Smoking Sample Clauses

Smoking. Persons working under Agreement shall adhere to local smoking policies. Smoking will only be permitted in posted areas or off premises.
Smoking. Smoking or vaping, or burning candles or incense, inside any apartment, hallway, elevator, breezeway, stairwell, balcony, patio or other indoor or adjacent area by Resident or his or her guest(s) is prohibited. In the event that Resident or any guest smokes, xxxxx candles, xxxxx incense or engages in any other activity which could result in particles and/or smoke which tend to cause staining or odor on walls, carpets or other portions of the premises, a persistent odor in the apartment that necessitates ductwork cleaning or the removal of carpet and padding despite an apparent clean appearance, all such damage and repair cost will be considered extraordinary damage beyond normal wear and tear and is the responsibility of the Resident. Therefore, Resident agrees that any smoking in an apartment will subject the residents to a collective minimum deep-cleaning fee of $250, plus any additional costs of cleaning or repair in connection with smoking or other smoke-related damage, in addition to Owner’s other remedies for breach of this Agreement.
Smoking. Persons working under Agreement shall adhere to the 791 PURCHASING COOPERATIVE Member’s or local smoking statutes, codes or policies.
Smoking. The Hirer shall, and shall ensure that the Hirer’s invitees, comply with the prohibition of smoking in public places provisions of the Health Xxx 0000 and regulations made thereunder. Any person who breaches this provision shall be asked to leave the premises. The Hirer shall ensure that anyone wishing to smoke does so outside and disposes of cigarette ends, matches etc. in a tidy and responsible manner, so as not to cause a fire.
Smoking. (check one) ☐ Smoking of any kind is strictly prohibited on any part of the Premises. This prohibition applies to Tenant and any visitor, guest or other occupant on the Premises. ☐ Smoking is permitted on the Premises.
Smoking. Persons working under Agreement shall adhere to local smoking policies. Smoking will only be permitted in posted areas or off premises. Awarded vendor agrees to allow TIPS to use their name and logo within website, marketing materials and advertisement subject to any reasonable restrictions provided to TIPS in the Proposal to the Solicitation. Any use of TIPS name and logo or any form of publicity, inclusive of press release, regarding this Agreement by awarded vendor must have prior approval from TIPS.
Smoking. You must comply with the prohibition of smoking in public places provisions of the Health Xxx 0000 and regulations made thereunder. We will ask any person who breaches this provision to leave the premises. You must ensure that anyone wishing to smoke does so outside and disposes of cigarette ends, matches etc. in a tidy and responsible manner, so as not to cause a fire.
Smoking. Smoking or vaping inside any apartment, breezeway, stairwell, balcony, patio or other indoor or adjacent area by Resident or his or her guest(s) is prohibited. In the event that Resident or any guest smokes, xxxxx candles, xxxxx incense or engages in any other activity which could result in particles and/or smoke which tend to cause staining or odor on walls, carpets or other portions of the premises, soiling of ductwork that could require duct cleaning or a persistent odor in an apartment that necessitates the removal of carpet and padding despite an apparent clean appearance, all such damage and repair cost will be considered extraordinary damage beyond normal wear and tear and is the responsibility of the Resident. Therefore, Resident agrees that any smoking in an apartment will subject the resident(s) to a minimum deep-cleaning fee of $250, plus any additional costs of cleaning or repair in connection with smoking or other smoke-related damage.
Smoking. All TFC facilities where work is to be performed are nonsmoking buildings. PSP’s employees are prohibited from smoking in all areas except in areas designated for smoking.