Renewed Lease Sample Clauses

Renewed Lease. Following the giving of an Option Notice the Landlord and the Tenant will promptly execute the renewed lease which will contain the same terms and conditions as this Lease except the renewed lease will: commence on the day after this Lease expires; be at a Rent determined in accordance with clause 13.1; provide that the Rent Commencement Date is the Commencement Date of the renewed lease; not contain those terms or conditions which have become redundant or which are no longer capable of being applicable to the renewed lease; omit from Item 6 the Further Term first specified in Item 6, renumber each of the paragraphs accordingly (starting from (a)) and omit any provision for renewal in the case of the last Further Term; and contain any necessary changes to the Reference Schedule.
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Renewed Lease. T h e r e n ewed le a se will be s u bjec t t o t h e t e r m s a n d co n di- t io n s a pplic a ble t o n ew oil a n d g a s le a ses iss u ed un de r t h e I n t eg r a t ed Ac- t ivi x x X x x x x x effec t o n t h e d a t e t h a t t h e B L M iss u es t h e decisio n t o r e n ew t h e le a se. [73 F R 6442, F eb. 4, 2008]

Related to Renewed Lease

  • Fixed Lease If this is a fixed lease, provide the start and end date for the lease term. 9.

  • Ground Lease Reserved.

  • The Lease 4.1. By this lease the Landlord lets and the Tenant takes the Premises for the Term at the Rent and subject ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .

  • New Lease In the event of the termination of this Lease as a result of Tenant's default prior to the expiration of the term, or in the event of a rejection by Landlord or Tenant of this Lease under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code, Landlord shall, in addition to providing the notices of default and termination as required by this Lease, provide each Leasehold Mortgagee with written notice that the Lease has been terminated or that Landlord has filed a request with the Bankruptcy Court seeking to reject the Lease, together with a statement of all sums which would at that time be due under this Lease but for such termination or rejection, and of all other defaults, if any, then known to Landlord. Upon any request of the Leasehold Mortgagee, or its designee, Landlord agrees to enter into a new lease ("New Lease") of the Premises with such Leasehold Mortgagee or its designee for the remainder of the term of this Lease, effective as of the date of termination or rejection, as the case may be, at the Rent, and upon the terms, covenants and conditions (including all transfer rights, but excluding requirements which are not applicable or which have already been fulfilled) of this Lease; provided, however, that (i) the Leasehold Mortgagee whose lien upon the Premises is superior to the lien of any other Leasehold Mortgage (the "Senior Leasehold Mortgagee") shall have the right to give notice of its intent to enter into a New Lease to the Landlord for a period of 60 days from its receipt of the notice referred to in the first sentence of this Section 18.2.18 and (ii) if the Senior Leasehold Mortgagee does not exercise its right to enter into the New Lease during this 60-day period; the Leasehold Mortgagee whose lien upon the Premises is superior to the lien of any other Leasehold Mortgage (other than the Senior Leasehold Mortgagee) shall have the right to give notice of its intent to enter into a New Lease to the Landlord during the remainder of the period(s) specified below; and provided further, however,

  • Head Lease 7.1. To comply with all the obligations imposed upon the Landlord by a Superior Landlord if the Premises are held under a Superior Lease.

  • Lease The Lease Agreement (Federal Express Corporation Trust No. N678FE) dated as of June 15, 1998, as amended and restated as of September 1, 1998, entered into by the Lessor and the Lessee concurrently with the execution and delivery of the Indenture, including, without limitation, supplementation by one or more Lease Supplements entered into pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Lease.

  • Site Lease Facilities Lease, including Exhibits A-G

  • Initial Lease Term The Initial Lease Term is for a minimum of ten (10) years; however, the State will consider a longer lease term if economic benefits are deemed to be in the State’s best interest. Please propose a fixed, or flat, rental rate for a Gross Lease: including all expenses – taxes, insurance, janitorial services, maintenance, etc. The State may elect to pay for utilities separately so please include a cost per square foot to reduce the rental rate if such occurs.

  • SUBLEASE Sublandlord hereby subleases to Subtenant and Subtenant hereby subleases from Sublandlord for the term, at the rental, and upon all of the conditions set forth herein, the Subleased Premises.

  • ORIGINAL LEASE The single executed original of this Lease marked "THIS COUNTERPART IS THE ORIGINAL EXECUTED COUNTERPART" on the signature page thereof and containing the receipt of the Lessor therefor on or following the signature page thereof shall be the Original Executed Counterpart of this Lease (the "Original Executed Counterpart"). To the extent that this Lease constitutes chattel paper, as such term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in any applicable jurisdiction, no security interest in this Lease may be created through the transfer or possession of any counterpart other than the Original Executed Counterpart.

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