Specialist Teaching Assignments Sample Clauses

Related to Specialist Teaching Assignments

  • Teaching Assignments No employee shall be assigned to teach in a grade level and/or subject area not within the scope of his/her teaching certificate, except where a position within his/her certification is unavailable or when mutually agreed to by the affected employee and principal, or when determined necessary by the principal. Employees assigned to positions outside the scope of their certificates shall be assigned as soon as possible to positions for which they hold certification.

  • Shift Assignments When an opening occurs in a shift assignment in an appropriate work group at a location, preference shall be given to employees within the classification who possess the training, ability and any required special qualifications to perform the work required, on the basis of seniority. In the event that no employee desires a shift assignment, employees shall be selected in order of inverse seniority. This provision shall not apply to necessary training assignments. This provision shall not in itself alter the practice of rotating shifts where such practice presently exists. No employee who has a regular shift assignment on the effective date of the Agreement shall be involuntarily displaced from such shift assignment as a result of this Article.

  • Subcontracting; Assignment The Contractor may not subcontract any portion of the services provided under this Contract without obtaining the prior written approval of the Procurement Officer, nor may the Contractor assign this Contract or any of its rights or obligations hereunder, without the prior written approval of the Procurement Officer provided, however, that a contractor may assign monies receivable under a contract after due notice to the State. Any subcontracts shall include such language as may be required in various clauses contained within this Contract, exhibits, and attachments. The Contract shall not be assigned until all approvals, documents, and affidavits are completed and properly registered. The State shall not be responsible for fulfillment of the Contractor’s obligations to its subcontractors.

  • Overtime Assignments 1. In classifications where employees are eligible for overtime pay, overtime work shall be offered to employees within the work location involved from the appropriate work group in continuing rotation on the basis of seniority. Each employee shall be selected in turn according to his/her place on the seniority list by rotation provided, however, the employee whose turn it is to work possesses the qualifications, training and ability to perform the specific work required. 2. An employee requesting to be skipped when it becomes his/her turn to work overtime shall not be rescheduled for overtime work until his/her name is reached again in orderly sequence and an appropriate notation shall be made on the overtime roster. 3. In the event no employee accepts required overtime work, the State shall assign employees within the work location involved from the appropriate work group to perform the overtime work by continuing rotation in inverse order of seniority. Employees who are unavailable, including employees who are on vacation, sick leave or other approved leaves of absence, and employees for whom the requirement of overtime work would cause undue hardship, shall be excused from a required overtime assignment. Employees so excused shall not lose their eligibility for overtime work within the then current rotation. 4. Work in progress, when appropriate, shall be completed by the employee performing the work at the time the determination is made that overtime is required except that an employee for whom the requirement of overtime work would cause undue hardship shall be excused from the overtime assignment.

  • Employees on Long Term Supply Assignments Employees completing long term supply assignments may only access sick leave and short term disability leave in the fiscal year in which the allocation was provided. Any remaining allocation may be used in subsequent long term supply assignments, provided these occur within the same fiscal year. Employees employed in a Long Term Supply Assignment which is less than the ordinary period of employment for the position shall have their sick leave and short term disability allocations pro-rated accordingly. Where the length of the long term supply assignment is not known in advance, a projected length must be determined at the start of the assignment in order for the appropriate allocation of sick leave/short term disability leave to occur. If a change is made to the length of the assignment, an adjustment will be made to the allocation and applied retroactively.

  • TEACHER ASSIGNMENT A. No later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the school year, all teachers shall be given an opportunity to voluntarily fill out preference sheets indicating their preferences, in order of priority, of grade level and type of program on that grade level, with the understanding that where reasonably possible such preferences will be honored. B. Not later than the last work day for teachers in June all teachers shall be given written notice of their assignments for the forthcoming year. Teachers shall be given an opportunity to discuss their assignments with their Principals. If the Principal proposes changes to the assignment which may include transfer to another school, all teachers affected shall be notified promptly. Changes in teachers’ assignments later than the fifteenth day of August preceding the commencement of the school year shall be made only in an emergency situation. An emergency situation shall be defined as provided for in Article I, Section 1.5. C. No change in assignment during the school year shall be made without ten (10) school days notice and discussion prior to the change. D. Any assignment in addition to or in lieu of the normal teaching schedule, during the regular school year, shall not be obligatory but shall be with the consent of the teacher. Such assignments will be given to teachers regularly employed in the school system on a rotating basis.

  • Work Assignments Section 1. The Company shall determine whether to staff a position or fill a vacancy and the method or combination of methods it shall use for such purposes. In making this determination, the Company shall first give consideration to qualified internal candidates prior to off-street applicants. All vacancies within the Bargaining Unit shall be posted (manually or electronically) in such a fashion as to be accessible by employees. The posting shall include the title, pay range, and sufficient information regarding requirements and duties to adequately describe the vacancy. The vacancy shall remain posted for seven (7) calendar days. Section 2. In connection with Section 1. above, employees who have met a twelve (12) month time-in-title and location requirement shall be afforded the opportunity to submit to the Company a form on which they may identify their interest in being considered for vacancies which occur in the Bargaining Unit. Section 3. When a vacancy is to be filled from within the Bargaining Unit, Management will consider all qualified candidates who have forms on file relating to the vacancy in question. In selecting the employee to fill the position, the Company will first give due consideration to the candidates’ qualifications and past performance and where those factors are relatively equal, in the judgment of the Company, it shall consider seniority. Section 4. The Company agrees to provide the Union, in writing, the names and titles of all candidates selected under this Article, by the fifteenth (15th) calendar day after any such selection is made. Section 5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be applied or interpreted to restrict the Company in the exercise of its right to hire, promote or transfer; and, to the extent the needs of the business require, to have Bargaining Unit work performed by its supervisory personnel, or its right to make sales assignments without limitations.

  • Overtime Assignment A. In institutional settings when the Agency determines that overtime is necessary, overtime shall be offered on a rotating basis, to the qualified employees who usually work the shift where the opportunity occurs. If no qualified employees on the shift desire to work the overtime, it will be offered on a rotating basis first to the qualified employee with the most state seniority at the work site. When there are no volunteers to work the overtime as outlined above, and/or where an emergency exists, reasonable overtime hours may be required by the Agency. Such overtime shall be assigned, on a rotating basis, first to the qualified employee with the least state seniority at the work site. This policy shall not apply to overtime work which is specific to a particular employee’s claim load or specialized work assignment or when the incumbent is required to finish a work assignment. B. In non-institutional settings, the Agency reserves the right to schedule and approve overtime. In emergency situations overtime may be approved after the fact. Required overtime that can be worked by more than one (1) employee at the work site (that which is not specific to the particular employee’s case load or specialized work assignment) will be offered on a rotating, state seniority basis. If no qualified employee volunteers for the work, or where an emergency exists, then the qualified employee with the least state seniority at the work site will be assigned on a rotating basis. C. The parties recognize that in both institutional and non-institutional settings, that the Employer has the right to require mandatory overtime where necessary; however, the Employer will not abuse the utilization of mandatory overtime.

  • Shift Assignment Should the University elect to establish a shift on any other schedule than the regular day shift (Monday through Friday) or to assign employees to work on any such shift, the employee(s) with the most seniority in the classification affected or to be assigned on such shift shall have preference in moving to such shift. If an insufficient number of employees in the classification elect to move to such shift, then the employee(s) with the least seniority in the classification shall be assigned to such shift. If positions or shifts are reduced or eliminated or movement of personnel to other shifts is required, then the seniority of the affected employee will prevail in the selection of shift, provided the affected employee can do the required work. Such shift preference is only applicable within the employee's classification.

  • Extra Duty Assignments (A) Teachers are required to supervise their students at all times, including recess, during the normal school day for teachers. No teacher will be required to supervise students during their duty-free lunch, nor during their preparation time, except in cases of emergency. (B) Teachers may be required to perform non-compensated service to students, which extend beyond the normal school day for teachers in cases of emergency. Attendance at Board meetings, PTA/PTO meetings which cannot be concluded during the normal teaching day, and parent conferences shall occasionally be required. (C) The PLCAC will make recommendations regarding the procedures for the supervision of students. (D) Each principal shall solicit volunteers from the regular teaching staff, the support staff, and the itinerant staff to perform scheduled routine jobs occurring during the bargaining unit member’s normal school day. (E) Should there be an insufficient number of volunteers from the stated staff pool to perform the scheduled routine jobs during the normal school day for teachers, the principal will complete the schedule by assigning the remaining staff as equitably as possible. (F) Staff members who are proficient in a second language, and are asked to serve as a translator outside of their regularly scheduled work day, shall be compensated based on the contractual extra duty rate of pay. Outside the regularly scheduled work day will be defined as: (1) Before or after school; (2) Before the start of the school year; (3) After the school year has concluded. (G) Teachers will be compensated for Board-sponsored and sanctioned clubs and programs at a stipend negotiated by the Board and Union. (H) If stipend negotiations have not concluded when an established or a new activity is scheduled to begin, the Board will establish a temporary stipend, pay increases retroactive to the conclusion of negotiations. (I) The Board shall post in every building the District’s paid extracurricular activities by the 2nd Friday in May of the year preceding the school term in which said activities take place. All postings shall be placed in all buildings. (J) Qualified volunteers for said activities will be solicited from the bargaining unit members first, and then from non-bargaining unit members at stipends not to exceed those printed on the salary schedule.