Additional Licenses Customer shall not, and shall not authorize or permit any other person to (i) charge a cover charge or admission fee to the Service Location(s) at the time Video and/or Public View Video (or any part thereof) is being or is to be performed therein; (ii) permit dancing, skating or other similar forms of entertainment or physical activity in conjunction with the performance of Video and/or Public View Video (or any part thereof) unless Customer has obtained all necessary licenses and authorizations from the applicable copyright owners (Customer acknowledges and agrees that it shall be solely responsible for the payment of any charges or fees in connection therewith); or (iii) insert any commercial announcements into Video and/or Public View Video, or interrupt any performance of Video and/or Public View Video for the making of any commercial announcements, except that public address commercial announcements may be made concerning goods or services sold or offered to the public at the Service Location provided that no compensation (whether in money or in any other form) is paid by any person or entity, directly or indirectly, for such announcements unless pursuant to a separate written agreement which permits store-casting or ad- casting. Customer acknowledges and understands Customer may be responsible for additional music licensing or copyright fees for music contained in any or all of the Services, including, but not limited to Video and/or Public View Video.
International License This template is based on work, which was released under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License (CC BY 4.0). It is part of the FitSM Standard family for lightweight IT service management, freely available at xxx.xxxxx.xx.
Professional Liability Insurance Professional liability insurance covering any damages caused by an error, omission or any negligent act with minimum limits as follows: i. $1,000,000 each occurrence; and ii. $1,000,000 general aggregate.
Additional Limitations The issuance of ADSs against deposits of Shares generally or against deposits of particular Shares may be suspended, or the deposit of particular Shares may be refused, or the registration of transfer of ADSs in particular instances may be refused, or the registration of transfers of ADSs generally may be suspended, during any period when the transfer books of the Company, the Depositary, a Registrar or the Share Registrar are closed or if any such action is deemed necessary or advisable by the Depositary or the Company, in good faith, at any time or from time to time because of any requirement of law or regulation, any government or governmental body or commission or any securities exchange on which the ADSs or Shares are listed, or under any provision of the Deposit Agreement or the representative ADR(s), if applicable, or under any provision of, or governing, the Deposited Securities, or because of a meeting of shareholders of the Company or for any other reason, subject, in all cases, to Section 7.8.
Errors and Omissions, Professional Liability or Malpractice Insurance Contractor may be required to carry errors and omissions, professional liability or malpractice insurance. All policies shall remain in force through the life of this Contract and shall be payable on a "per occurrence" basis unless County specifically consents to a "claims made" basis. The insurer shall supply County adequate proof of insurance and/or a certificate of insurance evidencing coverages and limits prior to commencement of work. Should any of the required insurance policies in this Contract be cancelled or non-renewed, it is the Contractor’s duty to notify the County immediately upon receipt of the notice of cancellation or non-renewal. If Contractor does not carry a required insurance coverage and/or does not meet the required limits, the coverage limits and deductibles shall be set forth on a waiver, Exhibit C, attached hereto. Failure to provide and maintain the insurance required by this Contract will constitute a material breach of this Contract. In addition to any other available remedies, County may suspend payment to the Contractor for any services provided during any time that insurance was not in effect and until such time as the Contractor provides adequate evidence that Contractor has obtained the required coverage.
PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE (ERRORS & OMISSIONS) Professional Liability Insurance for Errors and Omissions coverage in the amount of not less than ($1,000,000). If CONTRACTOR sub-contracts in support of CONTRACTOR’S work provided for in the agreement, Professional Liability Insurance for Errors shall be provided by the sub-contractor in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) in aggregate. The insurance coverage provided by the CONTRACTOR shall contain language providing coverage up to one (1) year following completion of the contract in order to provide insurance coverage for the hold harmless provisions herein if the policy is a claims-made policy.
Annual License Fee Upon the mutual execution of this Agreement, GROWER shall pay PVMI a single Annual License Fee as above.
Insurance Terms and Conditions Company must maintain the following limits and coverages uninterrupted or amended through the term of this Agreement. In the event Company becomes in default of the following requirements, Authority reserves the right to take whatever actions it deems necessary to protect its interests. Required liability policies other than Workers’ Compensation / Employer’s Liability will provide that Authority, members of Authority’s governing body, and Authority’s officers, volunteers and employees are included as additional insureds.
INSURANCE and INDEMNIFICATION REQUIREMENTS See Exhibit C, attached hereto, for insurance requirements for this Agreement. The COUNTY’S insurance requirements are a material provision to this Agreement.
Optional Listings Additional listings and optional listings will be offered by BellSouth at tariffed rates as set forth in the General Subscriber Services Tariff.