TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT 9.1 The Employer and the Union recognize the value and benefit of education and training designed to enhance an employee’s ability to perform their job duties. Training and employee development opportunities will be provided to employees in accordance with Employer policies and available resources. 9.2 Attendance at employer-required training will be considered time worked. The Employer will make reasonable attempts to schedule employer-required training during an employee’s regular work shift. The Employer will pay the registration and associated travel costs in accordance with Article 23, Travel, for employer-required training.
SAFETY & HEALTH A. Employees covered by this Agreement who are uniformly and periodically required by the Company to take physical examinations because of the duties they perform shall be scheduled and paid for the time spent taking such examinations in accordance with the Company's established procedures for employees under this Agreement. The Company will schedule the exam in a way that is not unduly burdensome to the employee or the Company. The provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply to employees required to take physical examinations after absence due to illness or any physical examinations other than those specified above. B. The Company hereby agrees to maintain safe, sanitary and healthful working conditions in all shops and facilities and to maintain on all shifts emergency first aid equipment at a first aid station to take care of its employees in case of accident or illness, and that sufficient employees will be given initial and recurrent first aid / CPR training. It is understood that this does not require the Company to maintain a nurse or doctor on the property, but in an emergency the Company will utilize the appropriate emergency services. C. The Company agrees to furnish good drinking water and sanitary fountains; the floors of the toilets and washrooms will be kept in good repair and in a clean, dry, sanitary condition. Employees will cooperate in maintaining the foregoing conditions Shops and washrooms will be lighted and heated in the best manner possible consistent with the source of heat and light available. Individual lockers will be provided for all employees where space and lockers are available. Every effort will be made as early as possible to provide space and lockers for all employees. D. The Company, Union, and employees will cooperate toward the prevention of accidents and the furtherance of an aggressive safety program. A joint Company- E. The Company shall furnish all necessary safety devices for employees working on hazardous or unsanitary work, and employees will be required to use or wear such devices in performing such work. F. The Company will furnish appropriate aprons, gloves and shoes to all employees required to work with acids and chemicals that are injurious to clothing while such employees are engaged in such activities, and employees will be required to wear such equipment. G. Employees taken sick or injured while at work, shall be given medical attention as promptly as reasonably practicable. Employees will not be refused permission to return to work because they have not signed releases of liability pending the disposition or settlement of any claims which they may have for compensation arising out of such sickness or injury. H. In cases of occupational injury or illness employees may elect to be treated by their personal physician, and decline treatment from others, provided they have their physician registered with United's medical department prior to the occurrence of illness or injury. The Company's physician will retain the right to monitor the employee's course of treatment. I. United will maintain a Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan which satisfies the requirements of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen regulations. Corporate Safety agrees to consider any proposed changes to the Plan that may be suggested by the Union in an effort to improve the safety of employees in their work environment and to solicit comments from the Union whenever routine revisions are made to the Plan. The Company agrees to make available, at no cost to covered employees, complete post- exposure evaluation including necessary blood work and medications. J. The Flight Safety Committee shall function as described in Letter of Agreement #21. K. In the event the IBT and the Company jointly petition the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for, and are granted, formal party or observer status in connection with an investigation involving a Company incident or accident, the Company and the IBT will L. Any MSAP program will be covered in a stand alone MOU between the Company, the Union and the FAA. While there is a valid MOU the Company will sponsor 1 full-time, IBT representative to participate on the ERC scheduled Mon-Fri, on traditional business hours. This position will in all respects be treated in a similar manner regarding necessary transportation as other IBT staff positions. The Company agrees to supply access to office space appropriate for the confidentiality needs of the position and access to office supplies. M. In the event the Company requires employees covered by this Agreement to wear protective footwear as personal protective equipment, the Company will provide an allowance to such employees for the actual cost of protective footwear that complies with Company standards. Such allowance shall be up to a maximum of $52.80 per year per employee on a rolling calendar basis.
EMPLOYER AND UNION SHALL ACQUAINT NEW EMPLOYEES The Employer agrees to acquaint new employees with the fact that a Collective Agreement is in effect and with the conditions of employment set out in the Articles dealing with Union Security and Dues Check-off. The Employer agrees to provide the name, worksite phone number, and location of the new employee's xxxxxxx in the letter of hiring. Whenever the xxxxxxx is employed in the same work area as the new employee, the employee's immediate supervisor will introduce her to her xxxxxxx. The Employer agrees that a Union xxxxxxx will be given an opportunity to interview each new employee within regular working hours, without loss of pay, for thirty (30) minutes sometime during the first thirty (30) days of employment for the purpose of acquainting the new employee with the benefits and duties of Union membership and the employee's responsibilities and obligations to the Employer and the Union.
Infertility Services Freezing, storage and thawing of embryos, sperm, or other tissues, for future use, unless the freezing, storage and thawing is needed due to potential iatrogenic infertility as described in Infertility Services in Section 3. • Reversal of voluntary sterilization or infertility treatment for a person that previously had a voluntary sterilization procedure. • Fees associated with finding an egg or sperm donor, related storage, donor stipend, or shipping charges. • Services related to surrogate parenting, when the surrogate is not a member of this
Job Development Job development/placement is individualized and shall include weekly person-to-person job search assistance, assistance with identifying job leads, interview coaching and support, and maintaining a log of job search activities for the purposes of obtaining competitive integrated employment. By mutual consent of the consumer and the THE ARC XXXXXXX COUNTY, these services may be provided in-person or by Skype, FaceTime, or other online communication tools. Job development/placement may also include arranging job trials/job shadowing for individuals with a DORS Trial Work Experience Plan, assistance with completing applications, assistance with employer follow-up after interviews, use of personal employment networks in job search, and resume update. It would include time spent calling employers, visiting and educating employers and similar activities. Job development/placement shall not be paid for using supported employment funding and shall not include the Discovery process, which is pre-vocational in nature and may be completed prior to job development. Up to 60 hours for job search assistance, authorized in 20-hour increments, may be used for job development. Additional hours of job development may be requested and require written justification by THE ARC XXXXXXX COUNTY and approval of the DORS regional/program director. Job Development Reporting. The Employment Service Progress Form is expected to be submitted to DORS on a monthly basis per consumer. This form is available on the DORS website (
Laboratory Services Covered Services include prescribed diagnostic clinical and anatomic pathological laboratory services and materials when authorized by a Member's PCP and HPN’s Managed Care Program.
EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING 1. The State agrees to provide advice and counseling to employees with respect to career advancement opportunities and agency developments which have an impact on their careers. 2. Regular review of its job-related and career development and training programs will be made by the State in order to provide suitable programs for employees covered by this Agreement. When undertaking any such review, the State shall notify employees of such review and take into account suggestions and proposals made by employees. 3. Employees shall be given a reasonable notice of applicable, development and training programs available. Such notice shall include an explanation of the procedure for applying for the program. Notices of development and training programs shall be posted for reasonable periods in advance on bulletin boards at applicable work locations within the agencies involved. An appointing authority shall make every effort to permit employees' participation in such career development and training programs. Participation in any training inside or outside of work hours which is required by the State as a condition of fulfilling the requirements of the employee's job, or any in-service State training which is conducted or undertaken during normally scheduled work hours will be considered as time worked. 4. The State shall pay tuition, course-related fees, other approved course required costs and for necessary travel and lodging pursuant to established policies and procedures.
Chiropractic Services This plan covers chiropractic visits up to the benefit limit shown in the Summary of Medical Benefits. The benefit limit applies to any visit for the purposes of chiropractic treatment or diagnosis.
Clinical Management for Behavioral Health Services (CMBHS) System 1. request access to CMBHS via the CMBHS Helpline at (000) 000-0000. 2. use the CMBHS time frames specified by System Agency. 3. use System Agency-specified functionality of the CMBHS in its entirety. 4. submit all bills and reports to System Agency through the CMBHS, unless otherwise instructed.
Consulting Teachers 14.3.1 A Consulting Teacher provides assistance to a Participating Teacher pursuant to the PAR program. The qualifications for the Consulting Teacher shall be set forth in the Rules and Procedures, with the minimum qualifications: (a) Must be a permanent, credentialed, bargaining unit member. (b) Must have successfully taught in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District or three of the last five years, spending at least fifty percent of a full-time position providing instruction to students. (c) With Association Representative Council approval, the minimum number of years in Article 13.3.1.b may be changed from three to two. Request must be in writing. (x) Xxxxx demonstrate exemplary teaching abilities, as indicated by effective communication skills, extensive knowledge and mastery of subject matter, and mastery of a range of teaching strategies necessary to meet the needs of pupils in different contexts. 14.3.2 Each applicant for the position of Consulting Teacher shall be required to submit a) From a site principal or other school district administrator and, b) From an Association member. 14.3.3 Consulting Teachers shall be selected and submitted for approval to the Governing Board by five (5) affirmative votes of the Joint Committee following classroom observations by the committee members. 14.3.4 A Consulting Teacher shall be provided necessary release time as approved by the Joint Committee. 14.3.5 A Consulting Teacher who has been selected to fill an administrative position within the District may not continue to serve as a Consulting Teacher. 14.3.6 The Joint Committee will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Consulting Teachers and make decisions regarding their continuation in the program. The Joint Committee may remove a Consulting Teacher from the position at any time because of the specific needs of the PAR Program, unsatisfactory performance of the Consulting Teacher, or for other reasons which serve the PAR Program's best interest. Prior to the effective date of such removal, the Joint Committee will meet with the Consulting Teacher. 14.3.7 Consulting Teachers shall assist Participating Teachers by demonstrating, observing, coaching, conferencing, in-servicing, referring, or by any other activities which, in their professional judgement, will assist the Participating Teacher. 14.3.8 The Consulting Teacher shall meet with the Referred Participating Teacher to discuss the PAR program, establish mutually agreed upon performance goals, develop the improvement plan, and develop a process for determining successful completion of the plan. The Consulting Teacher shall conduct multiple observations of the Referred Participating Teacher's performance with students, and shall meet with the Participating Teacher to review and discuss observations. 14.3.9 The Referred Participating Teacher shall be entitled to review all reports generated by the Consulting Teacher prior to their submission to the Joint Committee and to have affixed thereto his/her comments. To effectuate this right, the Consulting Teacher shall provide the Participating Teacher being reviewed with copies of such reports at least ten (10) working days prior to any such meeting. 14.3.10 The Consulting Teacher shall monitor the progress of the Referred Participating Teacher and provide periodic written reports to the Referred Participating Teacher for discussion and review, prior to sending periodic written reports to the Joint Committee. 14.3.11 The Consulting Teacher shall provide assistance, not to exceed one school year, to the Referred Teacher until he/she concludes that the teaching performance of the Referred Teacher is satisfactory, or that further assistance will not be productive. The Joint Committee may offer assistance beyond the one-year period. A copy of the Consulting Teacher's Final Report shall be submitted to and discussed with the Referred Participating Teacher to receive his/her input before it is submitted to the Joint Committee. The Referred Participating Teacher shall sign the report to indicate that he/she received a copy. The Referred Participating Teacher shall have the right to submit a written response that shall be attached to the Consulting Teacher's report, within ten (10) working days. The Referred Participating Teacher shall also have the right to request and meet with the Joint Committee to discuss the Consulting Teacher's report accompanied by an Association representative. 14.3.12 The results of the Referred Participating Teacher's participation in the PAR program shall be made available for placement in his/her personnel file, and may be used in the evaluation of the Referred Participating Teacher. 14.3.13 Upon the completion of the contracted term of service as a Consulting Teacher, if the Consulting Teacher were released from regular classroom duties, he/she shall be returned 14.3.14 The District shall defend and hold harmless individual members of the Joint Committee and Consulting Teachers from any lawsuit or claim arising out of the performance of their duties under this Program. The Association retains the right to participate in the litigation. 14.3.15 Consulting Teachers, Support Providers, and teacher members of the Joint Committee shall not be considered management or supervisory employees as defined in the Educational Employment Relations Act, and shall retain their status as bargaining unit members.