Right to Response. The employee may submit for inclusion in their personnel file a written response to any material contained in such file.
Right to Response. The teacher may submit for inclusion in their file a written response to any material contained in such file.
Right to Response. For material proposed to be placed in the personnel file, the employee will have five (5) work days from receipt of the material to be placed in their personnel file to make any signed written comments they wish, which will be attached to the document and placed in their primary personnel file.
Right to Response. The Kidstop Instructor may submit for inclusion in his/her file a written response to any material contained in such file.
Right to Response. An employee shall be provided with a copy of any adverse written material and it shall be initialed by the employee before it is placed in the employee's personnel file. Said initialing by the employee is only to show that the employee has read the material and shall not be deemed to be in agreement or disagreement with its content. If desired, the employee may attach his/her own comments to the written material. If the employee refuses to initial the written material, a copy of said written material will be placed in the employee's file upon witness of a third party. Employees shall be provided a copy of any written material, as provided by law.
Right to Response. A secretary has a right to attach a written response to his/her evaluation. The response shall be placed in the secretary’s personnel file with the evaluation. Any such response must be filed with the Human Resources Office within 10 days of the secretary’s signing of the evaluation.
Right to Response. Employees may respond to any adverse documentation except counseling memos in their file by sending a written response to the Director. The response will be filed with a copy of the documentation in question.