1. Only those employees with a minimum of five (5) years of law enforcement experience including a minimum of three (3) years Public Safety Officer experience at Oakland Community College who minimally possess an Associate Degree in Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice or related field shall be eligible to apply for the Sergeant position.
2. When the College determines to fill a Sergeant position, selection of the person to fill that position shall be based upon a testing and evaluation process consisting of three (3) parts: Written Examination 100 points Oral Examination 100 points Seniority 1 point for each full year of service at OCC A score of 70% is required on the written examination to be considered for the position and move on to the oral examination. The College shall provide the written testing material sources for study. The College shall also make the testing material sources available to applicants within a reasonable period of time before any testing commences. All answers to the written examination must be contained within the source materials.
3. The Oral Examination shall be administered and graded by a panel of three (3) people, consisting of a Public Safety Lieutenant, a College administrator, and either another College administrator or an external individual with public safety experience.
4. Seniority shall be calculated on a yearly basis, beginning from the applicant’s date of hire and determined as of the posting date of the position. An applicant shall earn one point for each full year of employment. Portions of a year do not count toward seniority. Each applicant will therefore accrue one point for each full year of employment. These points will be added to the total of the written and oral examinations.
5. An applicant who does not pass the written test may review his/her test and challenge the result, provided however that the challenge is made within 24 hours of the review and is limited to no more than four questions.
6. The Public Safety Director shall choose among the top three candidates recommended by the committee. If the top ranked candidate is not chosen, a written justification will be provided to those scoring higher than the chosen candidate, if requested. If there are no internal applicants with a score of at least 70 on the written exam, the College may select an external candidate to fill the position.
7. If a Public Safety employee is put in the position, he/she will have a one-year probationary period. At an...
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. 10.1 The promotional process shall be in accordance with RCW 43.43 and the Washington State Patrol Regulation Manual, except as specifically provided below.
10.2 In preparing an eligible list for promotion to the rank of sergeant, the Employer shall consider the results of an assessment center, the results of a written examination, an employee’s two (2) most recent Job Performance Appraisals (JPAs), education, and seniority. The weight given to these components of a promotion examination shall be one hundred percent (100%) of a promotional examination, weighted as follows:
10.3 When the Employer is filling a vacancy in a sergeant position, the Employer shall request a pool of five (5) candidates for consideration. This pool shall be composed of those individuals who are at the top of the then-current eligible list for such position. In the event there are multiple vacancies, the candidate pool that will be considered for promotion to such vacancies shall be increased on a one (1) to one
(1) basis (i.e., if there are two (2) vacancies, the top six (6) candidates shall be considered).
10.4 The Chief shall have discretion to select the candidate of his/her choosing from the pool of certified candidates. The Chief shall undertake an impartial review of each candidate in the pool and base his/her decision on such review.
10.5 Upon request, candidates for promotion to sergeant shall be entitled to review a copy of the notes of assessment center evaluators applicable to the employee’s own promotional examination. The names of the evaluators shall be redacted and not disclosed to the candidate.
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. When a vacancy occurs in a sergeant position, a notice for promotional examination shall be published by means approved by the Chief of Police. Such notice shall be given not less than sixty (60) days prior to the examination. Applications for promotional consideration shall be submitted during the posting period to the Chief of Police
A. Minimum requirements for promotion to the rank of sergeant are as follows:
1. Three (3) years of continuous full-time service with the Genoa Township Police Department in the classification of Police Officer, or two (2) years of full-time service with the Genoa Township Police Department and at least three (3) years of full-time service with another law enforcement agency as a certified peace officer.
2. Qualified employees desiring to be considered for promotion must submit a letter of intent at such time as it may be required.
3. No employee with a disciplinary action against them of a suspension of three (3) days or more within three (3) years prior to the promotional test and/or promotion will be considered for promotion.
B. The following scoring system will be used for ranking the candidates: Written Examination 20%
C. Candidates must score at least eighty percent (80%) on the written examination to be eligible to proceed to the assessment center. Candidates must score at least seventy percent (70%) on the assessment center to be placed on the promotional eligibility list.
D. Candidates will be informed in writing of their scores after grading of the written test, and if applicable after the grading of the assessment center. Candidates who have participated in the assessment center process will be given an opportunity to receive feedback about their assessment center performance where possible recommendations for future improvement will be provided.
E. The written examination will be created by the Chief of Police or his/her designee and will consist of the following test material; 50 question multiple choice exam containing questions in reference to Genoa Township Policies/Procedures, Ohio Revised Code (frequently used sections), Union contract, Township Personnel Policies, selected reading materials and Supervision scenarios.
F. The Assessment Center process will be conducted through the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police. In the event it is necessary for the Employer to select an alternate service, the employer will request a labor relations meeting for the purpose of consulting with the Union prior to making a ...
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. The Authority agrees that all applicants will receive consideration for promotional opportunities. Prior to any promotion, a process will be developed which shall include a written exam, consideration of personnel files, evaluations and interviews. The process will result in a ranked list of final candidates for promotion. The Chief of Police shall retain the right to promote any eligible officer from that list. At the time the promotional opportunity is announced the process to be followed to develop the list of final candidates will also be announced.
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. The University shall design the promotional process applicable to any particular promotion or promotions. Any such process used will be based upon merit principles and will be reviewed and approved by the Department of Human Resources prior to the promotional announcement. The promotional announcement will include a specific explanation of the process to be used for the particular promotion. At a minimum the promotional process will include the following factors:
a. written examination
b. oral interview
c. work history and job performance (including prior evaluations)
d. educational background
e. job related training/certifications Selection of the successful qualified candidate shall be based on the factors included in the promotional process and is solely within the discretion of the Chief of Police with the review of the Department of Human Resources and approval of the Vice President of Administration and Finance.
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. (a) The City agrees to circulate a memorandum within the City announcing vacancies for which the City will conduct a recruitment, at least two (2) weeks before deciding whether to conduct an internal or external recruitment.
(b) Prior to making the decision of whether to conduct internal or external recruitment, the City will review and consider all completed applications submitted by current employees. If the City proceeds with an internal (“closed promotional”) recruitment, those applications submitted during the interest period will be considered as the applicant pool.
(c) Upon completion of any testing process conducted for an internal or external recruitment, all current City employees who qualify on an eligibility list shall be granted an interview for the position.
(d) Any current employee who is not selected for a position will have the opportunity to meet with management to discuss what such employee could do, if anything, to improve his/her chances for selection in future recruitment processes. In addition, the City will provide the employee an opportunity for career counseling.
(e) Eligibility lists will remain in effect for twelve (12) months, provided, however, that such lists may be extended beyond twelve (12) months at the City’s discretion. Lists may be abolished in less than twelve (12) months so long as each current City employee on the list being abolished is given the opportunity for at least one interview in the final thirty (30) days before the list is abolished in each department that has a vacancy that could be filled from the list.
(f) Following implementation of the procedures as set forth in this Article, a management decision regarding selection of an employee for hire is not appealable through the Grievance Procedure.
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. 28.1 There shall be an exam given for promotion to the position of Fire Lieutenant. A list of those employees who pass the exam shall be maintained in descending final test score order. Duration of the list shall be determined and posted prior to the date of the written exam.
28.2 Those individuals wishing to take the promotional examination for Fire Lieutenant must have six (6) years as a Firefighter and/or Firefighter/Paramedic with the St. Petersburg Fire and Rescue Department immediately prior to the published application closing date. They must also be a classified Firefighter or Firefighter/Paramedic at the time of the examination, except that a probationary Firefighter/Paramedic who has served as a Firefighter in the department for at least six (6) years is also eligible to take the exam.
28.3 In order to take the examination for Lieutenant, applicants must possess a State Fire Officer I Certificate and have passed the following classes: Fire Service Course Design, Firefighting Tactics and Strategy II, Fire Prevention Practices, Private Fire Protection Systems I, and ICS-300, or their equivalent should they change during the tenure of this agreement.
28.4 Applicants must submit a college transcript prior to the published application closing date documenting successful completion of a minimum of thirty one and one-half (31.5) hours of college credit from an accredited educational institution to be eligible to take the exam for Fire Lieutenant.
28.5 The relative weights to be assigned to each element of the examination process and the applicable passing scores shall be based on the most recent job analysis available at the time the promotional examination process is developed.
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. A. For any promotion within the Watchung Police Department except rank of Chief, a Promotional Examination shall be given and the following items will be made known to the officers prior to their taking the examination:
1. The amount of time from the announcement of the proposed examination until the examination date will be a minimum of one (1) month.
2. The eligibility requirements needed to take the examination and the requirements needed to obtain the rank shall be posted.
3. The length of time that the grade received is valid for consideration of future rank shall be posted.
4. The answer sheet of such officer taking the test will be retained in their personnel files.
5. Prior to the start of the examinations, the value of the following items will be posted:
a. written test;
b. oral test;
c. departmental evaluation; and
d. Any other factors which will have a bearing upon the final grade received by the officer.
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. A. The regular promotional list [hereinafter the “list”] will go into effect January 1 of odd numbered years.
B. The renewal process and notification of regular promotional test dates will be posted at least three months prior to the date of the written exam, which shall be held during the final quarter of each even numbered year.
C. Any changes to the resume grading requirements will be posted 12 months prior to the promotional test.
D. In the event the list is exhausted prior to the expiration date, a new list shall be established. Such list shall be good until the next regular list is established. If the list is exhausted 9 months or less prior to the next regular promotional test, the Fire Chief may choose to not test until the next regularly scheduled test.
E. The Department will strive to post the regular list before the expiration of the previous list.
F. An applicant must turn in the completed written test application to the Fire Chief at least six weeks prior to the scheduled exam date.
G. An applicant must have signed for a receipt of the qualification list at the time of receiving study material.
H. Time in classification requirements are based on the date the list goes into effect.
PROMOTIONAL PROCESS. Part-time employees may not participate in the promotional process.