PUBLIC REQUESTS. Assessor shall timely respond to all open records requests received by Assessor. In so doing, Assessor shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes, including but not limited to Wis. Stat. § 70.35(3) regarding the personal property return, Wis. Stat. § 70.47(7)(af) regarding income and expense information, and Wis. Stat. § 77.265 regarding the real estate transfer return. Assessor shall timely communicate to Municipality any open records inquiries or issues raised by a property owner directly to Assessor which may require additional follow-up by the Municipality. Assessors shall also otherwise cooperate with Municipality in responding to open records requests.
PUBLIC REQUESTS. The Assessor shall timely respond to all open records requests received by the Assessor. In so doing, the Assessor shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes, including sec. 70.35(3) Wis. Stats., regarding the personal property return, sec. 70.47(7)(af), Wis. Stats. regarding income and expense information provided to the assessor and board of review; and sec. 77.265, Wis. Stats., regarding the real estate transfer return.


  • Public Records Requests If the Department receives a public records request for materials designated by the Contractor as trade secret or otherwise confidential under Florida or federal law, the Contractor will be responsible for taking the appropriate legal action in response to the request. If the Contractor fails to take appropriate and timely action to protect the materials designated as trade secret or otherwise confidential, the Department will provide the materials to the requester.

  • Request for Proposals A State request inviting proposals for Goods or Services. This Contract shall be governed by the statutes, regulations and procedures of the State of Connecticut, Department of Administrative Services.

  • Request for clarification of the report 1. Within 10 days of the release of the report, either of the disputing Parties may submit a written request to the Panel, a copy of which shall be sent to the other Party, for clarification of any items the Party considers requires further explanation or definition. 2. The Panel shall respond to the request within 10 days following the submission of such request. The clarification of the Panel shall only be a more precise explanation or definition of the original contents of the report, and not an amendment of such report. 3. The filing of this request for clarification will not postpone the effect of the Panel report nor the deadline for compliance of the adopted decision, unless the Panel decides otherwise.

  • Requests for Assistance 1. Requests for assistance shall be made in writing, signed by the Chairperson of the Requesting Authority and addressed to the contact person of the Requested Authority listed in Annex A. 2. To the extent available to the Requesting Authority, the request should specify the following: a. a description of the subject matter of the request and the purpose for which the information is sought and the reasons why this information will be of assistance; b. a description of the specific information requested by the Requesting Authority; c. a description of the facts that constitute the grounds for the suspicion that the offence that is the subject of the request has been committed, and of the connection between these facts and the assistance requested; d. a short description of the relevant provisions that may have been violated and, if known to the Requesting Authority, a list of the persons or institutions believed by the Requesting Authority to possess the information sought or the places where such information may be obtained and the details that support this belief, to the best of the Requesting Authority’s knowledge; e. in so far as the request concerns information relating to transactions in specific securities • a description of the securities in question as precise as possible, including e.g. the securities code, • the names of those firms with whose dealings in the securities the Requesting Authority is concerned, • the dates between which transactions in the securities are considered relevant for the purposes of the request, • the names of any persons on whose behalf relevant transactions in the securities are believed or suspected to have been entered into; f. in so far as the request relates to information concerning the business or activities of any person, such precise information as the Requesting Authority is able to provide so as to enable such persons to be identified; g. an indication of the sensitivity of the information contained in the request and whether the Requesting Authority agrees that the request shall be disclosed to persons whom the Requested Authority may need to approach for information; h. whether the Requesting Authority is or has been in contact with any other authority or law enforcement agency in the State of the Requested Authority in relation to the subject matter of the request; i. any other securities authority of another State whom the Requesting Authority is aware has an active interest in the subject matter of the request; j. an indication of the urgency of the request, or the desired time period for the reply; x. a declaration that any information or document transferred to the Requesting authority pursuant to the request shall be used solely for the purpose for which it was delivered.

  • Information Requests The parties hereto shall provide any information reasonably requested by the Servicer, the Issuer, the Seller or any of their Affiliates, in order to comply with or obtain more favorable treatment under any current or future law, rule, regulation, accounting rule or principle.

  • Request for Review If any operator believes that in his case any requirment of a recognized agency is excessive, the operator may request the administrator, division of forestry, to review the requirements. If in the opinion of the administrator any or all are not necessary in the interest of public safety, he may make such changes as he considers advisable. Bucket: Metal, plastic, canvas, or fiberglass container capable of holding at least one gallon of water. Motorcycle helmets qualify. Campfire means a fire set for cooking, warming, or ceremonial purposes; not more than 3 feet in diameter or height; void of overhanging branches; with all combustible material cleared at least 1-1/2 times the diameter of the fire; or a barbecue in a noncombustible container.

  • DATA REQUESTS Upon the written request of the District, the State Auditor’s Office, the Appraisal District, or the Comptroller during the term of this Agreement, the Applicant, the District or any other entity on behalf of the District shall provide the requesting party with all information reasonably necessary for the requesting party to determine whether the Applicant is in compliance with its rights, obligations or responsibilities, including, but not limited to, any employment obligations which may arise under this Agreement.

  • GRIEVANCE REPORT FORM Grievance # School District Distribution of Form 1. Superintendent

  • Directing Requests Requests in writing for negotiation meetings from the Association will be made directly to the Superintendent or his/her designee. Requests from the Board will be made in writing to the President of the Association. Requests for negotiations shall be submitted between 60 and 90 days prior to the expiration of the contract term.

  • Requests Whenever practicable, employees shall submit written requests for sick leave, on forms furnished by the Appointing Authority, in advance of the period of absence. When advance notice is not possible, employees shall notify their supervisor by telephone or other means at the earliest opportunity. Supervisors shall respond promptly and shall answer all written requests in writing. Written requests for sick leave shall only state which category of leave specified in Section 3A and B is to be used. However, the supervisor may orally inquire into the specific reason for the request.