Scientists. To improve science delivery and application, the following action items are recommended for scientists: • Anticipate a time lag between the introduction of a new idea or innovation and its widespread implementation. Use the following recommendations to shorten time lags. • Strengthen trust by explicitly demonstrating that the audience’s interests and needs are a priority and that research is objective. • Help managers use research products by supporting boundary spanner positions, which can serve as a bridge between management and science cultures. • Boost scientist-manager interaction, for example, through workshops or funding opportunities that encourage collaboration. The Joint Fire Science Program’s network of regional knowledge exchange consortia is experimenting with approaches to increase interaction and communication.
Scientists. The Research will be conducted by the Scientists in accordance with the terms of the Services Agreement between Upstream and ProvLabs dated 7 December, 2007 (the “Services Agreement”).
Scientists. All inventors of the Tissue Bonding Technology, as identified on the Assignment, attached hereto as Exhibit C.
Scientists. To cattlemen To conservation entities To professional agricultural organizations To the landowners and hunting grounds managers To the hunters To Administration
Scientists technical experts, governmental agencies and institutions of third countries or international organisations may, in appropriate cases, be invited by the Parties to participate in projects and programs being carried out under this Agreement.
Scientists technical experts, businesses, governmental agencies and institutions of third countries or international organisations may, in appropriate cases, be invited by Cooperating Organisations to participate in Cooperative Activities carried out under this Agreement.
1. The Parties shall implement this Agreement in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations of the Parties and subject to the availability of funds.
2. Costs for the Cooperative Activities under this Agreement will be borne as may be mutually determined in writing.
1. The Parties agree that it is the sole responsibility of Cooperating Organisations undertaking a Cooperative Activity under this Agreement to take all necessary steps, including obtaining expert professional advice, to ensure that their legal and commercial positions are adequately and effectively protected, and to ensure adequate legal and physical protection for both Background Material and Foreground Material, including related Intellectual Property rights and Confidential Information.
2. The Parties shall endeavour to facilitate the dissemination of scientific and technological information of a non-proprietary nature derived from Cooperative Activities under this Agreement, unless otherwise jointly decided by the Cooperating Organisations in accordance with Implementing Arrangements established in accordance with Article III, to any third party in accordance with the normal policies and procedures of the Cooperating Organisations.
3. This Agreement does not infringe upon the rights and obligations resulting from the international agreements– including any regional agreement– to which one or both Parties are party to, including, in particular with regard to the Italian Republic, the obligations arising from its membership to the European Union.
4. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to prejudice other agreements for cooperation between the Parties, existing at the date of signature of this Agreement or concluded thereafter.
5. The termination or expiration of this Agreement shall not affect the rights and obligations under any Implementing Arrangement concluded prior to the date of termination or expiration of this Agreement.
Scientists. Secrecy News, and cab Guard. Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement GSA. The information about whether oral or policy, although businesses must be unclassified information is reviewed for example data. United states government all these standards of nondisclosure agreement carefully consider is not deal under nondisclosure agreement. It is not make such violation of in.
Scientists. Incumbents of jobs with 600000 or 860000 occupation codes who are university graduates in one of the Natural Sciences, the Applied Sciences, Mathematics or Computer Science and who are not classified as professional engineers. It is agreed that the method of input to the OSPE Salary Survey of Employers and the analysis and use of the survey shall be in accordance with the following.
Scientists. Incumbents of jobs with 600000 occupation codes who are university graduates in one of the Natural Sciences, the Applied Sciences, Mathematics or Computer Science and who are not classified as professional engineers. Original document signed by X.X. Xxxxxxxx for Ontario Hydro & F.R. Xxxxxxxxxx for the Society Feb. 27, 1984. Should the IESO participate and provide input to the PEO Salary Survey of Employers, it is agreed that the method of input shall be accordance with the following:
Scientists. Scientists or other medical, dental, or nurs- ing personnel utilized by the Track under an agreement described in paragraph (1) may be appointed to any position within the Track and may be permitted to perform such duties within the Track as the Surgeon General may approve.