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Provider Selection and Certification Sample Clauses

Provider Selection and Certification. 1. In addition to complying with the provider selection requirements set forth in Article II.E.5 and the provider discrimination prohibitions in Article II.B.3, the Contractor: i. Shall have written policies and procedures for selection and retention of providers that are in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and applicable federal laws and regulations. ii. Shall apply those policies and procedures equally to all providers regardless of public, private, for-profit or non-profit status, and without regard to whether a provider treats persons who require high-risk or specialized services. iii. Shall not discriminate against persons who require high-risk or specialized services. iv. Shall subcontract with providers in another state where out-of- state care or treatment is rendered on an emergency basis or is otherwise in the best interests of the person under the circumstances. v. Shall select only providers that have a license and/or certification issued by the state that is in good standing. vi. Shall select only providers that, prior to the furnishing of services under this Agreement, have enrolled with, or revalidated their current enrollment with, DHCS as a DMC provider under applicable federal and state regulations. vii. Shall select only providers that have been screened in accordance with 42 CFR 455.450(c) as a “high” categorical risk prior to furnishing services under this Agreement, have signed a Medicaid provider agreement with DHCS as required by 42 CFR 431.107, and have complied with the ownership and control disclosure requirements of 42 CFR 455.104. DHCS shall deny enrollment and DMC certification to any provider (as defined in Welfare & Institutions Code section 14043.1), or a person with ownership or control interest in the provider (as defined in 42 CFR 455.101), that, at the time of application, is under investigation for fraud or abuse pursuant to Part 455 of Title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, unless DHCS determines that there is good cause not to deny enrollment upon the same bases enumerated in 42 CFR 455.23(e). If a provider is under investigation for fraud or abuse, that provider shall be subject to temporary suspension pursuant to Welfare & Institutions Code section 14043.
Provider Selection and Certification. 1. In addition to complying with the provider selection requirements set forth in Article II.E.5 and the provider discrimination prohibitions in Article II.B.3
Provider Selection and Certification. A. Pursuant to 42 CFR 438.12(a)(2), all Contractor contracts with providers shall comply with the requirements set forth in 42 CFR 438.214. B. The Contractor shall ensure that its providers are credentialed as required by 42 CFR 438.214. C. Consistent with 42 CFR 438.214, the contractor shall have written policies and procedures for selection, retention, credentialing and re-credentialing of providers; the provider selection policies and procedures shall not discriminate against particular providers that serve high-risk populations or specialize in conditions that require costly treatment.
Provider Selection and Certification. 1. In addition to complying with the provider selection requirements set forth in Article II.E.5 and the provider discrimination prohibitions in Article II.B.3, the Contractor: i. Shall have written policies and procedures for selection and retention of providers that are in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and applicable federal laws and regulations. ii. Shall apply those policies and procedures equally to all providers regardless of public, private, for-profit or non-profit status, and without regard to whether a provider treats persons who require high-risk or specialized services. iii. Shall not discriminate against persons who require high-risk or specialized services. iv. Shall subcontract with providers in another state where out- of-state care or treatment is rendered on an emergency basis or is otherwise in the best interests of the person under the circumstances. v. Shall select only providers that have a license and/or certification issued by the state that is in good standing. vi. Shall select only providers that, prior to the furnishing of services under this Agreement, have enrolled with, or revalidated their current enrollment with, DHCS as a DMC provider under applicable federal and state regulations. vii. Shall select only providers that have been screened in accordance with 42 CFR 455.450(c) as a “high” categorical risk prior to furnishing services under this Agreement, have signed a Medicaid provider agreement with DHCS as required by 42 CFR 431.107, and have complied with the ownership and control disclosure requirements of 42 CFR
Provider Selection and Certification. A. The Contractor shall comply with Cal. Code Regs., tit. 9, § 1810.435, in the selection of providers and shall review its providers for continued compliance with standards at least once every three years. B. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of 42 C.F.R. §§ 455.104, 455.105, 1002.203, 1002.3, which relate to the provision of information about provider business transactions and provider ownership and control, prior to entering into a contract and during certification or re-certification of the provider.
Provider Selection and Certification. A. The Contractor shall comply with Title 9, CCR, Section 1810.435, in the selection of providers and shall review its providers for continued compliance with standards at least once every three years. B. The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Title 42, CFR, 455.104; Title 42, CFR, 455.105; Title 42, CFR, 1002.203; and Title 42, CFR, 1002.3, which relate to the provision of information about provider business transactions and provider ownership and control, prior to entering into a contract and during certification or re-certification of the provider.
Provider Selection and Certification 

Related to Provider Selection and Certification

  • Certification of the Settlement Class For purposes of this Settlement only, the Parties stipulate to the certification of the Settlement Class, which is contingent upon the Court entering the Final Approval Order and Judgment of this Settlement and the occurrence of the Effective Date.

  • COMPLIANCE AND CERTIFICATION 25.1 Each Party shall comply at its own expense with all Applicable Laws that relate to that Party’s obligations to the other Party under this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring or permitting either Party to contravene any mandatory requirement of Applicable Law. 25.2 Each Party warrants that it has obtained all necessary state certification required in each state covered by this Agreement prior to ordering any Interconnection, Resale Services, Network Elements, functions, facilities, products and services from the other Party pursuant to this Agreement. Upon request, each Party shall provide proof of certification. 25.3 Each Party shall be responsible for obtaining and keeping in effect all approvals from, and rights granted by, Governmental Authorities, building and property owners, other carriers, and any other Third Parties that may be required in connection with the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. 25.4 Each Party represents and warrants that any equipment, facilities or services provided to the other Party under this Agreement comply with the CALEA.

  • SUBCONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Any Contractor representations or certifications set forth in this Contract shall apply to subcontractors (at any tier) and Contractor shall not utilize any subcontractors (at any tier) who cannot provide such representations or certifications, excepting the certification to be registered with Washington’s Statewide Payee Desk, unless Purchaser will pay such subcontractor directly.

  • Medical Certification (1) The University may require an employee to provide medical certification from a health care provider for FMLA leave without pay when taken for the serious health condition of the employee or the employee's family member. (2) Medical certification may be required to affirm the employee's ability to return to work and perform one or more of the essential functions of the job within the meaning of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), after being absent on FMLA leave.

  • Licenses and Certifications Where required by law, PROVIDER must, at all times, be licensed or certified by either the State or County as a qualified provider of the services purchased hereby. PROVIDER shall fully cooperate with licensing and certification authorities. PROVIDER shall submit copies of the required licenses or certifications upon request by COUNTY. PROVIDER shall promptly notify COUNTY in writing of any citation PROVIDER receives from any licensing or certification authority, including all responses and correction plans.

  • CHILD SUPPORT CERTIFICATION Under Section 231.006, Texas Family Code, the Engineer certifies that the individual or business entity named in this contract, bid, or application is not ineligible to receive the specified grant, loan, or payment and acknowledges that this contract may be terminated and payment may be withheld if this certification is inaccurate. If the above certification is shown to be false, the Engineer is liable to the state for attorney’s fees, the cost necessary to complete the contract, including the cost of advertising and awarding a second contract, and any other damages provided by law or the contract. A child support obligor or business entity ineligible to receive payments because of a payment delinquency of more than thirty (30) days remains ineligible until: all arrearages have been paid; the obligor is in compliance with a written repayment agreement or court order as to any existing delinquency; or the court of continuing jurisdiction over the child support order has granted the obligor an exemption from Subsection (a) of Section 231.006, Texas Family Code, as part of a court- supervised effort to improve earnings and child support payments.

  • Professional Certification The Superintendent shall at all times during the term of this Contract, and any renewal or extension thereof, hold and maintain a valid certificate required of a superintendent by the State of Texas and issued by the State Board for Educator Certification or the Texas Education Agency and any other certificates required by law.

  • Instructions for Certification – First Tier Participants a. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective first tier participant is providing the certification set out below. b. The inability of a person to provide the certification set out below will not necessarily result in denial of participation in this covered transaction. The prospective first tier participant shall submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the certification set out below. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the department or agency's determination whether to enter into this transaction. However, failure of the prospective first tier participant to furnish a certification or an explanation shall disqualify such a person from participation in this transaction. c. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when the contracting agency determined to enter into this transaction. If it is later determined that the prospective participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the contracting agency may terminate this transaction for cause of default. d. The prospective first tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the contracting agency to whom this proposal is submitted if any time the prospective first tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. e. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "participant," "person," "principal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, are defined in 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200. “First Tier Covered Transactions” refers to any covered transaction between a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds and a participant (such as the prime or general contract). “Lower Tier Covered Transactions” refers to any covered transaction under a First Tier Covered Transaction (such as subcontracts). “First Tier Participant” refers to the participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds (such as the prime or general contractor). “Lower Tier Participant” refers any participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a First Tier Participant or other Lower Tier Participants (such as subcontractors and suppliers).

  • CLEC Certification 8.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, CenturyLink shall have no obligation to perform under this Agreement until such time as CLEC has obtained such FCC and Commission authorization(s) as may be required by Applicable Law for conducting business in the State as a competitive local exchange carrier. CLEC shall not be permitted to establish its account nor place any orders under this Agreement until it has obtained such authorization and provided proof of such to CenturyLink. For the life of this Agreement, CLEC must represent and warrant to CenturyLink that it remains a certified local provider of Telephone Exchange Service within CenturyLink’s Local Calling Area(s) in the State. At any time during the life of this Agreement, CLEC will provide a copy of its current Certificate of Operating Authority or other evidence of its status to CenturyLink upon request. CLEC’s failure to maintain such authorization(s) as may be required by Applicable Law for conducting business in the State as a CLEC shall be considered a Default of Agreement.

  • Provider Services Charges for the following Services when ordered by a Physician for the treatment of an Injury or Illness.