Short Term Leaves. Short Term Leaves are designed to allow permanent Teachers to apply for short term personal leaves of absence not otherwise covered by this Collective Agreement.
Short Term Leaves. Definitions Temporary Leave shall be defined as sick and personal leave. Non-instructional time shall be defined as time before, after school or during plan time. Excessive absences shall be defined as:
1. Four (4) or more consecutive days; or
2. Five (5) or more days within a 30-day period; or
3. Twelve (12) or more days during one fiscal year for persons employed as full-time; or
4. Any absence that results in “dock time”
5. Patterns of multiple absences which inhibit the effective operation of the District, (i.e., patterns of absences which occur on particular days of the week, e.g., consecutive Mondays and/or Fridays.) Teachers who have absences that are considered “excessive” will be counseled by a direct supervisor or a Human Resources representative. Excessive absenteeism as defined above can result in a disciplinary memo if behavior is not corrected. Immediate family shall be defined as: ● spouse. ● mother. ● mother-in-law. ● father. ● father-in-law. ● child. ● sister. ● brother. ● grandparent. ● other dependents living in the employee's home. On the first day of each school year, each employee shall be credited with twelve (12) temporary leave days, of which two (2) days may be used for personal leave. Unused temporary leave shall be credited as a maximum of twelve (12) days per year and may be accumulated without limit. Compensation for unused, accumulated temporary leave will be made according to Article II, Section H, Leave Buy Back, Unused Temporary Leave Compensation For less than half day of temporary leave:
1. Leave during non-instructional time will not count against temporary leave as long as using such leave does not become excessive or abused as defined above. If an employee takes leave that includes instructional time and non-instructional time, all leave will be charged, including the non-instructional time missed. The employee must seek prior approval of the building administrator or designee and sign out when leaving and sign in when returning.
2. Leave taken during instructional time may be taken in 15 minute increments.
3. An employee will not be denied taking temporary leave if their temporary leave will be charged and if the leave is taken in accordance with Sick Leave as delineated below.
Short Term Leaves. When approved by the Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, short-term leaves without pay may be granted:
a. Personal leave which could not be arranged at any other time or for which the Employer feels no responsibility (maximum of five (5) contract days).
b. Meetings, grievances and arbitrations on the local, state or national level. The Association shall reimburse the Agency on a current basis those sums paid to the Office of Retirement Service for Union release time (MCL 38.1371(6)).
c. Duty with the military reserves or National Guard when such obligations cannot be fulfilled on non-working days.
d. Employees granted short-term leaves shall retain their benefits during such leaves and shall be re-employed at the end of such leaves.
Short Term Leaves. For absence occasioned by the death of a spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, sister or brother of the Teacher or the Teacher’s spouse, leave shall be granted without loss of salary or deduction from the Sick Leave Credit Account for a period not exceeding four (4) consecutive working days. If the day of burial is not within the allotted consecutive days, then one of the allotted days may be applied at a future time on the day of burial. The absence on the day of death is not included in the calculation of the leave. One (1) additional day may be granted at the discretion of the Director or designate where extended travel is required.
Short Term Leaves. A. Paid Leave
1. Each teacher shall be granted paid leave in the amount of 16 Days in each year, without loss of pay. If in any one (1) year the teacher uses less than the maximum amount of allowed paid leave days, then the remaining paid leave days will accumulate up to a maximum (not to exceed) of 185 paid leave days (as established in 2008 – 2009). Summer school paid leave days, except Driver Education, shall be deducted at the same rate as during the regular school year.
2. A teacher employed under regular contract for only a portion of the school year shall be entitled to a proportionate number of paid leave days, with the unused paid leave days accumulating as specified above.
3. A teacher shall make every effort to provide advance notification of their plan to utilize a paid leave day.
4. Paid leave days may not be utilized for extending vacations, or abbreviating the school year. Any exception requires prior approval of the Superintendent. The Superintendent reserves the right to deny a request or charge an employee 2 days for 1 day used in regards to requesting a vacation extension.
5. The Superintendent reserves the right to deny a PTO request if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the school and student education. This authority is only available to the superintendent in the event of extreme numbers of educator absences prior to or following a vacation period
6. Paid leave days may be used in one – half day or full – day segments.
7. A teacher shall, upon request, be given a written accounting of accumulated paid leave.
B. Bereavement Leave Each teacher shall be entitled to be absent from work, without loss of pay, because of death in the immediate family for a period extending not more than seven (7) calendar days immediately following the death of the family member. If special circumstances exist regarding arrangements, modification of the use of days may be needed. In these instances, each teacher should contact school administration.
1. Bereavement leave days are not accumulative.
2. The term “immediate family” shall be interpreted to be inclusive of both teacher and spouse of the teacher and shall include the following (step and in-law of the same): children, siblings, parents, grandparents, grandchildren, or any person regularly living as a part of the teacher’s household.
3. For uncles, aunts, nephews, or nieces of the teacher or spouse, three (3) days shall be allowed without loss of pay.
C. Staff Development Leave Teachers may be...
Short Term Leaves. The following leaves shall be granted subject to the following conditions:
Short Term Leaves. Provided the needs of the Company will permit, time off without pay for any period of thirty (30) calendar days or less may be granted employees upon a written application to their department head showing good and sufficient reason for such request. This shall not be construed as a leave of absence without pay, as the term is used in this Agreement. A leave of absence without pay is defined as a period of authorized absence from service in excess of thirty (30) days.
Short Term Leaves. A teacher shall be granted a leave of absence with continuation of salary, benefits, and other entitlements in the following circumstances.
17.01.01 Bereavement and/or matters relating to the death of:
1) a spouse, parent, xxxx or a person in loco parentis, sibling, child, mother‐in‐law, father‐in‐law; a maximum of five
Short Term Leaves. When approved by the Director, short-term leaves without pay may be granted for a maximum of five (5) contract days per year.
a. Personal leave which could not be arranged at any other time or for which the Agency feels no responsibility.
b. Employees granted short-term leave shall retain their medical insurance coverage at Board expense. Any Employee who receives a short-term leave shall be returned to the position they held prior to the scheduled leave.
Short Term Leaves. (Ten (10)