Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses. Neither party has any rights in the other party’s Marks, except as otherwise expressly specified in the Merchant Regulations, nor shall one party use the other party’s Marks without its prior written consent, except that we may use your name, address (including your website addresses or URLs), and customer service telephone numbers in any media at any time.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses a. Neither party has any rights in the other party’s Marks, nor may one party use the other party’s Marks without its prior written consent, except as expressly permitted under this Agreement.
b. You agree that we, our Affiliates, our third party merchant acquirers and our licensees may use your name, address of your Establishment(s) and your Marks, including but not limited to your physical address, website address and/or URL if appropriate, in materials illustrating that an Establishment accepts the Card which we and/or our Affiliates, our third party merchant acquirers and our licensees may publish from time to time.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses. 13.1. Neither party has any rights in the other party’s Marks, nor may one party use the other party’s Marks without its prior written consent, except as expressly permitted under this agreement.
13.2. You agree not to use or display AESA’s name or Marks without obtaining Our prior written consent. Once Our written consent is given, all usage of AESA’s name and Marks and other intellectual property which We have expressly authorized in Our written consent shall be in strict accordance with AESA’s brand guidelines and written instructions.
13.3. You agree to display Our signs, decals or other identification We provide to You or approve in writing prominently at Your Establishments, provided, however, that such signs and decals are removed immediately when this agreement is terminated.
13.4. You agree that We, Our Affiliates, Our Third Party Merchant Acquirers and Our licensees may use Your name, address of Your Establishment(s) and Your Marks, including but not limited to Your physical address, website address and/or URL if appropriate, in materials illustrating that an Establishment accepts the Card which We and/or Our Affiliates, Our Third Party Merchant Acquirers and Our licensees may publish from time to time.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses. 13.1. Without prejudice to subsection 3.1.2., neither party has any rights in the other party’s Marks, nor may one party use the other party’s Marks without its prior written consent.
13.2. You agree that we, our third party merchant acquirers, our licencees and our Affiliates may list the name and address of your Establishment(s), including but not limited to your physical address, web site address and/or URL if appropriate, in materials containing lists of Establishments which accept the Card which we, our third party merchant acquirers, our licencees and/or our Affiliates may publish from time to time.
14.1. Your Representations and Warranties
14.1.1. you are duly qualified and licensed to do business in all jurisdictions in which you conduct business;
14.1.2. you have full authority and all necessary assets and liquidity to perform your obligations and pay your debts hereunder as they become due;
14.1.3. there is no circumstance threatened or pending that might have a material adverse effect on your business or your ability to perform your obligations or pay your debts hereunder;
14.1.4. you are authorised to enter into this Agreement on your own behalf and on behalf of your Establishments and Affiliates, including those indicated in this Agreement, and the individual who signs this Agreement or otherwise enters into it has authority to bind you and them to it;
14.1.5. you may act on behalf of all your Affiliates who submit Charges under this Agreement, including acceptance by you of payment from us for Charges incurred with your Affiliates where you instruct such payment to be made to you;
14.1.6. you are not listed on any sanctions targets lists;
14.1.7. you have not assigned to any third party any payments due to you under this Agreement;
14.1.8. all information that you provided in connection with this Agreement is true, accurate, and complete; and
14.1.9. you have read this Agreement and kept a copy for your file, and provided a copy to all your Affiliates who submit Charges under this Agreement. If any of your representations or warranties in this Agreement becomes untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete at any time, we may immediately terminate this Agreement in our discretion.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses a. Neither party has any rights in the other party’s Marks, nor may one party use the other party’s Marks without its prior written consent, except as expressly permitted under this Agreement. Terms and Conditions for American Express® Card Acceptance January 2018 – Version 4 Net b. You agree that we, our Affiliates, our third party merchant acquirers and our licensees may use your name, address of your Establishment(s) and your Marks, including but not limited to your physical address, website address and/or URL if appropriate, in materials illustrating that an Establishment accepts the Card which we and/or our Affiliates, our third party merchant acquirers and our licensees may publish from time to time.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses. Neither party may issue any press release about this Agreement or the State without the other party’s prior written consent.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses. 13.1. Neither party haS any rightS in the other party’S MarkS, nor may one party uSe the other party’S MarkS Without itS prior Written conSent, except aS expreSSly permitted under this agreement.
13.2. You agree not to uSe or diSplay AESA’S name or XxxxX Without obtaining Our prior Written conSent. Once Our Written conSent iS giVen, all uSage of AESA’S name and XxxxX and other intellectual property Which We haVe expreSSly authoriZed in Our written consent shall be in strict accordance with AESA’s brand guidelines and written instructions.
13.3. You agree to diSplay Our SignS, decalS or other identification We proVide to You or approve in writing prominently at Your Establishments, provided, however, that such signs and decals are removed immediately when this agreement is terminated.
13.4. You agree that We, Our AffiliateS, Our Third Party Merchant AcquirerS and Our licenSeeS may uSe Your name, addreSS of Your EStabliShment(S) and Your MarkS, including but not limited to Your phySical addreSS, WebSite addreSS and/or URL if appropriate, in materials illustrating that an Establishment accepts the Card which We and/or Our AffiliateS, Our Third Party Merchant AcquirerS and Our licenSeeS to, Full RecourSe Shall SurViVe termination of thiS agreement.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses a. Neither party may issue any press release about this Agreement or the State without the other party’s prior written consent.
b. An Authorized User may use and display the Associations’ marks, and shall display such Marks in accordance with the standards for use established by the Associations. The Authorized User’s right to use all such Marks will terminate upon termination of the Agreement or upon notice by an Association to discontinue such use, and the Authorized User must thereafter promptly return any materials displaying the Marks. The Authorized User’s use of promotional materials provided by the Associations will not indicate, directly or indirectly, that such Associations endorse any goods or services other than their own and the Authorized User may not refer to any Associations in stating eligibility for its products or services.
c. Neither the State nor any Authorized User has any interest whatsoever, including, without limitation, copyright interests, franchise interests, license interests, patent rights, property rights, or other interest in any services, software, or hardware provided by Contractor, unless specifically agreed to in a separate license or use agreement between the parties. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed as granting the State or any Authorized User any patent rights or patent license in any patent which Contractor may obtain with respect to Contractor’s services, software, or equipment. The State and Authorized Users will make no attempt to duplicate or otherwise ascertain the components, circuit diagrams, logic diagrams, flow charts, source and object code, schematics or operation of, or otherwise attempt to reverse engineer any of Contractor’s services, equipment, or software.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses. Neither party has any rights in the other party’s Marks, nor may one party use the other party’s Marks without its prior written consent, except that we or a Third Party, if applicable, may use your name, address, (including your website addresses or URLs), and customer service telephone numbers in any media, including any materials that we or such Third Party may issue. Additionally, you may not issue any press release or make any public announcement related to us, our Affiliates or this Agreement without our prior written consent. Any information about Cardmembers and Card transactions, including the 403001 K (8/10) Canada names, addresses, account numbers and Card Identification Numbers (CIDs) (collectively, Cardmember Information) are confidential and our sole property or the sole property of our Affiliates’ third party licensees. Except as otherwise specified, you must not disclose Cardmember Information, nor use it other than to facilitate Card transactions in accordance with this Agreement. Where you mention the Card as a payment method, you must use our Marks, and as applicable, Third Parties’ Marks, but only as described in our or their logo sheets.
Proprietary Rights and Permitted Uses. Neither party may issue any press release nor make any public statements or announcements about the other party, its Affiliates or this Agreement without obtaining prior written consent of the other party. Neither party has any rights in the other party’s Marks, nor may one party use the other party’s Marks without its prior written consent, except that Amex Bank and its Affiliates may use Corporation’s name, address, (including Corporation’s website addresses or URLs), and customer service telephone numbers in any media or program, including any materials that Amex Bank or its Affiliates may issue. Any information about Corporation’s Buyers and BIP transactions, including the names, addresses and account numbers (collectively, Buyer Information) are confidential and Amex Bank’s sole property or the sole property of Amex Bank’s Affiliates’ third party licensees. Except as otherwise specified, Corporation must not disclose Buyer Information, nor use it other than to facilitate BIP transactions in accordance with this Agreement. Where Corporation mentions BIP as a payment method, Corporation must use Amex Bank’s Marks, but only as described in Amex Bank’s logo sheets.