may write challenges to questions which they think are inappropriate, inaccurate or ambiguous. This information may be used in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice conjunction with statistical item analysis information to modify the scoring of individual questions as necessary or related field to eliminate invalid questions from the examinations. The final decision regarding the suitability of the questions shall be eligible to apply for made by the Chief of Police or designee. Sergeant position.
2. When the College determines to fill and Lieutenant candidates who receive a Sergeant position, selection of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A passing score of 70% is required on the written examination will proceed to Step 2 in the promotional process.
Section 6. Step 2 will be considered a review of education and service for the position and move on which up to twenty (20) points will be awarded. Each candidate will submit supporting documentation to the oral designated promotional process coordinator by the date established following notification of a passing score on the written examination. The College shall provide (For graded criteria, see the written testing material sources for study“review of education and service” form in this Article.)
Section 7. The College shall also make relative weights assigned to the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to foregoing components will be sixty-five percent (65%) for the written examination must and thirty-five percent (35%) for the review of education and service. These two (2) scores will be contained within combined for a final score that will be used to rank order the source materialscandidates and produce the Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant eligibility lists.
3Section 8. The Oral Examination shall Step 3 will be administered and graded by a panel the identification of three (3) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience.
4candidates to continue in the process. Seniority shall Candidates will be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning identified from the applicant’s date eligibility lists, based on the number of hire available promotional positions and determined as in accordance with the rule of five, which is described in the City of St. Petersburg Rules and Regulations of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added to the total of the written and oral examinationsPersonnel Management System, Section 2-6.
5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions.
6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided to those scoring higher than the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the position.
7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At any time prior to the end of the probation, the College or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position and the College may select from among the remaining candidates. In the alternative, a new search may be undertaken.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. SERGEANTA. The promotional process shall adhere to the current HCFR SOG #300.
B. To sit for a test all applicants must meet all qualifications in the current County approved job descriptions. All educational requirements must be met 14 days prior to scheduled test date. Additionally, time and grade requirements must be met one (1. Only those employees with a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice or related field day prior to scheduled test date.
C. Current job descriptions shall be eligible made available to apply for the Sergeant positionUnion upon written request.
2. When the College determines to fill a Sergeant position, selection D. A list of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point qualified applicants for each full year of service at OCC A score of 70% is required on the written examination to position being tested for will be considered for the position and move on furnished to the oral examination. The College shall provide the Union upon written testing material sources for study. The College shall also make the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to the written examination must be contained within the source materialsrequest.
3. The Oral Examination shall be administered and graded by a panel E. A final list of three (3) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience.
4. Seniority shall be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning from the applicant’s date of hire and determined as of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added to the total of the written and oral examinations.
5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however all candidates that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions.
6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided to those scoring higher than the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on passed the written exam, ranked from the College may select an external candidate highest to fill the positionlowest score, shall be provided to the Union, upon written request.
7F. (Specific Position) Candidate lists shall be in effect for a time period of two (2) years, or as needed on specific dates that are mutually agreed upon between Management and the Union Executive Board.
G. Employees receiving a promotion shall be placed on the 1st step of their new position or at the next highest step which grants them a minimum of a 5% increase and their seniority by rank date will be reset to their date of promotion.
H. All employees being promoted having a pay grade change shall be subject to the qualification period listed in Article 6, Section 3.
Section 2. If a Public Safety employee is put Promotional testing for all positions covered under the Local 3760 CBA shall consist of an initial written test followed by an interview process. Candidates that successfully finish the written test will be placed on an initial ranking list according to their written test scores. At the time an open position needs to be filled the written test candidates will be asked to participate in the position, he/she interview process. The number of candidates to be interviewed will have a one-year probationary periodbe determined by the Rule of Three. At any time prior The number of candidates to be interviewed will be number of position vacancies sought to be filled plus two (2) from the end current (Specific Position) Candidate List.
Section 3. The interview panel will consist of the probation, the College following members:
A. The HCFR Fire Chief and/or his designee
B. The Division Chief of Operations or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position designee.
C. The Human Resources Director or his/her designee.
D. Interview and written testing process monitoring (non-evaluating status) by the College may select from among Local 3760 Representative. At no time shall the remaining candidates. In union representative who is monitoring the alternativeinterview and/or written process, a new search may be undertakenone of the candidates on any list.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Section 1. Only those employees Examinations given for the position of Police Sergeant shall be coordinated by the Human Resources and Police Departments.
Section 2. A job analysis will be conducted by constructing and administering questionnaires to incumbents to assess the importance of the knowledge, skills and abilities to be measured in the promotional process.
Section 3. Officers with sixty (60) semester credits from a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of regionally or nationally accredited college or university and three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess of non-probationary sworn service with the St.
Section 4. At least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled written examination date, the City shall post notice of the examinations via the job announcements. The announcements shall include the date and time of the written examinations and the sources from which the examinations are drawn. The City shall make available reference materials for use by eligible employees preparing for the examinations.
Section 5. Step 1 for both the Sergeant and Lieutenant processes will be a closed-book, multiple- choice written examination. The Sergeant and Lieutenant examinations will be developed by representatives from the Human Resources and Police Departments, and an Associate Degree outside consultant may be included. During administration of the written examinations, candidates may write challenges to questions which they think are inappropriate, inaccurate or ambiguous. This information may be used in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice conjunction with statistical item analysis information to modify the scoring of individual questions as necessary or related field to eliminate invalid questions from the examinations. The final decision regarding the suitability of the questions shall be eligible to apply for made by the Chief of Police or designee. Sergeant position.
2. When the College determines to fill and Lieutenant candidates who receive a Sergeant position, selection of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A passing score of 70% is required on the written examination will proceed to Step 2 in the promotional process.
Section 6. Step 2 will be considered a review of education and service for the position and move on which up to twenty (20) points will be awarded. Each candidate will submit supporting documentation to the oral designated promotional process coordinator by the date established following notification of a passing score on the written examination. The College shall provide (For graded criteria, see the written testing material sources for study“review of education and service” form in this Article.)
Section 7. The College shall also make relative weights assigned to the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to foregoing components will be sixty-five percent (65%) for the written examination must and thirty-five percent (35%) for the review of education and service. These two (2) scores will be contained within combined for a final score that will be used to rank order the source materialscandidates and produce the Police Sergeant and Police Lieutenant eligibility lists.
3Section 8. The Oral Examination shall Step 3 will be administered and graded by a panel the identification of three (3) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience.
4candidates to continue in the process. Seniority shall Candidates will be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning identified from the applicant’s date eligibility lists, based on the number of hire available promotional positions and determined as in accordance with the rule of five, which is described in the City of St. Petersburg Rules and Regulations of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added to the total of the written and oral examinationsPersonnel Management System, Section 2-6.
5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions.
6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided to those scoring higher than the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the position.
7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At any time prior to the end of the probation, the College or employee may determine that he/she shall return to his/her former position and the College may select from among the remaining candidates. In the alternative, a new search may be undertaken.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement