Radiation. Only if the Landlord believes on reasonable grounds that radiation is or has been used or created by the Tenant or any Person permitted by the Tenant to be in the Leased Premises shall this Section 15.30 apply to the Tenant. The Tenant agrees, if so requested by the Landlord, to conduct at its own expense a survey by an accredited firm of consultants acceptable to the Landlord to determine the level of radiation in the Leased Premises, and if such levels are in excess of those allowable under Environmental Laws and set by the applicable regulatory authorities governing radiation, the Tenant agrees, at its own cost and expense and on terms and conditions approved by the Landlord, to reduce the level of radiation to a level allowable under Environmental Laws and set by such applicable regulatory authorities.
Radiation. 43.01 Xxxxx Power LP and OPGI acknowledge that they are the responsible parties and/or Employers for events arising from exposure to radiation at their Nuclear sites to Employees of the owners and contractors. The owners agree to reasonably protect the opportunities for employment of all Employees exposed to radiation and to ensure that relevant health and safety and exposure information is provided to all affected persons.
Radiation. The Harbour Operator shall comply with the requirements of the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999.
Radiation unit (collimator carrier rotary module and driving device, source carrier module and driving device, rotary bearings, gantry, etc.)
Radiation. The Vessel shall not be obliged to proceed or required to continue to or through or remain at, a port, place, area or zone, or waterway or canal which exposes the Vessel, her cargo, crew or other persons on board the Vessel to danger from levels of Radioactivity, determined by a competent national or international authority (including the International Atomic Energy Authority and the World Health Organization) to be harmful to human health. Appendix A: List of Primary Terminals. Appendix B: Safety and Environmental Monthly Reporting Template Appendix C: Detailed Performance Criteria Appendix D: Gas Form C for the Vessel Appendix E: Crew Experience Matrix
Radiation. Only if the Landlord believes on reasonable grounds that radiation is or has been used or created by the Tenant or any Person permitted by the Tenant to be in the Leased Premises shall this Section 15.30 apply to the Tenant.
Radiation. The emission, discharge, dispersal, release or escape of fissile material emitting a level of radioactivity capable of causing incapacitating disablement, or death, amongst people or animals.
Radiation. The Company shall not indemnify the Insured under any Section of this Policy against any loss or liability: directly or indirectly caused by, or contributed to, by, or arising from:
(a) ionising radiations, or contamination by radioactivity, from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel;
(b) the radioactive, toxic, explosive, or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof;
Radiation. Therapy — that is, the use of ionizing radiation in the treat ment of a medical illness or condition.
Radiation. The Tenant shall not bring onto the Landlords Premises or the Accommodation materials or equipment generating ionising radiation without first obtaining the consent of the Landlords SHE department. The Tenant shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary legislative authorisations or registrations to work with or dispose of radioactive materials or equipment. Lasers The Tenant shall not operate high power Lasers, Class 3B and 4, on the Landlords Premises or the Accommodation without first obtaining the consent of the Landlords SHE department and meeting the requirements in the Landlord’s appropriate Safety Code. NETWORK SERVICES