Sex education. The Pupil will receive health and life skills education appropriate to his / her age in accordance with the curriculum from time to time unless the Parents have given formal notice in writing that they do not wish the Pupil to take part in this aspect of the curriculum.
Sex education. The Pupil will receive health and life skills education including relationships and / or sex education appropriate to his / her age in accordance with the curriculum from time to time. The Parents may withdraw the Pupil from some or all of the sex education delivered as part of statutory relationships and sex education at any time up to and until three terms prior to the Pupil's 16th birthday by giving formal notice in writing that they do not wish the Pupil to take part. After that time, the Pupil may decide for themselves if they wish to receive sex education. The Pupil cannot be withdrawn from relationships education.
Sex education. As part of the PSHCE curriculum, students will participate in sex education.
Sex education. As part of the PSHCE curriculum, students will participate in sex education. I give my child permission to participate in the sex education programme. Parent’s Name …………………………… Parent’s Signature………...….……………..
Sex education. This will be provided to all clients regardless of age, sexual orientation, gender, race, nationality, and religion.