Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will make available to the Association, upon its request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet. 5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature. 5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public. 5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause. 5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost. 5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations. 5:7 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevail. 5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees. 5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement. 5:10 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions: (a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and (b) A copy of the material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to time of posting or dissemination. 5:10.1 The Association shall have the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designee. 5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request. 5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return. 5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law. 5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. 5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time. 5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full benefits.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 11:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the AssociationAssociation upon reasonable written request all information, reports, and budgets which are available to the public and shall, upon its reasonable written request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded make available to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directiveother statistics, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential natureinformation, and records necessary for negotiations.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. 11:2 The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 11:3 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The use of the mail system and bulletin boards may not interfere with the normal business of the school.
11:4 A copy of current Board policy and Board minutes (agendas) shall be made available electronically to the President of the Association as soon as they are made available online to the public. The Association shall provide the Board copies of its Constitution and By-Laws and a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. A table of the District’s administrative organization with names will be available on the District website.
11:5 The building representative shall have the right to speak to employees during regularly scheduled faculty meetings if the representative notifies the building principal at least two (2) days in advance of the scheduled meetings. The requirement for two (2) days advance notice may be waived by mutual agreement. Placement on the meeting agenda shall be at the discretion of the building principal.
11:6 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse, bulletins on school premises, office and A-V equipment as designated by the principal when not otherwise being used. The Association shall pay for the cost of materials and supplies. The Association also agrees that it will pay for the repair or replacement of equipment damaged during such use.
11:7 Accredited representatives of the local, State, and National Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. The Association representative shall obtain approval of the principal of the building or other pertinent materials person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent reporting to the Superintendent or designeeoffice. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
5:11 A copy 11:8 Whenever, by mutual agreement of this Agreement will the parties, any employees participate in negotiations during working hours they shall suffer no loss in pay nor shall they be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestrequired to make up the time lost.
5:12 11:9 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to Association shall have input into the full-time staff preparation of the AssociationDistrict calendar and the District budget. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to Final determination of the calendar and budget shall reside with the Board.
11:10.1 Except as limited by this Agreement, the Xxxxxxxxx School Board, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the District, hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including the right to administer and to supervise the schools of the District, and shall have the authority to determine policy and adopt rules and regulations for the general administration and supervision of the schools of the District. Such administration, supervision, and policy shall be conducted and formulated in accordance with Delaware law and the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Department Board of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annuallyAdditionally, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing nothing contained herein will shall be construed considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authorities provided by applicable law(s).
11:10.2 The Board, subject to any employee Delaware Code and in accordance with the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Board of Education, shall in addition to other duties:
(a) determine the educational policies of the District and prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools;
(b) enforce the provisions of this Title relating to school attendance;
(c) grade and standardize all the schools under its jurisdiction and may establish kindergarten and playgrounds and such rights other types of schools as in its judgment will promote the educational interest of the District;
(d) adopt courses of study;
(e) select, purchase, and distribute free of charge such textbooks and other materials of instruction, stationery, furniture, equipment, apparatus, and supplies as are necessary to the work of the schools;
(f) provide forms on which regular school employees shall make such reports as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board Board;
(g) make all reports required by the State Secretary of Education pending at such time, upon such items, and in such form as may be prescribed by the disposition of charges will be with full benefitsState Superintendent; and
(h) appoint personnel.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information, and records which are relevant available to negotiation or the public. In addition, upon written request, the Board, agrees to make available to the Association other statistics, information and records necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, negotiations and to the extent to which such information is in the not confidential from public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetaccess.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices 6:2 Administration directives or work rules which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will employees shall also be forwarded mailed to the Association President/designee President at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association shall provide the Board with copies of its By-Laws.
6:4 A written list giving the names of the Association 1s Representatives, the chair of the grievance committee, and the officers of the Association shall be furnished to the publicdistrict immediately after their designation. The Association shall notify the district promptly of any changes to such a list.
5:4 6:5 Accredited representatives of the local, state State and national National Association will shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will representatives shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building building, which the representative is visiting visiting, by reporting to the office. Such permission will access shall not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 6:6 Whenever members employees of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will shall suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lostpay.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:8 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office office, district interoffice mail system system, available technology, and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; andcontained.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his/her designee and the Supervisor of Nutritional Services prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The mail system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school.
6:9 No employee shall be prevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the Association or its affiliates.
6:10 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse school facilities, bulletins office equipment, and other pertinent materials by placing them available technology at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designee.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Associationuse. The leave holder will continue Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to accumulate senioritysuch use, and for any repairs necessitated. Such leaves are subject fully to Prior approval shall be obtained from the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to returnappropriate administrator.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full benefits.
Appears in 2 contracts
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 A. The Board will make available agrees to furnish to the Association, upon its requestin response to reasonable requests all available public information concerning district operations as it relates to collective negotiations, statistics in accordance with Negotiation Procedure, Article II, Paragraph B.
B. Upon their appointment, the names and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement addresses of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees new employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the publicPresident of the Association following the regular Board of Education meeting at which the appointment was made.
5:4 Accredited representatives C. Whenever any representative of the localAssociation or any employee is mutually scheduled by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiation, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official grievance proceedings, conferences or meetings, he/she shall suffer no loss of pay.
D. Official Association business may be transacted on school property at all reasonable times except during regular working hours, provided that this will time shall not interfere with or interrupt normal operations and with the program of the School District. The Association representative will obtain prior approval of the principal Principal of the building school or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting Superintendent. Duty-free lunchtime may be used to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient causetransact official Association business.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevail.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and
(b) A copy of the material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 E. The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse school equipment, bulletins including typewriters, other duplicating equipment, computers and other pertinent all types of audio-visual equipment at reasonable time, with prior approval of the Principal of the school, provided such equipment is not in use. The Association shall supply personnel and all materials by placing them and pay for repair or replacement of such equipment incident to such use. Except for activities listed in its annual calendar supplied to the Superintendent, the Association shall apply for use of building facilities in the mailboxes same manner as other community organizations, without charge to the Association.
F. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association ten (10) copies of the minutes of all public Board meetings, and new policies affecting the members of this unit, for secretaries or posting in the employees lounge in each building and the Association files.
G. The Association may purchase and have installed by sending electronic mailthe Board, a bulletin board for its exclusive use in the employee lounge.
H. The rights and privileges granted to the Association by this Agreement as exclusive representative of the employees are not intended by the parties to be granted to any other organization representing any employees in the unit in connection with terms and conditions of employment.
I. The Association may install and maintain a telephone for use by the Association President. A copy of these materials The expenses associated with this telephone shall be borne by the Association, and the telephone’s location must be sent approved by the Superintendent. The installation shall be at the home school of the Association President.
J. The Board of Education, subject only to the Superintendent or designee.
5:11 A copy express written provisions of this Agreement will , reserves to itself all rights and responsibilities of management of the School District and full jurisdiction and authority to make and revise policy, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof. By way of illustration and not by way of limitation of the rights and responsibilities reserved to the Board, are the rights to select and direct employees of the school district; to hire, assign, promote, transfer and retain employees covered by this Agreement within the school district, or to suspend, demote, discharge, or take other disciplinary action against employees; to relieve employees from duties because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons; to maintain the thoroughness and efficiency of the school district operations entrusted to it; to determine the methods, means and personnel by which school district operations are to be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxconducted; to introduce new or improved methods and facilities; to contract out for such goods and services as may be permitted by law; and to take whatever other actions may be necessary to accomplish the mission of the school district in any situation. In exercising the foregoing rights, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestthe Board shall not violate any other provision of this Agreement.
5:12 K. The Board hereby agrees and the Association agree to grant an unpaid leave hold at least one (1) conference each year with the Executive Council, the Board of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive yearsEducation, and representation from the Superintendent’s Office, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff discuss concerns of the Association. district.
L. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to Board agrees that the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April Association President shall have released time as follows:
1. If a high school or middle school teacher, the employee desires to return from leave of absenceteacher shall not be assigned more than three (3) teaching periods and shall not have any non-teaching duties, except that he/she will notify cover a homeroom if assigned a period with a homeroom;
2. If an elementary school teacher, the Superintendent by letterteacher shall have a 3/5 teaching assignment and shall not have any non-teaching duties and, no later than April 1 preceding if possible, the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she preparation period will be assigned scheduled immediately adjacent to the same or similar position lunch period. To accommodate these scheduling requirements, the teacher may need to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to returnbe reassigned.
5:13 Nothing contained herein 3. If a non-certified employee, that employee shall have a 3/5 work load. That employee may need to be reassigned to accommodate the 3/5 work load.
4. For the term of this Agreement, the President of the Association shall have no teaching or non-teaching duties, but will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before present for Association duties during the regular work day/work year. The Board or committeewill pay full salary and benefits, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she but will be given prior written notice reimbursed by the NBTEA for one-half (1/2) of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and President’s full salary. This paragraph will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interviewexpire on June 30, 2009.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full benefits.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Contract Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, upon at its request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation negotiations or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, Agreement to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect the working conditions of secretaries, will paraprofessionals and which relate to a substantial group of paraprofessionals shall be forwarded mailed to the Association President/designee President at the time of the issuance of the directive, directive provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and made available electronically to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available online to the public. The Association shall provide the Board copies of its Constitution and By-Laws and a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. A table of the District’s administrative organization with names will be available on the District website.
5:4 Accredited representatives Representatives of the local, state State, and national Association will National association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided providing that this will it does not interfere with or interrupt the program work and duties of the School Districtemployees. The Association representative will shall obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will shall not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:4.1 The District will allow the President of the Association, or person(s) designated by the President twenty-five (25) days per year for Association activities. Use of such days must be by prior notice to the Superintendent or designee and the employee's building administrator at least three days prior to the absence.
5:4.2 The District shall allow the Association to have access to a phone and the internet. The use of the telephone and computer will be restricted to lunch and break periods and will not interfere with the operations of the school district. Placement of the telephone and computer hookup will be by mutual agreement.
5:4.3 The President of the Paraprofessional Association or designee may serve on the District Strategic Planning Committee and the District Calendar Committee.
5:4.4 The Superintendent/designee will meet with the President of the Paraprofessional Association on an as-needed basis.
5:5 Whenever members employees of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, hours they will shall suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lostpay.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 5:7 The Board will give written notification shall endeavor to keep the Association informed of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs programs, which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 5:8 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office interoffice mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and;
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his/her designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, wide a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or his designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination;
c) The mailboxes and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the business of the school;
d) The use of the District interoffice mail system will be consistent with current law, court cases, and postal regulations.
5:10.1 5:8.1 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse, bulletins on school premises, office and other pertinent AV equipment as designated by the principal when not otherwise being used. The Association shall pay for the cost of materials by placing them in and supplies. The Association also agrees that it will pay for the mailboxes for secretaries repair or by sending electronic mail. A replacement of equipment damaged during such use.
5:9 The Board shall post a copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designeecontract on the website once ratified.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 5:10 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, absence to any employee serving in elected as an elective office officer or appointed to the full-time staff of the Associationlocal, State, or National association. Such leave cannot exceed two years. Such leaves shall be granted to not more than three District employees at any time. The leave holder will holder(s) shall not continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must yearly notify the Board annually, Human Resources in writing, writing by April 1 of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to returnleave. Upon his/her return, return he/she will shall be assigned to the same or a similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to returnif available.
5:13 5:11 Nothing contained herein will shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an 5:12.1 An employee who is required to appear before the Board or committeean agent thereof for disciplinary reasons (written reprimand, agent or member thereof concerning any matter suspension, termination) which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary employee's continued employment, salary, or any increments pertaining toincrements, then he/she will shall be given prior written notice notice. The letter will contain the date(s) of the reasons for incident(s) and specific reason(s), such as “Professional Responsibilities related to and to the incident(s) of ”. Any topic not included in the letter will not be covered at said meeting unless agreed to by the employee. If not agreed, it will be discussed at a later date after proper notice has been given. The parties agree that 48 hour meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours will not be scheduled the day before a holiday. An employee required to appear in advance and will this instance shall be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her Representative present during such meeting and any follow-up meeting that is held. With prior notice, an additional Association member may attend the meeting for training purposes or interviewdue to his/her area of expertise. The parties agree that 48-hour meetings may be postponed 24 hours in order for the employee to secure representation.
5:14.1 5:12.2 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, action the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of . 5:12.3 Sections 5:12.1 and 5:12.2 do not preclude informal discussion with an employee by a member of the Board of Education pending administrative staff pertaining to the disposition of charges will be employee's performance at his/her work location with full benefitsdue regard to privacy.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information, and records which are relevant available to negotiation or the public. In addition, upon written request, the Board, agrees to make available to the Association other statistics, information and records necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, negotiations and to the extent to which such information is in the not confidential from public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetaccess.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices 6:2 Administration directives or work rules which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will employees shall also be forwarded mailed to the Association President/designee President at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association shall provide the Board with copies of its By-Laws.
6:4 A written list giving the names of the Association's Representatives, the chair of the grievance committee, and the officers of the Association shall be furnished to the publicdistrict immediately after their designation. The Association shall notify the district promptly of any changes to such list.
5:4 6:5 Accredited representatives of the local, state State and national National Association will shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will representatives shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building building, which the representative is visiting visiting, by reporting to the office. Such permission will access shall not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 6:6 Whenever members employees of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will shall suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lostpay.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:8 The Association may use the school office and District office, district inter-office mail system system, available technology, and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; andcontained.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his/her designee and the Supervisor of Nutritional Services prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The mail system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school.
6:9 No employee shall be prevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the Association or its affiliates.
6:10 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse school facilities, bulletins office equipment, and other pertinent materials by placing them available technology at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designee.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Associationuse. The leave holder will continue Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to accumulate senioritysuch use, and for any repairs necessitated. Such leaves are subject fully to Prior approval shall be obtained from the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to returnappropriate administrator.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full benefits.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collaborative Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, upon its reasonable written request, statistics all information, reports, and budgets which are available to the public and shall, upon reasonable written request, make available to the Association other statistics, information, and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees negotiations.
6:1.1 The Association shall be provided electronic access a list of current employees, work location, job titles, hours, and a copy of the current transfer rosters on a quarterly basis or as requested, not to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetexceed on a monthly basis.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices 6:2 Administration directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will employees shall also be forwarded mailed to the Association President/designee president at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and available electronically for the president of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association shall provide the Board with copies of its Constitution and By-Laws.
6:4 A written list giving the names of the Association's elected and appointed officials shall be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after their designation and the Association shall notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list. The Board shall provide the Association a Table of Administrative Organization with names and updates as needed.
5:4 6:5 Accredited representatives of the local, state State and national National Association will shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will access shall not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:6 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and;
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his designee prior to to, or at the time of of, posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to to,or at the time of of, posting or dissemination;
(c) The mail system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school;
(d) The use of the District inter-office mail system will be consistent with current law, court cases, and postal regulations.
5:10.1 (e) District email will be the primary mode of communication with the understanding that automated phone messages will be sent in the event of emergencies. It shall be the responsibility of each employee to ensure that the District has a current phone number on record.
6:8 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse school facilities and equipment in place by qualified operators, bulletins including duplicating equipment and other pertinent all types of audio-visual equipment at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials by placing them in and supplies incident to such use and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof. Prior approval shall be obtained from the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to building principal where the Superintendent or designeeequipment is located.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is 6:9 Employees required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof administrator concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or condition of employment or the salary or any increments pertaining toand/or salary, then he/she will shall be given prior written notice notification of the reasons reason for such meetings or interview the meeting at least forty-eight (48) 48 hours in advance and will advance. Managers shall have 5 working days to raise concerns about an issue. Topics not included in the written notification shall not be covered at said meeting. The employee shall be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interviewmeeting.
5:14.1 6:9.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an a manager/administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time. This section does not preclude informal discussion with an employee pertaining to the employee's performance at his/her work location.
5:15 6:10 No employee shall be disciplined, reprimanded, discharged, or reduced in pay except for just cause. Any such action will be considered with due regard to privacy. Any suspension of an employee pending an investigation or disposition of charges by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will shall be with full pay and benefits.
6:11 The Xxxxxxxxx School Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right: to exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct work activities of its employees; to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications and the conditions for their continued employment or their dismissal or demotion, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and to exercise the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement, and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
6:12 Nothing contained herein shall be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
6:13 In a bonafide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students of the District, the Board or administrative designee may take appropriate action.
6:14 The Board and the bargaining unit shall split the cost of making this agreement available to all current and new employees. In addition, the Board shall post an electronic copy upon ratification.
6:15 The Board reserves the right to enter into a contract, subcontract, or agreement with any person, persons, organizations, or companies which will affect services normally provided by this bargaining unit. Written notice will be given to the Association six months prior to releasing bids. The Board agrees that it will not subcontract the full composite of services of the bargaining unit.
6:16 Student volunteers may perform work in the cafeteria, but will not be used in place of paid staff.
6:17 If the decision is made to close school, or have an unscheduled remote learning day, because of inclement weather or othertype of emergency situation after the employee's normal starting time, the employee shall be paid for time actually worked or a minimum of 1 hour, whichever is greater. If school is cancelled and students are not required to make up the day employees may take personal time if available or have the hours deducted. Employees will elect, at the beginning of each school year, whether to request that personal time be used or to be deducted for time lost due to emergency closure. Personal day(s) used for inclement weather will be excluded in attendance calculations on the yearly evaluation. If school is cancelled and students are required to make up the day employees will be required to make up the day on the date designated by the Xxxxxxxxx School District Board of Education. 6:17.1 6:18 6:19
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the AssociationUnion, upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information, and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, negotiations to the extent to which such the information is in the public domain. Employees .
6:2 Administrative directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of employees shall also be provided electronic access mailed to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee Union president at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed to the Association President will have access to said documents of the Union as soon as they are made available available. The Union may also, if it desires, pick up at the District Office copies of materials cited above. The Union shall provide the Board copies of its Constitution and By-Laws.
6:4 A written list giving the names of the stewards and officers of the Union shall be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after the designation and the Union shall notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list.
5:4 6:5 Accredited representatives of the local, state State and national Association will National Union shall be permitted to transact official Association Union business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will only to such extent as does not neglect, retard, or interfere with or interrupt the program work and duties of the School Districtemployees. The Association representative will Union representative, including local, shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members 6:5.1 Accredited representatives of the bargaining unit Union shall be permitted to transact official Union business on school property at all reasonable times only to such extent as does not neglect, retard, or interfere with the work and duties of employees. The Union representatives shall obtain approval of the building principal or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office and giving the specific reasons for the visit. The Union representative shall be required to sign in and sign out.
6:5.2 Employees who act as Union representatives including local and executive Presidents, Vice Presidents and Secretaries, with notification to facilities may leave their place of work without loss of pay only under the following circumstances:
a. The time shall be devoted to proper investigation and processing of grievances or a person's presence is requested by an administrator.
b. Authority to leave the work place has been approved by the employee's immediate supervisor (administrator) after providing the administrator with a specific reason for leaving, destination, and estimated time for return.
c. Such time is not abused.
6:5.3 Before entering a work area the employee must report to the appropriate building administrator with the specific reasons for being needed at the location.
6:5.4 Union representatives or employees shall not change job orders or interfere in any way with employee's full and faithful performance of their job assignments.
6:6 Whenever employees are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, hours they will shall suffer no loss of pay nor will they provided that no more than four custodial personnel are scheduled to participate. The District Vice President and Secretary shall not be required counted as part of the four custodial personnel scheduled to make up the time lostparticipate.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:7 The Association will Union shall have the right to use school buildings for Association Union business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 6:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 The Association Union may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association Union business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and;
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his designee prior to to, or at the time of of, posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to to, or at the time of of, posting or dissemination;
(c) The mail system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school;
(d) The use of the District inter-office mail system will be consistent with current law, court cases, and postal regulations.
5:10.1 6:9 No employee shall be prevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the Union or its affiliates.
6:10 An employee who is required to appear before the Board or an agent thereof for disciplinary reasons (written reprimand, suspension, termination) or the purpose of being confronted with allegations of wrongdoing which could adversely affect the employee’s continued employment or salary shall be given prior written notice. The letter will contain the date(s) of the concern(s) and specific reasons for such meeting to occur. The parties agree that 48 hour meetings will not be scheduled the day before a holiday. An employee required to appear in this instance shall be entitled to have an Association representative present during such meeting and any follow-up meeting that is held. With prior notice, an additional association member may attend the meeting for training purposes or due to his/her area of expertise, as long as no more than two representatives are present. The parties agree that 48-hour meetings may be postponed 24 hours in order for the employee to secure representation.
6:10.1 Section 6:10 does not preclude discussions with an employee by a member of the administrative staff pertaining to the employee's performance at his/her work location.
6:10.2 Employees shall be given a copy of their completed evaluation prior to management scheduling a conference to discuss the document. No evaluation form shall be placed in an employee’s personal file without their signature or signature of a third party witness. Such signature shall only indicate that the evaluation has been read by the employee and in no way shall indicate agreement with its content.
6:10.3 Within ten (10) working days of receipt of their evaluation, an employee shall have the a right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mailsubmit a written response. A The employee may submit a copy of these materials must be sent his/her response to the Superintendent or designeeevaluator, who shall attach it to the evaluation form and forward it to the Personnel Office for filing no later than twenty (20) working days from the date the employee submits his/her response.
5:11 A copy 6:11 No employee shall be given a written reprimand, nor have disciplinary action taken against him/her, without just cause. Any such action will considered with due regard to privacy. The progression of discipline may be: Memo of Record Memo of Reprimand One Day Suspension Three Day Suspension Five or More Days Suspension Recommendation for Termination The extent of disciplinary action taken for serious infractions shall be commensurate with the offense. Discipline may be imposed within ten (10) working days of the District’s knowledge of the infraction unless the employee is on a leave of absence or under investigation for the alleged infraction.
6:12 The Xxxxxxxxx School Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right: to exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications and the conditions for their continued employment or their dismissal or demotion, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and to exercise the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxAgreement, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed then only to the full-time staff of extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware and the rules Constitution and regulations laws of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify United States.
6:13 Nothing contained herein shall be considered to deny or restrict the Board annuallyof its rights, responsibilities, and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
6:14 In a bonafide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students of the District, the Board or designee may take appropriate action.
6:15 The Board shall distribute copies of this Agreement to all current and new employees. In addition, the Board shall provide the Union with fifty (50) copies of this Agreement.
6:16 An employee may request in writingwriting to the Personnel Office that material he/she deems unfavorable contained in his/her personnel file be removed after 12 months. If the request is approved, such documents and all directly related documents shall be removed. If the request is denied, the employee shall have the right to appeal the decision to the Superintendent or his/her designee. The employee shall be advised in writing of the disposition of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach request. After a 36-month period has passed since any disciplinary action has resulted in either a written verbal warning or a memo of record, the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she document will be assigned to removed at the same employee’s request. After a 60- month period has passed since any disciplinary action has resulted in either a memo of reprimand or similar position to a memo of reprimand with a consequence, the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein document will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable lawremoved at the employee’s request.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full benefits.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 10:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the AssociationAssociation upon reasonable written request all information, upon its requestreports, statistics and records budgets which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, available to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded upon reasonable written request make available to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directiveother statistics, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy information and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained onlinerecords necessary for negotiations. Such documents will be maintained Utility and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members rosters of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled will be available to participate in negotiations during the Association upon written request. Such rosters will include names, addresses, phone numbers (unless unlisted) and building assignments. The District will provide a monthly alphabetical list of new hires within five (5) working hours, days after the regular Board meeting at which they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up were confirmed. The list shall include the time lostsame information as the building rosters.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 10:2 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 10:3 The Association may use the school office and District office, inter-office mail mail, District email system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The the material must identify clearly the individual(sindividuals(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and;
(b) A a copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination; and,
(c) the use of the mail system and bulletin boards may not interfere with the normal business of the school.
5:10.1 10:4 A copy of current Board Policy and Board minutes (agendas) will be mailed to the President of the Association as soon as they are made available to the public. The Association shall may also, if it desires, pick up at the appropriate district office copies of materials cited above, as soon as they are made available. The Association will provide the Board copies of its Constitution and By- Laws, and a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. The Board will provide upon request of the Association, a table of administrative organization with names.
10:4.1 A copy of in-service plans will be provided to the Association, as soon as it is available. 10:5 The building representative will have the right to distribute emailspeak to employees during regularly scheduled faculty meetings if the representative notifies the building principal at least one (1) day in advance of the scheduled meetings. The requirement for one (1) days' advance notice may be waived by mutual agreement. The exact order of the agenda for the building representative will be at the discretion of the Principal.
10:6 The Association will have the right to use on school premises office and A-V equipment as designated by the principal when not otherwise being used. The Association will pay for the cost of materials and supplies. The Association also agrees that it will pay for the repair or replacement of equipment damaged during such use.
10:7 Accredited representatives of the Local, bulletins State, and the National Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the school district. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other pertinent materials person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent reporting to the Superintendent or designeeoffice. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
5:11 A copy 10:8 Whenever by mutual agreement of this Agreement the parties any employees participate during working hours in negotiations, they will suffer no loss in pay, nor will they be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestrequired to make up the time lost.
5:12 10:9 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to Association will have input into the full-time staff preparation of the AssociationDistrict calendar and the District budget. The leave holder Final determination of the calendar and budget will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to reside with the Board.
10:10 Except as limited by this Agreement, the Red Clay Consolidated School District Board, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the District hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including the right to administer and to supervise the schools of the District and will have the authority to determine policy and adopt rules and regulations for the general administration and supervision of the schools of the District. Such administration, supervision, and policy will be conducted and formulated in accordance with Delaware law and the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Board of Education. Additionally, nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or to restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authorities provided by applicable law(s).
10:11 The Board, subject to Delaware Code and in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, will in addition to other duties:
(a) determine the educational policies of the District and prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools;
(b) enforce the provisions of Title 14 relating to school attendance;
(c) grade and standardize all the schools under its jurisdiction and may establish kindergartens and playgrounds and such other types of schools, as in its judgment will promote the educational interest of the District;
(d) adopt courses of study;
(e) select, purchase, and distribute free of charge such textbooks, and other materials of instruction, stationery, furniture, equipment, apparatus and supplies as are necessary to the work of the schools;
(f) provide forms on which regular school employees will make such reports as may be required by the Board;
(g) make all reports required by the Secretary of the Department of Education. Any employee granted , at such leave must notify the Board annuallytime, upon such items, and in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights form as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable lawprescribed by the State Secretary of the Department of Education; and,
(h) appoint personnel.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before 10:12 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety or welfare of the students of the District, the Board or committeedesignee may take appropriate actions.
10:13 The District will provide a telephone in the classroom or in an area easily accessible to the Association President. Such telephone will not be utilized during normal class time except in an emergency.
10:14 The District will provide a total of twenty (20) person days per year of release time with full pay for Association-related activities to employees designated by the Association President. Use of such days must be by prior notice to the Superintendent and the employee's building administrator. In a given year, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect should the continuation Association exhaust its days and need additional time, it may request same of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she Superintendent whose decision shall be final. Such time will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled addition to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interviewsick leave and/or personal days.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full benefits.
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 11:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the AssociationAssociation upon reasonable written request all information, reports, and budgets which are available to the public and shall, upon its reasonable written request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded make available to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directiveother statistics, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential natureinformation, and records necessary for negotiations.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. 11:2 The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 11:3 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must clearly identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The use of the mail system and bulletin boards may not interfere with the normal business of the school.
11:4 A copy of current Board policy and Board minutes (agendas) are available electronically on the Board's approved posting system that provides public access. The Association shall provide the Board copies of its Constitution and By-Laws and a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. A table of the District's administrative organization with names will be available on the District website.
11:5 The building representative shall have the right to speak to employees during regularly scheduled faculty meetings if the representative notifies the building principal at least two (2) days in advance of the scheduled meetings. The requirement for two (2) days advance notice may be waived by mutual agreement. Placement on the meeting agenda shall be at the discretion of the building principal.
11:6 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse, bulletins on school premises, office and A-V equipment as designated by the principal when not otherwise being used. The Association shall pay for the cost of materials and supplies. The Association also agrees that it will pay for the repair or replacement of equipment damaged during such use.
11:7 Accredited representatives of the local, State, and National Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. The Association representative shall obtain approval of the principal of the building or other pertinent materials person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent reporting to the Superintendent or designeeoffice. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
5:11 A copy 11:8 Whenever, by mutual agreement of this Agreement will the parties, any employees participate in negotiations during working hours they shall suffer no loss in pay, nor shall they be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestrequired to make up the time lost.
5:12 11:9 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to Association shall have input into the full-time staff preparation of the AssociationDistrict calendar and the District budget. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to Final determination of the calendar and budget shall reside with the Board.
11:10.1 Except as limited by this Agreement, the Xxxxxxxxx School Board, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the District, hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including the right to administer and to supervise the schools of the District, and shall have the authority to determine policy and adopt rules and regulations for the general administration and supervision of the schools of the District. Such administration, supervision, and policy shall be conducted and formulated in accordance with Delaware law and the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Department Board of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annuallyAdditionally, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing nothing contained herein will shall be construed considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authorities provided by applicable law(s).
11:10.2 The Board, subject to any employee Delaware Code and in accordance with the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Board of Education, shall in addition to other duties:
(a) determine the educational policies of the District and prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools.
(b) enforce the provisions of this Title relating to school attendance.
(c) grade and standardize all the schools under its jurisdiction and may establish kindergarten and playgrounds and such rights other types of schools as in its judgment will promote the educational interest of the District.
(d) adopt courses of study.
(e) select, purchase, and distribute free of charge such textbooks and other materials of instruction, stationery, furniture, equipment, apparatus, and supplies as are necessary to the work of the schools.
(f) provide forms on which regular school employees shall make such reports as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable lawrequired by the Board.
5:14 Whenever an employee is (g) make all reports required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board State Secretary of Education pending at such time, upon such items, and in such form as may be prescribed by the disposition of charges will be with full benefitsState Superintendent; and
(h) appoint personnel.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, upon its reasonable written request, statistics all information, reports, and budgets which are available to the public and shall, upon reasonable written request, make available to the Association other statistics, information, and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees negotiations.
6:1.1 The Association shall be provided electronic access a list of current employees, work location, job titles, and hours on a quarterly basis or as requested, not to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetexceed on a monthly basis.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices 6:2 Administration directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will employees shall also be forwarded mailed to the Association President/designee president at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and available electronically for the president of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association shall provide the Board with copies of its Constitution and By-Laws.
6:4 A written list giving the names of the Association's elected and appointed officials shall be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after their designation and the Association shall notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list. The Board shall provide the Association a Table of Administrative Organization with names and updates as needed.
5:4 6:5 Accredited representatives of the local, state State and national National Association will shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will access shall not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:6 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and;
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his designee prior to to, or at the time of of, posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to to,or at the time of of, posting or dissemination;
(c) The mail system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school;
(d) The use of the District inter-office mail system will be consistent with current law, court cases, and postal regulations.
5:10.1 (e) District email will be the primary mode of communication with the understanding that automated phone messages will be sent in the event of emergencies. It shall be the responsibility of each employee to ensure that the District has a current phone number on record.
6:8 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse school facilities and equipment in place by qualified operators, bulletins including duplicating equipment and other pertinent all types of audio-visual equipment at reasonable times when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials by placing them in and supplies incident to such use and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof. Prior approval shall be obtained from the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to building principal where the Superintendent or designeeequipment is located.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is 6:9 Employees required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof administrator concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or condition of employment or the salary or any increments pertaining toand/or salary, then he/she will shall be given prior written notice notification of the reasons reason for such meetings or interview the meeting at least forty-eight (48) 48 hours in advance and will advance. Managers shall have 5 working days to raise concerns about an issue. Topics not included in the written notification shall not be covered at said meeting. The employee shall be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interviewmeeting.
5:14.1 6:9.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an a manager/administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time. This section does not preclude informal discussion with an employee pertaining to the employee's performance at his/her work location.
5:15 6:10 No employee shall be disciplined, reprimanded, discharged, or reduced in pay except for just cause. Any such action will be considered with due regard to privacy. Any suspension of an employee pending an investigation or disposition of charges by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will shall be with full pay and benefits.
6:11 The Xxxxxxxxx School Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right: to exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct work activities of its employees; to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications and the conditions for their continued employment or their dismissal or demotion, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and to exercise the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement, and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
6:12 Nothing contained herein shall be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
6:13 In a bonafide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students of the District, the Board or administrative designee may take appropriate action.
6:14 The Board and the bargaining unit shall split the cost of making this agreement available to all current and new employees. In addition, the Board shall post an electronic copy upon ratification.
6:15 The Board reserves the right to enter into a contract, subcontract, or agreement with any person, persons, organizations, or companies which will affect services normally provided by this bargaining unit. Written notice will be given to the Association six months prior to releasing bids. The Board agrees that it will not subcontract the full composite of services of the bargaining unit.
6:16 Student volunteers may perform work in the cafeteria, but will not be used in place of paid staff.
6:17 If the decision is made to close school, or have an unscheduled remote learning day, because of inclement weather or othertype of emergency situation after the employee's normal starting time, the employee shall be paid for time actually worked or a minimum of 1 hour, whichever is greater. If school is cancelled and students are not required to make up the day employees may take personal time if available or have the hours deducted. Employees will elect, at the beginning of each school year, whether to request that personal time be used or to be deducted for time lost due to emergency closure. Personal day(s) used for inclement weather will be excluded in attendance calculations on the yearly evaluation. If school is cancelled and students are required to make up the day employees will be required to make up the day on the date designated by the Xxxxxxxxx School District Board of Education. 6:17.1 6:18 6:19
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will make available to the Association, upon its request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect the working conditions of secretaries, paraprofessionals and which relate to a substantial group of paraprofessionals will be forwarded mailed to the President of the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy, Board minutes, and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents agendas will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available to the public. The Association may also, if it desires, pick up at the District Office copies of materials cited above as soon as they are made available. The Association will provide the Board with a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. The Board will provide the Association with a table of its administrative organization with names.
5:4 Accredited representatives Representatives of the localLocal, state State and national National Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districtschool district. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit unit, including the Association President/designee (if an employee of the District), are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor pay, provided that no more than five paraprofessionals are scheduled. The parties agree that negotiations, in addition to being scheduled during normal school hours, will they also be required to make up the time lostscheduled after normal school hours including, if necessary, weekends and possibly vacations or holidays.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, State Law; if there is any conflict between same, then the state law State Law will prevail.
5:8 5:7 The Board will give written notification endeavor to keep the Association informed of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs programs, which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 5:8 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 5:9 The Board will provide the Association shall have the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending with one electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designee.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement agreement and an additional 25 copies. One hard copy will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available in each school office for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestreference.
5:12 5:10 The Board hereby agrees to grant an automatic unpaid leave of absences absence, not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, years to the President of the Association and any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the a full-time staff of position in the Delaware State Education Association, or the National Education Association. The Such leaves will be granted to not more than three District employees at any time, and the leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must yearly notify the Board annually, in writing, writing of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July September 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or a similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to returnqualified.
5:13 5:11 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 5:12 Whenever an any employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings meeting or interview at least forty-eight (48) 48 hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Any topic not included in the letter shall not be covered at said meeting.
5:14.1 5:13 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 5:13.1 Any complaints regarding a paraprofessional, which may result in discipline action, made to any member of the administration by any parent, student or other person shall, as soon as practicable, be brought to the paraprofessional’s attention. The paraprofessional shall have the opportunity to rebut the allegations of the complaint.
5:14 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full pay and benefits.
5:15 The Red Clay Consolidated School District Board of Education hereby reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right: To exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees; to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment or for cause their dismissal or demotion, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and the exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith will be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms of this hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware, and the Constitution and laws of the United States. Probationary employees may be dismissed and/or demoted without regard to just cause.
5:16 Nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district or local laws or regulations.
5:17 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students of the District, which demands immediate action, the Board or designee may take appropriate actions.
5:18 Should a participatory management system be considered in any building in the district, the parties agree that the members of this bargaining unit will be included in the planning and implementation of the program. Should the above- mentioned system currently exist in any school the district will include members of this bargaining unit in that system. Their involvement will include all aspects of the system. The President of the Association will be apprised of any location where the system is or may be considered for implementation.
5:19 In those cases where the administration has determined that instruction will not continue in a classroom when there are unreasonable temperature conditions the paraprofessional in that classroom will move with the teacher and students.
5:20 Volunteers, peer tutors and/or xxxxxx grandparents shall not be used in lieu of persons employed in the bargaining unit for the life of this agreement.
5:21 Prior to the arrival of any new students the principal/designee will communicate to the paraprofessional all necessary information needed to prepare for that student. Such information shall be in accordance with State/Federal regulations within IDEA and FERPA.
5:22 The District will provide a telephone in the classroom or in an area easily accessible to the Association President. In addition, in order to effectively represent employees in their respective function, telephones will be accessible to paraprofessional representatives.
5:23 Up to fifteen (15) days leave with pay will be granted annually to the President of the Association and/or person(s) designated by the President to perform his/her official Association functions. Proper application must be followed to be released for this purpose.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, Association upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetnegotiations.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:2 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed/emailed to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association may also, if it desires, pick up at the District office, copies of materials cited above. The Association will provide the Board with copies of its By-Laws.
6:3 A written list giving the names of the representative(s), the chairman of the grievance committee, and the officers of the Association, will be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after their designation and the Association will notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list.
5:4 6:4 Accredited representatives of the localState, state National, and national Local Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission access will not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 6:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required pay, provided that no more than three food service personnel are scheduled to make up the time lostparticipate.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:6 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail mail, district email system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or principal/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or Superintendent/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The Association shall have mail, email system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in normal business of the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designeeschool.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement 6:8 No employee will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestprevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the Association or its affiliates.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. 6:9 If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, an agent or member thereof concerning any a matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary continued employment, salary, or any increments pertaining toincrements, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the and specific reasons for such meetings meeting or interview . Whenever possible, such notice shall be delivered at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and at the end of the employee’s workday. Any topic not included in the letter will not be covered at said meeting. An employee required to appear in this instance will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative of his/her choice present to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. In the event that less than 48 hours notice was provided, and the employee has not been able to arrange Association representation, the meeting will be rescheduled at a later time and/or date. Informal discussion with an employee by any member of the administrative staff pertaining to the employee's performance at his/her work location will not be precluded by the preceding language of this section; however, if as a result of such informal discussion, the employee perceives that the matter discussed could in the future adversely affect his/her continued employment, salary, or increments, the discussion will end.
5:14.1 When 6:10 No employee will be disciplined, reprimanded (verbally or in writing), terminated, or reduced in pay except for just cause. Any such action will be considered with due regard to privacy. Where an employee is requested suspended for disciplinary reasons and that suspension is not revoked through the grievance procedure, said employee upon exhausting the grievance procedure will have deducted from his/her paycheck an amount of pay equal to meet with an administrator the number of days of said suspension.
6:11 The Red Clay Consolidated School Board, hereby retains and he/she at any time reasonably believes reserves unto itself, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the meeting may result in disciplinary actionlaws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must right: To exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees; To hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment or for cause their dismissal or demotion, except for probationary employees, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith will be available within a reasonable amount limited only by the specific and express terms of timethis Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware, and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by 6:12 Nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or restrict the Board of Education pending its rights, responsibilities and authority under the disposition Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
6:13 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety or welfare of charges the students of the District, the Board/designee may take appropriate action.
6:14 The Association will distribute copies of this Agreement to all current and new employees. The Board will provide the Association with sufficient copies for this purpose; the number of current employees plus an additional 25 copies.
6:15 The Board reserves the right to enter into a contract, subcontract, or agreement with any person, persons, organizations, company or companies which will affect services normally provided by this bargaining unit. In the event the Board determines the need to exercise the above right, the Superintendent will appoint a committee, of which the Association may appoint three (3) members, two (2) of which must be employees, to make recommendations for Bid Specifications. The recommendations must be submitted to the Superintendent within sixty (60) calendar days of appointment of the committee. The committee may also submit minority viewpoints. Services to be provided by the successful bidder/vendor will not commence prior to six (6) months from the appointment of this committee. This Agreement will terminate upon the actual assumption of services by the successful bidder/vendor.
6:16 Students may perform work in the cafeteria under the direction of a teacher/staff supervisor. The staff person will make periodic visits and will be in contact with full benefitsthe food service manager. (Said students will not replace cafeteria employees.)
6:17 Administrative directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of employees will also be mailed/emailed to the Association President at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive.
6:18 The employer recognizes and agrees to deal with the accredited Association representative and Association President or his/her representatives in all matters relating to grievances and the interpretation of the Agreement.
6:19 The Association will have the right to use school facilities and equipment in place by qualified operators when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association will pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof. Prior approval will be obtained from the building principal where the equipment is located.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the AssociationUnion, upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information, and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, negotiations to the extent to which such the information is in the public domain. Employees .
6:2 Administrative directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of employees shall also be provided electronic access mailed to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee Union president at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:3 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed to the Association President will have access to said documents of the Union as soon as they are made available available. The Union may also, if it desires, pick up at the District Office copies of materials cited above. The Union shall provide the Board copies of its Constitution and By-Laws.
6:4 A written list giving the names of the stewards and officers of the Union shall be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after the designation and the Union shall notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list.
5:4 6:5 Accredited representatives of the local, state State and national Association will local Union shall be permitted to transact official Association Union business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will only to such extent as does not neglect, delay, or interfere with or interrupt the program work and duties of the School Districtemployees. The Association representative will Union representative, including local, shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members 6:5.1 Accredited representatives of the bargaining unit Union shall be permitted to transact official Union business on school property at all reasonable times only to such extent as does not neglect, delay, or interfere with the work and duties of employees. The Union representatives shall obtain approval of the building principal or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office and giving the specific reasons for the visit. The Union representative shall be required to sign in and sign out.
6:5.2 Employees who act as Union representatives including local and executive Presidents, Vice Presidents and Secretaries, with notification to facilities may leave their place of work without loss of pay only under the following circumstances:
a. The time shall be devoted to proper investigation and processing of grievances or a person's presence is requested by an administrator.
b. Authority to leave the work place has been approved by the employee's immediate supervisor (administrator) after providing the administrator with a specific reason for leaving, destination, and estimated time for return.
c. Such time is not abused.
6:5.3 Before entering a work area the employee must report to the appropriate building administrator with the specific reasons for being needed at the location.
6:5.4 Union representatives or employees shall not change job orders or interfere in any way with employee's full and faithful performance of their job assignments.
6:6 Whenever employees are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, hours they will shall suffer no loss of pay nor will they provided that no more than four custodial personnel are scheduled to participate. The District Vice President and Secretary shall not be required counted as part of the four custodial personnel scheduled to make up the time lostparticipate.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:7 The Association will Union shall have the right to use school buildings for Association Union business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 6:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 The Association Union may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association Union business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and;
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or their designee prior to to, or at the time of of, posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to to, or at the time of of, posting or dissemination;
(c) The mail system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school;
(d) The use of the District inter-office mail system will be consistent with current law, court cases, and postal regulations.
5:10.1 The Association 6:9 No employee shall have be prevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries Union or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designeeits affiliates.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any 6:10 An employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee who is required to appear before the Board or committeean agent thereof for disciplinary reasons (written reprimand, agent suspension, termination) or member thereof concerning any matter the purpose of being confronted with allegations of wrongdoing which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employee’s continued employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will shall be given prior written notice notice. The letter will contain the date(s) of the concern(s) and specific reasons for such meeting to occur. The parties agree that 48 hour meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours will not be scheduled the day before a holiday. An employee required to appear in advance and will this instance shall be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her present during such meeting and any follow-up meeting that is held. With prior notice, an additional association member may attend the meeting for training purposes or interviewdue to their area of expertise, as long as no more than two representatives are present. The parties agree that 48-hour meetings may be postponed 24 hours in order for the employee to secure representation.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet 6:10.1 Section 6:10 does not preclude discussions with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by a member of the Board administrative staff pertaining to the employee's performance at their work location.
6:10.2 Employees shall be given a copy of Education pending their completed evaluation prior to management scheduling a conference to discuss the disposition document. No evaluation form shall be placed in an employee’s personal file without their signature or signature of charges a third party witness. Such signature shall only indicate that the evaluation has been read by the employee and in no way shall indicate agreement with its content.
6:10.3 Within ten (10) working days of receipt of their evaluation, an employee shall have a right to submit a written response. The employee may submit a copy of their response to the evaluator, who shall attach it to the evaluation form and forward it to the Personnel Office for filing no later than twenty (20) working days from the date the employee submits their response.
6:11 No employee shall be given a written reprimand, nor have disciplinary action taken against him/her, without just cause. Any such action will considered with due regard to privacy. The progression of discipline may be: • Memo of Record • Memo of Reprimand • One Day Suspension • Three Day Suspension • Five or More Days Suspension • Recommendation for Termination The extent of disciplinary action taken for serious infractions shall be commensurate with full benefits.the offense. Discipline may be imposed within ten
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1
11:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the AssociationAssociation upon reasonable written request all information, reports, and budgets which are available to the public and shall, upon its reasonable written request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded make available to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directiveother statistics, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential natureinformation, and records necessary for negotiations.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. 11:2 The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 11:3 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or his designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The use of the mail system and bulletin boards may not interfere with the normal business of the school.
11:4 A copy of current Board policy and Board minutes (agendas) shall be mailed to the President of the Association as soon as they are made available to the public. The Association may also, if it desires, pick up at the District office copies of materials cited above as soon as they are made available. The Association shall provide the Board copies of its Constitution and By-Laws and a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. The Board shall provide the Association a table of administrative organization with names.
11:5 The building representative shall have the right to speak to employees during regularly scheduled faculty meetings if the representative notifies the building principal at least two (2) days in advance of the scheduled meetings. The requirement for two (2) days advance notice may be waived by mutual agreement. Placement on the meeting agenda shall be at the discretion of the building principal.
11:6 The Association shall have the right to distribute emailuse, bulletins on school premises, office and A-V equipment as designated by the principal when not otherwise being used. The Association shall pay for the cost of materials and supplies. The Association also agrees that it will pay for the repair or replacement of equipment damaged during such use.
11:7 Accredited representatives of the local, State, and National Association shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this shall not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. The Association representative shall obtain approval of the principal of the building or other pertinent materials person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent reporting to the Superintendent or designeeoffice. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
5:11 A copy 11:8 Whenever, by mutual agreement of this Agreement will the parties, any employees participate in negotiations during working hours they shall suffer no loss in pay nor shall they be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestrequired to make up the time lost.
5:12 11:9 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to Association shall have input into the full-time staff preparation of the AssociationDistrict calendar and the District budget. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to Final determination of the calendar and budget shall reside with the Board.
11:10.1 Except as limited by this Agreement, the Xxxxxxxxx School Board, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the District, hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including the right to administer and to supervise the schools of the District, and shall have the authority to determine policy and adopt rules and regulations for the general administration and supervision of the schools of the District. Such administration, supervision, and policy shall be conducted and formulated in accordance with Delaware law and the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Department Board of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annuallyAdditionally, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing nothing contained herein will shall be construed considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authorities provided by applicable law(s).
11:10.2 The Board, subject to any employee Delaware Code and in accordance with the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Board of Education, shall in addition to other duties:
(a) determine the educational policies of the District and prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools;
(b) enforce the provisions of this Title relating to school attendance;
(c) grade and standardize all the schools under its jurisdiction and may establish kindergarten and playgrounds and such rights other types of schools as in its judgment will promote the educational interest of the District;
(d) adopt courses of study;
(e) select, purchase, and distribute free of charge such textbooks and other materials of instruction, stationery, furniture, equipment, apparatus, and supplies as are necessary to the work of the schools;
(f) provide forms on which regular school employees shall make such reports as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board Board;
(g) make all reports required by the State Secretary of Education pending at such time, upon such items, and in such form as may be prescribed by the disposition of charges will be with full benefitsState Superintendent; and
(h) appoint personnel.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 10:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the AssociationAssociation upon reasonable written request all information, upon its requestreports, statistics and records budgets which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, available to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded upon reasonable written request make available to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directiveother statistics, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current Board Policy information and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained onlinerecords necessary for negotiations. Such documents will be maintained Utility and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School District. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members rosters of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled will be available to participate in negotiations during the Association upon written request. Such rosters will include names, addresses, phone numbers (unless unlisted) and building assignments. The District will provide a monthly alphabetical list of new hires within five (5) working hours, days after the regular Board meeting at which they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up were confirmed. The list shall include the time lostsame information as the building rosters.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 10:2 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 10:3 The Association may use the school office and District office, inter-office mail mail, District email system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The the material must identify clearly the individual(sindividuals(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and;
(b) A a copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination; and,
(c) the use of the mail system and bulletin boards may not interfere with the normal business of the school.
5:10.1 10:4 A copy of current Board Policy and Board minutes (agendas) shall be maintained on line. Such documents shall be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
10:4.1 A copy of in-service plans will be provided to the Association, as soon as it is available.
10:5 The Association shall building representative will have the right to distribute emailspeak to employees during regularly scheduled faculty meetings if the representative notifies the building principal at least one (1) day in advance of the scheduled meetings. The requirement for one (1) days' advance notice may be waived by mutual agreement. The exact order of the agenda for the building representative will be at the discretion of the Principal.
10:6 The Association will have the right to use on school premises office and A-V equipment as designated by the principal when not otherwise being used. The Association will pay for the cost of materials and supplies. The Association also agrees that it will pay for the repair or replacement of equipment damaged during such use.
10:7 Accredited representatives of the Local, bulletins State, and the National Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times, provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the school district. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other pertinent materials person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent reporting to the Superintendent or designeeoffice. Such approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
5:11 A copy 10:8 Whenever by mutual agreement of this Agreement the parties any employees participate during working hours in negotiations, they will suffer no loss in pay, nor will they be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestrequired to make up the time lost.
5:12 10:9 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to Association will have input into the full-time staff preparation of the AssociationDistrict calendar and the District budget. The leave holder Final determination of the calendar and budget will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to reside with the Board.
10:10 Except as limited by this Agreement, the Red Clay Consolidated School District Board, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the District hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including the right to administer and to supervise the schools of the District and will have the authority to determine policy and adopt rules and regulations for the general administration and supervision of the schools of the District. Such administration, supervision, and policy will be conducted and formulated in accordance with Delaware law and the policies, rules, and regulations of the State Board of Education. Additionally, nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or to restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authorities provided by applicable law(s).
10:11 The Board, subject to Delaware Code and in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations of the State Board of Education, will in addition to other duties:
(a) determine the educational policies of the District and prescribe rules and regulations for the conduct and management of the schools;
(b) enforce the provisions of Title 14 relating to school attendance;
(c) grade and standardize all the schools under its jurisdiction and may establish kindergartens and playgrounds and such other types of schools, as in its judgment will promote the educational interest of the District;
(d) adopt courses of study;
(e) select, purchase, and distribute free of charge such textbooks, and other materials of instruction, stationery, furniture, equipment, apparatus and supplies as are necessary to the work of the schools;
(f) provide forms on which regular school employees will make such reports as may be required by the Board;
(g) make all reports required by the Secretary of the Department of Education. Any employee granted , at such leave must notify the Board annuallytime, upon such items, and in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights form as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable lawprescribed by the State Secretary of the Department of Education; and,
(h) appoint personnel.
5:14 Whenever 10:12 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety or welfare of the students of the District, the
10:13 The District will provide a telephone in the classroom or in an employee is required area easily accessible to appear before the Board or committeeAssociation President. Such telephone will not be utilized during normal class time except in an emergency.
10:14 The District will provide a total of twenty (20) person days per year of release time with full pay for Association-related activities to employees designated by the Association President. Use of such days must be by prior notice to the Superintendent and the employee's building administrator. In a given year, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect should the continuation Association exhaust its days and need additional time, it may request same of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she Superintendent whose decision shall be final. Such time will be given prior written notice in addition to sick leave and/or personal days.
10:15 The District will provide a total of two hours during one of the reasons new teacher orientation days (including a meal time) for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will be entitled the Association to consult with and have an Association representative address and/or provide information to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interviewnew employees.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full benefits.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, Association upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetnegotiations.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:2 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed/emailed to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association may also, if it desires, pick up at the District office, copies of materials cited above. The Association will provide the Board with copies of its By-Laws.
6:3 A written list giving the names of the representative(s), the chairman of the grievance committee, and the officers of the Association, will be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after their designation and the Association will notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list.
5:4 6:4 Accredited representatives of the localState, state National, and national Local Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission access will not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 6:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required pay, provided that no more than three food service personnel are scheduled to make up the time lostparticipate.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:6 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail mail, district email system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or principal/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or Superintendent/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The Association shall have mail, email system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in normal business of the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designeeschool.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement 6:8 No employee will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestprevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the Association or its affiliates.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. 6:9 If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, an agent or member thereof concerning any a matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary continued employment, salary, or any increments pertaining toincrements, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the and specific reasons for such meetings meeting or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and advance. Any topic not included in the letter will not be covered at said meeting. An employee required to appear in this instance will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative of his/her choice present to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Informal discussion with an employee by any member of the administrative staff pertaining to the employee's performance at his/her work location will not be precluded by the preceding language of this section; however, if as a result of such informal discussion, the employee perceives that the matter discussed could in the future adversely affect his/her continued employment, salary, or increments, the discussion will end.
5:14.1 When 6:10 No employee will be disciplined, reprimanded (verbally or in writing), terminated, or reduced in pay except for just cause. Any such action will be considered with due regard to privacy. Where an employee is requested suspended for disciplinary reasons and that suspension is not revoked through the grievance procedure, said employee upon exhausting the grievance procedure will have deducted from his/her paycheck an amount of pay equal to meet with an administrator the number of days of said suspension.
6:11 The Red Clay Consolidated School Board, hereby retains and he/she at any time reasonably believes reserves unto itself, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the meeting may result in disciplinary actionlaws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must right: To exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees; To hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment or for cause their dismissal or demotion, except for probationary employees, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith will be available within a reasonable amount limited only by the specific and express terms of timethis Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware, and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by 6:12 Nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or restrict the Board of Education pending its rights, responsibilities and authority under the disposition Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
6:13 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety or welfare of charges the students of the District, the Board/designee may take appropriate action.
6:14 The Association will distribute copies of this Agreement to all current and new employees. The Board will provide the Association with sufficient copies for this purpose; the number of current employees plus an additional 25 copies.
6:15 The Board reserves the right to enter into a contract, subcontract, or agreement with any person, persons, organizations, company or companies which will affect services normally provided by this bargaining unit. In the event the Board determines the need to exercise the above right, the Superintendent will appoint a committee, of which the Association may appoint three (3) members, two (2) of which must be employees, to make recommendations for Bid Specifications. The recommendations must be submitted to the Superintendent within sixty (60) calendar days of appointment of the committee. The committee may also submit minority viewpoints. Services to be provided by the successful bidder/vendor will not commence prior to six (6) months from the appointment of this committee. This Agreement will terminate upon the actual assumption of services by the successful bidder/vendor.
6:16 Students may perform work in the cafeteria under the direction of a teacher/staff supervisor. The staff person will make periodic visits and will be in contact with full benefitsthe food service manager. (Said students will not replace cafeteria employees.)
6:17 Administrative directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of employees will also be mailed/emailed to the Association President at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive.
6:18 The employer recognizes and agrees to deal with the accredited Association representative and Association President or his/her representatives in all matters relating to grievances and the interpretation of the Agreement.
6:19 The Association will have the right to use school facilities and equipment in place by qualified operators, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association will pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof. Prior approval will be obtained from the building principal where the equipment is located.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, Association upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetnegotiations.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:2 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed/emailed to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association may also, if it desires, pick up at the District office, copies of materials cited above. The Association will provide the Board with copies of its By-Laws.
6:3 A written list giving the names of the representative(s), the chairman of the grievance committee, and the officers of the Association, will be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after their designation and the Association will notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list.
5:4 6:4 Accredited representatives of the localState, state National, and national Local Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission access will not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 6:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required pay, provided that no more than three food service personnel are scheduled to make up the time lostparticipate.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:6 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail mail, district email system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or principal/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or Superintendent/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The Association shall have mail, email system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in normal business of the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designeeschool.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement 6:8 No employee will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestprevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the Association or its affiliates.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. 6:9 If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, an agent or member thereof concerning any a matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary continued employment, salary, or any increments pertaining toincrements, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the and specific reasons for such meetings meeting or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and advance. Any topic not included in the letter will not be covered at said meeting. An employee required to appear in this instance will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative of his/her choice present to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Informal discussion with an employee by any member of the administrative staff pertaining to the employee's performance at his/her work location will not be precluded by the preceding language of this section; however, if as a result of such informal discussion, the employee perceives that the matter discussed could in the future adversely affect his/her continued employment, salary, or increments, the discussion will end.
5:14.1 When 6:10 No employee will be disciplined, reprimanded (verbally or in writing), terminated, or reduced in pay except for just cause. Any such action will be considered with due regard to privacy. Where an employee is requested suspended for disciplinary reasons and that suspension is not revoked through the grievance procedure, said employee upon exhausting the grievance procedure will have deducted from his/her paycheck an amount of pay equal to meet with an administrator the number of days of said suspension.
6:11 The Red Clay Consolidated School Board, hereby retains and he/she at any time reasonably believes reserves unto itself, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the meeting may result in disciplinary actionlaws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must right: To exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees; To hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment or for cause their dismissal or demotion, except for probationary employees, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith will be available within a reasonable amount limited only by the specific and express terms of timethis Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware, and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by 6:12 Nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or restrict the Board of Education pending its rights, responsibilities and authority under the disposition Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
6:13 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety or welfare of charges the students of the District, the Board/designee may take appropriate action.
6:14 The Association will distribute copies of this Agreement to all current and new employees. The Board will provide the Association with sufficient copies for this purpose; the number of current employees plus an additional 25 copies.
6:15 The Board reserves the right to enter into a contract, subcontract, or agreement with any person, persons, organizations, company or companies which will affect services normally provided by this bargaining unit. In the event the Board determines the need to exercise the above right, the Superintendent will appoint a committee, of which the Association may appoint three (3) members, two (2) of which must be employees, to make recommendations for Bid Specifications. The recommendations must be submitted to the Superintendent within sixty (60) calendar days of appointment of the committee. The committee may also submit minority viewpoints. Services to be provided by the successful bidder/vendor will not commence prior to six (6) months from the appointment of this committee. This Agreement will terminate upon the actual assumption of services by the successful bidder/vendor.
6:16 Students may perform work in the cafeteria under the direction of a teacher/staff supervisor. The staff person will make periodic visits and will be in contact with full benefitsthe food service manager. (Said students will not replace cafeteria employees.)
6:17 Administrative directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of employees will also be mailed/emailed to the Association President at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive.
6:18 The employer recognizes and agrees to deal with the accredited Association representative and Association President or his/her representatives in all matters relating to grievances and the interpretation of the Agreement.
6:19 The Association will have the right to use school facilities and equipment in place by qualified operators when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association will pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof. Prior approval will be obtained from the building principal where the equipment is located.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, upon its reasonable request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information and records which are relevant to negotiation necessary for negotiations or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, Agreement to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will employees shall also be forwarded mailed to the Association President/President or designee at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current The Association may access Board Policy and policy, Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely mannerminutes, and agendas from the electronic access system. The Association shall provide the Board with a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. The Board shall provide the Association President will have access to said documents a table of administrative organization with names and updates, as they are made available to the publicneeded.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state State, and national Association will shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will shall not interfere with or interrupt the work of the employee or the program of the School District. The Association representative will shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will shall not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, hours they will shall suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 5:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system system, e- mail and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and
(b) A copy of the material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination disseminating in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, system wide a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to time of posting or dissemination. This includes all e-mail distributions.
5:10.1 (c) The mailboxes, e-mail and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school.
(d) The use of the District inter-office mail system and e-mail will be consistent with current law, court cases, and postal regulations.
5:8 The Association shall have the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending be provided an electronic mail. A copy of these materials must the ratified contract. The contract will be sent to posted on the Superintendent or designeeIntranet and all employees shall be notified of the contract posting.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 5:9 Nothing contained herein will shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required 5:10 The Xxxxxxxxx School Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting, the generality of the foregoing, the right: - to appear before exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct work activities of its employees; - to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications and the conditions for their continued employment or their dismissal or demotion and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
5:11 Nothing contained herein shall be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, State, County, District, or local laws or regulations.
5:12 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students/employees of the District, the Board or committeedesignee may take appropriate actions.
5:13 The Association shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any and all claims, agent demands, suits, and other forms of liability that shall arise out of or member thereof concerning by reason of any matter which could adversely affect action taken or not taken by the continuation employer for the purpose of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or complying with any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice provision of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will this Agreement.
5:14 The Association shall be entitled to consult a representative on the Calendar Committee. 5:15 Association Days - Up to twenty-five (25) days leave with and have an pay will be granted annually to the Association representative President or a person designated by the President to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an perform official Association representative presentfunctions. Such representative Proper application must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges followed to be released for this purpose. In addition up to four (4) employees will be with full benefitsallowed up to four (4) work days to attend the State Association Leadership Training Conference.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 6:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, Association upon its reasonable written request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranetnegotiations.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will be forwarded to the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 6:2 A copy of the current Board Policy policy and Board Minutes minutes (agendaagendas) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and mailed to the President of the Association President will have access to said documents as soon as they are made available available. The Association may also, if it desires, pick up at the District office, copies of materials cited above. The Association will provide the Board with copies of its Constitution and By-Laws.
6:3 A written list giving the names of the representative(s), the chairman of the grievance committee, and the officers of the Association, will be furnished to the publicemployer immediately after their designation and the Association will notify the employer promptly of any changes in such list.
5:4 6:4 Accredited representatives of the localState, state National, and national Local Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districttimes. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission access will not be refused except for just and sufficient causeunreasonably denied.
5:5 6:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required pay, provided that no more than three food service personnel are scheduled to make up the time lostparticipate.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 6:6 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 6:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail mail, district email system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or principal/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or Superintendent/designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 (c) The Association shall have mail, email system and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in normal business of the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designeeschool.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement 6:8 No employee will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestprevented from wearing official pins or insignias of the Association or its affiliates.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. 6:9 If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, an agent or member thereof concerning any a matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary continued employment, salary, or any increments pertaining toincrements, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the and specific reasons for such meetings meeting or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and advance. Any topic not included in the letter will not be covered at said meeting unless agreed to by the employee; if not agreed, will be discussed at a later date after proper notice has been given. An employee required to appear in this instance will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative of his/her choice present to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Informal discussion with an employee by any member of the administrative staff pertaining to the employee's performance at his/her work location will not be precluded by the preceding language of this section; however, if as a result of such informal discussion, the employee perceives that the matter discussed could in the future adversely affect his/her continued employment, salary, or increments, the discussion will end.
5:14.1 When 6:10 No employee will be disciplined, reprimanded (verbally or in writing), terminated, or reduced in pay except for just cause. Any such action will be considered with due regard to privacy. Where an employee is requested suspended for disciplinary reasons and that suspension is not revoked through the grievance procedure, said employee upon exhausting the grievance procedure will have deducted from his/her paycheck an amount of pay equal to meet with an administrator the number of days of said suspension.
6:11 The Red Clay Consolidated School Board, hereby retains and he/she at any time reasonably believes reserves unto itself, all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the meeting may result in disciplinary actionlaws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States, and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the employee right: To exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees; To hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment or for cause their dismissal or demotion, except for probationary employees, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith will be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware, and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
6:12 Nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district, or local laws or regulations.
6:13 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety or welfare of the students of the District, the Board/designee may have take appropriate action.
6:14 The Association will distribute copies of this Agreement to all current and new employees. The Board will provide the Association with sufficient copies for this purpose; the number of current employees plus an additional 25 copies.
6:15 The Board reserves the right to enter into a contract, subcontract, or agreement with any person, persons, organizations, company or companies which will affect services normally provided by this bargaining unit. In the event the Board determines the need to exercise the above right, the Superintendent will appoint a committee, of which the Association may appoint three (3) members, two (2) of which must be employees, to make recommendations for Bid Specifications. The recommendations must be submitted to the Superintendent within sixty (60) calendar days of appointment of the committee. The committee may also submit minority viewpoints. Services to be provided by the successful bidder/vendor will not commence prior to six (6) months from the appointment of this committee. This Agreement will terminate upon the actual assumption of services by the successful bidder/vendor.
6:16 Students may perform work in the cafeteria under the direction of a teacher/staff supervisor. The staff person will make periodic visits and will be in contact with the food service manager. (Said students will not replace cafeteria workers.)
6:17 Administrative directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of employees will also be mailed to the Association President at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive.
6:18 The employer recognizes and agrees to deal with the accredited Association representative presentand Association President or his/her representatives in all matters relating to grievances and the interpretation of the Agreement.
6:19 The Association will have the right to use school facilities and equipment in place by qualified operators, including typewriters, mimeographing machines, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines and all types of audio-visual equipment at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. Such representative must The Association will pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof. Prior approval will be available within obtained from the building principal where the equipment is located.
6:20 Nutrition Service Workers including lead workers shall not be faulted except with just cause when there is a reasonable amount shortage or lack of food supplies.
6:21 Employees who are normally assigned to one building and are required to work at another building due to an emergency situation shall receive their regular salary rate plus mileage for travel time provided the travel is done during the person’s normal work time.
5:15 Any suspension 6:22 Food Service employees are not expected to clear tables after each lunch; however, it is reasonable for these employees to assist in minor clean up, if needed. Cleaning and sanitizing tables at the conclusion of an employee by the Board work day will continue to be the responsibility of Education pending the disposition cafeteria workers.
6:23 State and Federal guidelines prohibit eating in any food preparation and/or handling areas. The policy of charges will not taking food and drink out of the cafeteria remains in effect. This policy shall be with full benefitsposted and also a copy shall be sent to the Association.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will make available to the Association, upon its request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect the working conditions of secretaries, paraprofessionals and which relate to a substantial group of paraprofessionals will be forwarded e-mailed to the President of the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy Representatives of the current Board Policy Local, State and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national National Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districtschool district. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 5:4 Whenever members of the bargaining unit unit, including the Association President/designee (if an employee of the District), are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor pay, provided that no more than five paraprofessionals are scheduled. The parties agree that negotiations, in addition to being scheduled during normal school hours, will they also be required to make up the time lostscheduled after normal school hours including, if necessary, weekends and possibly vacations or holidays.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 5:5 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, State Law; if there is any conflict between same, then the state law State Law will prevail.
5:8 5:6 The Board will give written notification endeavor to keep the Association informed of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs programs, which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 5:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 5:8 The Board will provide the Association shall have the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending with one electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designee.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement agreement and an additional 25 copies. One hard copy will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available in each school office for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestreference.
5:12 5:9 The Board hereby agrees to grant an automatic unpaid leave of absences absence, not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, years to the President of the Association and any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the a full-time staff of position in the Delaware State Education Association, or the National Education Association. The Such leaves will be granted to not more than three District employees at any time, and the leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must yearly notify the Board annually, in writing, writing of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July September 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or a similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to returnqualified.
5:13 5:10 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 5:11 Whenever an any employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings meeting or interview at least forty-eight (48) 48 hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Any topic not included in the letter shall not be covered at said meeting.
5:14.1 5:12 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 5:12.1 Any complaints regarding a paraprofessional, which may result in discipline action, made to any member of the administration by any parent, student or other person shall, as soon as practicable, be brought to the paraprofessional's attention. The paraprofessional shall have the opportunity to rebut the allegations of the complaint.
5:13 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full pay and benefits.
5:14 The Red Clay Consolidated School District Board of Education hereby reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right: To exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees; to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment or for cause their dismissal or demotion, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and the exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith will be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms of this hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware, and the Constitution and laws of the United States. Probationary employees may be dismissed and/or demoted without regard to just cause.
5:15 Nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district or local laws or regulations.
5:16 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students of the District, which demands immediate action, the Board or designee may take appropriate actions.
5:17 Should a participatory management system be considered in any building in the district, the parties agree that the members of this bargaining unit will be included in the planning and implementation of the program. Should the above-mentioned system currently exist in any school the district will include members of this bargaining unit in that system. Their involvement will include all aspects of the system. The President of the Association will be apprised of any location where the system is or may be considered for implementation.
5:18 in In those cases where the administration has determined that instruction will not continue in a classroom when there are unreasonable temperature conditions the paraprofessional in that classroom will move with the teacher and students.
5:19 Volunteers, and peer tutors shall not be used in lieu of persons employed in the bargaining unit for the life of this agreement.
5:20 Prior to the arrival of any new students the principal/designee will communicate to the paraprofessional all necessary information needed to prepare for that student. Such information shall be in accordance with State/Federal regulations within IDEA and FERPA.
5:21 The District will provide a telephone in the classroom or in an area easily accessible to the Association President. In addition, in order to effectively represent employees in their respective function, telephones will be accessible to paraprofessional representatives.
5:22 Up to fifteen (15) days leave with pay will be granted annually to the President of the Association and/or person(s) designated by the President to perform his/her official Association functions. Proper application must be followed to be released for this purpose.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will agrees to make available to the Association, upon its reasonable request, statistics budgets, reports, statistics, information and records which are relevant to negotiation necessary for negotiations or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, Agreement to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices directives which are not confidential to administrative and supervisory personnel and which affect the employment relations of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect working conditions of secretaries, will employees shall also be forwarded mailed to the Association President/President or designee at the time of the issuance or posting of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy of the current The Association may access Board Policy and policy, Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely mannerminutes, and agendas from the electronic access system. The Association shall provide the Board with a current roster of its elected and appointed officials. The Board shall provide the Association President will have access to said documents a table of administrative organization with names and updates, as they are made available to the publicneeded.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state State, and national Association will shall be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will shall not interfere with or interrupt the work of the employee or the program of the School District. The Association representative will shall obtain approval of the building principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will shall not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 Whenever members of the bargaining unit are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, hours they will shall suffer no loss of pay nor will they be required to make up the time lost.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 The Association will shall have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school school-affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, if there is any conflict between same, then the state law will prevailpolicy.
5:8 The Board will give written notification to the Association of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 5:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system system, e- mail and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and
(b) A copy of the material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination disseminating in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, system wide a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to time of posting or dissemination. This includes all e-mail distributions.
5:10.1 (c) The mailboxes, e-mail and bulletin boards may not be unreasonably used so as to interfere with the normal business of the school.
(d) The use of the District inter-office mail system and e-mail will be consistent with current law, court cases, and postal regulations.
5:8 The Board shall provide the Association with 10 copies of this Agreement. Either party may request additional copies to be printed and shall pay for such additional copies. The Association shall have the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending be provided an electronic mail. A copy of these materials must the ratified contract. The contract will be sent to posted on the Superintendent or designeeIntranet and all employees shall be notified of the contract posting.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon request.
5:12 The Board hereby agrees to grant an unpaid leave of absences not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, to any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the full-time staff of the Association. The leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must notify the Board annually, in writing, of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to return.
5:13 5:9 Nothing contained herein will shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 Whenever an employee is required 5:10 The Xxxxxxxxx School Board hereby retains and reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting, the generality of the foregoing, the right: - to appear before exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct work activities of its employees; - to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications and the conditions for their continued employment or their dismissal or demotion and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware and the Constitution and laws of the United States.
5:11 Nothing contained herein shall be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities, and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, State, County, District, or local laws or regulations.
5:12 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students/employees of the District, the Board or committeedesignee may take appropriate actions.
5:13 The Association shall indemnify and hold the employer harmless against any and all claims, agent demands, suits, and other forms of liability that shall arise out of or member thereof concerning by reason of any matter which could adversely affect action taken or not taken by the continuation employer for the purpose of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or complying with any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice provision of the reasons for such meetings or interview at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance and will this Agreement.
5:14 The Association shall be entitled to consult a representative on the Calendar Committee. 5:15 Association Days - Up to twenty-five (25) days leave with and have an pay will be granted annually to the Association representative President or a person designated by the President to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.
5:14.1 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an perform official Association representative presentfunctions. Such representative Proper application must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges followed to be released for this purpose. In addition up to four (4) employees will be with full benefitsallowed up to four (4) work days to attend the State Association Leadership Training Conference.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Rights of the Parties. 5:1 The Board will make available to the Association, upon its request, statistics and records which are relevant to negotiation or necessary for the proper enforcement of the terms of this Agreement, to the extent to which such information is in the public domain. Employees shall be provided electronic access to the Collective Bargaining Agreement through the intranet.
5:2 Administrative directives, such as notices of meetings and bulletins, which directly affect the working conditions of secretaries, paraprofessionals and which relate to a substantial group of paraprofessionals will be forwarded e-mailed to the President of the Association President/designee at the time of the issuance of the directive, provided such notices or bulletins are not of a confidential nature.
5:3 A copy Representatives of the current Board Policy Local, State and Board Minutes (agenda) shall be maintained online. Such documents will be maintained and provided in a timely manner, and the Association President will have access to said documents as they are made available to the public.
5:4 Accredited representatives of the local, state and national National Association will be permitted to transact official Association business on school property at all reasonable times provided that this will not interfere with or interrupt the program of the School Districtschool district. The Association representative will obtain approval of the principal of the building or other person in charge of the building which the representative is visiting by reporting to the office. Such permission will not be refused except for just and sufficient cause.
5:5 5:4 Whenever members of the bargaining unit unit, including the Association President/designee (if an employee of the District), are mutually scheduled to participate in negotiations during working hours, they will suffer no loss of pay nor pay, provided that no more than five paraprofessionals are scheduled. The parties agree that negotiations, in addition to being scheduled during normal school hours, will they also be required to make up the time lostscheduled after normal school hours including, if necessary, weekends and possibly vacations or holidays.
5:6 When members of this bargaining unit serve on committees making recommendations to the Superintendent and/or Board, the Association will receive a written/electronic response when any action is taken on said recommendations.
5:7 5:5 The Association will have the right to use school buildings for Association business onthe on the same basis as other school affiliated organizations in accordance with District policy and state law, State Law; if there is any conflict between same, then the state law State Law will prevail.
5:8 5:6 The Board will give written notification endeavor to keep the Association informed of any proposed additions/reductions in all secretarial staff positions and functions involving members of the bargaining unit, thirty (30) calendar days prior to the notification of the affected employees.
5:9 The Superintendent or Designee will meet with the Employer-Employee Relations Committee for the purpose of discussing any new programs, experiments, research projects, changes in programs programs, which directly and significantly affect persons covered by this Agreement.
5:10 5:7 The Association may use the school office and District inter-office mail system and bulletin board space for posting notices in areas readily available to employees and assigned for the dissemination of information by means of notices, circulars, or other similar materials pertaining to Association business under the following provisions:
(a) The material must identify clearly the individual(s) and/or organization responsible for the information contained therein; and.
(b) A copy of the material for general distribution or an opportunity to copy material being distributed must be given to the building principal or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination in that building. If the material is to be distributed or posted system-wide, a copy also must be furnished to the Superintendent or designee prior to or at the time of posting or dissemination.
5:10.1 5:8 The Board will provide the Association shall have the right to distribute email, bulletins and other pertinent materials by placing them in the mailboxes for secretaries or by sending with one electronic mail. A copy of these materials must be sent to the Superintendent or designee.
5:11 A copy of this Agreement agreement and an additional 25 copies. One hard copy will be made available xxx xxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, 00 copies available in each school office for President and additional copies within reason will be provided upon requestreference.
5:12 5:9 The Board hereby agrees to grant an automatic unpaid leave of absences absence, not to exceed four (4) consecutive years, years to the President of the Association and any employee serving in an elective office or appointed to the a full-time staff of position in the Delaware State Education Association, or the National Education Association. The Such leaves will be granted to not more than three District employees at any time, and the leave holder will continue to accumulate seniority. Such leaves are subject fully to the laws of the State of Delaware and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Education. Any employee granted such leave must yearly notify the Board annually, in writing, writing of his/her desire to continue such leave and such notification must reach the Superintendent no later than April 1. If the employee desires to return from leave of absence, he/she will notify the Superintendent by letter, no later than April 1 preceding the July September 1 he/she wishes to return. Upon his/her return, he/she will be assigned to the same or a similar position to the one from which leave was granted or at least to a position in the District for which he/she is qualified as long as he/she has sufficient seniority to returnqualified.
5:13 5:10 Nothing contained herein will be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as may be held under Delaware School Laws or other applicable law.
5:14 5:11 Whenever an any employee is required to appear before the Board or committee, agent or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining to, then he/she will be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meetings meeting or interview at least forty-eight (48) 48 hours in advance and will be entitled to consult with and have an Association representative to advise and represent him/her during such meeting or interview. Any topic not included in the letter shall not be covered at said meeting.
5:14.1 5:12 When an employee is requested to meet with an administrator and he/she at any time reasonably believes the meeting may result in disciplinary action, the employee may have an Association representative present. Such representative must be available within a reasonable amount of time.
5:15 5:12.1 Any complaints regarding a paraprofessional, which may result in discipline action, made to any member of the administration by any parent, student or other person shall, as soon as practicable, be brought to the paraprofessional's attention. The paraprofessional shall have the opportunity to rebut the allegations of the complaint.
5:13 Any suspension of an employee by the Board of Education pending the disposition of charges will be with full pay and benefits.
5:14 The Red Clay Consolidated School District Board of Education hereby reserves unto itself all powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by the laws and the Constitution of the State of Delaware and of the United States and including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the right: To exercise executive management and administrative control of the school system, its properties and facilities, and direct the work activities of its employees; to hire all employees and, subject to the provisions of law, to determine their qualifications, and the conditions for their continued employment or for cause their dismissal or demotion, and to promote, place, transfer, and assign all such employees; and the exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by the Board, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith will be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement and then only to the extent such specific and express terms of this hereof are in conformance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Delaware, and the Constitution and laws of the United States. Probationary employees may be dismissed and/or demoted without regard to just cause.
5:15 Nothing contained herein will be considered to deny or restrict the Board of its rights, responsibilities and authority under the Delaware School Laws or any other national, state, county, district or local laws or regulations.
5:16 In a bona fide emergency affecting the health, safety, or welfare of the students of the District, which demands immediate action, the Board or designee may take appropriate actions.
5:17 Should a participatory management system be considered in any building in the district, the parties agree that the members of this bargaining unit will be included in the planning and implementation of the program. Should the above-mentioned system currently exist in any school the district will include members of this bargaining unit in that system. Their involvement will include all aspects of the system. The President of the Association will be apprised of any location where the system is or may be considered for implementation.
5:18 In those cases where the administration has determined that instruction will not continue in a classroom when there are unreasonable temperature conditions the paraprofessional in that classroom will move with the teacher and students.
5:19 Volunteers, and peer tutors shall not be used in lieu of persons employed in the bargaining unit for the life of this agreement.
5:20 Prior to the arrival of any new students the principal/designee will communicate to the paraprofessionals available information needed to prepare for that student. Such information shall be in accordance with State/Federal regulations within IDEA and FERPA. As additional information is received, it will be disseminated to employees in a timely manner.
5:21 The District will provide a telephone in the classroom or in an area easily accessible to the Association President. In addition, in order to effectively represent employees in their respective function, telephones will be accessible to paraprofessional representatives.
5:22 Up to fifteen (15) days leave with pay will be granted annually to the President of the Association and/or person(s) designated by the President to perform his/her official Association functions. Proper application must be followed to be released for this purpose.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement