Drainage ▪ Prevent silt bearing road surface and ditch runoff from delivering sediment to any streams or wetlands. ▪ Maintain rolling dips and drivable waterbars as needed to keep them functioning as intended. ▪ Maintain headwalls to the road shoulder level with material that will resist erosion. ▪ Maintain energy dissipaters at culvert outlets with non-erodible material or rock. ▪ Keep ditches, culverts, and other drainage structures clear of obstructions and functioning as intended. ▪ Inspect and clean culverts at least monthly, with additional inspections during storms and periods of high runoff. This shall be done even during periods of inactivity. ▪ Perform preventative maintenance work to safeguard against storm damage, such as blading to ensure correct runoff, ditch and culvert cleaning, and waterbar maintenance.
Project 3.01. The Recipient declares its commitment to the objectives of the Project. To this end, the Recipient shall carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the General Conditions.
Building With respect to each parcel of Real Estate, all of the buildings, structures and improvements now or hereafter located thereon. Business Day. Any day on which banking institutions located in the same city and State as the Agent’s Head Office are located are open for the transaction of banking business and, in the case of LIBOR Rate Loans, which also is a LIBOR Business Day.
Wastewater investments in the construction, material enhancement, or renewal of infrastructure that supports wastewater and storm water collection, treatment, and management systems. Note: Investments in health infrastructure (e.g., hospitals, long-term care facilities, convalescent centres, and senior centres) are not eligible. Eligible Expenditures will be limited to the following: 1. Infrastructure investments – expenditures associated with acquiring, planning, designing, constructing, or renovating a tangible capital asset and any related debt financing charges specifically identified with that asset. 2. Capacity-building costs – for projects eligible under the capacity-building category only, expenditures associated with the development and implementation of: • Capital investment plans, integrated community sustainability plans, integrated regional plans, housing needs assessments, or asset management plans; • Studies, strategies, systems, software, third-party assessments, plans, or training related to asset management; • Studies, strategies, systems, or plans related to housing or land use; • Studies, strategies, or plans related to the long-term management of infrastructure; and • Other initiatives that strengthen the Recipient’s ability to improve local and regional planning. 3. Joint communications and signage costs – expenditures directly associated with joint federal communication activities and with federal project signage.