Reports to Congress. (a) Consistent with applicable authorities and duties, including those conferred by the Con- stitution upon the executive and legislative branches, the Attorney General shall report orally or in writing semiannually to the Perma- nent Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States House of Representatives, the Se- lect Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate, and the chairmen and ranking minority members of the Committees on the Ju- diciary of the Senate and House of Representa- tives on all cases where a decision not to pros- ecute a violation of Federal law pursuant to sec- tion 12(a) has been made.
(b) In the case of the semiannual reports (whether oral or written) required to be submit- xxx under subsection (a) to the Permanent Se- lect Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives and the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate, the submittal dates for such reports shall be as provided in section 507 of the National Security Act of 1947.
(c) The Attorney General shall deliver to the appropriate committees of Congress a report concerning the operation and effectiveness of this Act and including suggested amendments to this Act. For the first three years this Act is in effect, there shall be a report each year. After three years, such reports shall be delivered as necessary. (Pub. L. 96–456, § 13, Oct. 15, 1980, 94 Stat. 2030; Pub. L. 107–306, title VIII, § 811(b)(3), Nov. 27, 2002, 116 Stat. 2423.) REFERENCES IN TEXT Section 507 of the National Security Act of 1947, re- ferred to in subsec. (b), is classified to section 415b of Title 50, War and National Defense. TITLE 18, APPENDIX—CLASSIFIED INFORMATION PROCEDURES ACT Page 12 AMENDMENTS 2002—Subsecs. (b), (c). Pub. L. 107–306 added subsec.
Reports to Congress. (1) On the day the President takes action under subsection (a)(1) of this section, the Presi- dent shall transmit to Congress a document de- scribing the action and the reasons for taking the action. If the action taken by the President differs from the action required to be rec- ommended by the Commission under section 2252(e)(1) of this title, the President shall state in detail the reasons for the difference.
(2) On the day on which the President decides that there is no appropriate and feasible action to take under subsection (a)(1) of this section with respect to a domestic industry, the Presi- dent shall transmit to Congress a document that sets forth in detail the reasons for the decision.
(3) On the day on which the President takes any action under subsection (a)(1) of this section that is not reported under paragraph (1), the President shall transmit to Congress a docu- ment setting forth the action being taken and the reasons therefor.
Reports to Congress. Beginning on October 1, 2005 and periodically thereafter until October 1, 2036, the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Interior shall jointly
Reports to Congress. Objectives for extended negotiations.
Reports to Congress. Presidential report; transmittal
Reports to Congress. Whenever the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, submits to Con- xxxxx a report on a water resources development project after October 22, 1976, such report shall include, where appropriate, consideration of the establishment of wetland areas.
Reports to Congress. (a) Consistent with applicable authorities and duties, including those conferred by the Con- stitution upon the executive and legislative branches, the Attorney General shall report orally or in writing semiannually to the Perma- nent Select Committee on Intelligence of the United States House of Representatives, the Se- lect Committee on Intelligence of the United States Senate, and the chairmen and ranking minority members of the Committees on the Ju- diciary of the Senate and House of Representa- tives on all cases where a decision not to pros- ecute a violation of Federal law pursuant to sec- tion 12(a) has been made.
(b) The Attorney General shall deliver to the appropriate committees of Congress a report concerning the operation and effectiveness of this Act and including suggested amendments to this Act. For the first three years this Act is in effect, there shall be a report each year. After three years, such reports shall be delivered as necessary. purpose and may not be delegated to any other official. (Pub. L. 96–456, § 14, Oct. 15, 1980, 94 Stat. 2030; Pub. L. 100–690, title VII, § 7020(g), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4396.) This Act, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 96–456, Oct. 15, 1980, 94 Stat. 2025, known as the ‘‘Classified Information Procedures Act’’. 1988—Pub. L. 100–690 inserted ‘‘, the Associate Attor- xxx General,’’ after ‘‘Deputy Attorney General’’.
Reports to Congress. After consultation with the States receiving funds under this chapter and with any interstate commission involved in carrying out a project under this chapter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish- eries of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Trans- portation of the Senate not later than 90 days after the end of the fiscal year 1988, and each second fiscal year occurring after that fiscal year, a report which contains—
(1) a description of each project and law en- forcement effort receiving funds under this chapter during the last 2 fiscal years ending before such report is submitted;
(2) a specification of the total amount of funds from the Federal Government and the total amount of funds from each State spent on each project and a law enforcement effort receiving funds under this chapter during the last 2 fiscal years ending before such report is submitted;
(3) an assessment of each project and law en- forcement effort receiving funds under this chapter during the last 2 fiscal years ending before such report is submitted to determine whether such project is furthering the pur- poses of this chapter; and
(4) a statement specifying all funds which have been apportioned pursuant to section 4104(a) of this title and are available for obli- gation by a State or the Secretary but which have not been obligated. (Pub. L. 99–659, title III, § 307, Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3735.) This chapter, referred to in text, was in the original ‘‘this title’’, meaning title III of Pub. L. 99–659, Nov. 14, 1986, 100 Stat. 3731, which is classified principally to this chapter. For complete classification of title III to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4101 of this title and Tables. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries of House of Representatives abolished and its jurisdiction transferred by House Resolution No. 6, One Hundred Fourth Congress, Jan. 4, 1995. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries of House of Representatives treat- ed as referring to Committee on Resources of House of Representatives in case of provisions relating to fish- eries, wildlife, international fishing agreements, ma- xxxx affairs (including coastal zone management) ex- cept for measures relating to oil and other pollution of navigable waters, or oceanography by section 1(b)(3) of Pub. L. 104–14, set out as a note preceding section 21 of Title 2, The Congress. Committee on Resources of House of Represe...
Reports to Congress. Not later than January 1, 2011, and every 3 years thereafter, the Secretary shall report to Congress on—
(A) the status of the Secretary’s efforts to improve—
(i) quality related to the duration and stability of health insurance coverage for children under subchapters XIX and XXI;
(ii) the quality of children’s health care under such subchapters, including preven- tive health services, dental care, health care for acute conditions, chronic health care, and health services to ameliorate the effects of physical and mental conditions and to aid in growth and development of infants, young children, school-age chil- dren, and adolescents with special health care needs; and
(iii) the quality of children’s health care under such subchapters across the domains of quality, including clinical quality, health care safety, family experience with health care, health care in the most inte- grated setting, and elimination of racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in health and health care;
(B) the status of voluntary reporting by States under subchapters XIX and XXI, uti- lizing the initial core quality measurement set; and
Reports to Congress. The President shall, not later than 12 months after December 8, 1994, and annually thereafter for a period of 4 years, submit to the Committee on Ways and Means and the Committee on For- eign Affairs of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, and other ap- propriate committees of the Congress, a report on the steps taken to carry out subsection (a) of this section. (Pub. L. 103–465, title I, § 134, Dec. 8, 1994, 108 Stat. 4840.) CHANGE OF NAME Committee on Foreign Affairs of House of Represent- atives treated as referring to Committee on Inter- national Relations of House of Representatives by sec- tion 1(a) of Pub. L. 104–14, set out as a note preceding section 21 of Title 2, The Congress.