Complaint Process. (a) The Employer and the Union agree that all employees of the University are responsible to adhere to the University’s policies on human rights as well as those on the prevention of workplace/sexual violence and workplace/sexual harassment.
(b) Any complaint of harassment may also be grieved using the procedures set out in Article 13 of the agreement.
(c) Where the respondent to the complaint is the person who would normally deal with any of the steps of the grievance, the grievance shall automatically be sent forward to the next step.
(d) A copy of the following documents shall be retained on the University website; in Human Resources; and in the Union Office: Carleton University’s Human Rights Policies and Procedures (including such Discrimination and Harassment Policies as the Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy at Part IV s.4); Carleton’s Workplace Harassment Prevention Policy; Carleton’s Workplace Harassment Prevention Program; Carleton’s Workplace Violence Prevention Policy; Carleton’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program; Carleton’s Environmental Health and Safety Policy; Carleton’s Sexual Violence Policy The Employer will ensure that the above documents are provided electronically to the Union Office.
(a) The parties formally recognize their obligations under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act and Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Act, in particular with relation to the prevention of sexual violence and sexual harassment in the workplace.
(b) Sexual harassment is defined as:
(i) engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace because of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, where the course of comment or conduct is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome, or
(ii) making a sexual solicitation or advance where the person making the solicitation or advance is in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the worker and the person knows or ought reasonably to know that the solicitation or advance is unwelcome;
(c) Sexual violence means any sexual act or act targeting a person’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened or attempted against a person without the person’s consent, and includes sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, indecent exposure, voyeurism and sexual exploitation.
(a) On receipt of a complaint of sexu...
Complaint Process. Any complaints concerning the instructional process or materials shall be processed in accordance with Board Policy. The employee shall be provided a copy of any such complaint and shall have the opportunity to comment upon the material in the public hearing conducted pursuant to RCW 28A.58.758 [28A. 150.230].
Complaint Process. If Customer has a complaint of any kind, Customer may contact Sonoma Clean Power at 1-855-202-2139, or the California Public Utilities Commission Consumer Affairs Branch at 0-000-000-0000 (toll free) or 0-000-000-0000. For complaints to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Customer understands that the dispute will be resolved in accordance with CPUC Rules of Practice and Procedure (additional information
Complaint Process. An employee who believes they are a victim of harassment should make their objection known to the alleged harasser, directly or through a third party, and is encouraged to resolve the matter wherever possible on an informal basis. The employee may choose to ask for
Complaint Process. When an incident of workplace harassment or discrimination is alleged, it shall be investigated in accordance with the Employer policy and Employees are required to cooperate with the investigation. Investigations will be conducted in an objective, timely and sensitive manner. Investigations will be concluded within thirty (30) days from the date, which the complaint was submitted to the Employer unless circumstances warrant an extension, which the Union will not unreasonably deny.
Complaint Process. 03.01 All harassment complaints will be addressed in a prompt, confidential and impartial manner. Breaches of confidentiality may be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.
03.02 Employees who believe they are the victim of harassment are encouraged to report the matter through the appropriate process outlined below.
Complaint Process. A. PDE will develop and implement a process by which ELs and students with a disability, and their Parents, can seek to resolve complaints and concerns regarding any aspect of AEDY related to EL services or ADA requirements, including placement and exiting decisions, the quality of relevant academic instruction, the provision or omission of language assistance services, and services to students with disabilities, including reasonable modifications. PDE may open this process to all students, Parents, and others and receive and resolve complaints concerning all aspects of AEDY. The process will include the following steps:
i. Local Level Resolution: Students, Parents, and others having complaints and concerns regarding AEDY will be required to seek resolution of complaints and concerns via the relevant AEDY Program and/or LEA rather than elevating concerns to PDE in the first instance. PDE will require LEAs and AEDY Programs to develop and implement local policies and procedures, which will be submitted to PDE when applying for AEDY Program approval, by which students, Parents, and others can submit complaints and concerns to LEAs and/or AEDY Programs related to AEDY Programs. This paragraph does not limit any other rights or remedies under federal and state law.
ii. PDE Review: Students, parents, and others will be provided an opportunity to seek PDE review if a local EL or ADA complaint or concern is not resolved at the local level and/or if students, Parents, or others wish to challenge the local level resolution.
B. At both the local level resolution and PDE review stages, the complaint process will include providing all interested persons with: the relevant policies for investigation of EL and ADA complaints, including policies regarding interviews and consideration of relevant evidence, as well as possible outcomes of an investigation; timely procedures for responding to the person making the complaint; information about potential means of responding to the complaint; reasonable time frames for response; and information regarding how to determine the status of a complaint.
C. PDE will notify AEDY stakeholders, including Parents, students, advocates, LEA Coordinators, and AEDY Program Coordinators, about the local level resolution and PDE review process required by Section IV.A. above, by posting the process on PDE’s website in both English and Spanish, and include information that explains how persons who require oral or written translation into a diff...
Complaint Process. Any person aggrieved by an alleged violation of this directive may file a complaint with the OLA. The complaint will be reviewed and investigated in accordance with the OLA’s Procedures for Processing Language Access Complaints. Nothing herein shall be construed to bar a judicial officer from enforcing the directive during a proceeding or in any subsequent review of the proceeding in which a violation has occurred. The local Managing Interpreter shall make complaint forms available in all courthouses.
Complaint Process. 31.1 If any employee has complaints or concerns, which do not constitute grievances, the employee should bring the complaint or concern to the attention of the AFSCME Job Xxxxxxx. The AFSCME Job Xxxxxxx shall bring the complaint or concern to the joint Problem Solving Team at its next meeting. The joint Problem Solving Team usually meets monthly.
31.2 The joint Problem Solving Team will consist of the AFSCME President and one other Executive Board member as assigned by the President. This team will meet with the Executive Director of Human Resources and one other management representative.
31.3 This section will not be subject to Article 21 Grievance Process.
Complaint Process. If an employee complains that has been the subject of including sexual harassment and personal harassment, then the employee shall follow the process set out in the Employer’s procedures, and regulations for the purpose of attempting to resolve the complaint. The employee willbe entitled to Union representation at all stages of the complaint process. If the employee’s complaint is not satisfactorilyresolved pursuant to Article