SODDING. The Purchaser acknowledges that grading and sodding shall be done between June and October or at such other times as weather conditions permit as per the Vendor's scheduling program. The Purchaser agrees that he shall be solely responsible for watering, and general maintenance of sod from the Closing Date or from the date that sod is laid, whichever shall be the later, and the Vendor shall have no obligation in that regard. In the event the Vendor is, for any reason, required to replace laid sod, the Vendor shall not be obligated to do so until payment has been made therefor by the Purchaser and if so replaced, the Purchaser agrees to reimburse the Vendor for the costs and expense of same as determined by the Vendor.
SODDING. On specified areas, establish a healthy stand of grass by furnishing and placing sod, rolling, fertilizing (starter fertilizer required)( Application of fertilizer will be at the request by the County only and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and Orange County Ordinance 2022-03.), watering, and maintaining the sodded areas.
A. Quantity and frequency – The County’s Representative will determine when to begin this work.
SODDING. Block sod shall be placed at all grate inlets, manholes and culvert headwalls.
SODDING. The Owner shall:
SODDING. Lay sod in rows, perpendicular to slope and with cross joints staggered.
SODDING. 4.09.1 The Owner covenants and agrees that it shall be responsible for:
a) Sodding the entirety of each lot upon completion of building construction, except for the driveway, walkway, patio and landscaped areas’
b) Grading and sodding the boulevard portions of streets and all drainage xxxxxx on public or private property;
SODDING. 5.16.1 The Owner shall sod the whole of each Lot, except for its driveway, walkway, patio and garden areas, upon completion of construction of the dwelling located thereon.
5.16.2 The Owner shall grade and sod all portions of public highways which are not paved, and all drainage xxxxxx on public or private property, in accordance with the standards of the Town.
5.16.3 All Lots or Blocks adjacent to sodded lands containing occupied homes shall be graded, seeded/sodded and maintained to the satisfaction of the Town, if left vacant for longer than six months. Immediately upon completion of the grading operations, any land that will not have construction activity within 6 months or during the dry period of June, July and August, will be topsoiled and revegetated/seeded to prevent erosion by either wind, rain or stormwater. The Owner will ensure, through appropriate maintenance of the terra-seeded area, that adequate germination occurs within 3 weeks of planting to establish a stable vegetative cover. If in the sole opinion of the Town Engineer (or his designate) adequate germination of the seeded area has not occurred, additional terra- seeding and/or sodding will be required until acceptable ground cover is established.
SODDING. A. After soil preparation, scarify the surface to a depth of 3/8 inch using a chain drag, chain link, or rake.
B. Do not deliver more sod than can be laid over a 24 hour period.
C. Do not lay sod on frozen ground.
D. Keep soil bed slightly moist during laying of sod.
X. Xxx sod smoothly, edge to edge. Establish firm jointing between sod pieces with no visible soil between. Stagger joints. Lay sod perpendicular to slopes.
F. Water sod lightly as sodding progresses to prevent drying. Roll sod diagonally with a light roller, leveling irregularities and sealing joints. Do not roll with a saturated subgrade.
G. In order to facilitate drainage, place sod flush with pavement on the uphill side of pavement. Place sod slightly below pavement on the downhill side of pavement.
H. Hold sod back from tree trunks in a radius of 18 inches taken from the tree trunk.
I. On sod placed on three to one slopes, secure sod with stakes. Drive stakes flush with grade.
J. Place signs on all newly laid sod indicating "New Sod, Please stay off." Place signs at 50' to 100' intervals as appropriate.
SODDING. A. All sod shall be transplanted within 24 hours from the time it is harvested unless stacked at its destination in a manner satisfactory to the Project Officer. Do not lay down if dormant or if the ground is frozen or muddy.
B. All sod in stacks shall be kept moist and protected from exposure to air and sun and from freezing. Any sod permitted to dry out may be rejected whenever, in judgment of Project Officer, its survival after placing is doubtful. No payment shall be made for rejected sod. In any event, no more than forty-eight hours shall lapse between cutting and planting of sod is permitted.
C. Before placing or depositing sod upon any surfaces, all shaping and redressing of such surfaces as described under Seeding Soil Preparation shall be completed. The bed area for sod shall be dug out so that when the sod is installed the adjacent soil will be flush with the top of the sod root mat. Areas shall be watered lightly before the placing of sod; sod shall not be placed on dry surfaces. Completed areas to be sodded shall be a smooth, uniform, well-tilled surface true to line and cross section. Any raking required shall be done immediately prior to placement of the sod at no additional cost to Owner.
D. No sod shall be placed at any time temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. No frozen sod shall be used and no sod shall be placed upon frozen, powder dry or excessively wet soil.
E. Use 4” of prepared topsoil as base for areas to be sodded.
F. Sod shall be lifted from trucks or storage piles by hand and placed with closed joints and no overlapping. All cracks, seams and voids shall be closed with small pieces of sod. After laying sod shall be sprinkled thoroughly and then tamped. "Tamping" consists of firmly closing seams between strips by use of hand tampers or approved rollers. All sod shall be thoroughly rolled after closing all seams. Correct any slipping of sod.