TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. A. No later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the school year, all teachers shall be given an opportunity to voluntarily fill out preference sheets indicating their preferences, in order of priority, of grade level and type of program on that grade level, with the understanding that where reasonably possible such preferences will be honored. B. Not later than the last work day for teachers in June all teachers shall be given written notice of their assignments for the forthcoming year. Teachers shall be given an opportunity to discuss their assignments with their Principals. If the Principal proposes changes to the assignment which may include transfer to another school, all teachers affected shall be notified promptly. Changes in teachers’ assignments later than the fifteenth day of August preceding the commencement of the school year shall be made only in an emergency situation. An emergency situation shall be defined as provided for in Article I, Section 1.5. C. No change in assignment during the school year shall be made without ten (10) school days notice and discussion prior to the change. D. Any assignment in addition to or in lieu of the normal teaching schedule, during the regular school year, shall not be obligatory but shall be with the consent of the teacher. Such assignments will be given to teachers regularly employed in the school system on a rotating basis.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. Teachers under contract during a school year will be notified in writing of their teaching assignment for the following school year not later than the close of the current school year. Such notification shall include the teacher's proposed salary, school assignment, and subject(s) or grade level assignment.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. A. Teachers will be notified of the grades and/or subjects that they will teach, and any special or unusual classes that they will have for the coming school year prior to the close of school in June, or by mail as soon as determined. Teachers who have not been notified per above by the close of school in June should inquire of their principal as to the whereabouts of their notification. B. In order to ensure that pupils are taught by teachers working within their area of competence, teachers will not be assigned, except temporarily and for good cause, outside the scope of their teaching licensure and/or their major or minor fields of study, and/or previous teaching experience. C. In arranging the schedules for teachers who are assigned to more than one school, an effort will be made to limit the amount of inter-school travel. Such teachers will be notified of any changes in their schedules as soon as practicable. D. Teacher assignments will be made without regard to race, creed, color, religion, nationality, gender or age. E. Teachers who desire a change in grade or subject assignment will file a written request for the change with the Content Area Specialist (if applicable), Principal, and Superintendent not later than April 1. As soon as practicable, but not later than June 30, the Superintendent will notify each teacher requesting a change of the action taken in regard to the request. F. The decision of the Superintendent involving the selection, retention, assignment, transfer, or promotion of a teacher will be in accordance with the Education Reform Act of 1993. G. Qualifications and specifications shall be established for all vacancies and for new positions. Qualifications for future vacancies will not be changed without prior notice. H. In making school assignments, the administration will consider teachers’ classroom profiles from previous years, taking into account the scheduling needs, financial I. Online courses for students will not be offered when the same course is already offered in the school, except in cases of scheduling issues. If an online course shows popularity (more than 8 students enrolled), best efforts will be made to offer it as an in-house course the next year.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. All firm teaching assignments shall be posted in each respective building by May 15 of each year, subject to change until all assignments have been made. Teachers affected by such changes shall be notified immediately in writing.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. A teacher of District 204 is employed to serve the needs of the District in those areas in which he is fully qualified according to accrediting standards of the State of Illinois. 2. 131 A teacher shall be assigned where optimum service can be rendered to the school, department, and students.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. 9:1 All teachers shall be given written notice of their step-on guide, tentative class and/or subject assignments for the forthcoming year, not later than May 30th of the then current school year. 9:2 Schedules of teachers who are assigned to more than one school shall be arranged so that no such teacher shall be required to engage in an unreasonable amount of inter-school travel. Such teachers shall be notified of any changes in their schedules as soon as practicable. 9:3 Teachers who may be required to use their own automobiles in the performance of their duties and teachers who are assigned to more than one school per day shall be reimbursed at the current IRS rate per mile. 9:4 Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent not later than March 1. Such statement shall include the grade and/or subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which transfer is desired, in order of preference. 9:5 When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is necessary, a teacher's area of competence, major field of study, length of service in the West Windsor - Plainsboro School District, length of service in the particular school building and other relevant factors, including, among other things, State and/or Federal laws, rules, regulations, or administrative directives, shall be considered in determining which teacher is to be transferred or reassigned. 9:6 In the event that a teacher objects, an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the teacher involved and the principal if requested. In the event that a teacher objects to the transfer or reassignment at this meeting, the Superintendent will meet with the teacher upon request. The teacher may have an Association representative at all such meetings. (a) In the event that a teacher is assigned a transfer during a school year, he/she will be given two (2) days release time or compensation at the summer rate of pay for two (2) days, provided he/she will work in his/her building for at least two (2) days, (6) hours per day. (b) In the event that a teacher is assigned a transfer after the last day and prior to the first day of the following year, he/she will be given compensation at the summer rate of pay for two (2) days, provided he/she will work in his/her building for at least two (2) days, (6) six hours per day. (c) Such paym...
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. Teachers will be assigned to subject matter areas in which they are specifically licensed.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. A. At least one week prior to the end of the instructional year, every teacher will be notified of his/her program for the following school year, including the school or schools to which he/she will be assigned, the grades, and/or subjects he/she will teach, any special or unusual classes he/she will have, and the approximate number of students to be assigned. B. Teachers will not be assigned outside the scope of their teaching certificates and/or their major or minor fields of study except by mutual consent. C. Each teacher required to use his/her automobile in the performance of his/her assignment will receive eighteen (18) cents per actual odometer mile for all such driving which is approved in advance by an administrator. In addition, such a teacher who is a full-time staff member will receive a $75 stipend. An automobile allowance of $75 per Director and $50 per Coordinator shall be given for in-town and local travel. D. Teacher Schedules 1. The Superintendent has the responsibility of determining the teacher's schedule. 2. Every teacher who wishes will be given the opportunity to be consulted by his/her appropriate supervisor on the determination of his/her schedule prior to the development of the schedule. 3. Under normal circumstances, every teacher will be informed of his/her teaching schedule for the next school year prior to the close of schools in June. If the foregoing condition is not met because of unusual circumstances, the teacher's schedule will be mailed to him/her as early as possible. In the event of a change, reasons for said change will be given to the teacher as early as possible. E. Teacher assignment will be made without regard to race, creed, color, religion, nationality, sex, age, sexual orientation or marital status. F. The Superintendent has the right to make reassignments in September if unforeseeable circumstances are such that reassignments are necessary.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. A. Teachers will be notified in writing of their programs for the coming school year, including the school to which they will be assigned, the grades and/or courses that they will teach, and any special or unusual classes that they will have by June 1, except for such changes as are necessary because of changing enrollments or late resignations, or problems in computerized scheduling. Any teacher whose assignment is changed after June 1 will be notified immediately in writing of said change. 1. A yearly salary and appointment letter will be provided for all staff by June 1st of each year along with their assignment. B. In order to assure that pupils are taught by teachers working within their areas of competence, teachers will not be assigned outside the scope of their teaching certificates and/or their major or minor fields of study. C. Except in emergency situations, changes in grade assignment at the elementary schools and subject assignment in the secondary schools will be voluntary. D. In arranging schedules for teachers who are assigned to more than one school, an effort will be made to limit the amount of inter school travel. Such teachers will be notified of any changes in their schedules as soon as practicable. Teachers required to travel between schools shall be reimbursed at the rate of twenty- five cents ($.36) per mile for such travel, or equivalent to rate paid by Town hall, payable semi-annually. Requests for reimbursement for the second half of the school year are to be submitted by the last day of school. E. Teachers will have the opportunity to suggest their desired schedules for the following year to their immediate supervisor for consideration by the person scheduling assignments. Assignments shall be made equitably. F. Special teachers and coaching teachers will not be used for any purpose other than the program except when a teacher goes home ill after 11:00 a.m. and in emergency situations. However, coaching teachers may be used to cover a class for a teacher participating in a Core Evaluation Team (CET) meeting.
TEACHER ASSIGNMENT. A. If, after July 10, a teacher has not received notice of his/her instructional assignment or his/her instructional assignment is changed without his/her consent for the forthcoming school year, the teacher shall have the right to resign his/her employment. If a change in instructional assignment made after July 10 is accepted by a teacher and two (2) or more teachers with the same certification have the same course assignment, the teacher with the most seniority in the district will be consulted as to his/her preference prior to making the assignment. B. Teachers hired on or after July 1, 1996 and not teaching at least six (6) or more instructional classroom hours per day in a skill training classroom course that is daily taught in two (2) three (3)-hour segments and results in three hours of credit towards graduation may be required to teach in locations other than the main campus. Any other teacher may agree to teach in locations other than the main campus.