Rights of Client. The Client acknowledges that any benefit or right obtained by a Participant upon registration of an OTC Options Market Transaction with ASX Clear by novation of an OTC Options Market Contract under the ASX Clear Operating Rules or any other legal result of registration is personal to the Participant and the benefit of that benefit, right or legal result does not pass to the Client. The Client has no rights, whether by way of subrogation or otherwise, against ASX Clear in relation to any transactions by the Participant (or any other Participant) in the OTC Options CCP Contract.
Rights of Client. The Client acknowledges that any benefit or right obtained by a Clearing Participant upon registration of a contract with ASX Clear by novation of a contract under the ASX Clear Operating Rules or any other legal result of registration is personal to the Clearing Participant and the benefit of that benefit, right or legal result does not pass to the Client. The Client has no rights, whether by way of subrogation or otherwise, against ASX or ASX Clear in relation to any transactions by the Clearing Participant (or any other Clearing Participant or Market Participant) in the Derivative Market Contract.
Rights of Client. Được gửi yêu cầu về nhu cầu thu xếp vốn;/ Send requests for capital arrangement needs; Được quản lý tiến độ và trạng thái giải ngân của từng nhu cầu thu xếp vốn khi tư vấn phát hành trái phiếu qua Công Ty Chứng Khoán;/ Manage the progress and monitor the disbursement status of each capital arrangement need when participating in bond issuance consulting with the Securities Company. Được đăng ký giao dịch sản phẩm đầu tư do Công Ty Chứng Khoán tư vấn, bảo lãnh phát hành, môi giới, phân phối; quản lý tiến độ và trạng thái các giao dịch;/ Register to trade investment products advised, underwritten, brokered, distributed by the Securities Company; manage the progress and status of the transactions; Được theo dõi các sự kiện sau phát hành hoặc đầu tư, bao gồm: sự kiện thực hiện quyền, sự kiện công bố thông tin….;/ Track post-issuance or post-investment events, including: right exercising events, disclosure events…
Rights of Client. Phụ thuộc vào Dịch Vụ mà Khách hàng được phép sử dụng, Khách hàng có quyền: Được gửi yêu cầu về nhu cầu thu xếp vốn;/ Send requests for capital arrangement needs; Được quản lý tiến độ và trạng thái giải ngân của từng nhu cầu thu xếp vốn khi tư vấn phát hành trái phiếu qua Công Ty Chứng Khoán;/ Manage the progress and monitor the disbursement status of each capital arrangement need when participating in bond issuance consulting with the Securities Company. Được đăng ký giao dịch sản phẩm đầu tư do Công Ty Chứng Khoán tư vấn, bảo lãnh phát hành, môi giới, phân phối; quản lý tiến độ và trạng thái các giao dịch;/ Register to trade investment products advised, underwritten, brokered, distributed by the Securities Company; manage the progress and status of the transactions; Được theo dõi các sự kiện sau phát hành hoặc đầu tư, bao gồm: sự kiện thực hiện quyền, sự kiện công bố thông tin….;/ Track post-issuance or post-investment events, including: right exercising events, disclosure events… Được gửi yêu cầu về dịch vụ đại lý phân phối chứng chỉ quỹ./Send requests for fund distribution agency. Được chủ động cập nhật các thông tin liên quan đến Khách hàng và các quỹ trên hệ thống do Công Ty Chứng Khoán cung cấp để cung cấp thông tin đến các nhà đầu tư chứng chỉ quỹ của các quỹ do Khách hàng quản lý./ Update information relating to Client and funds to the system provided by Securities Company in order to provide such information to investors who invest in funds managed by Client.
Rights of Client. The Client-Provided Materials, the Web Site, and any and all software products, business models, documentation, or other materials developed or prepared by Client ("Work Product") are the sole and exclusive property of Client, and all rights, title, and interest therein, including all IP Rights are to be owned exclusively and vest solely in Client, and Cayenta hereby acknowledges that it has no right, title, or interest to such Work Product or IP Rights therein. To the extent that title to any such Work Product may not, by operation of law or of this Agreement, vest solely in Client, then Cayenta hereby irrevocably assigns to Client any and all rights, title, and interest including all IP Rights therein.
Rights of Client. 1. Client acknowledges that DonorSearch, or the data owners who provided the Information to DonorSearch, own the Information, and that Client has no proprietary rights to the Information used by DonorSearch to enhance the Data.
2. Client has the right to use all Information provided via DonorSearch’s Data analysis process or via the Services, without limitation, solely in connection with Client marketing programs.
3. Client may not sell, lease, rent or otherwise provide to any other party its own Data as enhanced with the Information or any direct marketing list, model, analysis, code or report utilizing or derived from the Information, except that Client may provide without charge its own Data as enhanced with the Information or any direct marketing list, model, analysis, code or report utilizing or derived from the Information to an employee, agent, independent contractor, or other representative of Client providing assistance to Client in connection with the marketing programs permitted under Section C.2 above.
Rights of Client. 6.1. Client shall have the right to disclosure of and insight into all legal and business matters under this con-tract at any point in time.
6.2. Client has the right to be involved in significant planning, organization and realization phases (Participation and Co- Determination Rights), provided that it does not constitute an impediment to Agency in its fulfilment of duties and responsibilities under and in accordance with the contract.
Rights of Client. Access to Websites, Applications of eBanking and use services and products provided through these channels under service package having registered by Client; - Request for investigation/complaint about any defect or violation (if any) occurred while using the services in accordance with the provisions of law. The complaint must be in writing and be sent to The Bank. Client is entitled to complain in a certain period of time according to regulations of The Bank from the date of arising transaction requested for investigation and complaint. Over the above mentioned period, The Bank is not liable for any accrued or relevant liability. In case the complaint of Client is not related to The Bank’s fault, Client shall bear all accrued charges for processing such complaint in accordance with the regulations of The Bank; - Request The Bank to update registration information, or re-issue login password in accordance with the procedure of updating registration information required by The Bank. The Bank shall conduct the update accordingly after inspecting and accepting the changing request of Client; - Other rights in accordance with these Terms & Conditions and other relevant provisions of law.
Rights of Client. 10.1. Client shall reserve the right to be involved in significant planning, organization and realization phases (Participation and Co-Determination Rights), provided that it does not constitute an impediment to Agency in its fulfilment of duties and responsibilities under and in accordance with the contract.
10.2. Client shall only be entitled to disclosure of and access to all legal and business matters under this contract agreed upon by both parties separately in writing.
Rights of Client. [ASX Clear Minimum Term 4]