Special Education Teachers 24.5.1 Special education teachers who are involved in the development of Individualized Educational Programs (IEP) shall be granted the necessary time during the school day for testing, conferences, and the writing of IEP(s).
Special Education Services The Network shall pay to the District an amount equal to the per pupil cost incurred by the District in providing federally required educational services, multiplied by the number of students enrolled in all Network Schools. The current per pupil amount is calculated as follows: Total General Fund Expenditures for providing special education supports, including center program funding, OT/PT, Speech Language, central special education supports, and other assessments, plus additional General Fund expenditures related to hiring of special education providers, federally required translations and/or interpretations, and transportation. These gross expenditures are reduced by any applicable state revenue received, such as State ECEA, pre-K Special Ed PPR, and State Transportation. The net expenditures are divided by the District’s funded pupil count to obtain the per pupil amount to apply to the Network. Charges to the Network may be withheld from the funding provided to the Network pursuant to Section 17.A.g below. The calculation shall be agreed upon by both parties and any changes to the calculation will be presented to the Network prior to the start of the fiscal year for implementation.
Special Education Special education services, related services, and accommodations for students who are eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or any applicable provisions of state law, shall be provided in accordance with applicable state and federal law, this Agreement and Authorizer rules and policies. The Authorizer is the LEA for purposes of ensuring compliance with IDEA, Section 504, and all other federal and state laws and regulations concerning accommodation of and education of students with disabilities.
Elementary Teachers Elementary teachers’ day shall be eight-ten a.m. to three forty p.m. (8:10 – 3:40), with a forty (40) minute lunch period. All elementary teachers shall be guaranteed a duty-free uninterrupted lunch period of at least forty (40) minutes. The only exception to this policy shall be when weather conditions are such that the elementary children cannot be sent out of doors. In these cases, the building principal will assign the necessary teachers and other personnel to supervise through the noon period. These assignments shall be on a rotating basis. Elementary teachers K-5 shall normally have a guaranteed break during recess periods. Exceptions to this policy shall be when weather/emergency situations are such that the elementary children cannot be sent outdoors. In these cases, the building principal will assign the necessary teachers and other personnel to properly supervise students during these periods on a rotating basis. It is understood and agreed classroom paraprofessionals may be removed by the Administration from their classroom assignment to implement this provision. If qualified paraprofessionals are not available and already in a building to implement this provision, a staff member representative may request a meeting with the principal and Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee to review the matter and discuss possible alternative solutions.
Developer Compensation for Emergency Services If, during an Emergency State, the Developer provides services at the request or direction of the NYISO or Connecting Transmission Owner, the Developer will be compensated for such services in accordance with the NYISO Services Tariff.
In-Service Education The parties recognize the value of in-service both to the employee and the Employer and shall encourage employees to participate in in-service. All employees scheduled by the Employer to attend in-service seminars shall receive regular wages.