Plan Time Sample Clauses

Plan Time. Professional Employees assigned full-time to a secondary school (7-12) will have at least one period each day for the purpose of planning, preparation and evaluation of instructional activities. Professional Employees assigned full-time teaching responsibilities in elementary schools (Pre-K-6), including librarians will have at least two-hundred thirty (230) minutes per week within the regular student contact hours, excluding recess, for the purpose of planning, preparation, and evaluation of instructional activities. To be counted as part of planning time, a minimum of 20 continuous minutes must be scheduled.
Plan Time. In each building, a Pre-K or K-6 Teacher Scheduling Committee will jointly develop a building schedule prior to the conclusion of the school year to meet all instructional needs and maximize continuous plan time utilizing existing resources. The Building Principal will request volunteer representatives from each grade level, special education, and special areas. The principal shall ensure that at least two members of the committee are WNEA representatives. If the committee does not have two members who are representatives of the WNEA, the WNEA shall appoint additional members to bring the total WNEA representation to two members. The committee will make available to the building staff the proposed schedule for the next school year no later than two weeks prior to the last scheduled day of school. Staff will be encouraged to provide input and suggest improvements to the proposed schedule during the preview/evaluation period. Feedback will be given to the respective representatives. The Principal will review all the recommendations of the committee before finalizing the master schedule. The committee will re-evaluate the building schedule within the first 10 working days of the school year. Committee Work Time: Scheduling Committee members will be compensated with the Teacher Training stipend rate in the current Master Agreement when requested to work outside their contract time. The following will apply to teacher plan time: 1. All plan time shall occur during the official student day. 2. Every effort will be made to provide 50-minute blocks of plan time each day. All certified teachers will be scheduled for a minimum of 250 minutes per week of plan time. 3. If it becomes necessary for a teacher to teach during plan time as part of his/her regular work day resulting in less than 250 minutes of plan time per week, the teacher will be paid his/her hourly rate of pay. A volunteer will be sought starting with the most senior qualified teacher available within that building. No certified teacher will be required to teach on his/her plan time. 4. When a teacher supervises or substitutes during his/her plan time, the teacher will be compensated at the “Sub or Supervise on Plan” rate as designated on the Hourly Special Payment Schedule (Article II, Section E). Long term plan arrangements are covered by Number 3 above. 5. When a teacher receives less than the required number of plan time minutes per week as indicated in Table 1 due to mandatory meetings, the teacher...
Plan Time. Each part-time licensed/certified employee will be allocated plan time proportional to their contracted FTE while otherwise following the same parameters as applied to the assignment of plan time for full-time educators in a corresponding assignment.
Plan Time. Teachers shall be afforded planning time as follows: a. For grades 6-12 not less than forty-five (45) minutes each day. b. For grades prekindergarten-5 not less than two hundred twenty-five (225) minutes per 5-day week. c. When a teacher covers another teacher’s class, at the request of the administration, either during a planning period or in conjunction with his/her current class, the teacher shall be reimbursed for internal substitution at the rate of thirty dollars ($30.00) per hour or seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50 for each fifteen (15) minutes.
Plan Time. The work day for each employee working in a full-time teacher, teaching coordinator or teacher, Deaf or Blind School position shall include a minimum of forty-five (45) consecutive minutes of planning/conference time daily. Said employees who are required to utilize such plan time by the employing agency to perform duties other than planning or conferences shall receive additional compensation for the time they are required to perform non-planning duties during the scheduled forty-five (45) minute period at base rate of pay. When an employee's daily plan time exceeds forty-five (45) consecutive minutes, said employee may be required to perform duties other than planning or conferences with no additional compensation.
Plan Time. 1. Elementary: Kindergarten through grade five (5) employees shall have scheduled no less than two-hundred-twenty-five (225) minutes per week (except early release and conference days) for planning purposes, which time shall be in blocks of no less than thirty (30) minutes per regular school day as scheduled by the District.
Plan Time. In the event an administrator wishes to use a grade level’s common planning time for a PLC meeting the follow procedure will be utilized: (1) Administration will disseminate a written notice (no less than two (2) school days prior to the proposed meeting) to all requested parties (2) An itemized agenda will be included in the above notice (3) A grade level representative will confirm meeting time and place (4) In the event the grade level or requested parties are unavailable for the requested meeting, a mutually agreed upon meeting time will be scheduled.
Plan Time. Every certified staff member, except nurses shall be guaranteed an average of 200 minutes of preparation time per normally scheduled week within the student attendance day with reasonable efforts being made to schedule one preparation period per day of twenty-five (25) consecutive minutes. For classroom teachers, at least 25 minutes per week must be dedicated to grade level collaboration, professional learning communities, MTSS, PBIS, Common Core, Technology Training, or another initiative.
Plan Time. Elementary teachers -- Each full-time teacher shall have at least 245 minutes of time during the student attendance day per week for the purpose of planning.
Plan Time. Plan time will be provided to teachers for the purposes of preparing for instruction and the performance of professional duties. Plan time will be self-directed per guidance provided in the Missouri School improvement Plan 6 from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; however, the Parties acknowledge that the district may, from time to time, direct the use of plan time to address unforeseen or emergency situations that may arise. An average of five (5) periods per week of self-directed planning time will be allotted to all secondary teachers, and an average of 250 minutes of self-directed planning time will be allotted to all elementary teachers. Assignments to a study hall shall be considered a teaching period in the secondary schools. Duty time, including but not limited to, the supervision of students before and after school, passing time, staff lunch time, and travel time will not count toward plan time minutes. If all members of a PLC or committee agree to meet during plan time they may.