Reimbursement for Personal Property Loss Sample Clauses
Reimbursement for Personal Property Loss. [Replaces former C9 and C10]
Reimbursement for Personal Property Loss. The BOARD shall provide up to $7,000 in total for all administrators as a group for personal property loss or damage to administrators' property required to carry out professional duties due to theft, fire, willful or malicious damage or other acts of vandalism. All claims, proofs in connection therewith, and other supporting documents shall be presented to the Superintendent. The Superintendent will recommend approval or disapproval and the decision of the BOARD shall be final and not subject to the grievance procedure.
Reimbursement for Personal Property Loss. 1. PCA Article B.7.1 does not apply in School District No. 75 (Mission). See B.7.3.a below.
2. PCA Article B.7.2 does not apply in School District No. 75 (Mission). See B.7.3.b below.
Reimbursement for Personal Property Loss a. Vehicles Used To Travel To And From The Workplace The Board shall reimburse an employee for the cost of the deductible amount on the insurance for the replacement or repair of the vehicle due to theft or vandalism at the workplace or at a school function at another location.
Reimbursement for Personal Property Loss. 1. Private Vehicle Damage :KHUH DQ HPSOR\HH¶V YHKLFOH LV GDPDJHG E\ D VW school function, or as a direct result of the employee being employed by the employer, the employer shall reimburse the employee the lesser of actual vehicle damage repair costs, or the cost of any deductible portion of insurance coverage on that vehicle up to a maximum of $600.
Reimbursement for Personal Property Loss