Goals & Objectives The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent IT service support and delivery to the Customer by Centre. The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for IT service provision between Centre and Customer. The objectives of this Agreement are to: Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities. Present a clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the Customer. Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery.
Program Objectives Implement a rigorous constructability program following The University of Texas System, Office of Facilities Planning and Construction Constructability Manual. Identify and document project cost and schedule savings (targeted costs are 5% of construction costs). Clarification of project goals, objectives.
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES 4.1 The Performance Plan (Annexure A) sets out- 4.1.1 the performance objectives and targets that must be met by the Employee; and 4.1.2 the time frames within which those performance objectives and targets must be met. 4.2 The performance objectives and targets reflected in Annexure A are set by the Employer in consultation with the Employee and based on the Integrated Development Plan, Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP) and the Budget of the Employer, and shall include key objectives; key performance indicators; target dates and weightings. 4.2.1 The key objectives describe the main tasks that need to be done. 4.2.2 The key performance indicators provide the details of the evidence that must be provided to show that a key objective has been achieved. 4.2.3 The target dates describe the timeframe in which the work must be achieved. 4.2.4 The weightings show the relative importance of the key objectives to each other. 4.3 The Employee’s performance will, in addition, be measured in terms of contributions to the goals and strategies set out in the Employer’s Integrated Development Plan.
Performance Targets Threshold, target and maximum performance levels for each performance measure of the performance period are contained in Appendix B.
Acceptance Criteria The Services and Deliverables must meet the following acceptance criteria or the JBE may reject the applicable Services or Deliverables. The JBE may use the attached Acceptance and Signoff Form to notify Contractor of the acceptance or rejection of the Services and Deliverables. Contractor will not be paid for any rejected Services or Deliverables.
Agreement Objectives (a) The fundamental objective that the Parties have in creating the Agreement is to produce an agreed industrial relations framework that encourages achievement of the following goals on the Project. (1) A safe and healthy Project Site environment where everyone works towards achieving the health and safety management philosophy of an injury and incident free Project; (2) A Project where everyone has the opportunity to perform their best work and achieve a sense of personal satisfaction by the time they complete their work assignment; (3) A Project where all participants' efforts and best work translate into a high quality result for the Project; (4) A Project where all participants work toward the common goal of completing the construction work on the Project within the defined schedule and budget; (5) A Project where leaders focus on understanding and dealing with people issues; (6) A Project where all participants listen to others point of view and act to amicably resolve any differences of opinion that may occur from time to time without ever resorting to unreasonable or unlawful means to achieve the result they wish to achieve; (7) A Project where, by all the participants acting in a considerate and respectful manner, positive relations with the local community they are performing the construction work in are maintained. (b) The Employer is accountable to: (1) Provide the management resource and support needed to achieve an injury and incident free Project; (2) Encourage its leaders to focus on issues raised by any member of their team; (3) Ensure its leaders act to address appropriately and in a timely manner, any concern raised by any member of their team; (4) Act at all times with fairness, honesty and in a trustworthy manner, responding to issues or concerns raised in a timely manner; (5) Recognise the talents and capabilities of their Employees and encourage excellence in construction execution. (c) Each Employee is accountable to: (1) Establish and maintain a safe and healthy work area, ensure safe and healthy work practices are followed at all times and within their duty of care, take responsibility for their personal safety and the safety of other Employees; (2) Comply with Project environmental health and safety regulations, procedures and practices; (3) Participate in and comply with the Project’s cultural and environmental processes; (4) Ensure their personal fitness for work on each day they are scheduled to work; (5) In all of their dealings with other Employees and their Employer, act with fairness and respect; (6) Work towards both the Project and their team’s goals to the full extent of their personal capacity; and (7) Raise any personal concern/issue directly with their immediate team leader/supervisor thereby providing the Employer with an opportunity to resolve/assist the concern/issue. If the team leader/supervisor is not available, then raise the matter with a more senior Employer leader.
Goals and Objectives The purpose of this Agreement is to ensure that the proper elements and commitments are in place to provide consistent service support and delivery to the customers by the Service Providers. The goal of this Agreement is to obtain mutual agreement for the provision of information and communication between the Service Provider and customer. The objective of this Agreement is to: • Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and responsibilities. • Present clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer. • Match perceptions of the expected service provision with actual service support and delivery.
Project Objectives 1.1 (Type the Project objectives)
Performance Measure Grantee will adhere to the performance measures requirements documented in
Ongoing Performance Measures The Department intends to use performance-reporting tools in order to measure the performance of Contractor(s). These tools will include the Contractor Performance Survey (Exhibit H), to be completed by Customers on a quarterly basis. Such measures will allow the Department to better track Vendor performance through the term of the Contract(s) and ensure that Contractor(s) consistently provide quality services to the State and its Customers. The Department reserves the right to modify the Contractor Performance Survey document and introduce additional performance-reporting tools as they are developed, including online tools (e.g. tools within MFMP or on the Department's website).