Secondary Documents Sample Clauses
Secondary Documents. 1. The DOE shall com plete and submit secon dary document s to EPA and SCDHEC for review and comment in accor dance with the provisions of this Section. The following list contains examples of secondary documents:
a. Fiscal Year Progress Report;
b. Annual Waste Tank Removal Plan;
Secondary Documents. 10.4.1 All Secondary Documents shall be prepared in accordance with the NCP and applicable EPA Guidance. The Army shall complete and transmit drafts of the following Secondary Documents to EPA and the VDEQ for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of this Section:
(1) Initial Remedial Action / Data Quality Objectives
(2) Non-Time-Critical Removal Action Plans (40 C.F.R. Section 300.415(b)(4)(ii))
(3) Pilot/Treatability Study Work Plans
(4) Pilot/Treatability Study Reports
(5) Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis Reports
(6) Preliminary/Conceptual Remedial Designs
(7) Prefinal Remedial Designs
(8) Well Closure Methods and Procedures
(9) Removal Action Memoranda
10.4.2 Although EPA and the VDEQ may comment on the draft reports for the Secondary Documents listed above, such documents shall not be subject to dispute resolution except as provided by Subsection 10.2 hereof. Target Dates shall be established for the completion and transmission of draft Secondary Documents pursuant to Section XI – DEADLINES AND CONTENTS OF SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN.
Secondary Documents. A. All Secondary Documents shall be prepared in accordance with the NCP and applicable EPA Guidance. Navy shall complete and transmit drafts of the following Secondary Documents to EPA, Interior, and the Commonwealth for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of this Section: 1. Health and Safety Plans
Secondary Documents. The President, in consultation with the Vice-President (Administration) may approve Procedures which are secondary to and comply with this Policy. Formal Policy reviews will be conducted every ten (10) years. The next scheduled review date for this Policy is April 1, 2014. In the interim, this Policy may be revised or rescinded if the Board of Governors deems necessary. If this Policy is revised or rescinded, all Secondary Documents will be reviewed as soon as reasonably possible in order to ensure that they:
Secondary Documents. 1. The DOE shall complete and transmit D1 reports for the following secondary documents to EPA and TDEC for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of this Section. The following list contains examples of secondary documents:
a. Sampling and Analysis Plan(s) and QAPP(s);
b. Preliminary Risk Assessment Report(s);
c. Site Characterization Summary Report(s);
d. Baseline Risk Assessment Report(s);
e. Screening/Analysis of Alternatives; and
f. Treatability Study Report(s)
2. Although EPA and TDEC may comment on the D1 reports for the secondary documents listed above, such documents shall not be subject to dispute resolution except as provided by Subsection B hereof. Target dates shall be established for the completion and transmission of D1 secondary reports pursuant to Section XIX (Timetables and Deadlines) of this Agreement.
Secondary Documents. 1. DOE shall complete and transmit draft reports for the following secondary documents (or documents which DOE claims are the functional equivalent of the documents listed below) to EPA and the State for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of this Part:
a. Initial Remedial Action/Data Quality objectives
b. Site Characterization Summary
c. Detailed Analysis of Alternatives
d. Post-Screening Investigation Work Plans
e. Treatability Studies
f. Sampling and Data Results
2. Although EPA and the State may comment on the draft reports for the secondary documents listed above, such documents shall not be subject to dispute resolution except as provided by paragraph B hereof, or by agreement of all parties. Target dates shall be established for the completion and transmission of draft secondary reports pursuant to the Work Plan to this Agreement.
Secondary Documents. 1. The Corps shall complete and transmit draft reports for the following secondary documents to EPA and the State for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of this Part:
a. Initial Remedial Action / Data Quality Objectives
b. Site Characterization Summary c. Detailed Analysis of Alternatives
Secondary Documents. 1. USACE shall complete and transmit draft reports for the following secondary documents to USEPA for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of this Part:
(a) Treatability Studies
(b) Validated Sampling and Data Results
(c) Operation & Maintenance Plan(s) (d) Health and Safety Plan(s)
2. Although USEPA may comment on the draft reports for the secondary documents listed above, such documents shall not be subject to dispute resolution except as provided by Paragraph B hereof. Target dates shall be established for the completion and transmission of draft secondary reports pursuant to Part XXXV (Deadlines and Contents of the Site Management Plan) of this Agreement.
Secondary Documents. 1. The [DoD Component] shall transmit draft reports for the following secondary documents to the Parties for review and comment in accordance with the provisions of this section:
1. [Initial Remedial Action / Remedial Quality Objectives]
2. [Site Characterization Summary]
3. [Detailed Analysis of Alternatives]
4. [Post-screening Investigation Work Plan]
5. [Treatability Studies]
6. [Sampling and Data Results]
2. Although the draft reports for the secondary documents listed above are subject to review and comment by EPA and [State], such documents shall not be subject to dispute resolution. The [DoD Component] shall establish and notify the Parties of the target dates for the issuance of draft secondary reports.
Secondary Documents. (i) If an as- signment—Assignment between [name and address of assignor] and [name and address of assignee] dated [date of as- signment] and covering [list amount and types of equipment], and connected to [type of document primary docu- ment is] with Recordation No. [rec- ordation number of the primary docu- ment if known, at time recorded].
(ii) Other secondary documents— [Type of document] to [type of primary document] with Recordation No. [Rec- ordation number of the primary docu- ment], dated [date of amendment, sup- plement, release, etc.] and covering [list amount and types of equipment].