Written Examination Sample Clauses
Written Examination. The content of any written examination will be scaled appropriate to the level of the position being considered. All written tests will be designated as given at a general knowledge level or other standards will be designated where the rank and position being tested warrant specialized knowledge. The Sheriff will determine where general or specialized standard testing is warranted.
Written Examination. The written examination shall be valid standardized test for law enforcement positions obtained from a recognized institute or organization.
Written Examination. The written examination will be administered by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The District will pay $25 towards the cost of the written examination and will provide the time reasonably necessary for the written examination.
Written Examination. All applicants for promotions as defined under this section must take a required written examination which will be administered and scored by an impartial, outside testing agency to be determined by the Sheriff and the County. The selection of such testing agency may be grieved under the provisions of Article VI of this Agreement. However, an arbitrator may not reverse the decision of the Sheriff and the County unless he finds that the testing agency as selected is not impartial in the administration of the examination. Each candidate’s score will be multiplied by 0.6, (60%) to determine his point allocation for promotion evaluation purposes under this section. Written examinations will be given once every two (2) years or as needed in the determination of the Sheriff.
Written Examination. Effective January 2, 1979, all Teacher Assistants shall be required to pass a written test.
Written Examination. The written examination shall be a knowledge-based examination. The written examination questions shall include questions derived from the in-house materials and books from the Ohio Fire Chiefs Promotional Book List as described below and selected by the Promotional Process Committee. It shall include in-house material such as the following, but not limited to: Department Procedure Manuals Department Rule Book Toledo Municipal Code Chapter 2125 (Local 92 Collective Bargaining Agreement) Additionally, a Promotional Process Committee shall choose up to three (3) books from the Ohio Fire Chiefs Promotional Book List. The required study material will appear on the promotional announcement. A Promotional Process Committee shall be formed and consist of: The Fire Chief or designee Local 92 President or designee (not involved in the process) Human Resources Director/Commissioner or designee The Promotional Process Committee shall meet six (6) months after the establishment of the previous promotional eligible list to mutually determine and post material for the next promotional exam. The Promotional Process Committee shall meet to mutually agree upon the exercises, and weighing of those exercises, within the assessment center, it is also agreed that the tactical portion must be an exercise, and must be weighted at 50% or more. point scale of the assessment center, seniority, and discipline. Only those candidates who have passed the written exam with a 70% or higher are eligible to advance to the assessment center portion of the promotional process. The assessment center will utilize a minimum of three (3) of the following types of exercises typically found in assessment centers: In-Basket Problem Solving/Analysis Written and Oral Resumes/Structured Interviews Role-Playing Memo/Report Writing Oral Presentation/Plan Preparation Staff Meeting Special Event/Operations Incident Scene Management / Tactical * Any other exercises as mutually agreed upon by the Promotional Process Committee *Must be one of the three exercises To be eligible for promotion, the candidate must complete the following three (3) criteria on the assessment center:
Written Examination. (a) Written Examinations for all candidates shall be adjudicated by the Examination Board.
(b) Written Examinations to be composed by the Examination Board in consultation with the Fire Chief and the Deputy Fire Chief.
(c) The Examination Board together with the Fire Chief and the Deputy Fire Chief shall meet to conduct the written examination and xxxx the exam according to procedure established by the Fire Chief.
(d) When the invitation to write qualifying exams is posted, source material, other than the VFRS Training Manual, shall be clearly identified. All material, other than the Training Manual, shall be available to all applicants at each Fire Station in the City of Xxxxxxx.
(e) Candidates with a score of not less than 50% on the written examination shall advance to oral examination.
Written Examination. The written examination shall be administered, with due notice to the eligible applicants, no later than sixty (60) days after the close of the posting period. At least sixty (60) days prior to the conducting of the written examination, each applicant shall be provided notice of the source material from which the examination questions are prepared. At least two (2) copies of each source material will be made readily accessible to the applicants for their review. The written examination shall constitute fifty percent (50%) of the total test score. Following the written examination, the applicants may participate in an oral board; such oral board scores shall constitute fifty percent (50%) of the total score.
Written Examination. The written examination shall be conducted as outlined in Section
Written Examination. All persons applying for the position of Sergeant shall be given adequate notice of the time and date of the written examination to be utilized by the Employer. Resource materials and bibliographical data shall be made available to applicants on a uniform basis at the earliest possible date, when such information is available. In addition, the identity of the test and the general format of same shall be disclosed to all applicants. While the Employer maintains the sole and exclusive right to determine what tests will be administered, it shall not select a test that discriminates against any applicant on the basis of race, sex, national origin or cultural heritage. Candidates for promotion must attain a minimum passing score of 70% on the written examination to proceed to the next step in the promotional process. Any officer may take the written promotional exam in recognition that it is a beneficial training tool; however, any officer with less than two years experience is not allowed to participate in any other part of the promotional process.